org.codehaus.groovy.tools.shell.Groovysh.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Groovy: A powerful, dynamic language for the JVM
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.codehaus.groovy.tools.shell
import antlr.TokenStreamException
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import jline.Terminal
import jline.WindowsTerminal
import jline.console.history.FileHistory
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationFailedException
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ErrorCollector
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.messages.Message
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StackTraceUtils
import org.codehaus.groovy.tools.shell.commands.LoadCommand
import org.codehaus.groovy.tools.shell.commands.RecordCommand
import org.codehaus.groovy.tools.shell.util.*
import org.codehaus.groovy.tools.shell.util.PackageHelper
import org.codehaus.groovy.tools.shell.util.ScriptVariableAnalyzer
import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiRenderer
import java.util.regex.Pattern
* An interactive shell for evaluating Groovy code from the command-line (aka. groovysh).
* The set of available commands can be modified by placing a file in the classpath named
* org/codehaus/groovy/tools/shell/commands.xml
* See {@link XmlCommandRegistrar}
* @author Jason Dillon
class Groovysh extends Shell {
private static final MessageSource messages = new MessageSource(Groovysh)
private static final Pattern TYPEDEF_PATTERN = ~'^\\s*((?:public|protected|private|static|abstract|final)\\s+)*(?:class|enum|interface).*'
private static final Pattern METHODDEF_PATTERN = ~'^\\s*((?:public|protected|private|static|abstract|final|synchronized)\\s+)*[a-zA-Z_.]+[a-zA-Z_.<>]+\\s+[a-zA-Z_]+\\(.*'
public static final String COLLECTED_BOUND_VARS_MAP_VARNAME = 'groovysh_collected_boundvars'
public static final String INTERPRETER_MODE_PREFERENCE_KEY = 'interpreterMode'
public static final String AUTOINDENT_PREFERENCE_KEY = 'autoindent'
public static final String COLORS_PREFERENCE_KEY = 'colors'
public static final String SANITIZE_PREFERENCE_KEY = 'sanitizeStackTrace'
public static final String SHOW_LAST_RESULT_PREFERENCE_KEY = 'showLastResult'
// after how many prefix characters we start displaying all metaclass methods
public static final String METACLASS_COMPLETION_PREFIX_LENGTH_PREFERENCE_KEY = 'meta-completion-prefix-length'
final BufferManager buffers = new BufferManager()
final Parser parser
final Interpreter interp
final List imports = []
int indentSize = 2
InteractiveShellRunner runner
FileHistory history
boolean historyFull // used as a workaround for GROOVY-2177
String evictedLine // remembers the command which will get evicted if history is full
PackageHelper packageHelper
Groovysh(final ClassLoader classLoader, final Binding binding, final IO io, final Closure registrar) {
assert classLoader
assert binding
assert registrar
parser = new Parser()
interp = new Interpreter(classLoader, binding)
this.packageHelper = new PackageHelperImpl(classLoader)
private static Closure createDefaultRegistrar(final ClassLoader classLoader) {
return {Groovysh shell ->
URL xmlCommandResource = getClass().getResource('commands.xml')
if (xmlCommandResource != null) {
def r = new XmlCommandRegistrar(shell, classLoader)
} else {
new DefaultCommandsRegistrar(shell).register()
Groovysh(final ClassLoader classLoader, final Binding binding, final IO io) {
this(classLoader, binding, io, createDefaultRegistrar(classLoader))
Groovysh(final Binding binding, final IO io) {
this(Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader, binding, io)
Groovysh(final IO io) {
this(new Binding(), io)
Groovysh() {
this(new IO())
// Execution
* Execute a single line, where the line may be a command or Groovy code (complete or incomplete).
Object execute(final String line) {
assert line != null
// Ignore empty lines
if (line.trim().size() == 0) {
return null
Object result
// First try normal command execution
if (isExecutable(line)) {
result = executeCommand(line)
// For commands, only set the last result when its non-null
if (result != null) {
return result
// Otherwise treat the line as Groovy
List current = new ArrayList(buffers.current())
// Append the line to the current buffer
current << line
String importsSpec = this.getImportStatements()
// Attempt to parse the current buffer
def status = parser.parse([importsSpec] + current)
switch (status.code) {
case ParseCode.COMPLETE:
log.debug('Evaluating buffer...')
if (io.verbose) {
if (!Boolean.valueOf(getPreference(INTERPRETER_MODE_PREFERENCE_KEY, 'false')) || isTypeOrMethodDeclaration(current)) {
// Evaluate the current buffer w/imports and dummy statement
List buff = [importsSpec] + [ 'true' ] + current
setLastResult(result = interp.evaluate(buff))
} else {
// Evaluate Buffer wrapped with code storing bounded vars
result = evaluateWithStoredBoundVars(current)
case ParseCode.INCOMPLETE:
// Save the current buffer so user can build up complex multi-line code blocks
case ParseCode.ERROR:
throw status.cause
// Should never happen
throw new Error("Invalid parse status: $status.code")
return result
* return true if the buffer can be recognized as a type declaration statement
* @param strings
* @return
static boolean isTypeOrMethodDeclaration(final List buffer) {
final String joined = buffer.join('')
return joined.matches(TYPEDEF_PATTERN) || joined.matches(METHODDEF_PATTERN)
* to simulate an interpreter mode, this method wraps the statements into a try/finally block that
* stores bound variables like unbound variables
private Object evaluateWithStoredBoundVars(final List current) {
Object result
String variableBlocks = ''
// To make groovysh behave more like an interpreter, we need to retrive all bound
// vars at the end of script execution, and then update them into the groovysh Binding context.
Set boundVars = ScriptVariableAnalyzer.getBoundVars(current.join(Parser.NEWLINE))
variableBlocks += "$COLLECTED_BOUND_VARS_MAP_VARNAME = new HashMap();"
if (boundVars) {
boundVars.each({ String varname ->
// bound vars can be in global or some local scope.
// We discard locally scoped vars by ignoring MissingPropertyException
variableBlocks += """
try {$COLLECTED_BOUND_VARS_MAP_VARNAME[\"$varname\"] = $varname;
} catch (MissingPropertyException e){}"""
// Evaluate the current buffer w/imports and dummy statement
List buff = imports + ['try {', 'true'] + current + ['} finally {' + variableBlocks + '}']
setLastResult(result = interp.evaluate(buff))
Map boundVarValues = interp.context.getVariable(COLLECTED_BOUND_VARS_MAP_VARNAME)
boundVarValues.each({ String name, Object value -> interp.context.setVariable(name, value) })
return result
protected Object executeCommand(final String line) {
return super.execute(line)
* Display the given buffer.
void displayBuffer(final List buffer) {
assert buffer
buffer.eachWithIndex { line, index ->
def lineNum = formatLineNumber(index)
io.out.println(" ${lineNum}@|bold >|@ $line")
String getImportStatements() {
return this.imports.collect({String it -> "import $it;"}).join('')
// Prompt
private final AnsiRenderer prompt = new AnsiRenderer()
Builds the command prompt name in 1 of 3 ways:
1. Checks the groovysh.prompt property passed into groovysh script. -Dgroovysh.prompt="hello"
2. Checks an environment variable called GROOVYSH_PROMPT. export GROOVYSH_PROMPT
3. If no value is defined returns the default groovy shell prompt.
The code will always assume you want the line number in the prompt. To implement differently overhead the render
prompt variable.
private String buildPrompt() {
def lineNum = formatLineNumber(buffers.current().size())
def groovyshellProperty = System.getProperty('groovysh.prompt')
if (groovyshellProperty) {
return "@|bold ${groovyshellProperty}:|@${lineNum}@|bold >|@ "
def groovyshellEnv = System.getenv('GROOVYSH_PROMPT')
if (groovyshellEnv) {
return "@|bold ${groovyshellEnv}:|@${lineNum}@|bold >|@ "
return "@|bold groovy:|@${lineNum}@|bold >|@ "
* Calculate probably desired indentation based on parenthesis balance and last char,
* as well as what the user used last as indentation.
* @return a string to indent the next line in the buffer
String getIndentPrefix() {
List buffer = this.buffers.current()
if (buffer.size() < 1) {
return ''
StringBuilder src = new StringBuilder()
for (String line: buffer) {
src.append(line + '\n')
// not sure whether the same Lexer instance could be reused.
def lexer = CurlyCountingGroovyLexer.createGroovyLexer(src.toString())
// read all tokens
try {
while (lexer.nextToken().getType() != CurlyCountingGroovyLexer.EOF) {}
} catch (TokenStreamException e) {
// pass
int parenIndent = (lexer.getParenLevel()) * indentSize
// dedent after closing brackets
return ' ' * Math.max(parenIndent, 0)
public String renderPrompt() {
return prompt.render( buildPrompt() )
* Format the given number suitable for rendering as a line number column.
protected String formatLineNumber(final int num) {
assert num >= 0
// Make a %03d-like string for the line number
return num.toString().padLeft(3, '0')
// User Profile Scripts
File getUserStateDirectory() {
def userHome = new File(System.getProperty('user.home'))
def dir = new File(userHome, '.groovy')
return dir.canonicalFile
* Loads file from within user groovy state directory
* @param filename
protected void loadUserScript(final String filename) {
assert filename
File file = new File(getUserStateDirectory(), filename)
if (file.exists()) {
Command command = registry[LoadCommand.COMMAND_NAME] as Command
if (command) {
log.debug("Loading user-script: $file")
// Disable the result hook for profile scripts
def previousHook = resultHook
resultHook = { result -> /* nothing */}
try {
finally {
// Restore the result hook
resultHook = previousHook
} else {
log.error("Unable to load user-script, missing '$LoadCommand.COMMAND_NAME' command")
// Recording
protected void maybeRecordInput(final String line) {
RecordCommand record = registry[RecordCommand.COMMAND_NAME]
if (record != null) {
protected void maybeRecordResult(final Object result) {
RecordCommand record = registry[RecordCommand.COMMAND_NAME]
if (record != null) {
protected void maybeRecordError(Throwable cause) {
RecordCommand record = registry[RecordCommand.COMMAND_NAME]
if (record != null) {
if (getPreference(SANITIZE_PREFERENCE_KEY, 'false')) {
cause = StackTraceUtils.deepSanitize(cause)
// Hooks
final Closure defaultResultHook = {Object result ->
boolean showLastResult = !io.quiet && (io.verbose || getPreference(SHOW_LAST_RESULT_PREFERENCE_KEY, 'false'))
if (showLastResult) {
// avoid String.valueOf here because it bypasses pretty-printing of Collections,
// e.g. String.valueOf( ['a': 42] ) != ['a': 42].toString()
io.out.println("@|bold ===>|@ ${InvokerHelper.toString(result)}")
Closure resultHook = defaultResultHook
private void setLastResult(final Object result) {
if (resultHook == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException('Result hook is not set')
interp.context['_'] = result
final Closure defaultErrorHook = { Throwable cause ->
assert cause != null
if (log.debug || ! (cause instanceof CompilationFailedException)) {
// For CompilationErrors, the Exception Class is usually not useful to the user
io.err.println("@|bold,red ERROR|@ ${cause.getClass().name}:")
if (cause instanceof MultipleCompilationErrorsException) {
StringWriter data = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(data);
ErrorCollector collector = ((MultipleCompilationErrorsException) cause).getErrorCollector()
Iterator msgIterator = collector.getErrors().iterator()
while (msgIterator.hasNext()) {
Message errorMsg = msgIterator.next()
if (msgIterator.hasNext()) {
io.err.println("@|bold,red ${data.toString()}|@")
} else {
io.err.println("@|bold,red ${cause.message}|@")
if (log.debug) {
// If we have debug enabled then skip the fancy bits below
else {
boolean sanitize = getPreference(SANITIZE_PREFERENCE_KEY, 'false')
// Sanitize the stack trace unless we are in verbose mode, or the user has request otherwise
if (!io.verbose && sanitize) {
cause = StackTraceUtils.deepSanitize(cause)
def trace = cause.stackTrace
def buff = new StringBuffer()
boolean doBreak = false
for (e in trace) {
// Stop the trace once we find the root of the evaluated script
if (e.className == Interpreter.SCRIPT_FILENAME && e.methodName == 'run') {
if (io.verbosity != IO.Verbosity.DEBUG && io.verbosity != IO.Verbosity.VERBOSE) {
doBreak = true
buff << " @|bold at|@ ${e.className}.${e.methodName} (@|bold "
buff << (e.nativeMethod ? 'Native Method' :
(e.fileName != null && e.lineNumber != -1 ? "${e.fileName}:${e.lineNumber}" :
(e.fileName != null ? e.fileName : 'Unknown Source')))
buff << '|@)'
buff.setLength(0) // Reset the buffer
if (doBreak) {
io.err.println(' @|bold ...|@')
// protected for mocking in tests
protected String getPreference(final String key, final String theDefault) {
return Preferences.get(key, theDefault)
Closure errorHook = defaultErrorHook
private void displayError(final Throwable cause) {
if (errorHook == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException('Error hook is not set')
if (cause instanceof MissingPropertyException) {
if (cause.type && cause.type.canonicalName == Interpreter.SCRIPT_FILENAME) {
io.err.println("@|bold,red Unknown property|@: " + cause.property)
* Run Interactive Shell with optional initial script and files to load
int run(final String evalString, final List filenames) {
List startCommands = []
if (evalString != null && evalString.trim().size() > 0) {
if (filenames != null && filenames.size() > 0) {
startCommands.addAll(filenames.collect({String it -> "${LoadCommand.COMMAND_NAME} $it"}))
return run(startCommands.join('\n'))
* Run Interactive Shell with initial command
int run(final String commandLine) {
def code
try {
// Setup the interactive runner
runner = new InteractiveShellRunner(
this.&renderPrompt as Closure)
// if args were passed in, just execute as a command
// (but cygwin gives an empty string, so ignore that)
if (commandLine != null && commandLine.trim().size() > 0) {
runner.wrappedInputStream.insert(commandLine + '\n')
// Setup the history
File histFile = new File(userStateDirectory, 'groovysh.history')
history = new FileHistory(histFile)
// Setup the error handler
runner.errorHandler = this.&displayError
// And let 'er rip... :-)
code = 0
} catch (ExitNotification n) {
log.debug("Exiting w/code: ${n.code}")
code = n.code
catch (Throwable t) {
io.err.println(messages.format('info.fatal', t))
code = 1
assert code != null // This should never happen
return code
* maybe displays log information and a welcome message
* @param term
public void displayWelcomeBanner(InteractiveShellRunner runner) {
if (!log.debug && io.quiet) {
// nothing to do here
Terminal term = runner.reader.terminal
if (log.debug) {
log.debug("Terminal ($term)")
log.debug(" Supported: $term.supported")
log.debug(" ECHO: (enabled: $term.echoEnabled)")
log.debug(" H x W: ${term.getHeight()} x ${term.getWidth()}")
log.debug(" ANSI: ${term.isAnsiSupported()}")
if (term instanceof WindowsTerminal) {
WindowsTerminal winterm = (WindowsTerminal) term
log.debug(" Direct: ${winterm.directConsole}")
// Display the welcome banner
if (!io.quiet) {
int width = term.getWidth()
// If we can't tell, or have something bogus then use a reasonable default
if (width < 1) {
width = 80
io.out.println(messages.format('startup_banner.0', GroovySystem.version, System.properties['java.version']))
io.out.println('-' * (width - 1))
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