Maven / Gradle / Ivy
;; Copyright (c) Stuart Sierra, 2012. All rights reserved. The use and
;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
;; Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
;; distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
;; agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not
;; remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
^{:author "Stuart Sierra",
:doc "Search for namespace declarations in directories and JAR files."}
(:require [ :as classpath]
[ :as io]
[clojure.set :as set]
[ :as file]
[ :as parse])
(:import ( File FileReader BufferedReader PushbackReader
(java.util.jar JarFile JarEntry)))
(def ^{:added "0.3.0"}
"Platform definition of file extensions and reader options for
Clojure (.clj and .cljc) source files."
{:read-opts parse/clj-read-opts
:extensions file/clojure-extensions})
(def ^{:added "0.3.0"}
"Platform definition of file extensions and reader options for
ClojureScript (.cljs and .cljc) source files."
{:read-opts parse/cljs-read-opts
:extensions file/clojurescript-extensions})
(defmacro ^:private ignore-reader-exception
"If body throws an exception caused by a syntax error (from
tools.reader), returns nil. Rethrows other exceptions."
[& body]
`(try ~@body
(catch Exception e#
(if (= :reader-exception (:type (ex-data e#)))
(throw e#)))))
;;; Finding namespaces in a directory tree
(defn- sort-files-breadth-first
(sort-by #(.getAbsolutePath ^File %) files))
(defn find-sources-in-dir
"Searches recursively under dir for source files. Returns a sequence
of File objects, in breadth-first sort order.
Optional second argument is either clj (default) or cljs, both
defined in"
{:added "0.3.0"}
(find-sources-in-dir dir nil))
([^File dir platform]
(let [{:keys [extensions]} (or platform clj)]
(->> (file-seq dir)
(filter #(file/file-with-extension? % extensions))
(defn find-clojure-sources-in-dir
"DEPRECATED: replaced by find-sources-in-dir
Searches recursively under dir for Clojure source files (.clj, .cljc).
Returns a sequence of File objects, in breadth-first sort order."
{:added "0.2.0"
:deprecated "0.3.0"}
[^File dir]
(find-sources-in-dir dir clj))
(defn find-ns-decls-in-dir
"Searches dir recursively for (ns ...) declarations in Clojure
source files; returns the unevaluated ns declarations.
Optional second argument platform is either clj (default) or cljs,
both defined in"
{:added "0.2.0"}
([dir] (find-ns-decls-in-dir dir nil))
([dir platform]
(keep #(ignore-reader-exception
(file/read-file-ns-decl % (:read-opts platform)))
(find-sources-in-dir dir platform))))
(defn find-namespaces-in-dir
"Searches dir recursively for (ns ...) declarations in Clojure
source files; returns the symbol names of the declared namespaces.
Optional second argument platform is either clj (default) or cljs,
both defined in"
{:added "0.3.0"}
([dir] (find-namespaces-in-dir dir nil))
([dir platform]
(map parse/name-from-ns-decl (find-ns-decls-in-dir dir platform))))
;;; Finding namespaces in JAR files
(defn- ends-with-extension
[^String filename extensions]
(some #(.endsWith filename %) extensions))
(defn sources-in-jar
"Returns a sequence of source file names found in the JAR file.
Optional second argument platform is either clj (default) or cljs,
both defined in"
{:added "0.3.0"}
(sources-in-jar jar-file nil))
([^JarFile jar-file platform]
(let [{:keys [extensions]} (or platform clj)]
(filter #(ends-with-extension % extensions)
(classpath/filenames-in-jar jar-file)))))
(defn clojure-sources-in-jar
"DEPRECATED: replaced by sources-in-jar
Returns a sequence of filenames ending in .clj or .cljc found in the
JAR file."
{:added "0.2.0"
:deprecated "0.3.0"}
(sources-in-jar jar-file clj))
(defn read-ns-decl-from-jarfile-entry
"Attempts to read a (ns ...) declaration from the named entry in the
JAR file, and returns the unevaluated form. Returns nil if read
fails due to invalid syntax or if a ns declaration cannot be found.
Optional third argument platform is either clj (default) or cljs,
both defined in"
([jarfile entry-name]
(read-ns-decl-from-jarfile-entry jarfile entry-name nil))
([^JarFile jarfile ^String entry-name platform]
(let [{:keys [read-opts]} (or platform clj)]
(with-open [rdr (PushbackReader.
(.getInputStream jarfile (.getEntry jarfile entry-name))))]
(parse/read-ns-decl rdr read-opts))))))
(defn find-ns-decls-in-jarfile
"Searches the JAR file for source files containing (ns ...)
declarations; returns the unevaluated ns declarations.
Optional second argument platform is either clj (default) or cljs,
both defined in"
(find-ns-decls-in-jarfile jarfile nil))
([^JarFile jarfile platform]
(keep #(read-ns-decl-from-jarfile-entry jarfile % platform)
(sources-in-jar jarfile platform))))
(defn find-namespaces-in-jarfile
"Searches the JAR file for platform source files containing (ns ...)
declarations. Returns a sequence of the symbol names of the
declared namespaces.
Optional second argument platform is either clj (default) or cljs,
both defined in"
(find-namespaces-in-jarfile jarfile nil))
([^JarFile jarfile platform]
(map parse/name-from-ns-decl (find-ns-decls-in-jarfile jarfile platform))))
;;; Finding namespaces
(defn find-ns-decls
"Searches a sequence of objects (both directories and
JAR files) for platform source files containing (ns...)
declarations. Returns a sequence of the unevaluated ns declaration
forms. Use with to search Clojure's
Optional second argument platform is either clj (default) or cljs,
both defined in"
(find-ns-decls files nil))
([files platform]
(mapcat #(find-ns-decls-in-dir % platform)
(filter #(.isDirectory ^File %) files))
(mapcat #(find-ns-decls-in-jarfile % platform)
(map #(JarFile. (io/file %))
(filter classpath/jar-file? files))))))
(defn find-namespaces
"Searches a sequence of objects (both directories and
JAR files) for platform source files containing (ns...)
declarations. Returns a sequence of the symbol names of the declared
namespaces. Use with to search Clojure's
Optional second argument platform is either clj (default) or cljs,
both defined in"
(find-namespaces files nil))
([files platform]
(map parse/name-from-ns-decl (find-ns-decls files platform))))
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