Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Jackson JSON-processor.
* Copyright (c) 2007- Tatu Saloranta, [email protected]
* Licensed under the License specified in file LICENSE, included with
* the source code and binary code bundles.
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.codehaus.jackson;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
* Base class that defines public API for writing JSON content.
* Instances are created using factory methods of
* a {@link JsonFactory} instance.
* @author Tatu Saloranta
public abstract class JsonGenerator
* Enumeration that defines all togglable features for parsers.
public enum Feature {
* Feature that determines whether generator will automatically
* close underlying output target that is NOT owned by the
* generator.
* If disabled, calling application has to separately
* close the underlying {@link OutputStream} and {@link Writer}
* instances used to create the generator. If enabled, generator
* will handle closing, as long as generator itself gets closed:
* this happens when end-of-input is encountered, or generator
* is closed by a call to {@link JsonGenerator#close}.
* Feature is enabled by default.
final boolean _defaultState;
* Method that calculates bit set (flags) of all features that
* are enabled by default.
public static int collectDefaults()
int flags = 0;
for (Feature f : values()) {
if (f.enabledByDefault()) {
flags |= f.getMask();
return flags;
private Feature(boolean defaultState) {
_defaultState = defaultState;
public boolean enabledByDefault() { return _defaultState; }
public int getMask() { return (1 << ordinal()); }
// // // Configuration:
* Object that handles pretty-printing (usually additional
* white space to make results more human-readable) during
* output. If null, no pretty-printing is done.
protected PrettyPrinter _cfgPrettyPrinter;
protected JsonGenerator() { }
// Public API, configuration
* Method for enabling specified parser features
* (check {@link Feature} for list of features)
public abstract void enableFeature(Feature f);
* Method for disabling specified features
* (check {@link Feature} for list of features)
public abstract void disableFeature(Feature f);
public abstract void setFeature(Feature f, boolean state);
public abstract boolean isFeatureEnabled(Feature f);
// Configuring generator
* Method for setting a custom pretty printer, which is usually
* used to add indentation for improved human readability.
* By default, generator does not do pretty printing.
* To use the default pretty printer that comes with core
* Jackson distribution, call {@link #useDefaultPrettyPrinter}
* instead.
public final void setPrettyPrinter(PrettyPrinter pp) {
_cfgPrettyPrinter = pp;
* Convenience method for enabling pretty-printing using
* the default pretty printer
* ({@link org.codehaus.jackson.impl.DefaultPrettyPrinter}).
public abstract void useDefaultPrettyPrinter();
// Public API, write methods, structural
public abstract void writeStartArray()
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeEndArray()
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeStartObject()
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeEndObject()
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeFieldName(String name)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
// Public API, write methods, textual/binary
* Method for outputting a String value. Depending on context
* this means either array element, (object) field value or
* a stand alone String; but in all cases, String will be
* surrounded in double quotes, and contents will be properly
* escaped as required by JSON specification.
public abstract void writeString(String text)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeString(char[] text, int offset, int len)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
* Fallback method which can be used to make generator copy
* input text verbatim with no modifications (including
* that no quoting is done and no separators are added even
* if context [array, object] would otherwise require such)
public abstract void writeRaw(String text)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeRaw(String text, int offset, int len)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeRaw(char[] text, int offset, int len)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeRaw(char c)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
* Method that will output given chunk of binary data as base64
* encoded, as a complete String value (surrounded by double quotes).
* This method defaults
* Note: because JSON Strings can not contain unescaped linefeeds,
* if linefeeds are included (as per last argument), they must be
* escaped. This adds overhead for decoding without improving
* readability.
* Alternatively if linefeeds are not included,
* resulting String value may violate the requirement of base64
* RFC which mandates line-length of 76 characters and use of
* linefeeds. However, all {@link JsonParser} implementations
* are required to accept such "long line base64"; as do
* typical production-level base64 decoders.
* @param b64variant Base64 variant to use: defines details such as
* whether padding is used (and if so, using which character);
* what is the maximum line length before adding linefeed,
* and also the underlying alphabet to use.
public abstract void writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant,
byte[] data, int offset, int len)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
* Similar to {@link #writeBinary(Base64Variant,byte[],int,int)},
* but default to using the Jackson default Base64 variant
* (which is {@link Base64Variants#MIME_NO_LINEFEEDS}).
public final void writeBinary(byte[] data, int offset, int len)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException
writeBinary(Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant(), data, offset, len);
* Similar to {@link #writeBinary(Base64Variant,byte[],int,int)},
* but assumes default to using the Jackson default Base64 variant
* (which is {@link Base64Variants#MIME_NO_LINEFEEDS}). Also
* assumes that whole byte array is to be output.
public final void writeBinary(byte[] data)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException
writeBinary(Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant(), data, 0, data.length);
// Public API, write methods, primitives
public abstract void writeNumber(int i)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeNumber(long l)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeNumber(double d)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeNumber(float f)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeNumber(BigDecimal dec)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
* Write method that can be used for custom numeric types that can
* not be (easily?) converted to "standard" Java number types.
* Because numbers are not surrounded by double quotes, regular
* {@link #writeString} method can not be used; nor
* {@link #writeRaw} because that does not properly handle
* value separators needed in Array or Object contexts.
* Note: because of lack of type safety, some generator
* implementations may not be able to implement this
* method. For example, if a binary json format is used,
* it may require type information for encoding; similarly
* for generator-wrappers around Java objects or JSON nodes.
* If implementation does not implement this method,
* it needs to throw {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
public abstract void writeNumber(String encodedValue)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException,
public abstract void writeBoolean(boolean state)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
public abstract void writeNull()
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException;
// Public API, copy-through methods
* Method for copying contents of the current event that
* the given parser instance points to.
* Note that the method will not copy any other events,
* such as events contained within JSON Array or Object structures.
* Calling this method will not advance the given
* parser, although it may cause parser to internally process
* more data (if it lazy loads contents of value events, for example)
public abstract void copyCurrentEvent(JsonParser jp)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException;
* Method for copying contents of the current event
* and following events that it encloses
* the given parser instance points to.
* So what constitutes enclosing? Here is the list of
* events that have associated enclosed events that will
* get copied:
* - {@link JsonToken#START_OBJECT}:
* all events up to and including matching (closing)
* {@link JsonToken#END_OBJECT} will be copied
* - {@link JsonToken#START_ARRAY}
* all events up to and including matching (closing)
* {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY} will be copied
* - {@link JsonToken#FIELD_NAME} the logical value (which
* can consist of a single scalar value; or a sequence of related
* events for structured types (JSON Arrays, Objects)) will
* be copied along with the name itself. So essentially the
* whole field entry (name and value) will be copied.
* After calling this method, parser will point to the
* last event that was copied. This will either be
* the event parser already pointed to (if there were no
* enclosed events), or the last enclosed event copied.
public abstract void copyCurrentStructure(JsonParser jp)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException;
// Public API, context access
* @return Context object that can give information about logical
* position within generated json content.
public abstract JsonWriteContext getOutputContext();
// Public API, buffer handling
public abstract void flush()
throws IOException;
public abstract void close()
throws IOException;