Maven / Gradle / Ivy
From: [email protected] (John Little - Nihon Sun Repair Depot)
Subject: Re: Bra... bra... brazing (Was: For [email protected]... )
Organization: Nihon Sun Microsystems - Atsugi Technical Centre - JAPAN.
Lines: 48
Summary: Exhausting!
Keywords: Pete, Newbie, Wot?, Frogspawn, Dead-Parrot, Leatherette, Foucault,
Old Nick (the little devil!) wibbles:-
% Tsk, tsk, tsk. Another newbie bites the dust, eh? They'll learn.
Newbie? Eh? Slap yer' credentials on the table, Pete. That'll show
% I'm terribly sorry.
And so you damned well should be... young whipper-snapper! It's wet
kippers at ten paces if there's any repeat of this sort of thing!
Now, in keeping with the grand tradition of, let's mutate!
Take your partners by the hand...
On Tuesday morning I spent a couple of hours (when I -should- have been
working) with a torch, brazing bits of scrap metal over the biggest
holes in Yamadog's exhaust pipes (s'mazin' what you can do with a
couple of AA cells and a three-volt bulb!). I stuck some "gun-gum"
into the smaller holes and bunged the pipes back onto the bike.
So, last night I'm on the way home when lo' an' bloody behold, the
sodding thing starts blowing again. I check it out and the gas is
escaping from around the clamp holding the number two pipe into the
port. As far as I can see (it being somewhat "hole of Calcutta" at the
time!), the nuts are still there (stop that bloody sniggering, you at
the back!), but the pipe is a bit loose.
This morning I go out to the bike and pull out the socket-set to
tighten up me' nuts (somebody give that spotty kid at the back a good
slap round the back of the head!), and lo' an' bloody behold
a-bloody-gen, I find that the outer skin of the pipe has separated from
the inner sleeve right at the clamp-mating bevel. So, I stuff in a bit
of baked-beanz can and a bit more of Mr Holts' very best "gun-gum" and
come to work (late again!) so that I can ask of the oracle... Will a
brazed joint hold that close to the exhaust port? Anybody tried it?
Oh, and if anybody can tell me what the differences are between a 205
and a 207 brazing rod (made by "Gaz" [Yup! the camping folks.
Surprised the marmalade outa' me, too!] in that place just off the Isle
of Wight) I'd be eternally grateful (twenty-sodding-quid for two rods
and I don't even know what I'm buying. Bloody kanji!).
| John Little - [email protected] - Sun Microsystems. Atsugi, Japan |