groovy.jmx.builder.JmxMetaMapBuilder.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2008 the original author or authors.
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package groovy.jmx.builder
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor
import javax.management.ObjectName
* The JmxMetaMapBuilder class is used to collect meta data passed in JmxBuilder nodes. Once collected,
* the data is then normalized to be represented uniformly regardless of the resource where it was obtained.
* @author Vladimir Vivien
class JmxMetaMapBuilder {
private static def ATTRIB_EXCEPTION_LIST = ["class", "descriptor", "jmx", "metaClass"]
private static def OPS_EXCEPTION_LIST = [
"getClass", "getProperty",
"notify", "notifyAll",
* Builds a complete meta map graph for the specified object using default values.
* All generated attributes are set to read-only.
* @param object used to build meta data graph
* @return fully-realized meta map of the object
* @see #buildAttributeMapFrom(Object)
* @see #buildConstructorMapFrom(Object)
* @see #buildOperationMapFrom(Object)
public static Map buildObjectMapFrom(def object) {
if (!object) {
throw new JmxBuilderException("Unable to create MBean, missing target object.")
def map
// 1. look for embedded descriptor,
// 2. if none is found, build default
def metaProp = object.metaClass.getMetaProperty("descriptor") ?: object.metaClass.getMetaProperty("jmx")
if (metaProp){
def descriptor = object.metaClass.getProperty(object.getClass(), metaProp?.name)
// if only the jmx name is provided fill in the rest.
if(descriptor.size() == 1 && descriptor.name){
map =[
target: object,
name: object.getClass().name,
jmxName: getObjectName(descriptor),
displayName: "JMX Managed Object ${object.class.canonicalName}".toString(),
attributes: buildAttributeMapFrom(object),
constructors: buildConstructorMapFrom(object),
operations: buildOperationMapFrom(object)
// else, build description from descriptor
map = [
target: object,
name: object.getClass().name,
displayName: descriptor.desc ?: descriptor.desc,
attributes: buildAttributeMapFrom(object,descriptor.attributes ?: descriptor.attribs),
constructors: buildConstructorMapFrom(object, descriptor.constructors ?: descriptor.ctors),
operations: buildOperationMapFrom(object, descriptor.operations ?: descriptor.ops),
mbeanServer:descriptor.server ?: descriptor.mbeanServer
// validate object Name
map.jmxName = getObjectName(descriptor) ?:
// build meta map with default info if no descriptor is provided.
map = [
target: object,
name: object.getClass().name,
jmxName : JmxBeanInfoManager.buildDefaultObjectName(
displayName: "JMX Managed Object ${object.class.canonicalName}".toString(),
attributes: buildAttributeMapFrom(object),
constructors: buildConstructorMapFrom(object),
operations: buildOperationMapFrom(object)
return map
* Builds a complete meta map graph for a given target and descriptor.
* @param object used to build meta data graph
* @param descriptor a full descriptor map describing object attributes and ops.
* @return fully-realized meta map of the object
* @see #buildAttributeMapFrom(Object, Map)
* @see #buildConstructorMapFrom(Object, Map)
* @see #buildOperationMapFrom(Object, Map)
public static Map buildObjectMapFrom(def object, def descriptor) {
if (!object) {
throw new JmxBuilderException("Unable to create MBean, missing target object.")
def map
// if only the name & target is specified, fill in rest with defaults
if(descriptor.size() == 2 && (descriptor.name && descriptor.target)){
map =[
target: object,
jmxName: getObjectName(descriptor),
name: object.getClass().name,
displayName: "JMX Managed Object ${object.class.canonicalName}".toString(),
attributes: buildAttributeMapFrom(object),
constructors: buildConstructorMapFrom(object),
operations: buildOperationMapFrom(object)
// assume all needed info is there
map = [
target: object,
name: object.getClass().name,
displayName: descriptor.desc ?: descriptor.desc,
attributes: buildAttributeMapFrom(object,descriptor.attributes ?: descriptor.attribs),
constructors: buildConstructorMapFrom(object, descriptor.constructors ?: descriptor.ctors),
operations: buildOperationMapFrom(object, descriptor.operations ?: descriptor.ops),
mbeanServer:descriptor.server ?: descriptor.mbeanServer
map.jmxName = getObjectName(descriptor) ?:
JmxBuilderTools.DEFAULT_DOMAIN ,
private static ObjectName getObjectName(def map) {
if (!map) return null
def jmxName
if (map.name instanceof String) {
jmxName = new ObjectName(map.name)
} else if (map.name instanceof ObjectName) {
jmxName = map.name
/** *
* Builds attribute meta map with default information from an instance of an object.
* @param the object from which attribute info will be retrieved
* @return the meta map for the attribute
public static Map buildAttributeMapFrom(def object) {
def properties = object.metaClass.getProperties()
def attribs = [:]
properties.each {MetaProperty prop ->
if (!ATTRIB_EXCEPTION_LIST.contains(prop.name)) {
def attrib = [:]
def getterPrefix = (prop.type.name == "java.lang.Boolean" || prop.type.name == "boolean") ? "is" : "get"
def name = JmxBuilderTools.capitalize(prop.name)
attrib.name = name
attrib.displayName = "Property ${prop.name}".toString()
attrib.readable = true
attrib.getMethod = getterPrefix + name
attrib.writable = false
attrib.type = prop.type.name
attrib.property = prop
attribs.put(name, attrib)
return attribs
/** *
* Sanitizes and builds an attribute meta map from a descriptor collection.
* The collection can either be a map of the form [attribName:[descriptor...],...]
* or [attribName1,...attribNameN].
* The code guests sensible defaults when values are not provided
* @param the object about which meta data is collected
* @param descriptor collection: either a map or a list
* @return a Map of meta information about the object.
public static Map buildAttributeMapFrom(def object, def descCollection) {
def map = [:]
// attribs:"*"
if (descCollection instanceof String && descCollection.equals("*")) {
map = buildAttributeMapFrom(object)
// attribs:["attrName1",attrName2",...,"attrNameN"]
if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof List) {
descCollection.each {attrib ->
MetaProperty prop = object.metaClass.getMetaProperty(JmxBuilderTools.uncapitalize(attrib))
if (prop) {
map.put(JmxBuilderTools.capitalize(attrib), createAttributeMap(prop, attrib, "*"))
//attribs:[desc:..., readable:..., writable:...]
if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof Map) {
descCollection.each {attrib, attrDescriptor ->
MetaProperty prop = object.metaClass.getMetaProperty(JmxBuilderTools.uncapitalize(attrib))
if (prop) {
map.put(JmxBuilderTools.capitalize(attrib), createAttributeMap(prop, attrib, attrDescriptor))
return map
* Builds a fully-nornalized meta map for a given POJO property and its associated descriptor.
* The method fills in defaults where possible and creates listeners for onChange attribute events.
* @param prop - property to build meta map for.
* @param attribName - the descriptive name of attribute.
* @param descriptor - the descriptor collected from JmxBuilder.bean() node.
* @return - a well-formed meta map.
private static Map createAttributeMap(prop, attribName, descriptor) {
def desc = (descriptor instanceof Map) ? descriptor : [:]
def map = [:]
def name = JmxBuilderTools.capitalize(attribName)
def getterPrefix = (prop.type.name == "java.lang.Boolean" || prop.type.name == "boolean") ? "is" : "get"
map.name = name
map.displayName = desc.desc ?: desc.description ?: "Property ${name}".toString()
map.type = prop.type.name
map.readable = (desc.readable != null) ? desc.readable : true
if (map.readable){
map.getMethod = getterPrefix + name
map.writable = (desc.writable != null) ? desc.writable : false
if (map.writable){
map.setMethod = "set" + name
map.defaultValue = desc.defaultValue ?: desc.default
map.property = prop
// attrib change listener setup
def listener = desc.onChange ?: desc.onChanged
if (listener) {
map.methodListener = [:]
map.methodListener.callback = listener
map.methodListener.target = "set" + name
map.methodListener.type = "attributeChangeListener"
map.methodListener.attribute = name
return map
// ******************* CONSTRUCTORS ********************** */
* Returns a meta map of constructors from given object.
* @param object to profile
* @return The meta map generated.
public static Map buildConstructorMapFrom(def object) {
def methods = object.getClass().getDeclaredConstructors()
def ctors = [:]
def cntr = 0
for (Constructor ctor in methods) {
def map = [:]
map.name = ctor.name
map.displayName = "Constructor for class ${object.getClass().getName()}".toString()
map.role = "constructor"
map.constructor = ctor
map.put("params", buildParameterMapFrom(ctor))
ctors.put(ctor.name[ctor.name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1..-1] + "@" + cntr++, map)
return ctors
* Builds a fully normalized constructor meta map.
* @param the object where constructor is defined.
* @param the meta map that will be normalized
* @return a normalized meta map for the constructor
public static Map buildConstructorMapFrom(def object, def descCollection) {
def map = [:]
// ctors:"*"
if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof String && descCollection.equals("*")) {
map = buildConstructorMapFrom(object)
// ctor:[ctorName:...]
if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof Map) {
descCollection.each {ctorKey, descriptor ->
def params
// ctorName:[]
if (descriptor && (descriptor instanceof List && descriptor.size() == 0)) {
params = null // represnts a ctor with no params
// ctorName:["paramType1","paramType2"..."paramTypeN"]
if (descriptor && (descriptor instanceof List && descriptor.size() > 0)) {
params = []
descriptor.each {param ->
params << JmxBuilderTools.TYPE_MAP[JmxBuilderTools.getNormalizedType(param)]
// ctorName:[desc:"...", params:[paramName1:"*", paramName2:[name:"...",desc:"..."]]
if (descriptor && descriptor instanceof Map) {
def paramTypes = []
if (descriptor.params && descriptor.params instanceof Map) {
paramTypes = descriptor.params.keySet().toList()
} else if (descriptor.params && descriptor.params instanceof List) {
paramTypes = descriptor.params
params = []
paramTypes.each {p ->
params << JmxBuilderTools.TYPE_MAP[JmxBuilderTools.getNormalizedType(p)]
// find matching constructors
Constructor ctor = object.class.getDeclaredConstructor((params != null) ? (Class[]) params : null)
map.put(ctorKey, createConstructorMap(ctor, descriptor))
return map
* Builds a fully-normalized constructor meta map for the specified constructor. The method provides
* defaults where necessary and uses the descriptor to fill in the collected data from JmxBuilder.bean() node..
* @param ctor - the Constructor instance being described.
* @param descriptor - descriptor meta data collected from JmxBulider.bean() node.
* @return a fully-normalized meta map of the constructor.
private static Map createConstructorMap(ctor, descriptor) {
def desc = (descriptor && descriptor instanceof Map) ? descriptor : [:]
def map = [:]
map.name = ctor.name
map.displayName = desc.description ?: desc.desc ?: "Class constructor"
map.role = "constructor"
map.constructor = ctor
if (desc.params)
map.put("params", buildParameterMapFrom(ctor, desc.params))
map.put("params", buildParameterMapFrom(ctor))
return map
/* **************************************
* **************************************/
* Returns a meta map of operations from given object.
* @param object to profile
* @return The meta map generated.
public static Map buildOperationMapFrom(def object) {
def methods = object.metaClass.getMethods()
def ops = [:]
def declaredMethods = object.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()*.name
methods.each {method ->
// avoid picking up extra methods from parents
if ((declaredMethods.contains(method.name) && !OPS_EXCEPTION_LIST.contains(method.name)) || (!OPS_EXCEPTION_LIST.contains(method.name))) {
String mName = method.name
MetaProperty prop = (mName.startsWith("get") || mName.startsWith("set")) ?
object.metaClass.getMetaProperty(JmxBuilderTools.uncapitalize(mName[3..-1])) : null
// skip exporting getters/setters to avoid dbl exposure. They are exported differently.
if (!prop) {
def map = [:]
map.name = mName
map.displayName = "Method ${method.name} for class ${object.getClass().getName()}".toString()
map.role = "operation"
map.method = method
map.put("params", buildParameterMapFrom(method))
ops.put(mName, map)
return ops
public static Map buildOperationMapFrom(object, descCollection) {
def map = [:]
// operations:"*"
if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof String && descCollection.equals("*")) {
map = buildOperationMapFrom(object)
// operations:["opName1","opName2",..., "opNameN"]
if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof List) {
descCollection.each {opName ->
// find the first method that matches the name
def method
for (m in object.metaClass.getMethods()) {
if (m.name.equals(opName)) {
method = m
if (method) {
map.put(opName, createOperationMap(object, method, "*"))
// operations:[foo1:[:], foo2[:], foo3:[:]...]
if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof Map) {
descCollection.each {opName, descriptor ->
def params
def method
// opName:"*"
if (descriptor && (descriptor instanceof String && descriptor.equals("*"))) {
method = object.metaClass.respondsTo(object, opName)[0] // grab the first method that matches
} else {
// foo:["int",...,"bool"]
if (descriptor && descriptor instanceof List) {
params = descriptor
// foo:[:]
if (descriptor && descriptor instanceof Map) {
// foo:[params:["paramTypeName0":[name:"",desc:""], paramTypeNameN[:]]]
if (descriptor.params && descriptor.params instanceof Map) {
params = descriptor?.params.keySet().toList()
// foo:[params:["paramTypeName0",...,"paramTypeNameN"]]
if (descriptor.params && descriptor.params instanceof List) {
params = descriptor.params
// gather clas array Class[]
if (params) {
def paramTypes = []
params?.each {key ->
paramTypes << JmxBuilderTools.TYPE_MAP[JmxBuilderTools.getNormalizedType(key)]
params = paramTypes ?: null
def signature = (params != null) ? (Object[]) params : null
def methods = object.metaClass.respondsTo (object, opName, signature)
method = methods[0] ?: null
if (method) {
map.put(opName, createOperationMap(object,method, descriptor))
return map
* Creates a fully-normalized meta map for a given method (or operation). The method uses the descriptor
* to create a map object of the meta data provided with defaults where necessary.
* @param method - the method being described
* @param descriptor - the meta data collected from JmxBuilder.bean()
* @return fully-normalized meta map
private static Map createOperationMap(object, method, descriptor) {
def desc = (descriptor && descriptor instanceof Map) ? descriptor : [:]
def map = [:]
map.name = method.name
map.displayName = desc.description ?: desc.desc ?: "Method ${method.name} for class ${object.getClass().getName()}".toString()
map.role = "operation"
map.method = method
if (desc.size() > 0 && desc.params){
map.put("params", buildParameterMapFrom(method, desc.params))
map.put("params", buildParameterMapFrom(method))
// operation invoke listener setup
def listener = desc.onInvoke ?: desc.onInvoked ?: desc.onCall ?: desc.onCalled
if (listener) {
map.methodListener = [:]
map.methodListener.callback = listener
map.methodListener.target = method.name
map.methodListener.type = "operationCallListener"
return map
/* **************************************
* **************************************/
/** *
* Builds a normalized parameter meta map for all params on provided method.
* @param the method with parameters to normalized
* @return the normalized map
public static Map buildParameterMapFrom(def method) {
def map = [:]
if (!method) return map
def params = method.getParameterTypes()
if (params) {
params.each {def param ->
map.put(param.name, createParameterMap(method, param, "*"))
return map
/** *
* Builds a fully normalized parameter meta map for the method and the given meta map.
* @param the method from which to extract normalized info.
* @param a given meta map which will be normalized
* @return the normalized map
public static Map buildParameterMapFrom(method, descCollection) {
def map = [:]
if (!method) return map
if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof Map) {
descCollection.each {param, paramMap ->
def type = getParamTypeByName(method, JmxBuilderTools.getNormalizedType(param))
if (type) {
map.put(type.name, createParameterMap(method, type, paramMap))
} else if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof List) {
descCollection.each {param ->
def type = getParamTypeByName(method, JmxBuilderTools.getNormalizedType(param))
if (type) {
map.put(type.name, createParameterMap(method, type, "*"))
return map
/** *
* Creates a fully-normalized meta map for a given parmater type on a give method.
* The descriptor represents data collected from JmxBuilder.bean() node.
* @param method - method with parameter being described
* @param type - type of parameter being described
* @param descriptor - descriptor from JmxBuilder.bean() node.
* @return - a fully-realized meta map.
private static Map createParameterMap(method, type, descriptor) {
def desc = (descriptor instanceof Map) ? descriptor : [:]
def map = [:]
map.name = desc.name ?: type.name
map.displayName = desc.description ?: desc.desc ?: "Parameter ${type.name} for ${method.name}".toString()
map.type = type
map.method = method
return map
private static def getParamTypeByName(method, typeName) {
for (type in method.getParameterTypes()) {
if (type.name.equals(typeName))
return type
return null
/* **************************************
* **************************************/
* Creates a fully-normalized meta map for agiven collection of listeners.
* @param - collection of descriptors to normalize
* @see JmxMetaMapBuilder#createListenerMap(Object)
public static buildListenerMapFrom(descCollection) {
def map = [:]
if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof Map) {
descCollection.each {name, listenerMap ->
map.put(name, createListenerMap(listenerMap))
return map
* Builds normalized meta map of the provided listener descriptor.
* @param descriptor - descriptive data collected from JmxBuilder listener nodes.
* @return - fully normalized meta map of listener data.
public static Map createListenerMap(descriptor) {
def map = [:]
map.type = "eventListener"
map.event = descriptor.event
map.from = descriptor.from ?: descriptor.source ?: descriptor.broadcaster
if (!map.from) {
throw new JmxBuilderException("Missing event source: specify source ObjectName (i.e. from:'...').")
try {
map.from = (map.from instanceof String) ? new ObjectName(map.from) : map.from
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JmxBuilderException(e)
map.callback = descriptor.call
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