cwinter.codecraft.graphics.engine.Simulator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package cwinter.codecraft.graphics.engine
import cwinter.codecraft.util.maths.Vector2
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
private[codecraft] trait Simulator {
private[this] val framequeue = mutable.Queue.empty[(Seq[ModelDescriptor[_]], Iterable[TextModel])]
@volatile private[this] var running = false
private[this] var paused = false
protected[codecraft] var tFrameCompleted = System.nanoTime()
private[this] var targetFPS = 60
@volatile private[this] var t = -1
protected def frameMillis = 1000.0 / targetFPS
protected[codecraft] var stopped = false
protected var exceptionHandler: Option[Throwable => _] = None
protected var _measuredFramerate: Int = 0
protected var _nanoTimeLastMeasurement: Long = 0
@volatile private var currentlyUpdating = false
protected[codecraft] var debug = new Debug
var graphicsEnabled: Boolean = true
/** Runs the game until the program is terminated. */
def run(): Unit = synchronized { runInContext() }
private[codecraft] def runInContext()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Unit = {
require(!running, "Simulator.run() must only be called once.")
running = true
Future {
while (!stopped && gameStatus == Running) {
if (!paused) performUpdate()
private def limitFramerate(): Unit = {
val (sleepTime, resetTime) = excessMillis
sleepTime.foreach(ms => Thread.sleep(ms))
if (resetTime) tFrameCompleted = System.nanoTime()
protected[codecraft] def excessMillis: (Option[Int], Boolean) = {
val isSleepFrame = t % framelimitPeriod == 1 || framelimitPeriod == 1
val nanos = System.nanoTime()
val dt = nanos - tFrameCompleted
val sleepMillis = framelimitPeriod * frameMillis - dt / 1000000
if (sleepMillis > 0 && isSleepFrame) (Some(sleepMillis.toInt), true)
else (None, isSleepFrame)
private def performUpdate(): Unit = {
t += 1
try {
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
if (stopped) return
paused = true
private[codecraft] def performAsyncUpdate()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = {
currentlyUpdating = true
t += 1
val updateFuture = asyncUpdate()
// optimization that prevents JavaScript from sometimes skipping an animation frame (in single player)
if (updateFuture.isCompleted) currentlyUpdating = false
updateFuture.andThen {
case Success(_) =>
currentlyUpdating = false
case Failure(e) =>
if (stopped) return Future.successful(Unit)
paused = true
currentlyUpdating = false
/** Will run the game for `steps` timesteps. */
def run(steps: Int): Unit = {
for (i <- 0 until steps) {
if (!paused) {
if (stopped || gameStatus != Running) return
private def measureFPS(): Unit = {
if (timestep % 60 == 0 && !isPaused) {
val nanoTimeNow = System.nanoTime()
_measuredFramerate = (60 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000L / (nanoTimeNow - _nanoTimeLastMeasurement)).toInt
_nanoTimeLastMeasurement = nanoTimeNow
private def recomputeGraphicsState(): Unit = framequeue.synchronized {
if (gameStatus == Running && graphicsEnabled) {
framequeue.enqueue((debug.debugObjects ++ computeWorldState, textModels))
if (framequeue.size > maxFrameQueueSize) framequeue.dequeue()
/** Performs one timestep. */
protected def update(): Unit
/** Asynchronously performs one timestep.
* Returns a future which completes once all changes have taken effect.
protected def asyncUpdate()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit]
/** Returns the game's status
protected def gameStatus: Status
/** Returns the current timestep. */
def timestep: Int = t
/** Pauses or resumes the game as applicable. */
def togglePause(): Unit = paused = !paused
/** Sets the target framerate to the given value.
* @param value The new framerate target.
def framerateTarget_=(value: Int): Unit = {
require(value > 0)
targetFPS = value
/** Returns the target framerate in frames per second. */
def framerateTarget: Int = targetFPS
/** Returns the number of ticks per second measure over the last 60 tick interval. */
def measuredFramerate: Int = _measuredFramerate
/** Returns true if the game is currently paused. */
def isPaused: Boolean = paused
/** Returns the initial camera position in the game world. */
def initialCameraPos: Vector2 = Vector2.Null
/** Returns the initial camera position in the game world. */
var initialCameraZoom: Float = 0.0f
/** Terminates any running game loops. */
def terminate(): Unit = stopped = true
private[codecraft] def isCurrentlyUpdating: Boolean = currentlyUpdating
private[codecraft] def onException(callback: Throwable => _): Unit = {
exceptionHandler = Some(callback)
private[codecraft] def dequeueFrame(): (Seq[ModelDescriptor[_]], Iterable[TextModel]) =
framequeue.synchronized {
if (framequeue.size > frameQueueThreshold) framequeue.dequeue()
if (framequeue.size > 1) framequeue.dequeue()
if (framequeue.isEmpty) (Seq.empty, Seq.empty) else framequeue.front
private[codecraft] def computeWorldState: Seq[ModelDescriptor[_]]
private[codecraft] def handleKeypress(keychar: Char): Unit = ()
private[codecraft] def additionalInfoText: String = ""
protected def textModels: Iterable[TextModel] = debug.textModels
private[codecraft] def frameQueueThreshold: Int
private[codecraft] def maxFrameQueueSize: Int
private[codecraft] def framelimitPeriod: Int
protected[codecraft] sealed trait Status
protected[codecraft] case object Running extends Status
protected[codecraft] case class Stopped(reason: String) extends Status
protected[codecraft] case class Crashed(exception: Throwable) extends Status
def forceGL2: Boolean = false
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