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@?? ?-+~???-? -?/??b+????`@,)~?`?`?*p ???*? ? ??`?-p !~?)0 ???-? ??)?@?@?@?: ? ?-??-? ??`?b@???"?????p@?%??%??%@??` H?$@? ?$@h?$??`???,0 ?+0 ???@?b?!`?D@?)0@ ?\?D@?*?o???t
??????????@/???????`0?]??Y?????`?????@????\???o???????@?????P??x??????????P??F?????0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_set.WRAPPER_BITS=%sset.WRAPPER_ARCH=%sset.WRAPPER_OS=%sset.WRAPPER_FILE_SEPARATOR=/set.WRAPPER_PATH_SEPARATOR=:Unable to open configuration file. %sProblem loading wrapper configuration file: %sThe argument '%s' is not a valid property name-value pair.Unable to resolve the full path of the configuration file, %s: %s127.0.0.1unable to bind listener port %d, or any port in the range %d-%d. (%s)server socket close failed. (%d)unable to bind listener to any port in the range %d-%d. (%s)port %d already in use, using port %d instead.server socket listen failed. (%d)server listening on port %d.server socket ioctlsocket failed. (%s)server socket creation failed. (%s)socket ioctlsocket failed. (%s)accepted a socket from %s on port %dsocket creation failed. (%s)socket close failed. (%d)STARTSTOPRESTARTPINGSTOP_PENDINGSTART_PENDINGSTARTEDSTOPPEDKEYBADKEYLOW_LOG_LEVELPING_TIMEOUTSERVICE_CONTROL_CODEPROPERTIESUNKNOWN(%d)LOG(DEBUG)LOG(INFO)LOG(STATUS)LOG(WARN)LOG(ERROR)LOG(FATAL)(Property Values)socket send failed. (%d)send a packet %s : %sNULLsocket not open, so packet not sent %s : %sreceived unknown packet (%d:%s)read a packet %s : %ssocket read no code (closed?).socket read failed. (%s)wrapper.logLPTMLPMc%s.confWrapper (Version %s) http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org
%s [configuration properties] [...]
Usage: %s [configuration properties] [...]
( implicitly '%s.conf')
( implicitly '-c') ( implicitly '-c' and '%s.conf')
-v --version print the wrapper's version information. %s
where can be one of: -c --console run as a Console application is the wrapper.conf to use. Name must be absolute or relative to the location of %s
wrapper.debug=true -? --help print this help message in wrapper.conf. For example:[configuration properties] are configuration name-value pairs which override values--> Wrapper Started as Console--> Wrapper Started as DaemonUsing tick timer.Using system timer.<-- Wrapper Stopped--> Wrapper Started as ServicewrapperStopProcess(%d) called while stopping. (IGNORED)wrapperStopProcess(%d) called.wrapper.java.commandjava"%s"%sjdbjdb.exewrapper.java.additional.%d-Xdebug"-The value of property '%s', '%s' is not a valid argument to the jvm. Skipping.wrapper.java.additional.%d.stripquoteswrapper.java.initmemory-Xms%dmwrapper.java.maxmemory-Xmx%dmwrapper.java.library.path-Djava.library.path="%s%c%s"-classpathwrapper.java.classpath.%d\"-Dwrapper.key="%s"-Dwrapper.port=%d-Dwrapper.jvm.port=%d-Dwrapper.jvm.port.min=%d-Dwrapper.jvm.port.max=%d-Dwrapper.debug="TRUE"-Dwrapper.debug=TRUE-Dwrapper.pid=%d-Dwrapper.use_system_time="TRUE"-Dwrapper.use_system_time=TRUE-Dwrapper.version="%s"-Dwrapper.native_library="%s"-Dwrapper.ignore_signals="TRUE"-Dwrapper.ignore_signals=TRUE-Dwrapper.service="TRUE"-Dwrapper.service=TRUE-Dwrapper.disable_shutdown_hook="TRUE"-Dwrapper.disable_shutdown_hook=TRUE-Dwrapper.cpu.timeout="%d"-Dwrapper.jvmid=%dMainwrapper.java.mainclasswrapper.app.parameter.%dwrapper.app.parameter.%d.stripquotes-Dwrapper.cpu.timeout=%d-Dwrapper.native_library=%s-Dwrapper.version=%s-Dwrapper.timer_fast_threshold="%d"-Dwrapper.timer_slow_threshold="%d"-Dwrapper.timer_slow_threshold=%d-Dwrapper.timer_fast_threshold=%d-Dwrapper.key=%s./Classpath element, %s, does not match any files: %sClasspath element, %s, does not exist: %sUnable to get information of classpath element: %s (%s)-Djava.library.path="%s%c%s\"-Djava.library.path=%s%c%s-Djava.library.path="%s"-Djava.library.path="%s\"-Djava.library.path=%s-Djava.library.path=wrapper.java.library.path.%dLD_LIBRARY_PATHJVM process exited with a code of %d, however the wrapper exit code was already %d.JVM process exited with a code of %d, setting the wrapper exit code to %d.JVM already down.Unable to start a JVMJVM exited while loading the application.JVM exited before starting the application.JVM exited while starting the application.JVM exited unexpectedly.JVM exited unexpectedly while stopping the application.JVM exited normally.JVM exited on its own while waiting to kill the application.Unexpected jState=%d in wrapperJVMProcessExited.JVM process exited with a code of %d, leaving the wrapper exit code set to %d.F??IGNORESHUTDOWNFORWARDwrapper.logfileSIZEwrapper.logfile.rollmodeYYYYMMDDwrapper.logfile.formatINFOwrapper.logfile.maxsizewrapper.logfile.loglevel0wrapper.logfile.maxfileswrapper.logfile.inactivity.timeoutPMwrapper.console.formatwrapper.console.loglevelwrapper.console.flushNONEwrapper.syslog.facilitywrapper.syslog.loglevelwrapperUSERwrapper.ntservice.namewrapper.unix.namewrapper.portwrapper.port.minwrapper.port.min must be in the range 1-65535. Changing to %d.wrapper.port.maxwrapper.jvm.portwrapper.jvm.port must not equal wrapper.port. Changing to the default.wrapper.jvm.port.minwrapper.jvm.port.min must be in the range 1-65535. Changing to %d.wrapper.jvm.port.maxwrapper.debugwrapper.java.command.loglevelDEBUGwrapper.adviserwrapper.use_system_timewrapper.timer_fast_thresholdwrapper.native_librarywrapper.timer_slow_thresholdwrapper.java.library.path.append_system_pathwrapper.state_outputwrapper.timer_outputwrapper.sleep_outputwrapper.loop_outputwrapper.memory_outputwrapper.cpu_outputwrapper.cpu_output.intervalwrapper.memory_output.intervalwrapper.startup.delaywrapper.disable_shutdown_hookwrapper.startup.delay.consolewrapper.startup.delay.servicewrapper.restart.delaywrapper.restart.reload_configurationwrapper.cpu.timeoutwrapper.startup.timeoutwrapper.disable_restartswrapper.ping.timeoutwrapper.shutdown.timeoutwrapper.jvm_exit.timeoutwrapper.ping.intervalwrapper.ping.interval must be at less than or equal to 1 hour (3600 seconds). Changing to 3600.wrapper.ping.timeout must be at least 5 seconds longer than wrapper.ping.interval. Changing to %d.CPU timeout detection may not operate correctly during startup because wrapper.cpu.timeout is not smaller than wrapper.startup.timeout.CPU timeout detection may not operate correctly because wrapper.cpu.timeout is not smaller than wrapper.ping.timeout.CPU timeout detection may not operate correctly during shutdown because wrapper.cpu.timeout is not smaller than wrapper.shutdown.timeout.wrapper.max_failed_invocationswrapper.successful_invocation_timeThe value of wrapper.max_failed_invocations must not be smaller than 1. Changing to 1.wrapper.request_thread_dump_on_failed_jvm_exitwrapper.filter.trigger.%dwrapper.filter.action.%dwrapper.pidfilewrapper.java.pidfilewrapper.lockfilewrapper.java.idfilewrapper.statusfilewrapper.java.statusfilewrapper.commandfilewrapper.command.poll_intervalwrapper.anchor.poll_intervalwrapper.umaskwrapper.java.umaskwrapper.pidfile.umaskwrapper.lockfile.umaskwrapper.java.pidfile.umaskwrapper.java.idfile.umaskwrapper.statusfile.umaskwrapper.java.statusfile.umaskwrapper.anchorfile.umaskwrapper.logfile.umaskwrapper.ignore_signalswrapper.daemonizewrapper.signal.mode.hupwrapper.anchorfilewrapper.ping.interval must be at least 1 second. Changing to 1.%s must be in the range 0 to %d days (%d seconds). Changing to %d.wrapper.jvm.port.max must be greater than or equal to wrapper.jvm.port.min. Changing to %d.wrapper.port.max must be greater than or equal to wrapper.port.min. Changing to %d.wrapper.logfile must contain "%s" for a roll mode of DATE. Disabling log file rolling.wrapper.logfile.rollmode invalid. Disabling log file rolling.Got a log message from JVM: %sGot key from JVM: %sReceived a connection request with an incorrect key. Waiting for another connection.%dIncorrect key. Connection rejected.Got ping response from JVMJVM requested a shutdown. (%d)JVM requested a restart.wrapperRestartProcess() called.wrapperRestartProcess() called. (IGNORED)JVM signalled a stop pending with waitHint of %d millis.@?@JVM signalled that it was stopped.JVM signalled a start pending with waitHint of %d millis.@?@JVM signalled that it was started.Filter trigger matched. Shutting down.Filter trigger matched. Restarting JVM.------------------------------------------------------------------------The JVM is being launched with a debugger enabled and could possibly besuspended. To avoid unwanted shutdowns, timeouts will be disabled,removing the ability to detect and restart frozen JVMs.Working directory set to: %sUnable to set working directory to: %s (%s)wrapper.working.dir3.2.332x86windowsUNKNOWNDOWNLAUNCH(DELAY)LAUNCHINGLAUNCHEDSTARTINGSTARTEDSTOPPINGSTOPPEDKILLINGStartup failed: Timed out waiting for a signal from the JVM.wrapper.java.mainclassMainorg.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperSimpleApporg.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperStartStopApp------------------------------------------------------------------------The Wrapper consists of a native component as well as a set of classesAdvice:Wrapper must be initialized promptly after the JVM is launched or thewhich run within the JVM that it launches. The Java component of thespecified in the Wrapper configuration file is not correctly initializingWrapper will timeout, as just happened. Most likely the main class %sthe Wrapper classes:While it is possible to do so manually, the Wrapper ships with helperclasses to make this initialization processes automatic.Please review the integration section of the Wrapper's documentationwithin the Wrapper:for the various methods which can be employed to launch an application http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org/doc/english/integrate.html Loop: check anchor fileAnchor file deleted. Shutting down. Set Wrapper State %s -> %swUnable to write to the status file: %s%s
Loop: check command filer+tCommand '%s' not supported on this platform, ignoring.LOGFILE_LOGLEVELSYSLOG_LOGLEVELRESTARTSTOPCommand '%s'. Restarting JVM.Unable to delete the command file, %s: %sPAUSECommand '%s'. Shutting down with exit code %d.RESUMEDUMPCONSOLE_LOGLEVELCommand '%s'. Requesting a Thread Dump.Command '%s' is missing its log level.Command '%s' specified an unknown log level: '%'Command '%s'. Set console log level to '%s'.%dCommand '%s'. Set log file log level to '%s'.Command '%s' lead to an unexpected state.Command '%s'. Set syslog log level to '%s'.LOOP_OUTPUTSTATE_OUTPUTTRUECommand '%s'. Disable %s.Command '%s'. Enable %s.MEMORY_OUTPUTCPU_OUTPUTTIMER_OUTPUTSLEEP_OUTPUTCommand '%s' is unknown, ignoring.Unable to read the command file: %swrapper.on_exit.%dJVM Restarts disabled. Shutting down.Waiting %d seconds before launching another JVM. Set Java State %s Timeout %08lx -> %08lx Set Java State %s -> %sThere were %d failed launches in a row, each lasting less than %d seconds. Giving up. There may be a configuration problem: please check the logs.JVM was only running for %d seconds leading to a failed restart count of %d.Waiting %d seconds before launching the first JVM.wrapper.on_exit.defaultshutdownrestarton_exit trigger matched. Restarting the JVM. (Exit code: %d)on_exit trigger matched. Service is paused, will restart the JVM when resumed. (Exit code: %d)Reloading Wrapper configuration...com.silveregg.wrapper.WrapperSimpleAppcom.silveregg.wrapper.WrapperStartStopAppThe com.silveregg.wrapper.WrapperSimpleApp class is no longer supported.Please use the org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperSimpleApp class instead.The com.silveregg.wrapper.WrapperStartStopApp class is no longer supported.Please use the org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperStartStopApp class instead.Launching a JVM...Ping: Timed out waiting for signal from JVM.ping DebugJVM timeout. Disable current %s timeout.The JVM was launched with debug options so this may be because the JVM%sis currently suspended by a debugger. Any future timeouts during thisJVM invocation will be silently ignored.JVM appears hung: Timed out waiting for signal from JVM. Temp: Sending a ping packet. Temp: Sent a ping packet.JVM Ping Failed. Last system time tick overflow at: %s Next system time tick overflow at: %s Last tick overflow at: %s Next tick overflow at: %sEvent loop started.no Loop: %ssleep Loop: process jvm outputPause reading child output to share cycles. Loop: process socketPause reading socket data to share cycles. Loop: maintain logger(2)truefalse Ticks=%08lx, WrapperState=%s, JVMState=%s JVMStateTimeoutTicks=%08lx (%ds), Exit=%s, Restart=%s Loop: exit requested Loop: handle wrapper state: %sUnknown wState=%dEvent loop stopped.Startup: Timed out waiting for a signal from the JVM.startupStart Application.startUnable to send the start command to the JVM.Startup failed: Timed out waiting for signal from JVM.Shutdown: Timed out waiting for a signal from the JVM.Shutdown failed: Timed out waiting for signal from JVM.Shutdown: Timed out waiting for the JVM to terminate.JVM exitShutdown failed: Timed out waiting for the JVM to terminate.Unknown jState=%d Loop: handle jvm state: %sSending stop signal to JVM Ticks=%08lx, WrapperState=%s, JVMState=%s JVMStateTimeoutTicks=%08lx (N/A), Exit=%s, Restart=%sWrapper Process has not received any CPU time for %d seconds. Extending timeouts. Loop: maintain loggerSignal trapped. Details:UNKNOWNSIGALRMunknownkill, sigsend or raise signal number=%d (%s), source="%s" signal generated by PID: %d (Session PID: %d), UID: %d (%s) signal err=%d, "%s"mesq state changedAIO completedtimer expiredsigqueueSIGHUPSIGINTSIGQUITSIGKILLSIGTERMSIGCHLDSignal trapped. No details available.%s trapped, but signals for timer thread are ignored.%s trapped. Restarting JVM.%s trapped, but ignored.%s trapped. Unable to forward signal to JVM because it is not running.%s trapped. Forwarding to JVM process.Unable to forward %s signal to JVM process. %s%s trapped. Forcing immediate shutdown.%s trapped. Shutting down.Could not mask signals for timer thread.Timer thread started.The timer fell behind the system clock by %ldms.The system clock fell behind the timer by %ldms. Timer: ticks=%lu, system ticks=%lu, offset=%lu, offsetDiff=%ld Sleep: nanosleep %dms Sleep: awakeCommand[%d] : %sCould not init pipe: %sUnable to set JVM's stderr: %sUnable to set JVM's stdout: %sw%d
Unable to write the Java ID file: %sUnable to write the Java PID file: %sFailed to set jvm output handle to close on JVM exit: %s (%d)Failed to set jvm output handle to non blocking mode: %s (%d)Could not spawn JVM process: %sUnable to start JVM: %s (%d)WIFEXITED indicates that the JVM exited abnormally.JVM exited in response to signal %s (%d).Unable to request JVM process status: %sFailed to read console output from the JVM: %s (%d)Dumping JVM state.Could not dump JVM state: %sSpawning intermediate process.../dev/nullSpawning daemon process...Could not spawn daemon process: %ssetsid() failed: %sUnable to get the path for '%s'-%sUnable to extract path from: %sUnable to set working dir to %s : %s?-helpv-versionc-consoleWARNING: Could not write lock file %s: %sERROR: Could not write pid file %s: %sERROR: Could not write anchor file %s: %s
Unrecognized option: -%s
Timer thread received an Alarm signal. Ignoring.Received an Alarm signal. Ignoring.INTTimer thread received an Quit signal. Ignoring.Received SIGCHLD, checking JVM process status.JVM process was still running after receiving a SIGCHLD signal.TERMHUPUnable to register signal handler for signal %d. %sLaunching Timer thread.Unable to create a timer thread: %d, %sCall to getrusage failed for Wrapper process: %sWrapper CPU: system %ld.%03ld, user %ld.%03ld Java CPU: system %ld.%03ld, user %ld.%03ldCall to getrusage failed for Java process: %sJVM did not exit on request. Attempt to terminate process failed: %sJVM did not exit on request, terminatedrt#includeset.default.set.%s=%sUnable to set environment variable: %s
The following property name value pair is too large. Need to increase the internal buffer size: %struefalse name:%s value:%sNONE DEBUG INFO STATUSWARN ERROR FATAL ADVICENONESIZEWRAPPERJVMSIZE_OR_WRAPPERSIZE_OR_JVMDATEFATALERRORWARNINFODEBUGUSERLOCAL0LOCAL1LOCAL2LOCAL3LOCAL4LOCAL5LOCAL6LOCAL7wrapper jvm %-4d | wrapperpmain srvmaintimer unknownsignal %s%c%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03dYYYYMMDDROLLNUM-ROLLNUM_ROLLNUM.ROLLNUM.%s-YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.YYYYMMDD%04d%02d%02daUnable to open logfile %s: %s
wrapper.logWARNING - Encountered an unknown thread %ld in getThreadId().
%dUnable to delete old log file: %s (%s)
Unable to rename log file %s to %s. File is in use by another application.
Unable to rename log file %s to %s. (%s)
Unable to get the current logfile size with ftell: %s
Unable to get the current logfile size with stat: %s
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Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Compiler Common 6.2 Solaris_9_CBE 2001/04/02
as: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Compiler Common 6.2 Solaris_9_CBE 2001/04/02
@(#)SunOS 5.9 Generic May 2002as: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Compiler Common 6.2 Solaris_9_CBE 2001/04/02
GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2as: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Compiler Common 6.2 Solaris_9_CBE 2001/04/02
GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2as: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Compiler Common 6.2 Solaris_9_CBE 2001/04/02
GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2as: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Compiler Common 6.2 Solaris_9_CBE 2001/04/02
GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2as: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Compiler Common 6.2 Solaris_9_CBE 2001/04/02
GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2as: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Compiler Common 6.2 Solaris_9_CBE 2001/04/02
GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2as: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Compiler Common 6.2 Solaris_9_CBE 2001/04/02
GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2as: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Compiler Common 6.2 Solaris_9_CBE 2001/04/02
GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2as: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Compiler Common 6.2 Solaris_9_CBE 2001/04/02
ld: Software Generation Utilities - Solaris Link Editors: 5.9-1.373?
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