org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.Manifest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar;
* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
* Holds the data of a jar manifest.
* Manifests are processed according to the
* {@link Jar
* file specification.}.
* Specifically, a manifest element consists of
* a set of attributes and sections. These sections in turn may contain
* attributes. Note in particular that this may result in manifest lines
* greater than 72 bytes being wrapped and continued on the next
* line. If an application can not handle the continuation mechanism, it
* is a defect in the application, not this task.
* @since Ant 1.4
public class Manifest
extends java.util.jar.Manifest implements Iterable
* The Name Attribute is the first in a named section
private static final String ATTRIBUTE_NAME = ManifestConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
* The From Header is disallowed in a Manifest
private static final String ATTRIBUTE_FROM = ManifestConstants.ATTRIBUTE_FROM;
* Default Manifest version if one is not specified
private static final String DEFAULT_MANIFEST_VERSION = ManifestConstants.DEFAULT_MANIFEST_VERSION;
* The max length of a line in a Manifest
private static final int MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 72;
* Max length of a line section which is continued. Need to allow
* for the CRLF.
private static final int MAX_SECTION_LENGTH = MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 2;
* The End-Of-Line marker in manifests
static final String EOL = "\r\n";
public static class BaseAttribute
* The attribute's name
protected String name = null;
* Get the Attribute's name
* @return the attribute's name.
public String getName()
return name;
public boolean equals( Object o )
if ( this == o )
return true;
if ( !( o instanceof BaseAttribute ) )
return false;
BaseAttribute that = (BaseAttribute) o;
return !( name != null ? !name.equals( that.name ) : that.name != null );
public int hashCode()
return name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0;
* An attribute for the manifest.
* Those attributes that are not nested into a section will be added to the "Main" section.
public static class Attribute
extends BaseAttribute implements Iterable
* The attribute's value
private Vector values = new Vector();
* For multivalued attributes, this is the index of the attribute
* currently being defined.
private int currentIndex = 0;
* Construct an empty attribute
public Attribute()
* Construct a manifest by specifying its name and value
* @param name the attribute's name
* @param value the Attribute's value
public Attribute( String name, String value )
this.name = name;
setValue( value );
public Iterator iterator()
return values.iterator();
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode
public int hashCode()
int hashCode = super.hashCode();
hashCode += values.hashCode();
return hashCode;
* @see java.lang.Object#equals
public boolean equals( Object rhs )
if ( super.equals( rhs ) )
return false;
if ( rhs == null || rhs.getClass() != getClass() )
return false;
if ( rhs == this )
return true;
Attribute rhsAttribute = (Attribute) rhs;
String lhsKey = getKey();
String rhsKey = rhsAttribute.getKey();
//noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement,ConstantConditions
if ( ( lhsKey == null && rhsKey != null ) || ( lhsKey != null && rhsKey == null ) || !lhsKey.equals(
rhsKey ) )
return false;
return rhsAttribute.values != null && values.equals( rhsAttribute.values );
* Set the Attribute's name; required
* @param name the attribute's name
public void setName( String name )
this.name = name;
* Get the attribute's Key - its name in lower case.
* @return the attribute's key.
public String getKey()
return getKey (name );
* Get the key for the specified attribute name - its name in lower case.
* @return the attribute's key.
private static String getKey( String name )
if ( name == null )
return null;
return name.toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH );
* Set the Attribute's value; required
* @param value the attribute's value
public void setValue( String value )
if ( currentIndex >= values.size() )
values.addElement( value );
currentIndex = values.size() - 1;
values.setElementAt( value, currentIndex );
* Get the Attribute's value.
* @return the attribute's value.
public String getValue()
if ( values.size() == 0 )
return null;
String fullValue = "";
for ( String value : values )
fullValue += value + " ";
return fullValue.trim();
* Add a new value to this attribute - making it multivalued.
* @param value the attribute's additional value
public void addValue( String value )
setValue( value );
* Write the attribute out to a print writer.
* @param writer the Writer to which the attribute is written
* @throws IOException if the attribute value cannot be written
void write( PrintWriter writer )
throws IOException
StringWriter sWriter = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter bufferWriter = new PrintWriter( sWriter );
for ( String value : values )
writeValue( bufferWriter, value );
byte[] convertedToUtf8 = sWriter.toString().getBytes( "UTF-8" );
writer.print( new String( convertedToUtf8, "UTF-8" ) );
* Write a single attribute value out. Should handle multiple lines of attribute value.
* @param writer the Writer to which the attribute is written
* @param value the attribute value
* @throws IOException if the attribute value cannot be written
private void writeValue( PrintWriter writer, String value )
throws IOException
String nameValue = name + ": " + value;
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( nameValue, "\n\r" );
String prefix = "";
while ( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() )
writeLine( writer, prefix + tokenizer.nextToken() );
prefix = " ";
* Write a single Manifest line. Should handle more than 72 characters of line
* @param writer the Writer to which the attribute is written
* @param line the manifest line to be written
* @throws java.io.IOException when Io excepts
private void writeLine( PrintWriter writer, String line )
throws IOException
while ( line.getBytes().length > MAX_LINE_LENGTH )
// try to find a MAX_LINE_LENGTH byte section
int breakIndex = MAX_SECTION_LENGTH;
String section = line.substring( 0, breakIndex );
while ( section.getBytes().length > MAX_SECTION_LENGTH && breakIndex > 0 )
section = line.substring( 0, breakIndex );
if ( breakIndex == 0 )
throw new IOException( "Unable to write manifest line " + line );
writer.print( section + EOL );
line = " " + line.substring( breakIndex );
writer.print( line + EOL );
public class ExistingAttribute
extends Attribute implements Iterable
private final Attributes attributes;
public ExistingAttribute(Attributes attributes, String name)
this.attributes = attributes;
this.name = name;
public Iterator iterator()
return getKeys(attributes).iterator();
public void setName( String name )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cant do this" );
public String getKey()
return name;
public void setValue( String value )
attributes.putValue( name, value );
public String getValue()
return attributes.getValue( name );
public void addValue( String value )
String value1 = getValue();
value1 = (value1 != null) ? " " + value : value;
setValue( value1 );
void write( PrintWriter writer )
throws IOException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cant do this" );
private static Collection getKeys(Attributes attributes){
Collection result = new ArrayList( );
for ( Object objectObjectEntry : attributes.keySet() )
result.add( objectObjectEntry.toString() );
return result;
* A manifest section - you can nest attribute elements into sections.
* A section consists of a set of attribute values,
* separated from other sections by a blank line.
public static class Section implements Iterable
* Warnings for this section
private Vector warnings = new Vector();
* The section's name if any. The main section in a
* manifest is unnamed.
private String name = null;
* The section's attributes.
private Hashtable attributes = new Hashtable();
* Index used to retain the attribute ordering
private Vector attributeIndex = new Vector();
* The name of the section; optional -default is the main section.
* @param name the section's name
public void setName( String name )
this.name = name;
* Get the Section's name.
* @return the section's name.
public String getName()
return name;
public Iterator iterator()
return attributes.keySet().iterator();
* Get a attribute of the section
* @param attributeName the name of the attribute
* @return a Manifest.Attribute instance if the attribute is
* single-valued, otherwise a Vector of Manifest.Attribute
* instances.
public Attribute getAttribute( String attributeName )
return attributes.get( attributeName.toLowerCase() );
* Add an attribute to the section.
* @param attribute the attribute to be added to the section
* @throws ManifestException if the attribute is not valid.
public void addConfiguredAttribute( Attribute attribute )
throws ManifestException
String check = addAttributeAndCheck( attribute );
if ( check != null )
throw new ManifestException(
"Specify the section name using " + "the \"name\" attribute of the element rather "
+ "than using a \"Name\" manifest attribute" );
* Add an attribute to the section
* @param attribute the attribute to be added.
* @return the value of the attribute if it is a name
* attribute - null other wise
* @throws ManifestException if the attribute already
* exists in this section.
public String addAttributeAndCheck( Attribute attribute )
throws ManifestException
if ( attribute.getName() == null || attribute.getValue() == null )
throw new ManifestException( "Attributes must have name and value" );
if ( attribute.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase( ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) )
"\"" + ATTRIBUTE_NAME + "\" attributes " + "should not occur in the main section and must be the "
+ "first element in all other sections: \"" + attribute.getName() + ": " + attribute.getValue()
+ "\"" );
return attribute.getValue();
if ( attribute.getKey().startsWith( Attribute.getKey( ATTRIBUTE_FROM ) ) )
warnings.addElement( "Manifest attributes should not start " + "with \"" + ATTRIBUTE_FROM + "\" in \""
+ attribute.getName() + ": " + attribute.getValue() + "\"" );
// classpath attributes go into a vector
String attributeKey = attribute.getKey();
if ( attributeKey.equalsIgnoreCase( ManifestConstants.ATTRIBUTE_CLASSPATH ) )
Attribute classpathAttribute = attributes.get( attributeKey );
if ( classpathAttribute == null )
storeAttribute( attribute );
warnings.addElement( "Multiple Class-Path attributes " + "are supported but violate the Jar "
+ "specification and may not be correctly "
+ "processed in all environments" );
for (String value : attribute )
classpathAttribute.addValue( value );
else if ( attributes.containsKey( attributeKey ) )
throw new ManifestException( "The attribute \"" + attribute.getName() + "\" may not occur more "
+ "than once in the same section" );
storeAttribute( attribute );
return null;
* Store an attribute and update the index.
* @param attribute the attribute to be stored
protected void storeAttribute( Attribute attribute )
if ( attribute == null )
String attributeKey = attribute.getKey();
attributes.put( attributeKey, attribute );
if ( !attributeIndex.contains( attributeKey ) )
attributeIndex.addElement( attributeKey );
* Get the warnings for this section.
* @return an Enumeration of warning strings.
public Enumeration getWarnings()
return warnings.elements();
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode
public int hashCode()
int hashCode = 0;
if ( name != null )
hashCode += name.hashCode();
hashCode += attributes.hashCode();
return hashCode;
* @see java.lang.Object#equals
public boolean equals( Object rhs )
if ( rhs == null || rhs.getClass() != getClass() )
return false;
if ( rhs == this )
return true;
Section rhsSection = (Section) rhs;
return rhsSection.attributes != null && attributes.equals( rhsSection.attributes );
public class ExistingSection implements Iterable
private final Attributes backingAttributes;
private final String sectionName;
public ExistingSection( Attributes backingAttributes, String sectionName )
this.backingAttributes = backingAttributes;
this.sectionName = sectionName;
public Iterator iterator()
return getKeys( backingAttributes ).iterator();
public ExistingAttribute getAttribute( String attributeName )
Attributes.Name name = new Attributes.Name( attributeName );
return backingAttributes.containsKey( name )
? new ExistingAttribute( backingAttributes,attributeName )
: null;
public String getName()
return sectionName;
public String getAttributeValue( String attributeName )
return backingAttributes.getValue( attributeName );
public void removeAttribute( String attributeName )
backingAttributes.remove( new Attributes.Name( attributeName ) );
public void addConfiguredAttribute( Attribute attribute )
throws ManifestException
backingAttributes.putValue( attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue() );
public String addAttributeAndCheck( Attribute attribute )
throws ManifestException
return remap( backingAttributes, attribute );
public int hashCode()
return backingAttributes.hashCode();
public boolean equals( Object rhs )
return rhs instanceof ExistingSection && backingAttributes.equals(
( (ExistingSection) rhs ).backingAttributes );
public Iterator iterator()
return getEntries().keySet().iterator();
* The main section of this manifest
private Section mainSection = new Section();
* Construct a manifest from Ant's default manifest file.
* @return the default manifest.
* @throws ArchiverException if there is a problem loading the
* default manifest
public static Manifest getDefaultManifest()
throws ArchiverException
InputStream in = null;
Reader reader = null;
final String defManifest = "/org/codehaus/plexus/archiver/jar/defaultManifest.mf";
in = Manifest.class.getResourceAsStream( defManifest );
if ( in == null )
throw new ArchiverException( "Could not find default manifest: " + defManifest );
reader = new InputStreamReader( in, "UTF-8" );
final Manifest defaultManifest = new Manifest( reader );
defaultManifest.getMainAttributes().putValue( "Created-By", System.getProperty(
"java.vm.version" ) + " (" + System.getProperty(
"java.vm.vendor" ) + ")" );
reader = null;
in = null;
return defaultManifest;
catch ( ManifestException e )
throw new ArchiverException( "Default manifest is invalid !!", e );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new ArchiverException( "Unable to read default manifest", e );
IOUtil.close( in );
IOUtil.close( reader );
* Construct an empty manifest
public Manifest()
private void setManifestVersion()
getMainAttributes().put( Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0" );
* Read a manifest file from the given reader
* @param r is the reader from which the Manifest is read
* @throws ManifestException if the manifest is not valid according
* to the JAR spec
* @throws IOException if the manifest cannot be read from the reader.
public Manifest( Reader r )
throws ManifestException, IOException
super( getInputStream( r ) );
public Manifest( InputStream is )
throws IOException
super( is );
* Add a section to the manifest
* @param section the manifest section to be added
* @throws ManifestException if the secti0on is not valid.
public void addConfiguredSection( Section section )
throws ManifestException
String sectionName = section.getName();
if ( sectionName == null )
throw new ManifestException( "Sections must have a name" );
Attributes attributes = getOrCreateAttributes( sectionName );
for ( String s : section.attributes.keySet() )
Attribute attribute = section.getAttribute( s );
attributes.putValue( attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue() );
private Attributes getOrCreateAttributes( String name )
Attributes attributes = getAttributes( name );
if ( attributes == null )
attributes = new Attributes();
getEntries().put( name, attributes );
return attributes;
* Add an attribute to the manifest - it is added to the main section.
* @param attribute the attribute to be added.
* @throws ManifestException if the attribute is not valid.
public void addConfiguredAttribute( Attribute attribute )
throws ManifestException
remap( getMainAttributes(), attribute );
* Write the manifest out to a print writer.
* @param writer the Writer to which the manifest is written
* @throws IOException if the manifest cannot be written
public void write( PrintWriter writer )
throws IOException
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
super.write( byteArrayOutputStream );
for ( byte b : byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray() )
writer.write( (char) b );
* Convert the manifest to its string representation
* @return a multiline string with the Manifest as it
* appears in a Manifest file.
public String toString()
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
write( new PrintWriter( sw ) );
catch ( IOException e )
return null;
return sw.toString();
* Get the warnings for this manifest.
* @return an enumeration of warning strings
Enumeration getWarnings()
Vector warnings = new Vector();
Enumeration warnEnum = mainSection.getWarnings();
while ( warnEnum.hasMoreElements() )
warnings.addElement( warnEnum.nextElement() );
return warnings.elements();
* Get the version of the manifest
* @return the manifest's version string
public String getManifestVersion()
The version of this manifest
* Get the main section of the manifest
* @return the main section of the manifest
public ExistingSection getMainSection()
return new ExistingSection( getMainAttributes(), null );
* Get a particular section from the manifest
* @param name the name of the section desired.
* @return the specified section or null if that section
* does not exist in the manifest
public ExistingSection getSection( String name )
Attributes attributes = getAttributes( name );
if ( attributes != null )
return new ExistingSection( attributes, name );
return null;
private static InputStream getInputStream( Reader r )
throws IOException
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int read;
while ( ( read = r.read() ) != -1 )
byteArrayOutputStream.write( read );
return new ByteArrayInputStream( byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray() );
public static String remap( Attributes backingAttributes, Attribute attribute )
throws ManifestException
if ( attribute.getKey() == null || attribute.getValue() == null )
throw new ManifestException( "Attributes must have name and value" );
String attributeKey = attribute.getKey();
if ( attributeKey.equalsIgnoreCase( ManifestConstants.ATTRIBUTE_CLASSPATH ) )
String classpathAttribute = backingAttributes.getValue( attributeKey );
if ( classpathAttribute == null )
classpathAttribute = attribute.getValue();
classpathAttribute += " " + attribute.getValue();
backingAttributes.putValue( ManifestConstants.ATTRIBUTE_CLASSPATH, classpathAttribute );
backingAttributes.putValue( attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue() );
if ( attribute.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase( ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) )
return attribute.getValue();
return null;
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