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;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey, Stuart Halloway, and contributors.
;   All rights reserved.
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;   the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

(ns clojure.test.generative.runner
   [ :as ns]
   [ :as gen]
   [clojure.test.generative :as tgen]))

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

(def ^:private config-mapping
       (max 1 (dec (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime))))]

(defn config
  "Returns runner configuration derived from system properties."
   (fn [m [prop path coerce default]]
     (let [val (System/getProperty prop)]
       (if (seq val)
         (assoc-in m path (coerce val))
         (assoc-in m path default))))

(def ^:private ^java.util.Random rnd (java.util.Random. (System/currentTimeMillis)))

(defn- next-seed
  (locking rnd
    (.nextInt rnd)))

(defprotocol Testable
  (get-tests [_]))

(extend-protocol Testable
   (let [m (meta v)
         arg-fns (::tgen/arg-fns m)
         specs (::tgen/specs m)]
      [{:test (-> (if-let [ns (.ns v)]
                    (str ns "/" (.sym v))
                    (.sym v))
        :input-gen (fn []
                      (fn []
                        (into [] (map #(%) arg-fns)))))}]


(defn- find-vars-in-namespaces
  [& nses]
  (when nses
    (reduce (fn [v ns] (into v (vals (ns-interns ns)))) [] nses)))

(defn- find-vars-in-dirs
  [& dirs]
  (let [nses (mapcat #(ns/find-namespaces-in-dir ( ^String %)) dirs)]
    (doseq [ns nses] (require ns))
    (apply find-vars-in-namespaces nses)))

(defn- run-one
  "Run f (presumably for side effects) repeatedly on n threads,
   until msec has passed or somebody throws an exception.
   Returns as many status maps as seeds passed in."
  [{:keys [test input-gen]} {:keys [msec seeds]}]
  (let [f (eval test)
        start (System/currentTimeMillis)
        futs (mapv
                 (binding [gen/*rnd* (java.util.Random. %)]
                   (loop [iter 0
                          [input & more] (input-gen)]
                     (let [status {:iter iter :seed % :test test :input input}]
                       (if input
                         (let [failure (try
                                        (apply f input)
                                        (catch Throwable t
                                          (assoc status :exception t) ))
                               now (System/currentTimeMillis)]
                            failure failure
                            (< now (+ start msec)) (recur (inc iter) more)
                            :else (select-keys status [:test :seed :iter])))
                         (assoc status :exhausted true)))))))
    (map deref futs)))

(defn- failed?
  "Does test result indicate a failure?"
  (contains? result :exception))

(defn- run-n
  "Run tests in parallel on nthreads, dividing msec equally between the tests.
   Returns a list of maps of :iter, :seed"
  [{:keys [nthreads msec]} tests]
  (mapcat #(run-one %
                    {:msec (/ msec (count tests))
                     :seeds (repeatedly nthreads next-seed)})

(def ^:private serializer (agent nil))

(defn serialized
  "Returns a function that calls f for side effects, async,
   serialized by an agent"
  ([f] (serialized f serializer))
  ([f agt]
     (fn [& args]
       (send-off agt
                 (fn [_]
                    (apply f args)
                    (catch Throwable t
                      (.printStackTrace t)))

(def prf
  "Print and flush."
  (serialized (fn [s]
                (binding [*out* *err*]
                  (print s)

(def print-stack-trace
  (serialized (fn [^Throwable t] (.printStackTrace t))))

(def sprn (serialized prn))

(defn dir-tests
  "Returns all tests in dirs"
  (let [load (fn [s] (require s) s)]
    (->> (mapcat #(ns/find-namespaces-in-dir ( ^String %)) dirs)
         (map load)
         (apply find-vars-in-namespaces)
         (mapcat get-tests))))

(defn inputs
  "For interactive use.  Returns an infinite sequence of inputs for
   a test."
  ((:input-gen test)))

(defn run
  "Designed for interactive use.  Prints results to *out* and throws
   on first failure encountered."
  [nthreads msec & test-containers]
  (doseq [result (run-n {:nthreads nthreads
                         :msec msec}
                        (mapcat get-tests test-containers))]
    (if (failed? result)
      (throw (ex-info "Generative test failed" result))
      (prn result))))

(defn run-suite
  "Designed for test suite use."
  [{:keys [nthreads msec progress]} tests]
  (let [progress (or progress #(prf "."))
        ret (reduce
             (fn [{:keys [failures iters nresults]} result]
               (when (:exception result)
                 (print-stack-trace (:exception result)))
               (if (:exception result)
                 (sprn result)
               {:failures (+ failures (if (:exception result) 1 0))
                :iters (+ iters (:iter result))
                :nresults (+ nresults 1)})
             {:failures 0 :iters 0 :nresults 0}
             (run-n {:nthreads nthreads
                     :msec msec}
    (-> ret
        (assoc :tests (/ (:nresults ret) nthreads))
        (dissoc :nresults))))

(defn -main
  "Command line entry point. Calls System.exit!"
  [& dirs]
  (if (seq dirs)
     (let [result (run-suite (config) (dir-tests dirs))]
       (println "\n" result)
       (System/exit (:failures result)))
     (catch Throwable t
       (.printStackTrace t)
       (System/exit -1))
      (println "Specify at least one directory with tests")
      (System/exit -1))))

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