at.spardat.xma.mdl.table.ITableWMClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2007 s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH .
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH - initial API and implementation
// @(#) $Id: ITableWMClient.java 8329 2011-08-29 13:37:54Z filzo $
package at.spardat.xma.mdl.table;
import at.spardat.enterprise.fmt.IFmt;
import at.spardat.xma.mdl.IWModelClient;
* Programmers interface to an direct table widget model at the client.
* @author YSD, 20.06.2003 20:41:24
public interface ITableWMClient extends ITableWM, IWModelClient {
* Indicates that non of the table rows may be sorted. The default is
* that all rows may be sorted.
public static final int S_NON_SORTABLE = ITableWM.S_LAST * 2;
* Sets the formatter to use for column at index columnIndex.
* @param columnIndex the zero based index of the column
* @param formatter the IFmt object determining the string layout of a column cell.
* @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if columnIndex not valid.
public void setFormatter (int columnIndex, IFmt formatter);
* Sets the property if the column at index columnIndex may be sorted
* by the user or not. If this method is not called for a particular column,
* the value defaults to true.
* @param columnIndex the zero based index of the column
* @param what false if sorting of the column should be supressed, true otherwise.
public void setSortable (int columnIndex, boolean what);
* Returns true if the column at index columnIndex may be sorted.
public boolean isSortable (int columnIndex);
* Sorts the table contents on the UI using a particular column as sort order column. Note
* that this method does not sort the widget model. The model stays completely unchanged.
* It merely changes the permutation of rows on the UI. If you are working with zero based
* indexes on the table model, this indexes may no longer correspond with the rows rank you
* see in the UI table. Still the getSelection method of the widget model will
* return the rows as selected in the UI table.
* The table won't be sorted if any of the following is true:
* - The UI is not created yet.
- The provided column is not sortable.
- The cells in the provided column are not all of the same type.
* The sort algorithm is stable. Therefore sorting along columns c1 and c2
* in succession result in a sort order where rows are primarely sorted along c2.
* Within rows with the same c2 value, sort order is defined by c1.
* @param columnIndex the index of the column to be sorted.
public void sort (int columnIndex);
* Displays the rows in their natural order, i.e., as inserted in the table model.
* This method does not change the order in the model, just on the UI. It makes sure
* that the UI displays the rows in the same order as given by the model.
* This method may be used to undo an earlier call to sort. Besides that,
* the user might have changed the sort order by klicking on the table headers.
public void sortNatural ();
* Returns the formatter set for the column at index columnIndex or null
* if none has been set.
public IFmt getFormatter (int columnIndex);
* Returns the visibility state of a particular column.
* @param columnIndex zero based index of the column
* @return true if visible, false otherwise
public boolean isVisible (int columnIndex);
* Returns the column at the provided zero based index.
* @param i zero based index indentifying a column
* @return a TableColumn object describing the column
* @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if i greater equal getColumnCount or
* less than zero.
public XMATableColumn getColumn (int i);
* Selects the row at a provided index in the UI-control (SWT-table) associated
* with this widget-model. If index is less than zero or greater or equal to
* size(), this method does nothing.
* Note that the UI must be constructed in order for this method to work.
public void selectByUIIndex (int index);
* Returns the index of the column sorting the table
* or -1 if the table is not sorted by any column.
* @return The index of the column starting with 0 or -1 if no sort was done.
* @since version_number
* @author S3460
public int getSortingColumn();
* Shows if the sorted column sorts ascending (1 click) or descening(2 clicks).
* If the sorted column index is -1, then a call to this method makes no sense.
* @return true - ascending / false - descending
* @since version_number
* @author S3460
public boolean isSortingColumnAscending();
* Shows if this table shows a sort indicator at the sorting column's header.
public boolean hasSortIndicator();
* If this method is set to true than a sort indicator (a small up or down arrow)
* is shown at the column's header, which sorts the table.
* @param showSortIndicator true - show a sort indicator at the sorting column's header / false - no sort indicator is shown
public void setSortIndicator(boolean showSortIndicator);
* Registers an external sorter which will be used for sorting columns instead of the internal
* sorting implementation of the table.
* @since 2.3.0
* @author gub
public void setExternalSorter(TableExternalSorterClient externalSorter);
* Sets a TableWM2UIListenerClient.
* If a TableWM2UIListenerClient is registered then its method {@link TableWM2UIListenerClient#model2UIEvent(TableRow, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem, int, int)}
* is is always called after a TableWM cell is written to the SWT TableItem index.
* Only one instance of a TableWM2UIListenerClient can be set.
* @param listener
* @see TableWM2UIListenerClient
* @since 2.0.4
* @author s3460
public void setTableWM2UIListener(TableWM2UIListenerClient listener);
* Converts a model column index to its corresponding UI index.
* @since 2.1.1
public int modelColumnIndexToUIColumnIndex(int index);
* Converts a UI column index to its corresponding model column index.
* @since 2.2.0
public int uiColumnIndexToModelColumnIndex(int uiIndex);
* Converts a model row index to its corresponding UI index.
* @since 2.2.0
public int modelIndexToUIIndex(int modelIndex);
* Converts a UI row index to its corresponding model row index.
* @since 2.2.0
public int uiIndex2ModelIndex(int uiIndex) ;