Maven / Gradle / Ivy
; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
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^{:author "Christophe Grand",
:doc "Start a web browser from Clojure"}
(:require [ :as sh]
[clojure.string :as str])
(:import ( File)
( URI)
(java.lang ProcessBuilder ProcessBuilder$Redirect)))
(defn- macosx? []
(-> "" System/getProperty .toLowerCase
(.startsWith "mac os x")))
(defn- xdg-open-loc []
;; try/catch needed to mask exception on Windows without Cygwin
(let [which-out (try (:out (sh/sh "which" "xdg-open"))
(catch Exception e ""))]
(if (= which-out "")
(str/trim-newline which-out))))
(defn- open-url-script-val []
(if (macosx?)
;; We could assign (open-url-script-val) to *open-url-script* right
;; away in the def below, but creates a future
;; that causes a long wait for the JVM to exit during Clojure compiles
;; (unless we can somehow here make it call (shutdown-agents) later).
;; Better to initialize it when we first need it, in browse-url.
(def ^:dynamic *open-url-script* (atom :uninitialized))
(defn- open-url-in-browser
"Opens url (a string) in the default system web browser. May not
work on all platforms. Returns url on success, nil if not
(when (clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeStaticMethod "java.awt.Desktop"
"isDesktopSupported" (to-array nil))
(-> (clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeStaticMethod "java.awt.Desktop"
"getDesktop" (to-array nil))
(.browse (URI. url)))
(catch ClassNotFoundException e
(defn- open-url-in-swing
"Opens url (a string) in a Swing window."
; the implementation of this function resides in another namespace to be loaded "on demand"
; this fixes a bug on mac os x where the process turns into a GUI app
; see
(require '
((find-var ' url))
(defn browse-url
"Open url in a browser"
{:added "1.2"}
(let [script @*open-url-script*
script (if (= :uninitialized script)
(reset! *open-url-script* (open-url-script-val))
(or (when script
(let [command [script (str url)]
null-file (File. (if (.startsWith (System/getProperty "") "Windows") "NUL" "/dev/null"))
pb (doto (ProcessBuilder. ^java.util.List command)
;; emulate ProcessBuilder.Redirect.DISCARD added in Java 9
(.redirectOutput null-file)
(.redirectError null-file))]
(.start pb) ;; do not wait for the process
(catch Throwable _ false)))
(open-url-in-browser url)
(open-url-in-swing url))))
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