Maven / Gradle / Ivy
;; Copyright (c) Stuart Sierra, 2012. All rights reserved. The use and
;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
;; Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
;; distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
;; agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not
;; remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns ^{:author "Stuart Sierra"
:doc "Read and track namespace information from files"}
(:require [ :as io]
[ :as parse]
[ :as track])
(:import ( PushbackReader)))
(defn read-file-ns-decl
"Attempts to read a (ns ...) declaration from file, and returns the
unevaluated form. Returns nil if ns declaration cannot be found.
read-opts is passed through to tools.reader/read."
(read-file-ns-decl file nil))
([file read-opts]
(with-open [rdr (PushbackReader. (io/reader file))]
(parse/read-ns-decl rdr read-opts))))
(defn file-with-extension?
"Returns true if the represents a file whose name ends
with one of the Strings in extensions."
{:added "0.3.0"}
[^ file extensions]
(and (.isFile file)
(let [name (.getName file)]
(some #(.endsWith name %) extensions))))
(def ^{:added "0.3.0"}
"File extensions for Clojure (JVM) files."
(list ".clj" ".cljc"))
(def ^{:added "0.3.0"}
"File extensions for ClojureScript files."
(list ".cljs" ".cljc"))
(defn clojure-file?
"Returns true if the represents a file which will be
read by the Clojure (JVM) compiler."
[^ file]
(file-with-extension? file clojure-extensions))
(defn clojurescript-file?
"Returns true if the represents a file which will be
read by the ClojureScript compiler."
{:added "0.3.0"}
[^ file]
(file-with-extension? file clojurescript-extensions))
;;; Dependency tracker
(defn- files-and-deps [files read-opts]
(reduce (fn [m file]
(if-let [decl (read-file-ns-decl file read-opts)]
(let [deps (parse/deps-from-ns-decl decl)
name (parse/name-from-ns-decl decl)]
(-> m
(assoc-in [:depmap name] deps)
(assoc-in [:filemap file] name)))
{} files))
(def ^:private merge-map (fnil merge {}))
(defn add-files
"Reads ns declarations from files; returns an updated dependency
tracker with those files added. read-opts is passed through to
([tracker files]
(add-files tracker files nil))
([tracker files read-opts]
(let [{:keys [depmap filemap]} (files-and-deps files read-opts)]
(-> tracker
(track/add depmap)
(update-in [::filemap] merge-map filemap)))))
(defn remove-files
"Returns an updated dependency tracker with files removed. The files
must have been previously added with add-files."
[tracker files]
(-> tracker
(track/remove (keep (::filemap tracker {}) files))
(update-in [::filemap] #(apply dissoc % files))))
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