org.codehaus.cargo.maven2.configuration.Deployable Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* ========================================================================
* Codehaus CARGO, copyright 2004-2011 Vincent Massol, 2012-2018 Ali Tokmen.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ========================================================================
package org.codehaus.cargo.maven2.configuration;
import java.io.File;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.codehaus.cargo.container.deployable.DeployableType;
import org.codehaus.cargo.container.deployable.EAR;
import org.codehaus.cargo.container.deployable.WAR;
import org.codehaus.cargo.generic.deployable.DefaultDeployableFactory;
import org.codehaus.cargo.generic.deployable.DeployableFactory;
import org.codehaus.cargo.maven2.util.CargoProject;
* Holds configuration data for the <deployable>
tag used to configure the plugin
* in the pom.xml
* TODO: Find a way to remove code duplication with Ant's DeployableElement
public class Deployable extends AbstractDependency
* Constant for Maven2 project type ejb
private static final String EJB = "ejb";
* Constant for Maven2 project type bundle
private static final String BUNDLE = "bundle";
* Constant for Maven2 project type uberwar
private static final String UBERWAR = "uberwar";
* Constant for Maven2 project type starting with jboss-
* JBoss needs special checks, see https://codehaus-cargo.atlassian.net/browse/CARGO-710
private static final String JBOSS = "jboss-";
* Length of {@link Deployable#JBOSS}
private static final int JBOSS_STRIP = Deployable.JBOSS.length();
* Ping URL.
private URL pingURL;
* Ping URL path.
private String pingUrlPath;
* Ping timeout.
private Long pingTimeout;
* Implementation.
private String implementation;
* Deployable properties.
private Map properties;
* @return Deployable properties.
public Map getProperties()
return this.properties;
* @param properties Deployable properties.
public void setProperties(Map properties)
this.properties = properties;
* @return Ping URL.
public URL getPingURL()
return this.pingURL;
* @return Ping URL path.
public String getPingUrlPath()
return this.pingUrlPath;
* @return Ping timeout.
public Long getPingTimeout()
return this.pingTimeout;
* @param implementation Implementation.
public void setImplementation(String implementation)
this.implementation = implementation;
* @return Implementation.
public String getImplementation()
return this.implementation;
* Create a deployable.
* @param containerId Container identifier.
* @param project Cargo project.
* @return Deployable.
* @throws MojoExecutionException If location computation or deployable instanciation fails.
public org.codehaus.cargo.container.deployable.Deployable createDeployable(String containerId,
CargoProject project) throws MojoExecutionException
project.getLog().debug("Initial deployable values: groupId = [" + getGroupId()
+ "], artifactId = [" + getArtifactId() + "], type = [" + getType()
+ "], location = [" + getLocation() + "]");
// If no groupId is specified use the project's groupId
if (getGroupId() == null)
// If no type is specified use the project's packaging
if (getType() == null)
// If no artifactId is specified use the project's artifactId
if (getArtifactId() == null)
// If no location is specified, guess the location
if (getLocation() == null)
"Computed deployable values: groupId = [" + getGroupId()
+ "], artifactId = [" + getArtifactId() + "], classifier = [" + getClassifier()
+ "], type = [" + getType()
+ "], location = [" + getLocation() + "]");
DeployableFactory factory = new DefaultDeployableFactory();
// If a custom implementation class is defined register it against the deployable factory.
if (getImplementation() != null)
Class deployableClass = Class.forName(getImplementation(), true,
factory.registerDeployable(containerId, DeployableType.toType(getType()),
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
throw new MojoExecutionException("Custom deployable implementation ["
+ getImplementation() + "] cannot be loaded", cnfe);
org.codehaus.cargo.container.deployable.Deployable deployable =
factory.createDeployable(containerId, getLocation(), DeployableType.toType(getType()));
// Set user-defined properties on the created deployable.
setPropertiesOnDeployable(deployable, project);
String name = null;
String context = null;
if (getProperties() != null)
name = getProperties().get("name");
context = getProperties().get("context");
if (deployable instanceof EAR && name == null)
EAR ear = (EAR) deployable;
if (deployable instanceof WAR && context == null)
WAR war = (WAR) deployable;
if (getGroupId().equals(project.getGroupId())
&& getArtifactId().equals(project.getArtifactId()))
// CARGO-1279: Honor the finalName if it was set manually
context = project.getFinalName();
if (context == null || context.startsWith(getArtifactId() + '-'))
context = getArtifactId();
context = getArtifactId();
return deployable;
* Set user-defined properties on the created deployable.
* @param deployable the deployable on which to set the properties
* @param project Cargo project.
protected void setPropertiesOnDeployable(
org.codehaus.cargo.container.deployable.Deployable deployable, CargoProject project)
if (getProperties() != null)
for (Map.Entry property : getProperties().entrySet())
String propertyName = property.getKey();
project.getLog().debug("Setting deployable property [" + propertyName + "]:["
+ getProperties().get(propertyName) + "] for [" + getLocation() + "]");
// Maven2 doesn't like empty elements and will set them to Null. Thus we
// need to modify that behavior and change them to an empty string. For example
// this allows users to pass an empty context to mean the root context.
String propertyValue = property.getValue();
if (propertyValue == null)
propertyValue = "";
callMethodForProperty(deployable, propertyName, propertyValue, project);
catch (Exception e)
throw new BuildException("Invalid property [" + propertyName
+ "] for deployable type [" + deployable.getType() + "]", e);
* Compute the location of the current deployable.
* @param project Cargo project.
* @return Location of current deployable.
* @throws MojoExecutionException If location cannot be found.
protected String computeLocation(CargoProject project) throws MojoExecutionException
String location;
// If the groupId and artifactId match those of the project then we consider that the
// deployable is the artifact generated by the project. We also check that the defined
// Cargo type matches Maven's defined packaging. If it doesn't we look for the deployable
// in the project's dependency list.
if (project.getGroupId().equals(getGroupId())
&& project.getArtifactId().equals(getArtifactId())
&& isTypeCompatible(project))
String type = this.getType();
// Let's look in the project's dependencies and find a match.
location = findArtifactLocation(project.getArtifacts(), project.getLog());
catch (MojoExecutionException e)
String classifier = getClassifier();
// Compute default location.
if (classifier == null)
location = new File(project.getBuildDirectory(), project.getFinalName() + "."
+ computeExtension(project.getPackaging())).getPath();
location = new File(project.getBuildDirectory(), project.getFinalName() + "-"
+ classifier + "." + computeExtension(project.getPackaging())).getPath();
// Display a warning if the groupId and artifactId are the same as the project's but
// the type is different.
if (project.getGroupId().equals(getGroupId())
&& project.getArtifactId().equals(getArtifactId()))
.warn("The defined deployable has the same groupId and artifactId "
+ "as your project's main artifact but the type is different. You've "
+ "defined a [" + getType() + "] type whereas the project's packaging is ["
+ project.getPackaging() + "]. This is possibly an error and as a "
+ "consequence the plugin will try to find this deployable in the "
+ "project's dependencies.");
// Let's look in the project's dependencies and find a match.
location = findArtifactLocation(project.getArtifacts(), project.getLog());
return location;
* Checks if deployable type is compatible with the project's packaging.
* @param project Cargo project.
* @return true
if the deployable type is compatible with the project's packaging.
protected boolean isTypeCompatible(CargoProject project)
boolean isMatching = false;
if (getType().equalsIgnoreCase(project.getPackaging())
|| getType().equalsIgnoreCase("file"))
isMatching = true;
else if (getType().equalsIgnoreCase("war")
&& project.getPackaging().equalsIgnoreCase(Deployable.UBERWAR))
isMatching = true;
else if (project.getPackaging().startsWith(Deployable.JBOSS)
&& getType().equalsIgnoreCase(
isMatching = true;
return isMatching;
* Compute the extension for a given Maven2 packaging.
* @param packaging Maven2 project packaging (ex: ejb, ear, rar, war, etc)
* @return Artifact extension matching the packaging
protected String computeExtension(String packaging)
String extension;
if (packaging.equalsIgnoreCase(Deployable.EJB)
|| packaging.equalsIgnoreCase(Deployable.BUNDLE))
extension = "jar";
else if (packaging.equalsIgnoreCase(Deployable.UBERWAR))
extension = "war";
else if (packaging.startsWith(Deployable.JBOSS))
extension = packaging.substring(Deployable.JBOSS_STRIP);
extension = packaging;
return extension;
* Call setter methods corresponding to deployable properties.
* @param deployable Deployable on which to call the setter method corresponding to the
* specified property.
* @param name Property name.
* @param value Property value.
* @param project Cargo project.
* @throws Exception if anything goes wrong.
private void callMethodForProperty(
org.codehaus.cargo.container.deployable.Deployable deployable, String name, String value,
CargoProject project) throws Exception
String setterMethodName = getSetterMethodName(name);
Method method;
Object argument;
method = deployable.getClass().getMethod(setterMethodName, new Class[] {String.class});
argument = value;
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
// If we reach this line, it means there is no String setter for the given property
// name with a String argument. Check if there is a setter with String[] argument; if
// there is one split the value at each line and call the setter.
method = deployable.getClass().getMethod(setterMethodName,
new Class[] {String[].class});
List valueList = new ArrayList();
StringTokenizer commaSeparatedValue = new StringTokenizer(value, ",");
while (commaSeparatedValue.hasMoreTokens())
String commaSeparatedLine = commaSeparatedValue.nextToken().trim();
if (!commaSeparatedLine.isEmpty())
String[] valueArray = new String[valueList.size()];
valueArray = valueList.toArray(valueArray);
argument = valueArray;
project.getLog().debug("Invoking setter method " + method + " for deployable "
+ deployable + " with argument " + argument);
method.invoke(deployable, new Object[] {argument});
* Transform a property into a method name by transforming the first letter of the property name
* to uppercase.
* @param propertyName Property name to transform into a setter method
* @return Setter method's name
protected String getSetterMethodName(String propertyName)
return "set" + propertyName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)
+ propertyName.substring(1);
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