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* IzPack - Copyright 2001-2008 Julien Ponge, All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright 2002 Elmar Grom
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.izforge.izpack.util;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* The TargetFactory serves as a central mechanism to instantiate OS specific class
* flavors, provide OS specific file extension types, default install directories and similar
* functionality. In addition it provides services that are related to OS versions and flavors. For
* a tutorial on using some of the features in this class see the TargetFactory Tutorial.
* @author Elmar Grom
* @version 0.0.1 / 1/3/2002
* $ @design
* Reports actually observed on some systems:
* OS OS Name Version Architecture Native Report (ver)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows 98 4.10 x86 Windows 98 [Version 4.10.1998] Windows-ME Windows Me
* 4.90 x86 Windows Millennium [Version 4.90.3000] Windows-NT 3.5 Windows-NT 4.0 Windows NT 4.0 x86
* Windows NT Version 4.0 Windows 2000 Windows 2000 5.0 x86 Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version
* 5.00.2195] Windows-XP Windows 2000 5.1 x86 Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] Windows-XP
* Windows XP 5.1 x86 Mac Mac OS-X Linux Linux 2.4.7-10 i386 Linux Linux 2.4.18-4GB i386 Solaris
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
public class TargetFactory
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constant Definitions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic operating systems
* Identifies Microsoft Windows.
public static final int WINDOWS = 0;
* Identifies generic UNIX operating systems
public static final int UNIX = 2;
* Used to report a non specific operating system.
public static final int GENERIC = 3;
// operating system favors
* This is the basic flavor for every operating system.
public static final int STANDARD = 0;
* Used to identify the Windows-NT class of operating systems in terms of an OS flavor. It is
* reported for Windows-NT, 2000 and XP.
public static final int NT = 1;
* Used to identify the OS X flavor of the Mac OS
public static final int X = 2;
// system architecture
* Identifies Intel X86 based processor types.
public static final int X86 = 0;
* Nonspecific processor architecture, other than X86.
public static final int OTHER = 1;
* The extensions used for native libraries on various operating systems. The string positions
* correspond to the basic operating system indexes. The following values are legal to use :
static final String[] LIBRARY_EXTENSION = {"dll", "so", "", ""};
* The os specific class prefixes for classes that implement different versions for the various
* operating systems. The string positions correspond to the basic operating system indexes. The
* following values are legal to use :
static final String[] CLASS_PREFIX = {"Win_", "Mac_", "Unix_", ""};
* The os favor specific class prefixes for classes the implement different versions for various
* os favors. The string positions correspond to the flavor indexes. The following values are
* legal to use :
static final String[] CLASS_FLAVOR_PREFIX = {"", "NT_", "X_"};
* The list of processor architecture specific prefixes. The string positions correspond to the
* architecture indexes. The following values are leegal to use :
static final String[] CLASS_ARCHITECTURE_PREFIX = {"X86_", // Intel X86
// architecture
"U_" // unknown
* The list of default install path fragments. Depending on the operating system, a path
* fragment might represent either a part of the default install path or the entire path to use.
* For MS-Windows it is always only a part of the full install path. The string positions
* correspond to the basic operating system indexes. The following values are leegal to use :
static final String[] INSTALL_PATH_FRAGMENT = {"Program Files" + File.separator,
"/Applications" + File.separator, "/usr/local" + File.separator,
File.separator + "apps" + File.separator};
* This is a list of keys to use when looking for resources that define the default install path
* to use. The list is organized as two dimensional array of Strings. To access
* the array, denote the first dimension with the operating system index and the second
* dimension with the flavor index. For example to access the key for Windows-NT use
* INSTALL_PATH_RESOURCE_KEY[WINDOWS][NT] The array uses a sparse population,
* that is, not all array locations actually contain a key. Only locations for which a real
* operating system/flavor combination exists are populated. For example, there is no such thing
static final String[][] INSTALL_PATH_RESOURCE_KEY = {
// Standard NT X
{"", "", ""}, // Windows
{"TargetPanel.dir.mac", "", "TargetPanel.dir.macosx"}, // Mac
{"TargetPanel.dir.unix", "", ""}, // UNIX
{"TargetPanel.dir", "", ""} // Generic
* The delimiter characters used to tokenize version numbers
private static final String VERSION_DELIMITER = ".-";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Variable Declarations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The reference to the single instance of TargetFactory. Used in static methods
* in place of this.
private static TargetFactory me = null;
* The factory for creating instances.
private final TargetPlatformFactory factory = new DefaultTargetPlatformFactory();
* identifies the operating system we are running on
private int os = -1;
* identifies the operating system favor
private int osFlavor = -1;
* identifies the hardware architecture we are running on
private int architecture = -1;
* represents the version number of the target system
private String version = "";
* Constructor
* $ @design
* Identify the following about the target system: - OS type - architecture - version
* and store this information for later use.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
private TargetFactory()
version = System.getProperty("os.version");
// ----------------------------------------------------
// test for Windows
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (OsVersion.IS_WINDOWS)
osFlavor = STANDARD;
architecture = X86;
String osName = OsVersion.OS_NAME.toLowerCase();
if (osName.contains("nt"))
osFlavor = NT;
else if (osName.contains("2000"))
osFlavor = NT;
else if (osName.contains("xp"))
osFlavor = NT;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// test for Mac OS
// ----------------------------------------------------
else if (OsVersion.IS_OSX)
os = X;
osFlavor = STANDARD;
architecture = OTHER;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// what's left should be unix
// ----------------------------------------------------
os = UNIX;
osFlavor = STANDARD;
architecture = OTHER;
String osName = OsVersion.OS_NAME.toLowerCase();
if (osName.contains("x86"))
architecture = X86;
* Returns an instance of TargetFactory to use.
* @return an instance of TargetFactory.
public static TargetFactory getInstance()
if (me == null)
me = new TargetFactory();
return me;
* This method returns an OS specific instance of the requested class.
* This implementation delegates to {@link DefaultTargetPlatformFactory}, falling back to {@link #makeObject(String)}
* if the call fails.
* @param clazz the
* @return an OS specific instance of clazz
* @throws Exception for any error
public T makeObject(Class clazz) throws Exception
T result;
result = factory.create(clazz);
} catch (Exception exception)
result = (T) makeObject(clazz.getName());
return result;
* This method returns an OS and OS flavor specific instance of the requested class.
* Class Naming Rules
* Class versions must be named with the OS and OS flavor as prefix. The prefixes are simply
* concatenated, with the OS prefix first and the flavor prefix second. Use the following OS
* specific prefixes:
Operating System
Microsoft Windows
Mac OS
* For the different OS flavors, use these prefixes:
OS Flavor
Mac OS X
* Naming Example:
* For the class MyClass, the specific version for Windows NT must be in the
* same package as MyClass and the name must be Win_NT_MyClass. A
* version that should be instantiated for any non-NT flavor would be called
* Win_MyClass. This would also be the version instantiated on Windows NT if the
* version Win_NT_MyClass does not exist.
* The Loading Process
* The process is completed after the first successful attempt to load a class.
load a version that is OS and OS-Flavor specific
load a version that is OS specific
load the base version (without OS or OS-Flavor prefix)
* See the TargetFactory Tutorial for more
* information.
* @param name the fully qualified name of the class to load without the extension.
* @return An instance of the requested class. Note that specific initialization that can not be
* accomplished in the default constructor still needs to be performed before the object can be
* used.
* @throws Exception if all attempts to instantiate class fail
public Object makeObject(String name) throws Exception
int nameStart = name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1;
String packageName = name.substring(0, nameStart);
String className = name.substring(nameStart, name.length());
String actualName;
actualName = packageName + CLASS_PREFIX[os] + CLASS_FLAVOR_PREFIX[osFlavor] + className;
Class temp = Class.forName(actualName);
return temp.newInstance();
catch (Throwable exception1)
Class temp = Class.forName(packageName + CLASS_PREFIX[os] + className);
return temp.newInstance();
catch (Throwable exception2)
actualName = name;
Class temp = Class.forName(actualName);
return temp.newInstance();
catch (Throwable exception3)
throw new Exception("can not instantiate class " + name);
* Returns true if the version in the parameter string is higher than the version of the target
* os.
* @param version the version number to compare to
* @return false if the version of the target system is higher, otherwise
* true
* $ @design
* Version numbers are assumed to be constructed as follows: - a list of one or more numbers,
* separated by periods as in X.X.X. ... or periods and dashes as in X.X.X-Y. ... - the numbers
* follow the decimal number system - the left most number is of highest significance
* The process compares each set of numbers, beginning at the most significant and working down
* the ranks (this is working left to right). The process is stopped as soon as the pair of
* numbers compaired is not equal. If the numer for the target system is higher, flase is
* returned, otherwise true.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean versionIsHigher(String version) throws Exception
StringTokenizer targetVersion = new StringTokenizer(this.version, VERSION_DELIMITER);
StringTokenizer compareVersion = new StringTokenizer(version, VERSION_DELIMITER);
int target;
int compare;
while (targetVersion.hasMoreTokens() && compareVersion.hasMoreTokens())
target = Integer.parseInt(targetVersion.nextToken());
compare = Integer.parseInt(compareVersion.nextToken());
catch (Throwable exception)
throw new Exception("error in version string");
if (compare > target)
return true;
else if (target > compare)
return false;
return false;
* Returns the index number for the target operating system that was detected.
* @return an index number for the OS
* @see #WINDOWS
* @see #UNIX
* @see #GENERIC
public int getOS()
return os;
* Returns the index number for the operating system flavor that was detected on the target
* system.
* @return an index for the OS flavor
* @see #STANDARD
* @see #NT
* @see #X
public int getOSFlavor()
return osFlavor;
* Returns an index number that identified the processor architecture of the target system.
* @return an index for the processor architecture
* @see #X86
* @see #OTHER
public int getArchitecture()
return architecture;
* Returns the file extension customarily used on the target OS for dynamically loadable
* libraries.
* @return a String containing the customary library extension for the target OS.
* Note that the string might be empty if there no such specific extension for the target OS.
public String getNativeLibraryExtension()
* Returns the system dependent default install path. This is typically used to suggest an
* istall path to the end user, when performing an installation. The default install path is
* assembled form the OS specific path fragment specified in INSTALL_PATH_FRAGMENT,
* possibly a drive letter and the application name. The user the option to define resources
* that define default paths which differ from the path fragments defined here. The following
* resource names will be recognized by this method:
TargetPanel.dir plus the all lower case version of
* System.getProperty (""), with all spaces replaced by an underscore
* ('_').
* @param appName the name of the application to install. If no specific resource has been set,
* then this name will be appended to the OS specific default path fragment.
* @return the default install path for the target system
* $ @design
* First try to read a path string from a resource file. This approach allows the user to
* customize the default install path that is suggested to the end user by IzPack. There are a
* number of choices for the naming of this resource, so we need to go through a few steps in
* order to exhaust the different possibilities. If this was not successful we use the default
* install path that is defined for the operating system we are running on. This path should be
* expanded by the application name to form the full path that to returne.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public String getDefaultInstallPath(String appName)
String path = null;
InputStream input;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// attempt to get an input stream through a resource
// based on a key which is specific to the target OS
// ----------------------------------------------------
input = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/res/" + INSTALL_PATH_RESOURCE_KEY[os][osFlavor]);
// ----------------------------------------------------
// attempt to get an input stream through a resource
// based on a key which is made specific to the target
// OS by using the string returned by
// System.getProperty ("").toLowerCase ()
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (input == null)
String key = OsVersion.OS_NAME.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '_'); // avoid
// spaces
// in
// file
// names
key = keyFragment + key.toLowerCase(); // for consistency among
// TargetPanel res files
input = TargetFactory.class.getResourceAsStream(key);
// ----------------------------------------------------
// attempt to get an input stream through a resource
// based on a key which is not specific to any target OS
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (input == null)
input = TargetFactory.class.getResourceAsStream(keyFragment);
// ----------------------------------------------------
// If we got an input stream try to read the path
// from the file
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (input != null)
InputStreamReader streamReader;
BufferedReader reader = null;
String line;
streamReader = new InputStreamReader(input);
reader = new BufferedReader(streamReader);
line = reader.readLine();
while (line != null)
line = line.trim();
if (!"".equals(line))
line = reader.readLine();
path = line;
catch (Throwable exception)
if (reader != null)
catch (Throwable exception)
// ----------------------------------------------------
// if we were unable to obtain a path from a resource,
// use the default for the traget operating system.
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (path == null || "".equals(path))
path = "";
// --------------------------------------------------
// if we run on windows, we need a valid drive letter
// to put in front of the path. The drive that
// contains the user's home directory is usually the
// drive that also contains the install directory,
// so this seems the best choice here.
// --------------------------------------------------
if (os == WINDOWS)
String home = System.getProperty("user.home");
// take everything up to and including the first '\'
path = home.substring(0, home.indexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1);
path = path + INSTALL_PATH_FRAGMENT[os] + appName;
return path;
* Gets a prefix alias for the current platform. "Win_" on Windows Systems "Win_NT_" on WinNT4,
* 2000, XP Mac on Mac Mac_X on macosx and Unix_
* @return a prefix alias for the current platform
public static String getCurrentOSPrefix()
String OSName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
String OSArch = System.getProperty("os.arch").toLowerCase();
int OS = 0;
int OSFlavor = 0;
int OSarchitecture = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// test for Windows
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (OSName.contains("windows"))
OSarchitecture = X86;
if (OSName.contains("nt"))
OSFlavor = NT;
else if (OSName.contains("2000"))
OSFlavor = NT;
else if (OSName.contains("xp"))
OSFlavor = NT;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// test for Mac OS
// ----------------------------------------------------
else if (OSName.contains("mac"))
OSarchitecture = OTHER;
if (OSName.contains("macosx"))
OSFlavor = X;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// what's left should be unix
// ----------------------------------------------------
OSarchitecture = OTHER;
if (OSArch.contains("86"))
OSarchitecture = X86;