templates.Entity.xpt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
?IMPORT dom?
?IMPORT core?
?EXTENSION extensions::File?
?EXTENSION extensions::EntityExtension?
?EXTENSION extensions::SimpleTypeExtension?
?EXTENSION extensions::Properties?
?EXTENSION extensions::Names?
?EXTENSION org::eclipse::xtend::util::stdlib::cloning?
?EXTENSION org::eclipse::xtend::util::stdlib::uid?
?EXTENSION org::openxma::dsl::common::extensions::LogUtil?
* main entry point for persistence generator
?DEFINE main FOR Model?
?LET getEntities() AS entities?
?EXPAND genInterface FOREACH entities?
?EXPAND manInterface FOREACH entities?
?EXPAND genClass FOREACH entities?
?EXPAND manClass FOREACH entities?
?EXPAND compositeIdClass FOREACH entities.select(e|e.identifier==null && !e.attributeGroups.select(e|e.key).isEmpty)?
?EXPAND attributeProperties FOREACH entities?
* Generates the interface of the given entity
?DEFINE genInterface FOR Entity?
?info("Write "+getGenInterfaceFileName())?
?FILE getGenInterfaceFileName()-?
package ?getPackageName(false)?;
?EXPAND Documentation::documentation FOR this-?
public interface ?getGenInterfaceName()??IF superType != null? extends ?superType.getFullyQualifiedName(false)? ?ENDIF? {
?FOREACH attributes.select(e|!e.reference) AS attribute?
?EXPAND Features::accessor FOR attribute-?
?EXPAND Features::mutator FOR attribute-?
?FOREACH attributes.select(e|e.reference) AS attribute?
?EXPAND Features::accessor FOR attribute-?
?EXPAND Features::mutator FOR attribute-?
?IF key!=null && (superType==null || superType.key==null) && identifier==null && (superType == null || superType.identifier==null)-?
?getFullyQualifiedCompositeIdentifierName()? ?key.getAccessorMethodName()?();
?EXPAND genOperationInterface FOR this-?
* Generates the manual interface of the given entity
?DEFINE manInterface FOR Entity?
?info("Write "+getInterfaceFileName())?
?FILE getInterfaceFileName() OUTLET_JAVA-?
package ?getPackageName(false)?;
?EXPAND Documentation::documentation FOR this-?
public interface ?name? extends ?getGenInterfaceName()? {
?EXPAND manOperationInterface FOR this-?
* Generates the implementation of the given entity
?DEFINE genClass FOR Entity?
?info("Write "+getGenClassFileName())?
?FILE getGenClassFileName()-?
package ?getPackageName(true)?;
?EXPAND Documentation::documentation FOR this-?
public abstract class ?getGenClassName()??IF superType != null? extends ?superType.getQualifiedClassName()??ENDIF? implements ?getQualifiedInterfaceName()? {
?EXPAND Features::attributes FOR this-?
?EXPAND Features::properties FOR this-?
?IF key!=null && (superType==null || superType.key==null) && identifier==null && (superType == null || superType.identifier==null)-?
public ?getCompositeIdentifierName()? ?key.getAccessorMethodName()?() {
return new ?getCompositeIdentifierName()?(?FOREACH key.attributes.attribute AS feature SEPARATOR ","??feature.name??ENDFOREACH?);
?IF isIdentifiable() && (superType == null || !superType.isIdentifiable())-?
?EXPAND equalsHashCode FOR this-?
?EXPAND Features::toString FOR this-?
?EXPAND genOperationImpl FOR this-?
* Generates the manual implementation of the given entity
?DEFINE manClass FOR Entity?
?info("Write "+getClassFileName())?
?FILE getClassFileName() OUTLET_JAVA-?
package ?getPackageName(true)?;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
?EXPAND Documentation::documentation FOR this-?
public class ?getClassName()? extends ?getGenClassName()? {
?FOREACH attributes.select(e|e.derived) AS derivedAttribute-?
?IF !derivedAttribute.readOnly-?
* @param ?derivedAttribute.name? the ?derivedAttribute.name? to set
public void ?getMutatorMethodName()?(?derivedAttribute.getImplementationType()? ?derivedAttribute.name?) {
* @return the ?derivedAttribute.name?
public ?derivedAttribute.getImplementationType()? ?derivedAttribute.getAccessorMethodName()?() {
return null;
?EXPAND manOperationImpl FOR this-?
* Generates default hashCode & equals implementation
?DEFINE equalsHashCode FOR Entity?
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
?IF identifier!=null-?
result = prime * result + ((?identifier.getAccessorMethodName()?() == null) ? 0 : ?identifier.getAccessorMethodName()?().hashCode());
?ELSEIF key!=null-?
result = prime * result + ((get?getCompositeIdentifierName()?() == null) ? 0 : get?getCompositeIdentifierName()?().hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (!(obj instanceof ?name?)) {
return false;
?name? other = (?name?) obj;
?IF identifier!=null-?
if (?identifier.getAccessorMethodName()?() == null) {
if (other.?identifier.getAccessorMethodName()?() != null) {
return false;
} else if (!?identifier.getAccessorMethodName()?().equals(other.?identifier.getAccessorMethodName()?())) {
return false;
?ELSEIF key!=null-?
if (get?getCompositeIdentifierName()?() == null) {
if (((?getClassName()?)other).get?getCompositeIdentifierName()?() != null) {
return false;
} else if (!get?getCompositeIdentifierName()?().equals(((?getClassName()?)other).get?getCompositeIdentifierName()?())) {
return false;
return true;
* Creates a dto for each dataView
?DEFINE compositeIdClass FOR Entity?
?info("Write "+getCompositeIdentifierClassFileName())?
?FILE getCompositeIdentifierClassFileName()?
package ?getPackageName(true)?;
import java.io.Serializable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
* Represents a composite identifier for entity ?name?
public class ?getCompositeIdentifierName()? implements Serializable {
?EXPAND Features::serialVersionUID FOR this-?
?EXPAND Features::attribute FOREACH key.attributes.attribute-?
?EXPAND Features::properties FOREACH key.attributes.attribute-?
public ?getCompositeIdentifierName()?() {
public ?getCompositeIdentifierName()?(?EXPAND Features::methodParameter FOREACH key.attributes.attribute SEPARATOR ","?) {
?FOREACH key.attributes.attribute AS field-?
Assert.notNull(?field.name?, "parameter '?field.name?' must not be null");
?FOREACH key.attributes.attribute AS field-?
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
?FOREACH key.attributes.attribute AS feature-?
result = prime * result + ((?feature.name? == null) ? 0 : ?feature.name?.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
?getCompositeIdentifierName()? other = (?getCompositeIdentifierName()?) obj;
?FOREACH key.attributes.attribute AS feature-?
if (?feature.name? == null) {
if (other.?feature.name? != null) {
return false;
} else if (!?feature.name?.equals(other.?feature.name?)) {
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder("?name? [")
?FOREACH key.attributes.attribute AS feature ITERATOR iterator-?
.append("?feature.name?=").append(?feature.name?)?IF !iterator.lastIteration?.append(",")?ENDIF?
?DEFINE attributeProperties FOR Entity?
?FOREACH allAttributes AS attribute ITERATOR it-?
?FOREACH attribute.attributProperties.typeSelect(AttributeTextProperty).select(e|e.labelText != null) AS atp-?
?attribute.name?.title = ?toUnicode(atp)?
?FOREACH attribute.attributProperties.typeSelect(AttributeTextProperty).select(e|e.tooltipText != null) AS atp-?
?attribute.name?.description = ?atp.tooltipText?
* defines a hook for generating additional operations for the GENERATED entity INTERFACE
?DEFINE genOperationInterface FOR Entity??ENDDEFINE?
* defines a hook for generating additional operations for the GENERATED entity IMPLEMENTATION
?DEFINE genOperationImpl FOR Entity??ENDDEFINE?
* defines a hook for generating additional operations for the MANUAL service INTERFACE
?DEFINE manOperationInterface FOR Entity??ENDDEFINE?
* defines a hook for generating additional operations for the MANUAL entity IMPLEMENTATION
?DEFINE manOperationImpl FOR Entity??ENDDEFINE?