org.jfree.chart.axis.SymbolAxis Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* ===========================================================
* JFreeChart : a free chart library for the Java(tm) platform
* ===========================================================
* (C) Copyright 2000-2008, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.
* Project Info:
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
* USA.
* [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* in the United States and other countries.]
* ---------------
* ---------------
* (C) Copyright 2002-2008, by Anthony Boulestreau and Contributors.
* Original Author: Anthony Boulestreau;
* Contributor(s): David Gilbert (for Object Refinery Limited);
* Changes
* -------
* 29-Mar-2002 : First version (AB);
* 19-Apr-2002 : Updated formatting and import statements (DG);
* 21-Jun-2002 : Make change to use the class TickUnit - remove valueToString()
* method and add SymbolicTickUnit (AB);
* 25-Jun-2002 : Removed redundant code (DG);
* 25-Jul-2002 : Changed order of parameters in ValueAxis constructor (DG);
* 05-Sep-2002 : Updated constructor to reflect changes in the Axis class (DG);
* 08-Nov-2002 : Moved to new package com.jrefinery.chart.axis (DG);
* 14-Feb-2003 : Added back missing constructor code (DG);
* 26-Mar-2003 : Implemented Serializable (DG);
* 14-May-2003 : Renamed HorizontalSymbolicAxis --> SymbolicAxis and merged in
* VerticalSymbolicAxis (DG);
* 12-Aug-2003 : Fixed bug where refreshTicks() method has different signature
* to super class (DG);
* 29-Oct-2003 : Added workaround for font alignment in PDF output (DG);
* 02-Nov-2003 : Added code to avoid overlapping labels (MR);
* 07-Nov-2003 : Modified to use new tick classes (DG);
* 18-Nov-2003 : Fixed bug where symbols are not being displayed on the
* axis (DG);
* 24-Nov-2003 : Added fix for gridlines on zooming (bug id 834643) (DG);
* 21-Jan-2004 : Update for renamed method in ValueAxis (DG);
* 11-Mar-2004 : Modified the way the background grid color is being drawn, see
* this thread:
* (DG);
* 16-Mar-2004 : Added plotState to draw() method (DG);
* 07-Apr-2004 : Modified string bounds calculation (DG);
* 28-Mar-2005 : Renamed autoRangeIncludesZero() --> getAutoRangeIncludesZero()
* and autoRangeStickyZero() --> getAutoRangeStickyZero() (DG);
* 05-Jul-2005 : Fixed signature on refreshTicks() method - see bug report
* 1232264 (DG);
* 06-Jul-2005 : Renamed SymbolicAxis --> SymbolAxis, added equals() method,
* renamed getSymbolicValue() --> getSymbols(), renamed
* symbolicGridPaint --> gridBandPaint, fixed serialization of
* gridBandPaint, renamed symbolicGridLinesVisible -->
* gridBandsVisible, eliminated symbolicGridLineList (DG);
* ------------- JFREECHART 1.0.x ---------------------------------------------
* 02-Feb-2007 : Removed author tags all over JFreeChart sources (DG);
* 28-Feb-2007 : Fixed bug 1669302 (tick label overlap) (DG);
* 25-Jul-2007 : Added new field for alternate grid band paint (DG);
* 15-Aug-2008 : Use alternate grid band paint when drawing (DG);
package org.jfree.chart.axis;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.jfree.chart.event.AxisChangeEvent;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotRenderingInfo;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.ValueAxisPlot;
import org.jfree.text.TextUtilities;
import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge;
import org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor;
import org.jfree.util.PaintUtilities;
* A standard linear value axis that replaces integer values with symbols.
public class SymbolAxis extends NumberAxis implements Serializable {
/** For serialization. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7216330468770619716L;
/** The default grid band paint. */
public static final Paint DEFAULT_GRID_BAND_PAINT
= new Color(232, 234, 232, 128);
* The default paint for alternate grid bands.
* @since 1.0.7
= new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); // transparent
/** The list of symbols to display instead of the numeric values. */
private List symbols;
/** Flag that indicates whether or not grid bands are visible. */
private boolean gridBandsVisible;
/** The paint used to color the grid bands (if the bands are visible). */
private transient Paint gridBandPaint;
* The paint used to fill the alternate grid bands.
* @since 1.0.7
private transient Paint gridBandAlternatePaint;
* Constructs a symbol axis, using default attribute values where
* necessary.
* @param label the axis label (null
* @param sv the list of symbols to display instead of the numeric
* values.
public SymbolAxis(String label, String[] sv) {
this.symbols = Arrays.asList(sv);
this.gridBandsVisible = true;
this.gridBandPaint = DEFAULT_GRID_BAND_PAINT;
this.gridBandAlternatePaint = DEFAULT_GRID_BAND_ALTERNATE_PAINT;
setAutoTickUnitSelection(false, false);
* Returns an array of the symbols for the axis.
* @return The symbols.
public String[] getSymbols() {
String[] result = new String[this.symbols.size()];
result = (String[]) this.symbols.toArray(result);
return result;
* Returns true
if the grid bands are showing, and
* false
* @return true
if the grid bands are showing, and
* false
* @see #setGridBandsVisible(boolean)
public boolean isGridBandsVisible() {
return this.gridBandsVisible;
* Sets the visibility of the grid bands and notifies registered
* listeners that the axis has been modified.
* @param flag the new setting.
* @see #isGridBandsVisible()
public void setGridBandsVisible(boolean flag) {
if (this.gridBandsVisible != flag) {
this.gridBandsVisible = flag;
notifyListeners(new AxisChangeEvent(this));
* Returns the paint used to color the grid bands.
* @return The grid band paint (never null
* @see #setGridBandPaint(Paint)
* @see #isGridBandsVisible()
public Paint getGridBandPaint() {
return this.gridBandPaint;
* Sets the grid band paint and sends an {@link AxisChangeEvent} to
* all registered listeners.
* @param paint the paint (null
not permitted).
* @see #getGridBandPaint()
public void setGridBandPaint(Paint paint) {
if (paint == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'paint' argument.");
this.gridBandPaint = paint;
notifyListeners(new AxisChangeEvent(this));
* Returns the paint used for alternate grid bands.
* @return The paint (never null
* @see #setGridBandAlternatePaint(Paint)
* @see #getGridBandPaint()
* @since 1.0.7
public Paint getGridBandAlternatePaint() {
return this.gridBandAlternatePaint;
* Sets the paint used for alternate grid bands and sends a
* {@link AxisChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
* @param paint the paint (null
not permitted).
* @see #getGridBandAlternatePaint()
* @see #setGridBandPaint(Paint)
* @since 1.0.7
public void setGridBandAlternatePaint(Paint paint) {
if (paint == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'paint' argument.");
this.gridBandAlternatePaint = paint;
notifyListeners(new AxisChangeEvent(this));
* This operation is not supported by this axis.
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param dataArea the area in which the plot and axes should be drawn.
* @param edge the edge along which the axis is drawn.
protected void selectAutoTickUnit(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea,
RectangleEdge edge) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Draws the axis on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a
* printer).
* @param g2 the graphics device (null
not permitted).
* @param cursor the cursor location.
* @param plotArea the area within which the plot and axes should be drawn
* (null
not permitted).
* @param dataArea the area within which the data should be drawn
* (null
not permitted).
* @param edge the axis location (null
not permitted).
* @param plotState collects information about the plot
* (null
* @return The axis state (never null
public AxisState draw(Graphics2D g2,
double cursor,
Rectangle2D plotArea,
Rectangle2D dataArea,
RectangleEdge edge,
PlotRenderingInfo plotState) {
AxisState info = new AxisState(cursor);
if (isVisible()) {
info = super.draw(g2, cursor, plotArea, dataArea, edge, plotState);
if (this.gridBandsVisible) {
drawGridBands(g2, plotArea, dataArea, edge, info.getTicks());
return info;
* Draws the grid bands. Alternate bands are colored using
* default).
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param plotArea the area within which the chart should be drawn.
* @param dataArea the area within which the plot should be drawn (a
* subset of the drawArea).
* @param edge the axis location.
* @param ticks the ticks.
protected void drawGridBands(Graphics2D g2,
Rectangle2D plotArea,
Rectangle2D dataArea,
RectangleEdge edge,
List ticks) {
Shape savedClip = g2.getClip();
if (RectangleEdge.isTopOrBottom(edge)) {
drawGridBandsHorizontal(g2, plotArea, dataArea, true, ticks);
else if (RectangleEdge.isLeftOrRight(edge)) {
drawGridBandsVertical(g2, plotArea, dataArea, true, ticks);
* Draws the grid bands for the axis when it is at the top or bottom of
* the plot.
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param plotArea the area within which the chart should be drawn.
* @param dataArea the area within which the plot should be drawn
* (a subset of the drawArea).
* @param firstGridBandIsDark True: the first grid band takes the
* color of gridBandPaint.
* False: the second grid band takes the
* color of gridBandPaint.
* @param ticks the ticks.
protected void drawGridBandsHorizontal(Graphics2D g2,
Rectangle2D plotArea,
Rectangle2D dataArea,
boolean firstGridBandIsDark,
List ticks) {
boolean currentGridBandIsDark = firstGridBandIsDark;
double yy = dataArea.getY();
double xx1, xx2;
//gets the outline stroke width of the plot
double outlineStrokeWidth;
if (getPlot().getOutlineStroke() != null) {
= ((BasicStroke) getPlot().getOutlineStroke()).getLineWidth();
else {
outlineStrokeWidth = 1d;
Iterator iterator = ticks.iterator();
ValueTick tick;
Rectangle2D band;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
tick = (ValueTick);
xx1 = valueToJava2D(tick.getValue() - 0.5d, dataArea,
xx2 = valueToJava2D(tick.getValue() + 0.5d, dataArea,
if (currentGridBandIsDark) {
else {
band = new Rectangle2D.Double(xx1, yy + outlineStrokeWidth,
xx2 - xx1, dataArea.getMaxY() - yy - outlineStrokeWidth);
currentGridBandIsDark = !currentGridBandIsDark;
* Draws the grid bands for the axis when it is at the top or bottom of
* the plot.
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param drawArea the area within which the chart should be drawn.
* @param plotArea the area within which the plot should be drawn (a
* subset of the drawArea).
* @param firstGridBandIsDark True: the first grid band takes the
* color of gridBandPaint.
* False: the second grid band takes the
* color of gridBandPaint.
* @param ticks a list of ticks.
protected void drawGridBandsVertical(Graphics2D g2,
Rectangle2D drawArea,
Rectangle2D plotArea,
boolean firstGridBandIsDark,
List ticks) {
boolean currentGridBandIsDark = firstGridBandIsDark;
double xx = plotArea.getX();
double yy1, yy2;
//gets the outline stroke width of the plot
double outlineStrokeWidth;
Stroke outlineStroke = getPlot().getOutlineStroke();
if (outlineStroke != null && outlineStroke instanceof BasicStroke) {
outlineStrokeWidth = ((BasicStroke) outlineStroke).getLineWidth();
else {
outlineStrokeWidth = 1d;
Iterator iterator = ticks.iterator();
ValueTick tick;
Rectangle2D band;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
tick = (ValueTick);
yy1 = valueToJava2D(tick.getValue() + 0.5d, plotArea,
yy2 = valueToJava2D(tick.getValue() - 0.5d, plotArea,
if (currentGridBandIsDark) {
else {
band = new Rectangle2D.Double(xx + outlineStrokeWidth, yy1,
plotArea.getMaxX() - xx - outlineStrokeWidth, yy2 - yy1);
currentGridBandIsDark = !currentGridBandIsDark;
* Rescales the axis to ensure that all data is visible.
protected void autoAdjustRange() {
Plot plot = getPlot();
if (plot == null) {
return; // no plot, no data
if (plot instanceof ValueAxisPlot) {
// ensure that all the symbols are displayed
double upper = this.symbols.size() - 1;
double lower = 0;
double range = upper - lower;
// ensure the autorange is at least in size...
double minRange = getAutoRangeMinimumSize();
if (range < minRange) {
upper = (upper + lower + minRange) / 2;
lower = (upper + lower - minRange) / 2;
// this ensure that the grid bands will be displayed correctly.
double upperMargin = 0.5;
double lowerMargin = 0.5;
if (getAutoRangeIncludesZero()) {
if (getAutoRangeStickyZero()) {
if (upper <= 0.0) {
upper = 0.0;
else {
upper = upper + upperMargin;
if (lower >= 0.0) {
lower = 0.0;
else {
lower = lower - lowerMargin;
else {
upper = Math.max(0.0, upper + upperMargin);
lower = Math.min(0.0, lower - lowerMargin);
else {
if (getAutoRangeStickyZero()) {
if (upper <= 0.0) {
upper = Math.min(0.0, upper + upperMargin);
else {
upper = upper + upperMargin * range;
if (lower >= 0.0) {
lower = Math.max(0.0, lower - lowerMargin);
else {
lower = lower - lowerMargin;
else {
upper = upper + upperMargin;
lower = lower - lowerMargin;
setRange(new Range(lower, upper), false, false);
* Calculates the positions of the tick labels for the axis, storing the
* results in the tick label list (ready for drawing).
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param state the axis state.
* @param dataArea the area in which the data should be drawn.
* @param edge the location of the axis.
* @return A list of ticks.
public List refreshTicks(Graphics2D g2,
AxisState state,
Rectangle2D dataArea,
RectangleEdge edge) {
List ticks = null;
if (RectangleEdge.isTopOrBottom(edge)) {
ticks = refreshTicksHorizontal(g2, dataArea, edge);
else if (RectangleEdge.isLeftOrRight(edge)) {
ticks = refreshTicksVertical(g2, dataArea, edge);
return ticks;
* Calculates the positions of the tick labels for the axis, storing the
* results in the tick label list (ready for drawing).
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param dataArea the area in which the data should be drawn.
* @param edge the location of the axis.
* @return The ticks.
protected List refreshTicksHorizontal(Graphics2D g2,
Rectangle2D dataArea,
RectangleEdge edge) {
List ticks = new java.util.ArrayList();
Font tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont();
double size = getTickUnit().getSize();
int count = calculateVisibleTickCount();
double lowestTickValue = calculateLowestVisibleTickValue();
double previousDrawnTickLabelPos = 0.0;
double previousDrawnTickLabelLength = 0.0;
if (count <= ValueAxis.MAXIMUM_TICK_COUNT) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
double currentTickValue = lowestTickValue + (i * size);
double xx = valueToJava2D(currentTickValue, dataArea, edge);
String tickLabel;
NumberFormat formatter = getNumberFormatOverride();
if (formatter != null) {
tickLabel = formatter.format(currentTickValue);
else {
tickLabel = valueToString(currentTickValue);
// avoid to draw overlapping tick labels
Rectangle2D bounds = TextUtilities.getTextBounds(tickLabel, g2,
double tickLabelLength = isVerticalTickLabels()
? bounds.getHeight() : bounds.getWidth();
boolean tickLabelsOverlapping = false;
if (i > 0) {
double avgTickLabelLength = (previousDrawnTickLabelLength
+ tickLabelLength) / 2.0;
if (Math.abs(xx - previousDrawnTickLabelPos)
< avgTickLabelLength) {
tickLabelsOverlapping = true;
if (tickLabelsOverlapping) {
tickLabel = ""; // don't draw this tick label
else {
// remember these values for next comparison
previousDrawnTickLabelPos = xx;
previousDrawnTickLabelLength = tickLabelLength;
TextAnchor anchor = null;
TextAnchor rotationAnchor = null;
double angle = 0.0;
if (isVerticalTickLabels()) {
anchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT;
rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT;
if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
angle = Math.PI / 2.0;
else {
angle = -Math.PI / 2.0;
else {
if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
anchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
else {
anchor = TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER;
rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER;
Tick tick = new NumberTick(new Double(currentTickValue),
tickLabel, anchor, rotationAnchor, angle);
return ticks;
* Calculates the positions of the tick labels for the axis, storing the
* results in the tick label list (ready for drawing).
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param dataArea the area in which the plot should be drawn.
* @param edge the location of the axis.
* @return The ticks.
protected List refreshTicksVertical(Graphics2D g2,
Rectangle2D dataArea,
RectangleEdge edge) {
List ticks = new java.util.ArrayList();
Font tickLabelFont = getTickLabelFont();
double size = getTickUnit().getSize();
int count = calculateVisibleTickCount();
double lowestTickValue = calculateLowestVisibleTickValue();
double previousDrawnTickLabelPos = 0.0;
double previousDrawnTickLabelLength = 0.0;
if (count <= ValueAxis.MAXIMUM_TICK_COUNT) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
double currentTickValue = lowestTickValue + (i * size);
double yy = valueToJava2D(currentTickValue, dataArea, edge);
String tickLabel;
NumberFormat formatter = getNumberFormatOverride();
if (formatter != null) {
tickLabel = formatter.format(currentTickValue);
else {
tickLabel = valueToString(currentTickValue);
// avoid to draw overlapping tick labels
Rectangle2D bounds = TextUtilities.getTextBounds(tickLabel, g2,
double tickLabelLength = isVerticalTickLabels()
? bounds.getWidth() : bounds.getHeight();
boolean tickLabelsOverlapping = false;
if (i > 0) {
double avgTickLabelLength = (previousDrawnTickLabelLength
+ tickLabelLength) / 2.0;
if (Math.abs(yy - previousDrawnTickLabelPos)
< avgTickLabelLength) {
tickLabelsOverlapping = true;
if (tickLabelsOverlapping) {
tickLabel = ""; // don't draw this tick label
else {
// remember these values for next comparison
previousDrawnTickLabelPos = yy;
previousDrawnTickLabelLength = tickLabelLength;
TextAnchor anchor = null;
TextAnchor rotationAnchor = null;
double angle = 0.0;
if (isVerticalTickLabels()) {
anchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) {
angle = -Math.PI / 2.0;
else {
angle = Math.PI / 2.0;
else {
if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) {
anchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT;
rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_RIGHT;
else {
anchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_LEFT;
rotationAnchor = TextAnchor.CENTER_LEFT;
Tick tick = new NumberTick(new Double(currentTickValue),
tickLabel, anchor, rotationAnchor, angle);
return ticks;
* Converts a value to a string, using the list of symbols.
* @param value value to convert.
* @return The symbol.
public String valueToString(double value) {
String strToReturn;
try {
strToReturn = (String) this.symbols.get((int) value);
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
strToReturn = "";
return strToReturn;
* Tests this axis for equality with an arbitrary object.
* @param obj the object (null
* @return A boolean.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof SymbolAxis)) {
return false;
SymbolAxis that = (SymbolAxis) obj;
if (!this.symbols.equals(that.symbols)) {
return false;
if (this.gridBandsVisible != that.gridBandsVisible) {
return false;
if (!PaintUtilities.equal(this.gridBandPaint, that.gridBandPaint)) {
return false;
if (!PaintUtilities.equal(this.gridBandAlternatePaint,
that.gridBandAlternatePaint)) {
return false;
return super.equals(obj);
* Provides serialization support.
* @param stream the output stream.
* @throws IOException if there is an I/O error.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
SerialUtilities.writePaint(this.gridBandPaint, stream);
SerialUtilities.writePaint(this.gridBandAlternatePaint, stream);
* Provides serialization support.
* @param stream the input stream.
* @throws IOException if there is an I/O error.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if there is a classpath problem.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
this.gridBandPaint = SerialUtilities.readPaint(stream);
this.gridBandAlternatePaint = SerialUtilities.readPaint(stream);
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