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* $Id:$
* IzPack - Copyright 2001-2008 Julien Ponge, All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright 2006 Elmar Grom
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.izforge.izpack.util;
import com.izforge.izpack.installer.AutomatedInstallData;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.DateFormatSymbols;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
* This class handles informing the user about unusual events during the installation process and
* therefore about the possibility that the installation may not have succeeded at all or may have
* succeeded only partially. Because the logger represents a single resource it is implemented as
* singleton.
* To add a message to the install log call one of the addMessage() methods, using
* the appropriate message index. If the message contains placeholders for variables, provide a
* String array that supplies the necessary variable text. Calling
* addMessage() will add an informative message to the log. These may be used to
* indicate actions taken by the installer throughout the progression of the install. Calling
* addWarning() will not only add the requested warning message to the log but also
* cause the user to be alerted about the fact that the install might not have succeeded completely.
* addError() goes one step further, by alerting the user that the installation has
* failed.
Adding Messages
* Messages are divided into three categories:
informative/general messages
warning messages
error messages
* To add a message, define the text resource in the language packs. Then add a new constant for the
* message, along with a brief description of the purpose of the message. If the message contains
* place holders for variable text add an ordered list to the description, that lists all variables
* in proper order, so that other programmers have no difficulty to form a correct call for the
* message. The constants are defined in the individual interfaces LogMessage,
* LogWarning and LogError.
* To derive a correct integer value for the message index add a new value to either
* depending on the message category. Next, increment the MAX_ constant for the message category, to
* ensure that the add... methods actually allow the message to be added. The key for the text
* resource must be named either log.message_, log.warning_ or
* log.error_ in accordance with the chosen index base. In addition, the key must be
* appended by the message index (without the base, since this implementation will automatically
* subtract the base). Variable place holders must conform to the specification for
* java.text.MessageFormat.
Debug Messages
* The output of debug messages is controlled through system properties. These properties may be set
* using the -D command line option. Please note, that the -D option is a command line switch for
* the VM, not for IzPack. In order for this to work, these options must be listed on the command
* line before IzPack!
Turning Debug On
* In order to receive debug output, it is necessary to turn this feature on explicitely. This is
* done with the command line otprion:
* -DIzPack.debug=on
Selecting Debug Channels
* Setting the list of specific debug channels to trace is accomplished with the following command
* line option:
* The parameter is a comma separated list of one or more channel identifiers.
Dumping a List of Debug Channels
* -DIzPack.debug.dumpList=on
* To turn debug messages on
* @author Elmar Grom
* @version 0.0.1 / 11/20/06
public class Log implements LogError, LogWarning, LogMessage
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constant Definitions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The prefix for all text resources related to this class
private static final String RESOURCE_PREFIX = "log.";
* The formatting used for the report time stamp
private static final String DATE_FORMAT = RESOURCE_PREFIX + "timeStamp";
* The prefix for building message keys
private static final String MESSAGE_PREFIX = RESOURCE_PREFIX + "message_";
* The prefix for building warning message keys
private static final String WARNING_PREFIX = RESOURCE_PREFIX + "warning_";
* The prefix for building error message keys
private static final String ERROR_PREFIX = RESOURCE_PREFIX + "error_";
* System property to turn debug output on
private static final String DEBUG_SWITCH = "IzPack.debug";
* System property to set the debug channels to trace
private static final String CHANNEL_SPEC = "";
* System property to enable dumping of the list of debug channels that did record messages
private static final String CHANNEL_LIST = "IzPack.debug.dumpList";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Variable Declarations
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The only instance of Messenger
private static Log me = null;
* The system dependent newline character sequence
private String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");
* Access to the installation information and the localized text resources
private AutomatedInstallData installData = null;
* The collection of installation messages
private ArrayList messages = new ArrayList();
* The collection of warning messages
private ArrayList warnings = new ArrayList();
* The collection of error messages
private ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
* The collection of debug messages
private ArrayList debug = new ArrayList();
* The list of channels requested for debug output. A Vector must be used for
* this purpose, since this is the only class that explicitly specifies that the
* equals() method is used for determining if a particular object is contained.
private Vector channels = null;
* This map keeps track of all channels that are recorded. It is used for information purposes.
private Hashtable recordedChannels = null;
* This flag signals if debug messages should be recorded
private boolean debugActive = false;
* This flag signals that the identifiers of the recorded debug channels should be dumped
private boolean dumpChannels = false;
* This class is installed as singleton. Therefore the constructor is declared private. Use
* getInstance() to get an instance.
private Log()
// ----------------------------------------------------
// gain access to the install data
// ----------------------------------------------------
installData = AutomatedInstallData.getInstance();
// ----------------------------------------------------
// get the debug setting
// ----------------------------------------------------
String temp = System.getProperty(DEBUG_SWITCH);
if ((temp != null) && (temp.toUpperCase().equals("ON")))
debugActive = true;
if (debugActive)
// ----------------------------------------------------
// get the list of debug channels requested
// ----------------------------------------------------
recordedChannels = new Hashtable();
channels = new Vector();
temp = System.getProperty(CHANNEL_LIST);
if ((temp != null) && (temp.toUpperCase().equals("ON")))
dumpChannels = true;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// get the list of debug channels requested
// ----------------------------------------------------
temp = System.getProperty(CHANNEL_SPEC);
if (temp != null)
String[] channelList = temp.split(",");
* Returns the only instance of Log
* @return the only instance of Log
public static Log getInstance()
if (me == null)
me = new Log();
return (me);
* This method records general installation message
* @param message the numeric identifier of the message to add, as defined in
* {@link com.izforge.izpack.util.LogMessage LogMessage}
* @param detail a string array of variable fields that should be inserted into the message text
public void addMessage(int message, String[] detail)
if ((message >= LogMessage.MESSAGE_BASE) && (message < LogMessage.MAX_MESSAGE))
messages.add(new Record(message, detail));
* This method records a general installation message, using a custom text template. It allows
* cusom code to insert message text that is not defined in IzPack. IzPack internal code should
* use the parallel version based on the message index.
* @param template the basic template of the message
* @param detail a string array of variable fields that should be inserted into the message
* text. Each array element will be inserted into the text template, replacing a marker.
* @see java.text.MessageFormat#format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[])
public void addCustomMessage(String template, String[] detail)
messages.add(new Record(template, detail));
* This method records a warning message to the list of messages
* @param message the numeric identifier of the message to add, as defined in
* {@link com.izforge.izpack.util.LogWarning LogWarning}
* @param detail a string array of variable fields that should be inserted into the message
* text. Each array element will be inserted into the text template, replacing a marker.
* @param exception the exception associated with the event or null if there was
* none.
* @see java.text.MessageFormat#format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[])
public void addWarning(int message, String[] detail, Throwable exception)
if ((message >= LogWarning.WARNING_BASE) && (message < LogWarning.MAX_WARNING))
warnings.add(new Record(message, detail, exception));
* This method records a warning message, using a custom text template. It allows cusom code to
* insert message text that is not defined in IzPack. IzPack internal code should use the
* parallel version based on the message index.
* @param template the basic template for the message
* @param detail a string array of variable fields that should be inserted into the message
* text. Each array element will be inserted into the text template, replacing a marker.
* @param exception the exception associated with the event or null if there was
* none.
* @see java.text.MessageFormat#format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[])
public void addCustomWarning(String template, String[] detail, Throwable exception)
warnings.add(new Record(template, detail, exception));
* This method records an error message to the list of messages
* @param message the numeric identifier of the message to add, as defined in
* {@link com.izforge.izpack.util.LogError LogError}
* @param detail a string array of variable fields that should be inserted into the message
* text. Each array element will be inserted into the text template, replacing a marker.
* @param exception the exception associated with the event or null if there was
* none.
* @see java.text.MessageFormat#format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[])
public void addError(int message, String[] detail, Throwable exception)
if ((message >= LogError.ERROR_BASE) && (message < LogError.MAX_ERROR))
errors.add(new Record(message, detail, exception));
installData.installSuccess = false;
* This method records an error message, using a custom text template. It allows cusom code to
* insert message text that is not defined in IzPack. IzPack internal code should use the
* parallel version based on the message index.
* @param template the basic template for the message
* @param detail a string array of variable fields that should be inserted into the message
* text. Each array element will be inserted into the text template, replacing a marker.
* @param exception the exception associated with the event or null if there was
* none.
* @see java.text.MessageFormat#format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[])
public void addCustomError(String template, String[] detail, Throwable exception)
errors.add(new Record(template, detail, exception));
* This method provides a channel for debugging messages in IzPack development. Note that debug
* messages are used solely for this purpose. Adding debug messages does not trigger user
* notification. If the user should be notified about a specific situation, please also call the
* appropriate (message, warning, error) method. Debug messages are not localized, please use
* English only.
* In order to prevent flooding developers with messages that are generally of no interest, each
* message may be associated with a specific channel. A message is associated with a channel
* simply by providing a channel identifier as call parameter. There is no need for registering
* channels beforehand. If null or an empty string is used as channel identifier
* the message will be output, regardless of the channel filter applied. Please use this option
* sparingly, just for really impotant messages of general interest.
* To receive output for select channels, start IzPack with the command line option
*, followed by a comma separated list of channel identifiers.
* @param template the basic template for the message
* @param detail a string array of variable fields that should be inserted into the message
* text. Each array element will be inserted into the text template, replacing a marker.
* @param channel the debug channel the message is associated with.
* @param exception the exception associated with the event or null if there was
* none.
public void addDebugMessage(String template, String[] detail, String channel,
Throwable exception)
if (debugActive)
recordedChannels.put(channel, channel);
if ((channel == null) || (channel.length() == 0) || channels.contains(channel))
Record record = new Record(template, detail, exception, channel);
* Reports if any messages have been recorded.
* @return true if any messages have been recorded
public boolean messagesRecorded()
return (!messages.isEmpty());
* Reports if any warnings have been recorded.
* @return true if any warnings have been recorded
public boolean warningsRecorded()
return (!warnings.isEmpty());
* Reports if any errors have been recorded.
* @return true if any errors have been recorded
public boolean errorsRecorded()
return (!errors.isEmpty());
* Displays a dialog that informs the user about the fact that one or more unusual events have
* occurred during installation. If nothing has been recorded, this method returns immediately.
public void informUser()
String message = "";
int messageType = JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// fins out if there are any warnings or errors,
// otherwise return with no action
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (errorsRecorded())
messageType = JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE;
message = installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "informUserFail");
else if (warningsRecorded())
messageType = JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE;
message = installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "informUserPartial");
// ----------------------------------------------------
// present the warning message
// ----------------------------------------------------
int userChoice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, message, installData.langpack
.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "informUserTitle"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,
// ----------------------------------------------------
// if the user has elected to write the report, present
// the file selection dialog.
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (userChoice == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION)
* Presents the user with a dialog to select a file and location for the installation report and
* writes a report contianing all messages to the user selected file.
public void writeReport()
JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
.setDialogTitle(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "saveLogTitle"));
fileChooser.setSelectedFile(new File(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX
+ "LogFileName")));
int choice = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(null);
if (choice == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
* Writes a report contianing all messages to the indicated file.
* @param file the fully qualifies name of the file to write to.
public void writeReport(String file)
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file);
String text = compileReport();
writer.write(text, 0, text.length());
catch (Throwable exception)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, installData.langpack.getString(
(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "reportWriteError"), new String[]{file}),
installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "reportWriteErrorTitle"),
catch (Throwable exception2)
// What todo if writing log report fails?? We can ignore
// or write it exceptionally on stderr.
* Prepares an installation report from the recorded information
* @return the installation report
private String compileReport()
StringBuffer report = new StringBuffer();
String dateFormat = installData.langpack.getString(DATE_FORMAT);
int count;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// insert header
// ----------------------------------------------------
report.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "reportHeading"));
// ----------------------------------------------------
// insert a general warning message if appropriate
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (errorsRecorded())
report.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "installFailed"));
else if (warningsRecorded())
report.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "partialInstall"));
// ----------------------------------------------------
// insert general information about the installation
// ----------------------------------------------------
report.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "messageCount",
new String[]{Integer.toString(messages.size()),
Integer.toString(warnings.size()), Integer.toString(errors.size())}));
report.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "application", new String[]{,}));
report.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "timePrefix",
new String[]{new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat, new DateFormatSymbols())
.format(new Date())}));
report.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "pathPrefix",
new String[]{installData.getInstallPath()}));
// ----------------------------------------------------
// insert the recorded mnessages
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (messagesRecorded())
report.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "messageHeading"));
count = messages.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// ----------------------------------------------------
// insert the recorded warning messages
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (warningsRecorded())
report.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "warningHeading"));
count = warnings.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// ----------------------------------------------------
// insert the recorded error messages
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (errorsRecorded())
report.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "errorHeading"));
count = errors.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// ----------------------------------------------------
// insert the debug messages
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (debugActive)
report.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "debugHeading"));
count = errors.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
return (report.toString());
* Builds a general installation message from the information contained in the indicated record
* @param index the index of the requested message entry
private String buildMessage(int index)
Record record = messages.get(index);
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
// ----------------------------------------------------
// append the message text
// ----------------------------------------------------
message.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "messagePrefix",
new String[]{Integer.toString(index)}));
if (record.message >= 0)
+ Integer.toString(record.message),
message.append(MessageFormat.format(record.template, new Object[]{record.variables}));
return (message.toString());
* Builds a warning message from the information contained in the indicated warning record
* @param index the index of the requested warning entry
private String buildWarning(int index)
Record record = warnings.get(index);
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
// ----------------------------------------------------
// append the message text
// ----------------------------------------------------
message.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "warningPrefix",
new String[]{Integer.toString(index)}));
if (record.message >= 0)
+ Integer.toString(record.message - LogWarning.WARNING_BASE),
message.append(MessageFormat.format(record.template, new Object[]{record.variables}));
// ----------------------------------------------------
// append the exception
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (record.exception != null)
message.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "exceptionPrefix",
new String[]{record.exception.toString()}));
return (message.toString());
* Builds an error message from the information contained in the indicated error record
* @param index the index of the requested error entry
private String buildError(int index)
Record record = errors.get(index);
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
// ----------------------------------------------------
// append the message text
// ----------------------------------------------------
message.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "errorPrefix",
new String[]{Integer.toString(index)}));
if (record.message >= 0)
+ Integer.toString(record.message - LogError.ERROR_BASE), record.variables));
message.append(MessageFormat.format(record.template, new Object[]{record.variables}));
// ----------------------------------------------------
// append the exception
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (record.exception != null)
message.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "exceptionPrefix",
new String[]{record.exception.toString()}));
return (message.toString());
* Builds a debug message from the information contained in the indicated debug record
* @param index the index of the requested debug entry
private String buildDebug(int index)
Record record = debug.get(index);
return (buildDebug(record));
* Builds a debug message from the information contained in a specific debug record
* @param record the debug record
private String buildDebug(Record record)
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
// ----------------------------------------------------
// append the message text
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (( == null) || ( == 0))
message.append("Debug - general: ");
message.append("Debug - ").append(": ");
message.append(MessageFormat.format(record.template, new Object[]{record.variables}));
// ----------------------------------------------------
// append the exception
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (record.exception != null)
message.append(installData.langpack.getString(RESOURCE_PREFIX + "exceptionPrefix",
new String[]{record.exception.toString()}));
return (message.toString());
* Dumps the list of debug channels to stdout that have recorded messages
public void dumpRecordedChannels()
if (debugActive && dumpChannels)
System.out.println("The following debug channels did record messages:");
Enumeration list = recordedChannels.keys();
while (list.hasMoreElements())
System.out.println(" - " + list.nextElement().toString());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class definition to handle individual entries
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
private class Record
String channel;
String template;
int message;
String[] variables;
Throwable exception;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
// ----------------------------------------------------
Record(int message, String[] variables)
this.message = message;
this.variables = variables;
Record(String template, String[] variables)
this.message = -1;
this.template = template;
this.variables = variables;
Record(int message, String[] variables, Throwable exception)
this.message = message;
this.variables = variables;
this.exception = exception;
Record(String template, String[] variables, Throwable exception)
this.message = -1;
this.template = template;
this.variables = variables;
this.exception = exception;
Record(String template, String[] variables, Throwable exception, String channel)
this.message = -1;
this.template = template;
this.variables = variables;
this.exception = exception; = channel;