groovy.ui.Console.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Groovy: A powerful, dynamic language for the JVM
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package groovy.ui
import groovy.inspect.swingui.ObjectBrowser
import groovy.inspect.swingui.AstBrowser
import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
import groovy.ui.text.FindReplaceUtility
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.messages.SimpleMessage
import java.awt.Component
import java.awt.EventQueue
import java.awt.Font
import java.awt.Toolkit
import java.awt.Window
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent
import java.awt.event.ComponentListener
import java.awt.event.FocusListener
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent
import java.util.prefs.Preferences
import javax.swing.*
import javax.swing.event.CaretEvent
import javax.swing.event.CaretListener
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent
import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet
import javax.swing.text.Element
import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
import javax.swing.text.Style
import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
import javax.swing.text.html.HTML
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StackTraceUtils
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ErrorCollector
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.messages.SyntaxErrorMessage
import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.SyntaxException
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.messages.ExceptionMessage
import java.awt.Dimension
import java.awt.BorderLayout
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.ASTTransformationCustomizer
import groovy.transform.ThreadInterrupt
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener
* Groovy Swing console.
* Allows user to interactively enter and execute Groovy.
* @author Danno Ferrin
* @author Dierk Koenig, changed Layout, included Selection sensitivity, included ObjectBrowser
* @author Alan Green more features: history, System.out capture, bind result to _
* @author Guillaume Laforge, stacktrace hyperlinking to the current script line
* @author Hamlet D'Arcy, AST browser
* @author Roshan Dawrani
* @author Paul King
* @author Andre Steingress
class Console implements CaretListener, HyperlinkListener, ComponentListener, FocusListener {
static final String DEFAULT_SCRIPT_NAME_START = 'ConsoleScript'
static private prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Console)
// Whether or not std output should be captured to the console
static boolean captureStdOut = prefs.getBoolean('captureStdOut', true)
static boolean captureStdErr = prefs.getBoolean('captureStdErr', true)
static consoleControllers = []
boolean fullStackTraces = prefs.getBoolean('fullStackTraces',
Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty('groovy.full.stacktrace', 'false')))
Action fullStackTracesAction
boolean showScriptInOutput = prefs.getBoolean('showScriptInOutput', true)
Action showScriptInOutputAction
boolean visualizeScriptResults = prefs.getBoolean('visualizeScriptResults', false)
Action visualizeScriptResultsAction
boolean showToolbar = prefs.getBoolean('showToolbar', true)
Component toolbar
Action showToolbarAction
boolean detachedOutput = prefs.getBoolean('detachedOutput', false)
Action detachedOutputAction
Action showOutputWindowAction
Action hideOutputWindowAction1
Action hideOutputWindowAction2
Action hideOutputWindowAction3
Action hideOutputWindowAction4
int origDividerSize
Component outputWindow
Component copyFromComponent
Component blank
Component scrollArea
boolean autoClearOutput = prefs.getBoolean('autoClearOutput', false)
Action autoClearOutputAction
// Safer thread interruption
boolean threadInterrupt = prefs.getBoolean('threadInterrupt', false)
Action threadInterruptAction
boolean saveOnRun = prefs.getBoolean('saveOnRun', false)
Action saveOnRunAction
//to allow loading classes dynamically when using @Grab (GROOVY-4877, GROOVY-5871)
boolean useScriptClassLoaderForScriptExecution = false
// Maximum size of history
int maxHistory = 10
// Maximum number of characters to show on console at any time
int maxOutputChars = System.getProperty('groovy.console.output.limit','20000') as int
// UI
SwingBuilder swing
RootPaneContainer frame
ConsoleTextEditor inputEditor
JSplitPane splitPane
JTextPane inputArea
JTextPane outputArea
JLabel statusLabel
JLabel rowNumAndColNum
// row info
Element rootElement
int cursorPos
int rowNum
int colNum
// Styles for output area
Style promptStyle
Style commandStyle
Style outputStyle
Style stacktraceStyle
Style hyperlinkStyle
Style resultStyle
// Internal history
List history = []
int historyIndex = 1 // valid values are 0..history.length()
HistoryRecord pendingRecord = new HistoryRecord( allText: '', selectionStart: 0, selectionEnd: 0)
Action prevHistoryAction
Action nextHistoryAction
// Current editor state
boolean dirty
Action saveAction
int textSelectionStart // keep track of selections in inputArea
int textSelectionEnd
def scriptFile
File currentFileChooserDir = new File(Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Console).get('currentFileChooserDir', '.'))
File currentClasspathJarDir = new File(Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Console).get('currentClasspathJarDir', '.'))
File currentClasspathDir = new File(Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Console).get('currentClasspathDir', '.'))
// Running scripts
CompilerConfiguration config
GroovyShell shell
int scriptNameCounter = 0
SystemOutputInterceptor systemOutInterceptor
SystemOutputInterceptor systemErrorInterceptor
Thread runThread = null
Closure beforeExecution
Closure afterExecution
public static URL ICON_PATH = Console.class.classLoader.getResource('groovy/ui/ConsoleIcon.png') // used by ObjectBrowser and AST Viewer
public static URL NODE_ICON_PATH = Console.class.classLoader.getResource('groovy/ui/icons/bullet_green.png') // used by AST Viewer
static groovyFileFilter = new GroovyFileFilter()
boolean scriptRunning = false
boolean stackOverFlowError = false
Action interruptAction
static void main(args) {
if (args.length == 1 && args[0] == '--help') {
println '''usage: groovyConsole [options] [filename]
--help This Help message
-cp,-classpath,--classpath Specify classpath'''
// full stack trace should not be logged to the output window - GROOVY-4663
java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(StackTraceUtils.STACK_LOG_NAME).useParentHandlers = false
//when starting via main set the look and feel to system
def console = new Console(Console.class.classLoader?.getRootLoader())
console.useScriptClassLoaderForScriptExecution = true
if (args.length == 1) console.loadScriptFile(args[0] as File)
Console() {
this(new Binding())
Console(Binding binding) {
this(null, binding)
Console(ClassLoader parent) {
this(parent, new Binding())
Console(ClassLoader parent, Binding binding) {
newScript(parent, binding);
try {
System.setProperty('groovy.full.stacktrace', System.getProperty('groovy.full.stacktrace',
Boolean.toString(prefs.getBoolean('fullStackTraces', false))))
} catch (SecurityException se) {
fullStackTracesAction.enabled = false;
consoleControllers += this
// listen for Ivy events if Ivy is on the Classpath
try {
if (Class.forName('org.apache.ivy.core.event.IvyListener')) {
def ivyPluginClass = Class.forName('groovy.ui.ConsoleIvyPlugin')
} catch(ClassNotFoundException ignore) { }
binding.variables._outputTransforms = OutputTransforms.loadOutputTransforms()
void newScript(ClassLoader parent, Binding binding) {
config = new CompilerConfiguration()
if (threadInterrupt) config.addCompilationCustomizers(new ASTTransformationCustomizer(ThreadInterrupt))
shell = new GroovyShell(parent, binding, config)
static frameConsoleDelegates = [
title: 'GroovyConsole',
//location: [100,100], // in groovy 2.0 use platform default location
iconImage: imageIcon('/groovy/ui/ConsoleIcon.png').image,
defaultCloseOperation: JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,
) {
try {
current.locationByPlatform = true
} catch (Exception e) {
current.location = [100, 100] // for 1.4 compatibility
containingWindows += current
menuBarDelegate: {arg->
current.JMenuBar = build(arg)}
void run() {
void run(JApplet applet) {
containingWindows += SwingUtilities.getRoot(applet.getParent())
menuBarDelegate: {arg->
current.JMenuBar = build(arg)}
void run(Map defaults) {
swing = new SwingBuilder()
defaults.each{k, v -> swing[k] = v}
// tweak what the stack traces filter out to be fairly broad
System.setProperty('groovy.sanitized.stacktraces', '''org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.
// add controller to the swingBuilder bindings
swing.controller = this
// create the actions
// create the view
// stitch some actions together
swing.bind(source:swing.inputEditor.undoAction, sourceProperty:'enabled', target:swing.undoAction, targetProperty:'enabled')
swing.bind(source:swing.inputEditor.redoAction, sourceProperty:'enabled', target:swing.redoAction, targetProperty:'enabled')
if (swing.consoleFrame instanceof java.awt.Window) {
swing.doLater inputArea.&requestFocus
* Make the console frames capable of native fullscreen
* for Mac OS X Lion and beyond.
* @param frame the application window
private void nativeFullScreenForMac(java.awt.Window frame) {
if (System.getProperty('os.name').contains('Mac OS X')) {
new GroovyShell(new Binding([frame: frame])).evaluate('''
try {
com.apple.eawt.FullScreenUtilities.setWindowCanFullScreen(frame, true)
} catch (Throwable t) {
// simply ignore as full screen capability is not available
public void installInterceptor() {
systemOutInterceptor = new SystemOutputInterceptor(this.¬ifySystemOut, true)
systemErrorInterceptor = new SystemOutputInterceptor(this.¬ifySystemErr, false)
void addToHistory(record) {
// history.size here just retrieves method closure
if (history.size() > maxHistory) {
// history.size doesn't work here either
historyIndex = history.size()
// Ensure we don't have too much in console (takes too much memory)
private ensureNoDocLengthOverflow(doc) {
// if it is a case of stackOverFlowError, show the exception details from the front
// as there is no point in showing the repeating details at the back
int offset = stackOverFlowError ? maxOutputChars : 0
if (doc.length > maxOutputChars) {
doc.remove(offset, doc.length - maxOutputChars)
// Append a string to the output area
void appendOutput(String text, AttributeSet style){
def doc = outputArea.styledDocument
doc.insertString(doc.length, text, style)
void appendOutput(Window window, AttributeSet style) {
appendOutput(window.toString(), style)
void appendOutput(Object object, AttributeSet style) {
appendOutput(object.toString(), style)
void appendOutput(Component component, AttributeSet style) {
SimpleAttributeSet sas = new SimpleAttributeSet();
sas.addAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute, 'component')
StyleConstants.setComponent(sas, component)
appendOutput(component.toString(), sas)
void appendOutput(Icon icon, AttributeSet style) {
SimpleAttributeSet sas = new SimpleAttributeSet();
sas.addAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute, 'icon')
StyleConstants.setIcon(sas, icon)
appendOutput(icon.toString(), sas)
void appendStacktrace(text) {
def doc = outputArea.styledDocument
// split lines by new line separator
def lines = text.split(/(\n|\r|\r\n|\u0085|\u2028|\u2029)/)
// Java Identifier regex
def ji = /([\p{Alnum}_\$][\p{Alnum}_\$]*)/
// stacktrace line regex
def stacktracePattern = /\tat $ji(\.$ji)+\((($ji(\.(java|groovy))?):(\d+))\)/
lines.each { line ->
int initialLength = doc.length
def matcher = line =~ stacktracePattern
def fileName = matcher.matches() ? matcher[0][-5] : ''
if (fileName == scriptFile?.name || fileName.startsWith(DEFAULT_SCRIPT_NAME_START)) {
def fileNameAndLineNumber = matcher[0][-6]
def length = fileNameAndLineNumber.length()
def index = line.indexOf(fileNameAndLineNumber)
def style = hyperlinkStyle
def hrefAttr = new SimpleAttributeSet()
// don't pass a GString as it won't be coerced to String as addAttribute takes an Object
hrefAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF, 'file://' + fileNameAndLineNumber)
style.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.A, hrefAttr);
doc.insertString(initialLength, line[0.. swing[k] = v}
swing.controller = consoleController
swing.doLater swing.inputArea.&requestFocus
void fileOpen(EventObject evt = null) {
if (askToSaveFile()) {
def scriptName = selectFilename()
if (scriptName != null) {
void loadScriptFile(File file) {
swing.edt {
inputArea.editable = false
swing.doOutside {
try {
consoleText = file.readLines().join('\n')
scriptFile = file
swing.edt {
def listeners = inputArea.document.getListeners(DocumentListener)
listeners.each { inputArea.document.removeDocumentListener(it) }
inputArea.document.remove 0, inputArea.document.length
inputArea.document.insertString 0, consoleText, null
listeners.each { inputArea.document.addDocumentListener(it) }
inputArea.caretPosition = 0
} finally {
swing.edt { inputArea.editable = true }
// GROOVY-3684: focus away and then back to inputArea ensures caret blinks
swing.doLater outputArea.&requestFocusInWindow
swing.doLater inputArea.&requestFocusInWindow
// Save file - return false if user cancelled save
boolean fileSave(EventObject evt = null) {
if (scriptFile == null) {
return fileSaveAs(evt)
return true
// Save file - return false if user cancelled save
boolean fileSaveAs(EventObject evt = null) {
scriptFile = selectFilename('Save')
if (scriptFile != null) {
return true
} else {
return false
def finishException(Throwable t, boolean executing) {
if(executing) {
statusLabel.text = 'Execution terminated with exception.'
history[-1].exception = t
} else {
statusLabel.text = 'Compilation failed.'
if (t instanceof MultipleCompilationErrorsException) {
MultipleCompilationErrorsException mcee = t
ErrorCollector collector = mcee.errorCollector
int count = collector.errorCount
appendOutputNl("${count} compilation error${count > 1 ? 's' : ''}:\n\n", commandStyle)
collector.errors.each { error ->
if (error instanceof SyntaxErrorMessage) {
SyntaxException se = error.cause
int errorLine = se.line
String message = se.originalMessage
String scriptFileName = scriptFile?.name ?: DEFAULT_SCRIPT_NAME_START
def doc = outputArea.styledDocument
def style = hyperlinkStyle
def hrefAttr = new SimpleAttributeSet()
// don't pass a GString as it won't be coerced to String as addAttribute takes an Object
hrefAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF, 'file://' + scriptFileName + ':' + errorLine)
style.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.A, hrefAttr);
doc.insertString(doc.length, message + ' at ', stacktraceStyle)
doc.insertString(doc.length, "line: ${se.line}, column: ${se.startColumn}\n\n", style)
} else if (error instanceof Throwable) {
} else if (error instanceof ExceptionMessage) {
} else if (error instanceof SimpleMessage) {
def doc = outputArea.styledDocument
doc.insertString(doc.length, "${error.message}\n", new SimpleAttributeSet())
} else {
if(!executing) {
// GROOVY-4496: set the output window position to the top-left so the exception details are visible from the start
outputArea.caretPosition = 0
if (detachedOutput) {
private calcPreferredSize(a, b, c) {
[c, [a, b].min()].max()
private reportException(Throwable t) {
appendOutputNl('Exception thrown\n', commandStyle)
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()
new PrintWriter(sw).withWriter {pw -> StackTraceUtils.deepSanitize(t).printStackTrace(pw) }
def finishNormal(Object result) {
// Take down the wait/cancel dialog
history[-1].result = result
if (result != null) {
statusLabel.text = 'Execution complete.'
appendOutputNl('Result: ', promptStyle)
def obj = (visualizeScriptResults
? OutputTransforms.transformResult(result, shell.getContext()._outputTransforms)
: result.toString())
// multi-methods are magical!
appendOutput(obj, resultStyle)
} else {
statusLabel.text = 'Execution complete. Result was null.'
if (detachedOutput) {
def compileFinishNormal() {
statusLabel.text = 'Compilation complete.'
private def prepareOutputWindow() {
outputArea.setPreferredSize([calcPreferredSize(outputWindow.getWidth(), inputEditor.getWidth(), 120),
calcPreferredSize(outputWindow.getHeight(), inputEditor.getHeight(), 60)] as Dimension)
// Gets the last, non-null result
def getLastResult() {
// runtime bugs in here history.reverse produces odd lookup
// return history.reverse.find {it != null}
if (!history) {
for (i in (history.size() - 1)..0) {
if (history[i].result != null) {
return history[i].result
return null
void historyNext(EventObject evt = null) {
if (historyIndex < history.size()) {
setInputTextFromHistory(historyIndex + 1)
} else {
statusLabel.text = "Can't go past end of history (time travel not allowed)"
void historyPrev(EventObject evt = null) {
if (historyIndex > 0) {
setInputTextFromHistory(historyIndex - 1)
} else {
statusLabel.text = "Can't go past start of history"
void inspectLast(EventObject evt = null){
if (null == lastResult) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, 'The last result is null.',
'Cannot Inspect', JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE)
void inspectVariables(EventObject evt = null) {
void inspectAst(EventObject evt = null) {
new AstBrowser(inputArea, rootElement, shell.getClassLoader()).run({ inputArea.getText() } )
void largerFont(EventObject evt = null) {
updateFontSize(inputArea.font.size + 2)
static boolean notifySystemOut(int consoleId, String str) {
if (!captureStdOut) {
// Output as normal
return true
Closure doAppend = {
Console console = findConsoleById(consoleId)
if (console) {
console.appendOutputLines(str, console.outputStyle)
} else {
consoleControllers.each {it.appendOutputLines(str, it.outputStyle)}
// Put onto GUI
if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
else {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater doAppend
return false
static boolean notifySystemErr(int consoleId, String str) {
if (!captureStdErr) {
// Output as normal
return true
Closure doAppend = {
Console console = findConsoleById(consoleId)
if (console) {
} else {
consoleControllers.each {it.appendStacktrace(str)}
// Put onto GUI
if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
else {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater doAppend
return false
int getConsoleId() {
return System.identityHashCode(this)
private static Console findConsoleById(int consoleId) {
return consoleControllers.find { it.consoleId == consoleId }
// actually run the script
void runScript(EventObject evt = null) {
if (saveOnRun && scriptFile != null) {
if (fileSave(evt)) runScriptImpl(false)
} else {
void saveOnRun(EventObject evt = null) {
saveOnRun = evt.source.selected
prefs.putBoolean('saveOnRun', saveOnRun)
void runSelectedScript(EventObject evt = null) {
void addClasspathJar(EventObject evt = null) {
def fc = new JFileChooser(currentClasspathJarDir)
fc.fileSelectionMode = JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY
fc.multiSelectionEnabled = true
fc.acceptAllFileFilterUsed = true
if (fc.showDialog(frame, 'Add') == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
currentClasspathJarDir = fc.currentDirectory
Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Console).put('currentClasspathJarDir', currentClasspathJarDir.path)
fc.selectedFiles?.each { file ->
void addClasspathDir(EventObject evt = null) {
def fc = new JFileChooser(currentClasspathDir)
fc.fileSelectionMode = JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY
fc.acceptAllFileFilterUsed = true
if (fc.showDialog(frame, 'Add') == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
currentClasspathDir = fc.currentDirectory
Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Console).put('currentClasspathDir', currentClasspathDir.path)
void clearContext(EventObject evt = null) {
def binding = new Binding()
newScript(null, binding)
// reload output transforms
binding.variables._outputTransforms = OutputTransforms.loadOutputTransforms()
private void runScriptImpl(boolean selected) {
if(scriptRunning) {
statusLabel.text = 'Cannot run script now as a script is already running. Please wait or use "Interrupt Script" option.'
scriptRunning = true
interruptAction.enabled = true
stackOverFlowError = false // reset this flag before running a script
def endLine = System.getProperty('line.separator')
def record = new HistoryRecord( allText: inputArea.getText().replaceAll(endLine, '\n'),
selectionStart: textSelectionStart, selectionEnd: textSelectionEnd)
pendingRecord = new HistoryRecord(allText:'', selectionStart:0, selectionEnd:0)
if (prefs.getBoolean('autoClearOutput', false)) clearOutput()
// Print the input text
if (showScriptInOutput) {
for (line in record.getTextToRun(selected).tokenize('\n')) {
appendOutputNl('groovy> ', promptStyle)
appendOutput(line, commandStyle)
appendOutputNl(' \n', promptStyle)
// Kick off a new thread to do the evaluation
// Run in a thread outside of EDT, this method is usually called inside the EDT
runThread = Thread.start {
try {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater { showExecutingMessage() }
String name = scriptFile?.name ?: (DEFAULT_SCRIPT_NAME_START + scriptNameCounter++)
if(beforeExecution) {
def result
if(useScriptClassLoaderForScriptExecution) {
ClassLoader savedThreadContextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader
try {
Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = shell.classLoader
result = shell.run(record.getTextToRun(selected), name, [])
finally {
Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = savedThreadContextClassLoader
else {
result = shell.run(record.getTextToRun(selected), name, [])
if(afterExecution) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater { finishNormal(result) }
} catch (Throwable t) {
if(t instanceof StackOverflowError) {
// set the flag that will be used in printing exception details in output pane
stackOverFlowError = true
SwingUtilities.invokeLater { finishException(t, true) }
} finally {
runThread = null
scriptRunning = false
interruptAction.enabled = false
void compileScript(EventObject evt = null) {
if(scriptRunning) {
statusLabel.text = 'Cannot compile script now as a script is already running. Please wait or use "Interrupt Script" option.'
stackOverFlowError = false // reset this flag before running a script
def endLine = System.getProperty('line.separator')
def record = new HistoryRecord( allText: inputArea.getText().replaceAll(endLine, '\n'),
selectionStart: textSelectionStart, selectionEnd: textSelectionEnd)
if (prefs.getBoolean('autoClearOutput', false)) clearOutput()
// Print the input text
if (showScriptInOutput) {
for (line in record.allText.tokenize('\n')) {
appendOutputNl('groovy> ', promptStyle)
appendOutput(line, commandStyle)
appendOutputNl(' \n', promptStyle)
// Kick off a new thread to do the compilation
// Run in a thread outside of EDT, this method is usually called inside the EDT
runThread = Thread.start {
try {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater { showCompilingMessage() }
SwingUtilities.invokeLater { compileFinishNormal() }
} catch (Throwable t) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater { finishException(t, false) }
} finally {
runThread = null
def selectFilename(name = 'Open') {
def fc = new JFileChooser(currentFileChooserDir)
fc.fileSelectionMode = JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY
fc.acceptAllFileFilterUsed = true
fc.fileFilter = groovyFileFilter
if(name == 'Save') {
fc.selectedFile = new File('*.groovy')
if (fc.showDialog(frame, name) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
currentFileChooserDir = fc.currentDirectory
Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Console).put('currentFileChooserDir', currentFileChooserDir.path)
return fc.selectedFile
} else {
return null
void setDirty(boolean newDirty) {
//TODO when @BoundProperty is live, this should be handled via listeners
dirty = newDirty
saveAction.enabled = newDirty
private void setInputTextFromHistory(newIndex) {
def endLine = System.getProperty('line.separator')
if (historyIndex >= history.size()) {
pendingRecord = new HistoryRecord( allText: inputArea.getText().replaceAll(endLine, '\n'),
selectionStart: textSelectionStart, selectionEnd: textSelectionEnd)
historyIndex = newIndex
def record
if (historyIndex < history.size()) {
record = history[historyIndex]
statusLabel.text = "command history ${history.size() - historyIndex}"
} else {
record = pendingRecord
statusLabel.text = 'at end of history'
inputArea.text = record.allText
inputArea.selectionStart = record.selectionStart
inputArea.selectionEnd = record.selectionEnd
setDirty(true) // Should calculate dirty flag properly (hash last saved/read text in each file)
private void updateHistoryActions() {
nextHistoryAction.enabled = historyIndex < history.size()
prevHistoryAction.enabled = historyIndex > 0
// Adds a variable to the binding
// Useful for adding variables before opening the console
void setVariable(String name, Object value) {
shell.getContext().setVariable(name, value)
void showAbout(EventObject evt = null) {
def version = GroovySystem.getVersion()
def pane = swing.optionPane()
// work around GROOVY-1048
pane.setMessage('Welcome to the Groovy Console for evaluating Groovy scripts\nVersion ' + version)
def dialog = pane.createDialog(frame, 'About GroovyConsole')
void find(EventObject evt = null) {
void findNext(EventObject evt = null) {
void findPrevious(EventObject evt = null) {
def reverseEvt = new ActionEvent(
evt.getSource(), evt.getID(),
evt.getActionCommand(), evt.getWhen(),
ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK) //reverse
void replace(EventObject evt = null) {
void comment(EventObject evt = null) {
def rootElement = inputArea.document.defaultRootElement
def cursorPos = inputArea.getCaretPosition()
int startRow = rootElement.getElementIndex(cursorPos)
int endRow = startRow
if (inputArea.getSelectedText()) {
def selectionStart = inputArea.getSelectionStart()
startRow = rootElement.getElementIndex(selectionStart)
def selectionEnd = inputArea.getSelectionEnd()
endRow = rootElement.getElementIndex(selectionEnd)
// If multiple commented lines intermix with uncommented lines, consider them uncommented
def allCommented = true
startRow.upto(endRow) { rowIndex ->
def rowElement = rootElement.getElement(rowIndex)
int startOffset = rowElement.getStartOffset()
int endOffset = rowElement.getEndOffset()
String rowText = inputArea.document.getText(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset)
if (rowText.trim().length() < 2 || !rowText.trim().substring(0, 2).equals("//")) {
allCommented = false
startRow.upto(endRow) { rowIndex ->
def rowElement = rootElement.getElement(rowIndex)
int startOffset = rowElement.getStartOffset()
int endOffset = rowElement.getEndOffset()
String rowText = inputArea.document.getText(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset)
if (allCommented) {
// Uncomment this line if it is already commented
int slashOffset = rowText.indexOf("//")
inputArea.document.remove(slashOffset + startOffset, 2)
} else {
// Add comment string in front of this line
inputArea.document.insertString(startOffset, "//", new SimpleAttributeSet())
void showMessage(String message) {
statusLabel.text = message
void showExecutingMessage() {
statusLabel.text = 'Script executing now. Please wait or use "Interrupt Script" option.'
void showCompilingMessage() {
statusLabel.text = 'Script compiling now. Please wait.'
// Shows the detached 'outputArea' dialog
void showOutputWindow(EventObject evt = null) {
if (detachedOutput) {
void hideOutputWindow(EventObject evt = null) {
if (detachedOutput) {
outputWindow.visible = false
void hideAndClearOutputWindow(EventObject evt = null) {
void smallerFont(EventObject evt = null){
updateFontSize(inputArea.font.size - 2)
void updateTitle() {
if (frame.properties.containsKey('title')) {
if (scriptFile != null) {
frame.title = scriptFile.name + (dirty?' * ':'') + ' - GroovyConsole'
} else {
frame.title = 'GroovyConsole'
private updateFontSize(newFontSize) {
if (newFontSize > 40) {
newFontSize = 40
} else if (newFontSize < 4) {
newFontSize = 4
prefs.putInt('fontSize', newFontSize)
// don't worry, the fonts won't be changed to this family, the styles will only derive from this
def newFont = new Font(inputEditor.defaultFamily, Font.PLAIN, newFontSize)
inputArea.font = newFont
outputArea.font = newFont
void invokeTextAction(evt, closure, area = inputArea) {
def source = evt.getSource()
if (source != null) {
void cut(EventObject evt = null) {
invokeTextAction(evt, { source -> source.cut() })
void copy(EventObject evt = null) {
invokeTextAction(evt, { source -> source.copy() }, copyFromComponent ?: inputArea)
void paste(EventObject evt = null) {
invokeTextAction(evt, { source -> source.paste() })
void selectAll(EventObject evt = null) {
invokeTextAction(evt, { source -> source.selectAll() })
void setRowNumAndColNum() {
cursorPos = inputArea.getCaretPosition()
rowNum = rootElement.getElementIndex(cursorPos) + 1
def rowElement = rootElement.getElement(rowNum - 1)
colNum = cursorPos - rowElement.getStartOffset() + 1
void print(EventObject evt = null) {
void undo(EventObject evt = null) {
void redo(EventObject evt = null) {
void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e) {
if (e.eventType == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) {
// URL of the form: file://myscript.groovy:32
String url = e.getURL()
int lineNumber = url[(url.lastIndexOf(':') + 1)..-1].toInteger()
def editor = inputEditor.textEditor
def text = editor.text
int newlineBefore = 0
int newlineAfter = 0
int currentLineNumber = 1
// let's find the previous and next newline surrounding the offending line
int i = 0
for (ch in text) {
if (ch == '\n') {
if (currentLineNumber == lineNumber) {
newlineBefore = i
def nextNewline = text.indexOf('\n', i + 1)
newlineAfter = nextNewline > -1 ? nextNewline : text.length()
// highlight / select the whole line
void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) { }
void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { }
void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
def component = e.getComponent()
if (component == outputArea || component == inputArea) {
def rect = component.getVisibleRect()
prefs.putInt("${component.name}Width", rect.getWidth().intValue())
prefs.putInt("${component.name}Height", rect.getHeight().intValue())
} else {
prefs.putInt("${component.name}Width", component.width)
prefs.putInt("${component.name}Height", component.height)
public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { }
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
// remember component with focus for text-copy functionality
if (e.component == outputArea || e.component == inputArea) {
copyFromComponent = e.component
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { }
class GroovyFileFilter extends FileFilter {
private static final GROOVY_SOURCE_EXTENSIONS = ['*.groovy', '*.gvy', '*.gy', '*.gsh', '*.story', '*.gpp', '*.grunit']
public boolean accept(File f) {
if (f.isDirectory()) {
return true
GROOVY_SOURCE_EXTENSIONS.find {it == getExtension(f)} ? true : false
public String getDescription() {
"Groovy Source Files ($GROOVY_SOURCE_EXT_DESC)"
static String getExtension(f) {
def ext = null;
def s = f.getName()
def i = s.lastIndexOf('.')
if (i > 0 && i < s.length() - 1) {
ext = s.substring(i).toLowerCase()
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