Maven / Gradle / Ivy
From: [email protected] (Jeff Goss)
Subject: Re: Back Breaker, Near Hit!!
In-Reply-To: [email protected]'s message of Fri, 23 Apr 93 21:51:23 GMT
Lines: 17
Organization: IBM Toronto Lab
In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jody Levine) writes:
> In article <[email protected]> [email protected] writes:
> >another to the list but with this one I felt the most helpless. I am sitting
> >at a light about 1 - 2 car lengths behind a car, a wise decsion. Suddenly I
> >hear screeching tires. I dart my eyes to my mirrors and realize it's the
> >moroon flying up right behind me, in my panic I pop my clutch and stall the
> >bike. Luckily the guy stops a foot behind my rear wheel.
> >
> >I understand why you theoretically stop so far behind a car but can you
> >really in actuality avoid such an incident? Suggestions?
Another tip is to make sure you keep well to one side of the lane. This gives
you a quicker escape route.
Jeff Goss