Maven / Gradle / Ivy
From: [email protected] (Gerald Olchowy)
Subject: Re: ESPN cares less about hockey
Organization: University of Toronto Chemistry Department
Lines: 32
In article <[email protected]> [email protected] writes:
>ESPN is pathetic, I have been watching everybody complain about ESPN's coverage
>and I agree with all of you. Might I suggest that we are getting all worked up
>over nothing. We ALL knew that ESPN's coverage was going to suck. I mean have
>you ever watched during the regular season Sportscenter coverage of hockey? It
>sucks, I mean really sucks!!! ESPN does not know hockey if it shot them in the
>ass. I was really pissed of about last night, coverage. I go to school in Ohio
>I *know* the Indians suck, so why show them? If I were Bill Clement I would
>shoot myself.
>Anyway after I calmed down after I realized that they were not going to show
>overtime of the Caps Isles game I thought to myself I knew that this was going
>to happen, in fact I remerbed myself praying that at least they would keep even
>the boring Devils game.
>Overall I think ESPN does not care if they show hockey or not and I firmly
>belive that they have know respect for the fans. ie *because of contract
>obligations*, screw you ESPN.
>Praise be to all hockey fans who put up with this shit!
This is the price hockey fans have to pay for the mistake of leaving
ESPN 5 or 6 years will take time to correct for that mistake.
But returning to ESPN was the correct decision last next
time, we may have the potential for Sportschannel and ESPN to really
compete to offer better coverage and be forced to deliver on it.