clojure.core.unify.cljc Maven / Gradle / Ivy
; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns ^{:doc "A unification library for Clojure."
:author "Michael Fogus"}
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [clojure.core.unify :refer [create-var-unification-fn]]))
(:require [clojure.zip :as zip]
[clojure.walk :as walk]))
(defn ignore-variable? [sym] (= '_ sym))
;; ### Utilities
(def lvar? #(or (ignore-variable? %)
(and (symbol? %) (re-matches #"^\?.*" (name %)))))
(defn extract-lvars
"Takes a datastructure and returns a distinct set of the logical
variables found within."
(extract-lvars lvar? form))
([lv-fn form]
(walk/walk #(when (lv-fn %) %)
#(keep identity %)
(defn- composite?
"Taken from the old `contrib.core/seqable?`. Since the meaning of 'seqable' is
questionable, I will work on phasing it out and using a more meaningful
predicate. At the moment, the only meaning of `composite?` is:
Returns true if `(seq x)` will succeed, false otherwise."
#?(:clj (or (coll? x)
(nil? x)
(instance? Iterable x)
(-> x class .isArray)
(string? x)
(instance? java.util.Map x))
:cljs (seqable? x)))
(declare garner-unifiers)
(defn- occurs?
"Does v occur anywhere inside expr?"
[variable? v expr binds]
(loop [z (zip/zipper composite? seq #(do % %2) [expr])]
(let [current (zip/node z)]
(zip/end? z) false
(= v current) true
(and (variable? current)
(find binds current))
(recur (zip/next (zip/insert-right z (binds current))))
:else (recur (zip/next z))))))
(defn- bind-phase
[binds variable expr]
(if (or (nil? expr)
(ignore-variable? variable))
(assoc binds variable expr)))
(defn- determine-occursness
[want-occurs? variable? v expr binds]
(if want-occurs?
`(if (occurs? ~variable? ~v ~expr ~binds)
#?(:clj (throw (IllegalStateException. (str "Cycle found in the path " ~expr)))
:cljs (throw (js/Error. (str "Cycle found in the path " ~expr))))
(bind-phase ~binds ~v ~expr))
`(bind-phase ~binds ~v ~expr)))
(defmacro create-var-unification-fn
(let [varp (gensym)
v (gensym)
expr (gensym)
binds (gensym)]
`(fn ~'var-unify
[~varp ~v ~expr ~binds]
(if-let [vb# (~binds ~v)]
(garner-unifiers ~varp vb# ~expr ~binds)
(if-let [vexpr# (and (~varp ~expr) (~binds ~expr))]
(garner-unifiers ~varp ~v vexpr# ~binds)
~(determine-occursness want-occurs? varp v expr binds)))))))
(def ^{:doc "Unify the variable v with expr. Uses the bindings supplied and possibly returns an extended bindings map."
:private true}
unify-variable (create-var-unification-fn true))
(def ^{:doc "Unify the variable v with expr. Uses the bindings supplied and possibly returns an extended bindings map."
:private true}
unify-variable- (create-var-unification-fn false))
(defn wildcard? [form]
(and (composite? form)
(#{'&} (first form))))
(defn- garner-unifiers
([x y] (garner-unifiers unify-variable lvar? x y {}))
([variable? x y] (garner-unifiers unify-variable variable? x y {}))
([variable? x y binds] (garner-unifiers unify-variable variable? x y binds))
([uv-fn variable? x y binds]
(not binds) nil
(= x y) binds
(variable? x) (uv-fn variable? x y binds)
(variable? y) (uv-fn variable? y x binds)
(wildcard? x) (uv-fn variable? (second x) (seq y) binds)
(wildcard? y) (uv-fn variable? (second y) (seq x) binds)
(every? composite? [x y]) (garner-unifiers uv-fn
(rest x)
(rest y)
(garner-unifiers uv-fn
(first x)
(first y)
(defn flatten-bindings
"Flattens recursive bindings in the given map to the same ground (if possible)."
([binds] (flatten-bindings lvar? binds))
([variable? binds]
(into {}
(remove (comp nil? second)
(map (fn [[k v]]
[k (loop [v v]
(if (variable? v)
(recur (binds v))
(defn- try-subst
[variable? x binds]
{:pre [(map? binds) (fn? variable?)]}
(walk/prewalk (fn [expr]
(if (variable? expr)
(if-let [bind (find binds expr)]
(val bind)
(defn- unifier*
([x y] (unifier* lvar? x y))
([variable? x y]
(unifier* variable? x y (garner-unifiers variable? x y)))
([variable? x y binds]
(->> binds
(flatten-bindings variable?)
(try-subst variable? y)))) ;; y is arbitrary
;; ## OCCURS
(defn make-occurs-unify-fn
"Given a function to recognize unification variables, returns a function to
return a bindings map for two expressions. This function uses an 'occurs check'
methodology for detecting cycles."
([x y] (garner-unifiers unify-variable variable-fn x y {}))
([x y binds] (garner-unifiers unify-variable variable-fn x y binds))))
(defn make-occurs-subst-fn
"Given a function to recognize unification variables, returns a function that
will attempt to substitute unification bindings between two expressions.
This function uses an 'occurs check' methodology for detecting cycles."
(partial try-subst variable-fn))
(defn make-occurs-unifier-fn
"Given a function to recognize unification variables, returns a function to
perform the unification of two expressions. This function uses an 'occurs check'
methodology for detecting cycles."
(partial unifier* variable-fn))
(def ^{:doc "Attempt to unify x and y with the given bindings (if any). Potentially returns a map of the
unifiers (bindings) found. Will throw an `IllegalStateException` if the expressions
contain a cycle relationship. Will also throw an `IllegalArgumentException` if the
sub-expressions clash. Note: This function is implemented with an occurs-check."
:arglists '([expression1 expression2])}
unify (make-occurs-unify-fn lvar?))
(def ^{:doc "Attempts to substitute the bindings in the appropriate locations in the given expression."
:arglists '([expression bindings])}
subst (make-occurs-subst-fn lvar?))
(def ^{:doc "Attempts the entire unification process from garnering the bindings to substituting
the appropriate bindings. Note: This function is implemented with an occurs-check."
:arglists '([expression1 expression2])}
unifier (make-occurs-unifier-fn lvar?))
(defn make-unify-fn
"Given a function to recognize unification variables, returns a function to
return a bindings map for two expressions."
([x y] (garner-unifiers unify-variable- variable-fn x y {}))
([x y binds] (garner-unifiers unify-variable- variable-fn x y binds))))
(defn make-subst-fn
"Given a function to recognize unification variables, returns a function that
will attempt to substitute unification bindings between two expressions."
(partial try-subst variable-fn))
(defn make-unifier-fn
"Given a function to recognize unification variables, returns a function to
perform the unification of two expressions."
(fn [x y]
(unifier* variable-fn
(garner-unifiers unify-variable- variable-fn x y {}))))
(def ^{:doc "Attempt to unify x and y with the given bindings (if any). Potentially returns a map of the
unifiers (bindings) found. Will throw an `IllegalStateException` if the expressions
contain a cycle relationship. Will also throw an `IllegalArgumentException` if the
sub-expressions clash. Note: This function is implemented **without** an occurs-check."
:arglists '([expression1 expression2])}
unify- (make-unify-fn lvar?))
(def ^{:doc "Attempts the entire unification process from garnering the bindings to substituting
the appropriate bindings. Note: This function is implemented **without** an occurs-check."
:arglists '([expression1 expression2])}
unifier- (make-unifier-fn lvar?))
(def T '[?a ?b])
(defn make-matcher
(fn [tmpl req]
(-> req
(.replace root "")
(.split "/")
(unify tmpl))))
(def match (make-matcher "http://foo.com/foo/"))
(match T {:url "http://foo.com/foo/fee/fi"})
;;=> {?a "fee", ?b "fi"}
(match T {:url "http://foo.com/foo/flub"})
;;=> {?a "flub"}
(defn make-genr
(fn [tmpl binds]
(->> binds
(subst tmpl)
(interpose "/")
(cons root)
(apply str))))
(def gen (make-genr "http://foo.com/foo/"))
(gen T '{?a 1, ?b 2})
;;=> "http://foo.com/foo/1/2"
(unify {:first '?first
:last '?last
:genre :giallo}
{:first "Dario"
:last "Argento"
:genre :giallo})
;;=> {?first "Dario", ?last "Argento"}
(unifier ['?first "Argento"]
["Dario" '?last])
;;=> ["Dario" "Argento"]
(subst '[1 2 ?x ?y]
'{?x [3 4 ?y 6]})
;;=> [1 2 [3 4 ?y 6] ?y]
(unifier '[(?a * ?x | 2) + (?b * ?x) + ?c]
'[?z + (4 * 5) + 3])
;;=> [(?a * 5 | 2) + (4 * 5) + 3]
(unify '[(?a * ?x | 2) + (?b * ?x) + ?c]
'[?z + (4 * 5) + 3])
;;=> {?c 3, ?x 5, ?b 4, ?z (?a * ?x | 2)}
(unify '[(?a * ?x | 2) + (?b * ?x) + ?c]
'[(?a * 5 | 2) + (4 * 5) + 3])
;;=> {?c 3, ?b 4, ?x 5}
(unify '[(?a * 5 | 2) + (4 * 5) + 3]
'[?z + (4 * 5) + 3])
;;=> {?z (?a * 5 | 2)}
(= (subst '[?z + (4 * 5) + 3]
'{?c 3, ?b 4, ?x 5
?z (?a * 5 | 2)})
(subst '[(?a * ?x | 2) + (?b * ?x) + ?c]
'{?c 3, ?b 4, ?x 5
?z (?a * 5 | 2)}))
;;=> true
(subst '[(?a * ?x | 2) + (?b * ?x) + ?c]
'{?c 3, ?b 4, ?x 5})
;;=> [(?a * 5 | 2) + (4 * 5) + 3]
(unify [1 2 3] '[?x & ?more])
;;=> {?more (2 3), ?x 1}
(unify [1 2 3] '[_ _ _ & ?more])
;;=> {}
(unify [1 2 3 4 5] '[_ _ _ & ?more])
;;=> {?more (4 5)}
(unify [1 2 3 4 5] '[_ ?b _ & ?more])
;;=> {?more (4 5), ?b 2}
(unify [:foo 1 2] '[?head & _])
;;=> {?head :foo}
(unifier [1 2 3] '[?x & ?more])
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