at.spardat.xma.datasource.Domain Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package at.spardat.xma.datasource;
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2007 s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH .
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH - initial API and implementation
// @(#) $Id: Domain.java 7293 2011-02-25 17:15:33Z aku $
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import at.spardat.xma.plugins.PluginManagerServer;
import at.spardat.xma.session.XMASession;
import at.spardat.xma.session.XMASessionServer;
* A utility class to access a XMA-domain-table (see {@link ITabularDomData}).
* This class can be used to get long or short values of domain keys or to retrieved the complete domain.
* Usually this is not needed, as the domain handling is done by widget models.
* All domain values can be retrieved by this class or one domain row identfied by its key.
* Domain rows are returned as IDomRow objects.
* This class itself does not store any domain specific values beside the specTable given by getInstance() identifying a domain.
* At construction time, the domain-table is specified by providing a specification String, see
* {@link ITabularDataSource}.
* @author YSD, 20.07.2003 22:38:32
public class Domain {
* Identifies the domain table
private String specTable_;
* Lazy initialized reference to data source plugin
private static ITabularDataSource dsPlugin_;
* xma session used to retrieve datasource plugin
private XMASession session_;
* Returns an Domain object associated with a
* domain identified by specTable
* This constructor may only be used at the server side of XMA.
* @param specTable Example: "type=rsc,bundle=at.spardat.xma.samplespar.data.kestpflicht"
* @author s3460
public static Domain getInstance(String specTable){
return new Domain(specTable,null);
* Returns an Domain object associated with a
* domain identified by specTable
* @param specTable Example: "type=rsc,bundle=at.spardat.xma.samplespar.data.kestpflicht"
* @author gub
* @since 2.2.0
public static Domain getInstance(String specTable,XMASession session) {
return new Domain(specTable,session);
* Constructor
* @param specTable a XMA datasource table specification string, see {@link ITabularDataSource}.
private Domain (String specTable,XMASession session) {
if (specTable == null || specTable.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
specTable_ = specTable;
* Returns the String that specifies the domain table.
public String getSpecTable () {
return specTable_;
// /**
// * Sets the String that specifies the domain table.
// *
// * @param spec according to {@link ITabularDataSource}.
// */
// public void setSpecTable (String spec) {
// specTable_ = spec;
// }
* Returns the data source plugin
private void getDSPlugin () {
if (dsPlugin_ == null) {
// acquiring the DS plugin need not to be thread safe since it is a singleton.
// it does not harm if two threads execute this code.
if(session_!=null) {
dsPlugin_ = (ITabularDataSource)session_.getPluginManager().getPlugin(ITabularDataSource.class);
} else {
dsPlugin_ = (ITabularDataSource)PluginManagerServer.getInstance().getPlugin(ITabularDataSource.class);
* Returns the table of domain values associated with the current environment. Note
* that the returned table is dependent on the current session, particularely on
* the values in the XMAContext.
* Note that this method may only be used if the executing thread is the same
* that dispatched the XMA-RemoteCall.
* @return an Object encapsulating the list of domain values of the domain table
* specified at construction time.
public ITabularDomData getDomTable () {
if (dsPlugin_ == null) getDSPlugin();
if(session_!=null) {
return dsPlugin_.getDomTable(specTable_, session_);
} else {
return dsPlugin_.getDomTable(specTable_, XMASessionServer.getXMASession());
* Returns an object providing information about a domain value whose key is
* given. The domain table is looked up for the key and
* the right IDomRow object for the key is returned.
* Note that this method may only be used if the executing thread is the same
* that dispatched the XMA-RemoteCall.
* @return IDomRow object or null, if !hasValue() or
* the table does not contain a record with the stored key.
public IDomRow getDomRow (String key) {
if (key == null || key.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
ITabularDomData domTable = getDomTable();
return domTable.getDomRow(key);
* Returns the Locale-dependent short value associated with the key.
* @return short value or the empty String if the key is not in the domain table.
public String getShortValue (String key) {
IDomRow row = getDomRow(key);
return row == null ? "" : row.getShortValue();
* Returns the Locale-dependent long value associated with the key stored in this.
* @return long value or the empty String if the key is not in the domain table.
public String getLongValue (String key) {
IDomRow row = getDomRow(key);
return row == null ? "" : row.getLongValue();
* Returns whether the key identifies a row in the associated domain
* table and the row is valid with respect to the valid-begin- and end-dates. Hence,
* this method defines if the value is a end-user visible one or not. Programmers
* should use isInTable() to figure out if a value is contained in the
* table.
* @see ITabularDomData
* @return boolean indicating that the value is in the validity-time-range.
public boolean isValid (String key) {
IDomRow row = getDomRow(key);
return row == null ? false : row.isInValidTimeRange();
* Returns whether there exists a row in the associated domain table whose key is
* the one stored in this.
* @return true, if the key is present in the dom table. true implies
* that getDomRow() != null and vice versa.
public boolean isInTable (String key) {
return getDomRow(key) != null;
* Extracts the value of the type-parameter from the baseSpec.
public String getDomainType () {
// extract type
int firstComma = specTable_.indexOf(',', 5);
if (firstComma == -1) return specTable_.substring(5);
return specTable_.substring (5, firstComma);
* Returns an array with all IDomRows of a domain.
* A IDomRow provides information about a domain row.
* Note that this method may only be used if the executing thread is the same
* that dispatched the XMA-RemoteCall.
* @param onlyInValidTimeRange if true then only rows with IDomRow.isInValidTimeRange() are returned
* - if false all rows are returned.
* @return An array with IDomRows of a domain.
* @since version_number
* @author s3460
public IDomRow[] getDomRows(boolean onlyInValidTimeRange){
ITabularDomData domTable = getDomTable();
List list = new ArrayList();
int size = domTable.size();
//IDomRow[] rows = new IDomRow[size];
for (int i=0; iIDomRows of a domain.
* A IDomRow provides information about a domain row.
* Note that this method may only be used if the executing thread is the same
* that dispatched the XMA-RemoteCall.
* @return An array with all time valid IDomRows of a domain..
* @since version_number
* @author s3460
public IDomRow[] getDomRows(){
return getDomRows(true);