org.codehaus.plexus.components.secdispatcher.internal.DefaultSecDispatcher Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2008 Sonatype, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This program is licensed to you under the Apache License Version 2.0,
* and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Apache License Version 2.0.
* You may obtain a copy of the Apache License Version 2.0 at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the Apache License Version 2.0 is distributed on an
* See the Apache License Version 2.0 for the specific language governing permissions and limitations there under.
package org.codehaus.plexus.components.secdispatcher.internal;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.codehaus.plexus.components.secdispatcher.Dispatcher;
import org.codehaus.plexus.components.secdispatcher.DispatcherMeta;
import org.codehaus.plexus.components.secdispatcher.SecDispatcher;
import org.codehaus.plexus.components.secdispatcher.SecDispatcherException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.components.secdispatcher.internal.dispatchers.LegacyDispatcher;
import org.codehaus.plexus.components.secdispatcher.model.SettingsSecurity;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
* Note: this implementation is NOT a JSR330 component. Integrating apps anyway want to customize it (at least
* the name and location of configuration file), so instead as before (providing "bad" configuration file just
* to have one), it is the duty of integrator to wrap and "finish" the implementation in a way it suits the
* integrator. Also, using "globals" like Java System Properties are bad thing, and it is integrator who knows
* what is needed anyway.
* Recommended way for integration is to create JSR330 {@link javax.inject.Provider}.
* @author Oleg Gusakov
public class DefaultSecDispatcher implements SecDispatcher {
public static final String SHIELD_BEGIN = "{";
public static final String SHIELD_END = "}";
public static final String ATTR_START = "[";
public static final String ATTR_STOP = "]";
protected final Map dispatchers;
protected final Path configurationFile;
public DefaultSecDispatcher(Map dispatchers, Path configurationFile) {
this.dispatchers = requireNonNull(dispatchers);
this.configurationFile = requireNonNull(configurationFile);
// file may or may not exist, but one thing is certain: it cannot be an exiting directory
if (Files.isDirectory(configurationFile)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("configurationFile cannot be a directory");
public Set availableDispatchers() {
return Set.copyOf(
private DispatcherMeta dispatcherMeta(Map.Entry dispatcher) {
// sisu components are lazy!
Dispatcher d = dispatcher.getValue();
if (d instanceof DispatcherMeta meta) {
return meta;
} else {
return new DispatcherMeta() {
public String name() {
return dispatcher.getKey();
public String displayName() {
return dispatcher.getKey() + " (needs manual configuration)";
public Collection fields() {
return List.of();
public String encrypt(String str, Map attr) throws SecDispatcherException, IOException {
if (isEncryptedString(str)) return str;
if (attr == null) {
attr = new HashMap<>();
} else {
attr = new HashMap<>(attr);
if (attr.get(DISPATCHER_NAME_ATTR) == null) {
SettingsSecurity conf = readConfiguration(false);
if (conf == null) {
throw new SecDispatcherException("No configuration found");
String defaultDispatcher = conf.getDefaultDispatcher();
if (defaultDispatcher == null) {
throw new SecDispatcherException("No defaultDispatcher set in configuration");
attr.put(DISPATCHER_NAME_ATTR, defaultDispatcher);
String name = attr.get(DISPATCHER_NAME_ATTR);
Dispatcher dispatcher = dispatchers.get(name);
if (dispatcher == null) throw new SecDispatcherException("No dispatcher exist with name " + name);
Dispatcher.EncryptPayload payload = dispatcher.encrypt(str, attr, prepareDispatcherConfig(name));
HashMap resultAttributes = new HashMap<>(payload.getAttributes());
resultAttributes.put(SecDispatcher.DISPATCHER_NAME_ATTR, name);
resultAttributes.put(SecDispatcher.DISPATCHER_VERSION_ATTR, SecUtil.specVersion());
+ resultAttributes.entrySet().stream()
.map(e -> e.getKey() + "=" + e.getValue())
+ payload.getEncrypted()
public String decrypt(String str) throws SecDispatcherException, IOException {
if (!isAnyEncryptedString(str)) return str;
String bare = unDecorate(str);
Map attr = requireNonNull(stripAttributes(bare));
if (isLegacyEncryptedString(str)) {
attr.put(DISPATCHER_NAME_ATTR, LegacyDispatcher.NAME);
String name = attr.get(DISPATCHER_NAME_ATTR);
Dispatcher dispatcher = dispatchers.get(name);
if (dispatcher == null) throw new SecDispatcherException("No dispatcher exist with name " + name);
return dispatcher.decrypt(strip(bare), attr, prepareDispatcherConfig(name));
* - Current: {[name=master,cipher=AES/GCM/NoPadding,version=4.0]vvq66pZ7rkvzSPStGTI9q4QDnsmuDwo+LtjraRel2b0XpcGJFdXcYAHAS75HUA6GLpcVtEkmyQ==}
public boolean isEncryptedString(String str) {
boolean looksLike = str != null
&& !str.isBlank()
&& str.startsWith(SHIELD_BEGIN)
&& str.endsWith(SHIELD_END)
&& !unDecorate(str).contains(SHIELD_BEGIN)
&& !unDecorate(str).contains(SHIELD_END);
if (looksLike) {
Map attributes = stripAttributes(unDecorate(str));
return attributes.containsKey(DISPATCHER_NAME_ATTR) && attributes.containsKey(DISPATCHER_VERSION_ATTR);
return false;
* - Legacy: {jSMOWnoPFgsHVpMvz5VrIt5kRbzGpI8u+9EF1iFQyJQ=}
public boolean isLegacyEncryptedString(String str) {
boolean looksLike = str != null
&& !str.isBlank()
&& str.startsWith(SHIELD_BEGIN)
&& str.endsWith(SHIELD_END)
&& !unDecorate(str).contains(SHIELD_BEGIN)
&& !unDecorate(str).contains(SHIELD_END);
if (looksLike) {
return stripAttributes(unDecorate(str)).isEmpty();
return false;
public SettingsSecurity readConfiguration(boolean createIfMissing) throws IOException {
SettingsSecurity configuration =;
if (configuration == null && createIfMissing) {
configuration = new SettingsSecurity();
return configuration;
public void writeConfiguration(SettingsSecurity configuration) throws IOException {
requireNonNull(configuration, "configuration is null");
SecUtil.write(configurationFile, configuration, true);
public ValidationResponse validateConfiguration() {
HashMap> report = new HashMap<>();
ArrayList subsystems = new ArrayList<>();
boolean valid = false;
try {
SettingsSecurity config = readConfiguration(false);
if (config == null) {
report.computeIfAbsent(ValidationResponse.Level.ERROR, k -> new ArrayList<>())
.add("No configuration file found on path " + configurationFile);
} else {
report.computeIfAbsent(ValidationResponse.Level.INFO, k -> new ArrayList<>())
.add("Configuration file present on path " + configurationFile);
String defaultDispatcher = config.getDefaultDispatcher();
if (defaultDispatcher == null) {
report.computeIfAbsent(ValidationResponse.Level.ERROR, k -> new ArrayList<>())
.add("No default dispatcher set in configuration");
} else {
report.computeIfAbsent(ValidationResponse.Level.INFO, k -> new ArrayList<>())
.add("Default dispatcher configured");
Dispatcher dispatcher = dispatchers.get(defaultDispatcher);
if (dispatcher == null) {
report.computeIfAbsent(ValidationResponse.Level.ERROR, k -> new ArrayList<>())
.add("Configured default dispatcher not present in system");
} else {
ValidationResponse dispatcherResponse =
if (!dispatcherResponse.isValid()) {
report.computeIfAbsent(ValidationResponse.Level.ERROR, k -> new ArrayList<>())
.add("Configured default dispatcher configuration is invalid");
} else {
valid = true;
report.computeIfAbsent(ValidationResponse.Level.INFO, k -> new ArrayList<>())
.add("Configured default dispatcher configuration is valid");
// below is legacy check, that does not affect validity of config, is merely informational
Dispatcher legacy = dispatchers.get(LegacyDispatcher.NAME);
if (legacy == null) {
report.computeIfAbsent(ValidationResponse.Level.INFO, k -> new ArrayList<>())
.add("Legacy dispatcher not present in system");
} else {
report.computeIfAbsent(ValidationResponse.Level.INFO, k -> new ArrayList<>())
.add("Legacy dispatcher present in system");
ValidationResponse legacyResponse =
if (!legacyResponse.isValid()) {
report.computeIfAbsent(ValidationResponse.Level.WARNING, k -> new ArrayList<>())
.add("Legacy dispatcher not operational; transparent fallback not possible");
} else {
report.computeIfAbsent(ValidationResponse.Level.INFO, k -> new ArrayList<>())
.add("Legacy dispatcher is operational; transparent fallback possible");
} catch (IOException e) {
report.computeIfAbsent(ValidationResponse.Level.ERROR, k -> new ArrayList<>())
return new ValidationResponse(getClass().getSimpleName(), valid, report, subsystems);
protected Map prepareDispatcherConfig(String name) throws IOException {
HashMap dispatcherConf = new HashMap<>();
Map conf = SecUtil.getConfig(, name);
if (conf != null) {
return dispatcherConf;
protected String strip(String str) {
int start = str.indexOf(ATTR_START);
int stop = str.indexOf(ATTR_STOP);
if (start != -1 && stop != -1 && stop > start) {
return str.substring(stop + 1);
return str;
protected Map stripAttributes(String str) {
HashMap result = new HashMap<>();
int start = str.indexOf(ATTR_START);
int stop = str.indexOf(ATTR_STOP);
if (start != -1 && stop != -1 && stop > start) {
if (start != 0) throw new SecDispatcherException("Attributes can be prefix only");
if (stop == start + 1) return null;
String attrs = str.substring(start + 1, stop).trim();
if (attrs.isEmpty()) return null;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attrs, ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String pair = st.nextToken();
int pos = pair.indexOf('=');
if (pos == -1) throw new SecDispatcherException("Attribute malformed: " + pair);
String key = pair.substring(0, pos).trim();
String val = pair.substring(pos + 1).trim();
result.put(key, val);
return result;
protected String unDecorate(String str) {
return str.substring(SHIELD_BEGIN.length(), str.length() - SHIELD_END.length());