org.sonar.plugins.pitest.PitestMetrics.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Plugin for the mutation testing tool Pitest
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F ? F ? ? ? ? METRICS Ljava/util/List; Signature 1Ljava/util/List; QUANTITATIVE_METRICS
PITEST_DOMAIN Ljava/lang/String;
ConstantValue MUTATIONS_DATA Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric; MUTATIONS_TOTAL MUTATIONS_DETECTED MUTATIONS_NO_COVERAGE MUTATIONS_KILLED MUTATIONS_SURVIVED MUTATIONS_MEMORY_ERROR MUTATIONS_TIMED_OUT MUTATIONS_UNKNOWN MUTATIONS_COVERAGE ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this (Lorg/sonar/plugins/pitest/PitestMetrics; buildMetric ? ValueType InnerClasses ?(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric$ValueType;Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Boolean;Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric; key name description valueType )Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric$ValueType; direction Ljava/lang/Integer; qualitative Ljava/lang/Boolean; domain ?(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric$ValueType;Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Boolean;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Double;Ljava/lang/Double;)Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric; best Ljava/lang/Double; worst builder Builder 'Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric$Builder; I(Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric$Builder;Z)Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric; Z metric instanceBuilder ?(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric$ValueType;Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Boolean;Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric$Builder; quailitative
getMetrics ()Ljava/util/List; 3()Ljava/util/List; getQuantitativeMetrics
SourceFile \ ] | } ? ? ? c y ? ? ? ? ? ? I J ? ? ? M J ? %org/sonar/api/measures/Metric$Builder \ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? java/util/ArrayList pitest_mutations_data Mutations Data Data of mutations ? l ? ? ? ? ? Mutation analysis c g Q R pitest_mutations_total Total Mutations #Total number of mutations generated ? l S R pitest_mutations_detected Detected Mutations "Total number of mutations detected T R pitest_mutations_noCoverage Non Covered Mutations ,Number of mutations non covered by any test. U R pitest_mutations_killed Killed Mutations #Number of mutations killed by tests V R pitest_mutations_survived Survived Mutations Number of mutations survived. W R pitest_mutations_memoryError Memory Error Mutations .Number of mutations detected by memory errors. X R pitest_mutations_timedOut Timed Out Mutations *Number of mutations detected by time outs. Y R pitest_mutations_unknown Unknown Status Mutations (Number of mutations with unknown status. Z R pitest_mutations_coverage Mutations Coverage Mutations coverage percentage ? l ? ? ? c r [ R &org/sonar/plugins/pitest/PitestMetrics java/lang/Object org/sonar/api/measures/Metrics 'org/sonar/api/measures/Metric$ValueType java/lang/Boolean booleanValue ()Z setBestValue ;(Ljava/lang/Double;)Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric$Builder;
setWorstValue create !()Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric; java/util/List add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z org/sonar/api/measures/Metric P(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric$ValueType;)V setDescription ;(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric$Builder; setDirection <(Ljava/lang/Integer;)Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric$Builder; setQualitative <(Ljava/lang/Boolean;)Lorg/sonar/api/measures/Metric$Builder; setDomain DATA java/lang/Integer valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer; (Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean; INT PERCENT java/lang/Double (D)Ljava/lang/Double; ! F G H
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