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;; Copyright (c) Stuart Sierra, 2012. All rights reserved. The use and
;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
;; Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
;; distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
;; agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not
;; remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

(ns ^{:author "Stuart Sierra"
      :doc "Refactoring tool to move a Clojure namespace from one name/file to
  another, and update all references to that namespace in your other
  Clojure source files.

  WARNING: This code is ALPHA and subject to change. It also modifies
  and deletes your source files! Make sure you have a backup or
  version control."}
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [ :as io])
  (:import ( File)))

(defn- update-file
  "Reads file as a string, calls f on the string plus any args, then
  writes out return value of f as the new contents of file. Does not
  modify file if the content is unchanged."
  [file f & args]
  (let [old (slurp file)
        new (str (apply f old args))]
    (when-not (= old new)
      (spit file new))))

(defn- ns-file-name [sym]
  (str (-> (name sym)
           (str/replace "-" "_")
           (str/replace "." File/separator))

(defn- clojure-source-files [dirs]
  (->> dirs
       (map io/file)
       (filter #(.exists ^File %))
       (mapcat file-seq)
       (filter (fn [^File file]
                 (and (.isFile file)
                      (.endsWith (.getName file) ".clj"))))
       (map #(.getCanonicalFile ^File %))))

(def ^:private symbol-regex
  ;; uses #"[:]?([\D&&[^/]].*/)?([\D&&[^/]][^/]*)" but
  ;; that's too broad; we don't want a whole namespace-qualified symbol,
  ;; just each part individually.

(defn replace-ns-symbol
  "ALPHA: subject to change. Given Clojure source as a string, replaces
  all occurrences of the namespace name old-sym with new-sym and
  returns modified source as a string."
  [source old-sym new-sym]
  (let [old-name (name old-sym)
        new-name (name new-sym)]
    ;; A lossless parser would be better, but this is adequate
    (str/replace source symbol-regex
                 (fn [match]
                   (if (= match old-name)

(defn move-ns-file
  "ALPHA: subject to change. Moves the .clj source file (found relative
  to source-path) for the namespace named old-sym to a file for a
  namespace named new-sym.

  WARNING: This function moves and deletes your source files! Make
  sure you have a backup or version control."
  [old-sym new-sym source-path]
  (let [old-file (io/file source-path (ns-file-name old-sym))
        new-file (io/file source-path (ns-file-name new-sym))]
    (.mkdirs (.getParentFile new-file))
    (io/copy old-file new-file)
    (.delete old-file)
    (loop [dir (.getParentFile old-file)]
      (when (empty? (.listFiles dir))
        (.delete dir)
        (recur (.getParentFile dir))))))

(defn move-ns
  "ALPHA: subject to change. Moves the .clj source file (found relative
  to source-path) for the namespace named old-sym to new-sym and
  replace all occurrences of the old name with the new name in all
  Clojure source files found in dirs.

  This is a purely textual transformation. It does not work on
  namespaces require'd or use'd from a prefix list.

  WARNING: This function modifies and deletes your source files! Make
  sure you have a backup or version control."
  [old-sym new-sym source-path dirs]
  (move-ns-file old-sym new-sym source-path)
  (doseq [file (clojure-source-files dirs)]
    (update-file file replace-ns-symbol old-sym new-sym)))

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