org.codehaus.jackson.map.annotate.JsonSerialize Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.codehaus.jackson.map.annotate;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JacksonAnnotation;
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.JsonSerializer;
* Annotation used for configuring serialization aspects, by attaching
* to "getter" methods or fields, or to value classes.
* When annotating value classes, configuration is used for instances
* of the value class but can be overridden by more specific annotations
* (ones that attach to methods or fields).
* An example annotation would be:
* @JsonSerialize(using=MySerializer.class,
* as=MySubClass.class,
* include=JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL,
* typing=JsonSerialize.Typing.STATIC
* )
* (which would be redundant, since some properties block others:
* specifically, 'using' has precedence over 'as', which has precedence
* over 'typing' setting)
* NOTE: since version 1.2, annotation has also been applicable
* to (constructor) parameters
* @since 1.1
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public @interface JsonSerialize
// // // Annotations for explicitly specifying deserializer
* Serializer class to use for
* serializing associated value. Depending on what is annotated,
* value is either an instance of annotated class (used globablly
* anywhere where class serializer is needed); or only used for
* serializing property access via a getter method.
public Class extends JsonSerializer>> using() default JsonSerializer.None.class;
// // // Annotations for type handling, explicit declaration
// // // (type used for choosing deserializer, if not explicitly
// // // specified)
* Subtype (of declared type, which itself is subtype of runtime type)
* to use as type when locating serializer to use.
* Bogus type {@link NoClass} can be used to indicate that declared
* type is used as is (i.e. this annotation property has no setting);
* this since annotation properties are not allowed to have null value.
* Note: if {@link #using} is also used it has precedence
* (since it directly specified
* serializer, whereas this would only be used to locate the
* serializer)
* and value of this annotation property is ignored.
public Class> as() default NoClass.class;
* Whether type detection used is dynamic or static: that is,
* whether actual runtime type is used (dynamic), or just the
* declared type (static).
* @since 1.2
public Typing typing() default Typing.DYNAMIC;
// // // Annotation(s) for inclusion criteria
* Which properties of annotated Bean are
* to be included in serialization (has no effect on other types
* like enums, primitives or collections).
* Choices are "all", "properties that have value other than null"
* and "properties that have non-default value" (i.e. default value
* being property setting for a Bean constructed with default no-arg
* constructor, often null).
public Inclusion include() default Inclusion.ALWAYS;
/* Value enumerations needed
* Enumeration used with {@link JsonSerialize#include} property
* to define which properties
* of Java Beans are to be included in serialization
public enum Inclusion
* Value that indicates that properties are to be always included,
* independent of value
* Value that indicates that only properties with non-null
* values are to be included.
* Value that indicates that only properties that have values
* that differ from default settings (meaning values they have
* when Bean is constructed with its no-arguments constructor)
* are to be included. Value is generally not useful with
* {@link java.util.Map}s, since they have no default values;
* and if used, works same as {@link #ALWAYS}.
* Enumeration used with {@link JsonSerialize#typing} property
* to define whether type detection is based on dynamic runtime
* type (DYNAMIC) or declared type (STATIC).
public enum Typing
* Value that indicates that the actual dynamic runtime type is to
* be used.
* Value that indicates that the static declared type is to
* be used.