org.codehaus.jackson.map.AnnotationIntrospector Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.codehaus.jackson.map;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.JsonDeserializer;
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.JsonSerializer;
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.annotate.JsonSerialize;
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.introspect.*;
* Abstract class that defines API used for introspecting annotation-based
* configuration for serialization and deserialization. Separated
* so that different sets of annotations can be supported, and support
* plugged-in dynamically.
public abstract class AnnotationIntrospector
* Factory method for accessing "no operation" implementation
* of introspector: instance that will never find any annotation-based
* configuration.
* @since 1.3
public static AnnotationIntrospector nopInstance() {
return NopAnnotationIntrospector.instance;
public static AnnotationIntrospector pair(AnnotationIntrospector a1, AnnotationIntrospector a2) {
return new Pair(a1, a2);
// Generic annotation properties, lookup
* Method called by framework to determine whether given annotation
* is handled by this introspector.
public abstract boolean isHandled(Annotation ann);
// General annotations for serialization+deserialization
* Method that can be called to figure out generic namespace
* property for an annotated object. Most commonly used
* for XML compatibility purposes (since currently only
* JAXB annotations provide namespace information), but
* theoretically is not limited to XML.
* @return Null if annotated thing does not define any
* namespace information; non-null namespace (which may
* be empty String) otherwise
public abstract String findNamespace(Annotated ann);
// General class annotations
* Method that checks whether specified class has annotations
* that indicate that it is (or is not) cachable. Exact
* semantics depend on type of class annotated and using
* class (factory or provider).
* Currently only used
* with deserializers, to determine whether provider
* should cache instances, and if no annotations are found,
* assumes non-cachable instances.
* @return True, if class is considered cachable within context,
* False if not, and null if introspector does not care either
* way.
public abstract Boolean findCachability(AnnotatedClass ac);
* Method for checking whether there is a class annotation that
* indicates whether field auto detection should be enabled.
* @return null if no relevant annotation is located; Boolean.TRUE
* if enabling annotation found, Boolean.FALSE if disabling annotation
public abstract Boolean findFieldAutoDetection(AnnotatedClass ac);
* Method for locating name used as "root name" (for use by
* some serializers when outputting root-level object -- mostly
* for XML compatibility purposes) for given class, if one
* is defined. Returns null if no declaration found; can return
* explicit empty String, which is usually ignored as well as null.
* @since 1.3
public abstract String findRootName(AnnotatedClass ac);
// General method annotations
* Method for checking whether there is an annotation that
* indicates that given method should be ignored for all
* operations (serialization, deserialization).
* Note that this method should ONLY return true for such
* explicit ignoral cases; and not if method just happens not to
* be visible for annotation processor.
* @return True, if an annotation is found to indicate that the
* method should be ignored; false if not.
public abstract boolean isIgnorableMethod(AnnotatedMethod m);
* @since 1.2
public abstract boolean isIgnorableConstructor(AnnotatedConstructor c);
// General field annotations
* Method for checking whether there is an annotation that
* indicates that given field should be ignored for all
* operations (serialization, deserialization).
* @return True, if an annotation is found to indicate that the
* field should be ignored; false if not.
public abstract boolean isIgnorableField(AnnotatedField f);
// Serialization: general annotations
* Method for getting a serializer definition on specified method
* or field. Type of definition is either instance (of type
* {@link JsonSerializer}) or Class (of type
* Class
); if value of different
* type is returned, a runtime exception may be thrown by caller.
public abstract Object findSerializer(Annotated am);
* Method for checking whether given annotated entity (class, method,
* field) defines which Bean/Map properties are to be included in
* serialization.
* If no annotation is found, method should return given second
* argument; otherwise value indicated by the annotation
* @return Enumerated value indicating which properties to include
* in serialization
public abstract JsonSerialize.Inclusion findSerializationInclusion(Annotated a, JsonSerialize.Inclusion defValue);
* Method for accessing annotated type definition that a
* method/field can have, to be used as the type for serialization
* instead of the runtime type.
* Type returned (if any) needs to be widening conversion (super-type).
* Declared return type of the method is also considered acceptable.
* @return Class to use instead of runtime type
public abstract Class> findSerializationType(Annotated a);
* Method for accessing declared typing mode annotated (if any).
* This is used for type detection, unless more granular settings
* (such as actual exact type; or serializer to use which means
* no type information is needed) take precedence.
* @since 1.2
* @return Typing mode to use, if annotation is found; null otherwise
public abstract JsonSerialize.Typing findSerializationTyping(Annotated a);
// Serialization: class annotations
* Method for checking whether there is a class annotation that
* indicates whether (regular) getter-method auto detection
* should be enabled.
* Getter methods are methods with name "getXxx()" (for property "xxx");
* "isXxx()" are not included (instead those are considered
* "is getters")
* @return null if no relevant annotation is located; Boolean.TRUE
* if enabling annotation found, Boolean.FALSE if disabling annotation
public abstract Boolean findGetterAutoDetection(AnnotatedClass ac);
* Method for checking whether there is a class annotation that
* indicates whether (regular) getter-method auto detection
* should be enabled.
* Getter methods are methods with name "getXxx()" (for property "xxx");
* "isXxx()" are not included (instead those are considered
* "is getters")
* @since 1.3
* @return null if no relevant annotation is located; Boolean.TRUE
* if enabling annotation found, Boolean.FALSE if disabling annotation
public abstract Boolean findIsGetterAutoDetection(AnnotatedClass ac);
// Serialization: method annotations
* Method for checking whether given method has an annotation
* that suggests property name associated with method that
* may be a "getter". Should return null if no annotation
* is found; otherwise a non-null String.
* If non-null value is returned, it is used as the property
* name, except for empty String ("") which is taken to mean
* "use standard bean name detection if applicable;
* method name if not".
public abstract String findGettablePropertyName(AnnotatedMethod am);
* Method for checking whether given method has an annotation
* that suggests that the return value of annotated method
* should be used as "the value" of the object instance; usually
* serialized as a primitive value such as String or number.
* @return True if such annotation is found (and is not disabled);
* false if no enabled annotation is found
public abstract boolean hasAsValueAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am);
* Method for determining the String value to use for serializing
* given enumeration entry; used when serializing enumerations
* as Strings (the standard method).
* @return Serialized enum value.
public abstract String findEnumValue(Enum> value);
// Serialization: field annotations
* Method for checking whether given member field represent
* a serializable logical property; and if so, returns the
* name of that property.
* Should return null if no annotation is found (indicating it
* is not a serializable field); otherwise a non-null String.
* If non-null value is returned, it is used as the property
* name, except for empty String ("") which is taken to mean
* "use the field name as is".
public abstract String findSerializablePropertyName(AnnotatedField af);
// Deserialization: general annotations
* Method for getting a deserializer definition on specified method
* or field.
* Type of definition is either instance (of type
* {@link JsonDeserializer}) or Class (of type
* Class
); if value of different
* type is returned, a runtime exception may be thrown by caller.
public abstract Object findDeserializer(Annotated am);
* Method for getting a deserializer definition for keys of
* associated Map
* Type of definition is either instance (of type
* {@link JsonDeserializer}) or Class (of type
* Class
); if value of different
* type is returned, a runtime exception may be thrown by caller.
* @since 1.3
public abstract Class extends KeyDeserializer> findKeyDeserializer(Annotated am);
* Method for getting a deserializer definition for content (values) of
* associated Collection
, array
* Map
* Type of definition is either instance (of type
* {@link JsonDeserializer}) or Class (of type
* Class
); if value of different
* type is returned, a runtime exception may be thrown by caller.
* @since 1.3
public abstract Class extends JsonDeserializer>> findContentDeserializer(Annotated am);
* Method for accessing annotated type definition that a
* method can have, to be used as the type for serialization
* instead of the runtime type.
* Type must be a narrowing conversion
* (i.e.subtype of declared type).
* Declared return type of the method is also considered acceptable.
* @return Class to use for deserialization instead of declared type
public abstract Class> findDeserializationType(Annotated am);
* Method for accessing additional narrowing type definition that a
* method can have, to define more specific key type to use.
* It should be only be used with {@link java.util.Map} types.
* @return Class specifying more specific type to use instead of
* declared type, if annotation found; null if not
public abstract Class> findDeserializationKeyType(Annotated am);
* Method for accessing additional narrowing type definition that a
* method can have, to define more specific content type to use;
* content refers to Map values and Collection/array elements.
* It should be only be used with Map, Collection and array types.
* @return Class specifying more specific type to use instead of
* declared type, if annotation found; null if not
public abstract Class> findDeserializationContentType(Annotated am);
// Deserialization: class annotations
* Method for checking whether there is a class annotation that
* indicates whether creator-method auto detection should be enabled.
* @return null if no relevant annotation is located; Boolean.TRUE
* if enabling annotation found, Boolean.FALSE if disabling annotation
public abstract Boolean findCreatorAutoDetection(AnnotatedClass ac);
* Method for checking whether there is a class annotation that
* indicates whether setter-method auto detection should be enabled.
* @return null if no relevant annotation is located; Boolean.TRUE
* if enabling annotation found, Boolean.FALSE if disabling annotation
public abstract Boolean findSetterAutoDetection(AnnotatedClass ac);
// Deserialization: method annotations
* Method for checking whether given method has an annotation
* that suggests property name associated with method that
* may be a "setter". Should return null if no annotation
* is found; otherwise a non-null String.
* If non-null value is returned, it is used as the property
* name, except for empty String ("") which is taken to mean
* "use standard bean name detection if applicable;
* method name if not".
public abstract String findSettablePropertyName(AnnotatedMethod am);
* Method for checking whether given method has an annotation
* that suggests that the method is to serve as "any setter";
* method to be used for setting values of any properties for
* which no dedicated setter method is found.
* @return True if such annotation is found (and is not disabled),
* false otherwise
public abstract boolean hasAnySetterAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am);
* Method for checking whether given annotated item (method, constructor)
* has an annotation
* that suggests that the method is a "creator" (aka factory)
* method to be used for construct new instances of deserialized
* values.
* @return True if such annotation is found (and is not disabled),
* false otherwise
public abstract boolean hasCreatorAnnotation(Annotated a);
// Deserialization: field annotations
* Method for checking whether given member field represent
* a deserializable logical property; and if so, returns the
* name of that property.
* Should return null if no annotation is found (indicating it
* is not a deserializable field); otherwise a non-null String.
* If non-null value is returned, it is used as the property
* name, except for empty String ("") which is taken to mean
* "use the field name as is".
public abstract String findDeserializablePropertyName(AnnotatedField af);
// Deserialization: parameter annotations (for
// creator method parameters)
* Method for checking whether given set of annotations indicates
* property name for associated parameter.
* No actual parameter object can be passed since JDK offers no
* representation; just annotations.
public abstract String findPropertyNameForParam(AnnotatedParameter param);
// Helper classes
* Helper class that allows using 2 introspectors such that one
* introspector acts as the primary one to use; and second one
* as a fallback used if the primary does not provide conclusive
* or useful result for a method.
* An obvious consequence of priority is that it is easy to construct
* longer chains of introspectors by linking multiple pairs.
* Currently most likely combination is that of using the default
* Jackson provider, along with JAXB annotation introspector (available
* since version 1.1).
public static class Pair
extends AnnotationIntrospector
final AnnotationIntrospector _primary, _secondary;
public Pair(AnnotationIntrospector p,
AnnotationIntrospector s)
_primary = p;
_secondary = s;
// // // Generic annotation properties, lookup
public boolean isHandled(Annotation ann)
return _primary.isHandled(ann) || _secondary.isHandled(ann);
// // // General annotations
* Combination logic is such that if the primary returns
* non-null non-empty namespace, that is returned.
* Otherwise, if secondary returns non-null non-empty
* namespace, that is returned.
* Otherwise empty String is returned if either one
* returned empty String; otherwise null is returned
* (in case where both returned null)
public String findNamespace(Annotated ann)
String ns1 = _primary.findNamespace(ann);
if (ns1 == null) {
return _secondary.findNamespace(ann);
} else if (ns1.length() > 0) {
return ns1;
// Ns1 is empty; how about secondary?
String ns2 = _secondary.findNamespace(ann);
return (ns2 == null) ? ns1 : ns2;
// // // General class annotations
public Boolean findCachability(AnnotatedClass ac)
Boolean result = _primary.findCachability(ac);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findCachability(ac);
return result;
public Boolean findFieldAutoDetection(AnnotatedClass ac)
Boolean result = _primary.findFieldAutoDetection(ac);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findFieldAutoDetection(ac);
return result;
public String findRootName(AnnotatedClass ac)
String name1 = _primary.findRootName(ac);
if (name1 == null) {
return _secondary.findRootName(ac);
} else if (name1.length() > 0) {
return name1;
// name1 is empty; how about secondary?
String name2 = _secondary.findRootName(ac);
return (name2 == null) ? name1 : name2;
// // // General method annotations
public boolean isIgnorableMethod(AnnotatedMethod m) {
return _primary.isIgnorableMethod(m) || _secondary.isIgnorableMethod(m);
public boolean isIgnorableConstructor(AnnotatedConstructor c) {
return _primary.isIgnorableConstructor(c) || _secondary.isIgnorableConstructor(c);
// // // General field annotations
public boolean isIgnorableField(AnnotatedField f)
return _primary.isIgnorableField(f) || _secondary.isIgnorableField(f);
// // // Serialization: general annotations
public Object findSerializer(Annotated am)
Object result = _primary.findSerializer(am);
/* Are there non-null results that should be ignored?
* (i.e. should some validation be done here)
* For now let's assume no
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findSerializer(am);
return result;
public JsonSerialize.Inclusion findSerializationInclusion(Annotated a,
JsonSerialize.Inclusion defValue)
/* This is bit trickier: need to combine results in a meaningful
* way. Seems like it should be a disjoint; that is, most
* restrictive value should be returned.
* For enumerations, comparison is done by indexes, which
* works: largest value is the last one, which is the most
* restrictive value as well.
JsonSerialize.Inclusion v1 = _primary.findSerializationInclusion(a, defValue);
JsonSerialize.Inclusion v2 = _secondary.findSerializationInclusion(a, defValue);
if (v1 == null) {
return v2;
if (v2 == null) {
return v1;
return (v1.compareTo(v2) < 0) ? v2 : v1;
public Class> findSerializationType(Annotated a)
Class> result = _primary.findSerializationType(a);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findSerializationType(a);
return result;
public JsonSerialize.Typing findSerializationTyping(Annotated a)
JsonSerialize.Typing result = _primary.findSerializationTyping(a);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findSerializationTyping(a);
return result;
// // // Serialization: class annotations
public Boolean findGetterAutoDetection(AnnotatedClass ac)
Boolean result = _primary.findGetterAutoDetection(ac);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findGetterAutoDetection(ac);
return result;
public Boolean findIsGetterAutoDetection(AnnotatedClass ac)
Boolean result = _primary.findIsGetterAutoDetection(ac);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findIsGetterAutoDetection(ac);
return result;
// // // Serialization: method annotations
public String findGettablePropertyName(AnnotatedMethod am)
String result = _primary.findGettablePropertyName(am);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findGettablePropertyName(am);
} else if (result.length() == 0) {
/* Empty String is a default; can be overridden by
* more explicit answer from secondary entry
String str2 = _secondary.findGettablePropertyName(am);
if (str2 != null) {
result = str2;
return result;
public boolean hasAsValueAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am)
return _primary.hasAsValueAnnotation(am) || _secondary.hasAsValueAnnotation(am);
public String findEnumValue(Enum> value)
String result = _primary.findEnumValue(value);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findEnumValue(value);
return result;
// // // Serialization: field annotations
public String findSerializablePropertyName(AnnotatedField af)
String result = _primary.findSerializablePropertyName(af);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findSerializablePropertyName(af);
} else if (result.length() == 0) {
/* Empty String is a default; can be overridden by
* more explicit answer from secondary entry
String str2 = _secondary.findSerializablePropertyName(af);
if (str2 != null) {
result = str2;
return result;
// // // Deserialization: general annotations
public Object findDeserializer(Annotated am)
Object result = _primary.findDeserializer(am);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findDeserializer(am);
return result;
public Class extends KeyDeserializer> findKeyDeserializer(Annotated am)
Class extends KeyDeserializer> result = _primary.findKeyDeserializer(am);
if (result == null || result == KeyDeserializer.None.class) {
result = _secondary.findKeyDeserializer(am);
return result;
public Class extends JsonDeserializer>> findContentDeserializer(Annotated am)
Class extends JsonDeserializer>> result = _primary.findContentDeserializer(am);
if (result == null || result == JsonDeserializer.None.class) {
result = _secondary.findContentDeserializer(am);
return result;
public Class> findDeserializationType(Annotated am)
Class> result = _primary.findDeserializationType(am);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findDeserializationType(am);
return result;
public Class> findDeserializationKeyType(Annotated am)
Class> result = _primary.findDeserializationKeyType(am);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findDeserializationKeyType(am);
return result;
public Class> findDeserializationContentType(Annotated am)
Class> result = _primary.findDeserializationContentType(am);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findDeserializationContentType(am);
return result;
// // // Deserialization: class annotations
public Boolean findCreatorAutoDetection(AnnotatedClass ac)
Boolean result = _primary.findCreatorAutoDetection(ac);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findCreatorAutoDetection(ac);
return result;
public Boolean findSetterAutoDetection(AnnotatedClass ac)
Boolean result = _primary.findSetterAutoDetection(ac);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findSetterAutoDetection(ac);
return result;
// // // Deserialization: method annotations
public String findSettablePropertyName(AnnotatedMethod am)
String result = _primary.findSettablePropertyName(am);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findSettablePropertyName(am);
} else if (result.length() == 0) {
/* Empty String is a default; can be overridden by
* more explicit answer from secondary entry
String str2 = _secondary.findSettablePropertyName(am);
if (str2 != null) {
result = str2;
return result;
public boolean hasAnySetterAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am)
return _primary.hasAnySetterAnnotation(am) || _secondary.hasAnySetterAnnotation(am);
public boolean hasCreatorAnnotation(Annotated a)
return _primary.hasCreatorAnnotation(a) || _secondary.hasCreatorAnnotation(a);
// // // Deserialization: field annotations
public String findDeserializablePropertyName(AnnotatedField af)
String result = _primary.findDeserializablePropertyName(af);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findDeserializablePropertyName(af);
} else if (result.length() == 0) {
/* Empty String is a default; can be overridden by
* more explicit answer from secondary entry
String str2 = _secondary.findDeserializablePropertyName(af);
if (str2 != null) {
result = str2;
return result;
// // // Deserialization: parameter annotations (for creators)
public String findPropertyNameForParam(AnnotatedParameter param)
String result = _primary.findPropertyNameForParam(param);
if (result == null) {
result = _secondary.findPropertyNameForParam(param);
return result;