cwinter.codecraft.graphics.materials.JSMaterial.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package cwinter.codecraft.graphics.materials
import cwinter.codecraft.graphics.model.{JSVBO, VBO}
import cwinter.codecraft.util.maths.matrices.Matrix4x4
import cwinter.codecraft.util.maths.{Vertex, VertexManifest}
import org.scalajs.dom.raw.{WebGLProgram, WebGLRenderingContext => GL, WebGLShader}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.typedarray.Float32Array
* Vertex shader: code run on GPU to transform vertex positions
* Fragment shader: code run on GPU to determine pixel colours
* Program: can be used to store and then reference a vertex + fragment shader on the GPU
* Vertex Buffer Object: unstructured vertex data
* (Vertex) Attribute: input parameter to a shader
* Vertex Attribute Object: maps data from robowars.graphics.model.VBO to one or more attributes
private[graphics] class JSMaterial[TPosition <: Vertex, TColor <: Vertex, TParams](
val gl: GL,
vsSource: String,
fsSource: String,
attributeNamePos: String,
attributeNameCol: Option[String],
enableCaps: Int*
val posVM: VertexManifest[TPosition],
val colVM: VertexManifest[TColor]
) extends Material[TPosition, TColor, TParams]{
val nCompPos = posVM.nComponents
val nCompCol = colVM.nComponents
val nComponents = nCompPos + nCompCol
// compile shaders and attach to program
protected val programID = gl.createProgram()
protected val vertexShaderID = compileShader(vsSource, GL.VERTEX_SHADER, programID)
protected val fragmentShaderID = compileShader(fsSource, GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER, programID)
val uniformProjection = gl.getUniformLocation(programID, "projection")
val uniformModelview = gl.getUniformLocation(programID, "modelview")
val attributePos = gl.getAttribLocation(programID, attributeNamePos)
val attributeCol = attributeNameCol.map(gl.getAttribLocation(programID, _))
private var lastModelview: Matrix4x4 = null
implicit def arrayFloatToFloat32Array(seq: Array[Float]): Float32Array = {
import js.JSConverters._
new Float32Array(seq.toJSArray)
implicit def VBOToJSVBO(vbo: VBO): JSVBO = {
assert(vbo.isInstanceOf[JSVBO], s"Expected vbo of type JSVBO. Actual: ${vbo.getClass.getName}")
def beforeDraw(projection: Matrix4x4): Unit = {
lastModelview = null
def draw(vbo: VBO, modelview: Matrix4x4): Unit = {
Material._drawCalls += 1
if (vbo.size == 0) return
// upload modelview
if (lastModelview ne modelview) {
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniformModelview, transpose = false, modelview.data)
lastModelview = modelview
Material._modelviewUploads += 1
// bind vbo and enable attributes
gl.bindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo.id)
// bind shader attributes (input parameters)
gl.vertexAttribPointer(attributePos, nCompPos, GL.FLOAT, normalized=false, 4 * nComponents, 0)
attributeCol.foreach(gl.vertexAttribPointer(_, nCompCol, GL.FLOAT, normalized=false, 4 * nComponents, 4 * nCompPos))
// actual drawing call
gl.drawArrays(GL.TRIANGLES, 0, vbo.size)
def afterDraw(): Unit = {
// disable attributes
* Allocates a VBO handle, loads vertex data into GPU and defines attribute pointers.
* @param data The data for the VBO.
* @return Returns a `robowars.graphics.model.VBO` class which give the handle and number of data of the vbo.
def createVBO(data: Array[Float], dynamic: Boolean): VBO = {
// create vbo handle
val vboHandle = gl.createBuffer()
// store data to GPU
gl.bindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, vboHandle)
gl.bufferData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, data, if (dynamic) GL.DYNAMIC_DRAW else GL.STATIC_DRAW)
VBO._count += 1
JSVBO(vboHandle, data.length / nComponents)
* Compile a shader and attach to a program.
* @param shaderSource The source code for the shader.
* @param shaderType The type of shader (`GL2ES2.GL.VERTEX_SHADER` or `GL2ES2.GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER`)
* @param programID The handle to the program.
* @return
protected def compileShader(
shaderSource: String,
shaderType: Int,
programID: WebGLProgram
): WebGLShader = {
// Create GPU shader handles
// OpenGL returns an index id to be stored for future reference.
val shaderHandle = gl.createShader(shaderType)
// bind shader to program
gl.attachShader(programID, shaderHandle)
// Load shader source code and compile into a program
gl.shaderSource(shaderHandle, shaderSource)
val compileStatus = gl.getShaderParameter(shaderHandle, GL.COMPILE_STATUS)
if (!compileStatus.asInstanceOf[Boolean]) {
throw new Exception(gl.getShaderInfoLog(shaderHandle))
override def dispose(): Unit = {
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