Download nbm-maven-plugin JAR file with all dependencies
nbm-maven-plugin from group org.codehaus.mojo (version 4.1)
Maven plugin for creating NetBeans modules. It defines a custom lifecycle called "nbm". During packaging, the module JAR is enhanced with NetBeans-specific manifest entries and, along with other required files, packed into a *.nbm file, ready for distribution. Additionally the plugin provides aggregator goals to create an update site or cluster for your module projects.
nbm-maven-plugin from group org.bitstrings.maven.plugins (version 4.1)
Maven plugin for creating NetBeans modules. It defines a custom lifecycle called "nbm". During packaging, the module JAR is enhanced with NetBeans-specific manifest entries and, along with other required files, packed into a *.nbm file, ready for distribution. Additionally the plugin provides aggregator goals to create an update site or cluster for your module projects.
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