com.ctc.wstx.sr.NonNsAttributeCollector Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ctc.wstx.sr;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import com.ctc.wstx.api.ReaderConfig;
import com.ctc.wstx.sw.XmlWriter;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.DataUtil;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.TextBuilder;
* Attribute collector class used in non-namespace parsing mode; much
* simpler than the one that has to handle namespaces.
* Note: only public for testing purposes
public final class NonNsAttributeCollector
extends AttributeCollector
// Life-cycle:
public NonNsAttributeCollector(ReaderConfig cfg)
* Method called to allow reusing of collector, usually right before
* starting collecting attributes for a new start tag.
public void reset()
if (mAttrCount > 0) { // anything to clean up?
mAttrCount = 0;
if (mXmlIdAttrIndex >= 0) {
mXmlIdAttrIndex = XMLID_IX_NONE;
/* Note: attribute values will be cleared later on, when validating
* namespaces. This so that we know how much to clean up; and
* occasionally can also just avoid clean up (when resizing)
* Method called to by the input element stack when all attributes for
* the element have been parsed. Now collector can build data structures
* it needs, if any.
* @return Index of xml:id attribute, if any, -1 if not
public int resolveValues(InputProblemReporter rep)
throws XMLStreamException
int attrCount = mAttrCount;
/* Let's now set number of 'real' attributes, to allow figuring
* out number of attributes created via default value expansion
mNonDefCount = attrCount;
if (attrCount < 1) {
// Checked if doing access by FQN:
mAttrHashSize = 0;
// And let's just bail out, too...
return mXmlIdAttrIndex;
String[] attrNames = mAttrNames.getInternalArray();
// Also, we better clean up values now
if (mAttrValues != null) {
// If array is too small, let's just discard it now:
if (mAttrValues.length < attrCount) {
mAttrValues = null;
} else {
// Otherwise, need to clear value entries from last element
for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) {
mAttrValues[i] = null;
/* And then let's create attribute map, to allow efficient storage
* and access by name, without creating full hash map instance.
* Could do it on-demand,
* but this way we can check for duplicates right away.
int[] map = mAttrMap;
/* What's minimum size, to contain at most 80% full hash area,
* plus 1/8 spill area (12.5% spilled entries, two ints each)?
int hashCount = 4;
int min = attrCount + (attrCount >> 2); // == 80% fill rate
while (hashCount < min) {
hashCount += hashCount; // 2x
// And then the spill area
mAttrHashSize = hashCount;
min = hashCount + (hashCount >> 4); // 12.5 x 2 ints
if (map == null || map.length < min) {
map = new int[min];
} else { // need to clear old hash entries:
for (int i = 0; i < hashCount; ++i) {
map[i] = 0;
int mask = hashCount-1;
int spillIndex = hashCount;
// Ok, array's fine, let's hash 'em in!
for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) {
String name = attrNames[i];
int hash = name.hashCode();
int index = hash & mask;
// Hash slot available?
if (map[index] == 0) {
map[index] = i+1; // since 0 is marker
} else {
int currIndex = map[index]-1;
/* nope, need to spill; let's extract most of that code to
* a separate method for clarity (and maybe it'll be
* easier to inline by JVM too)
map = spillAttr(name, map, currIndex, spillIndex, attrCount,
hash, hashCount);
if (map == null) {
throwDupAttr(rep, currIndex);
// won't return, but let's use else so FindBugs won't mind
} else {
map[++spillIndex] = i; // no need to specifically avoid 0
mAttrSpillEnd = spillIndex;
mAttrMap = map;
return mXmlIdAttrIndex;
// Public accesors (for stream reader)
protected int getNsCount() {
return 0;
public String getNsPrefix(int index) {
return null;
public String getNsURI(int index) {
return "";
// // // Direct access to attribute/NS prefixes/localnames/URI
public String getPrefix(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= mAttrCount) {
return null;
public String getLocalName(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= mAttrCount) {
return mAttrNames.getString(index);
public String getURI(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= mAttrCount) {
return "";
public QName getQName(int index) {
return new QName(getLocalName(index));
public String getValue(String nsURI, String localName)
/* Not allowed to have a namespace, except let's not mind the
* default (empty) namespace URI
if (nsURI != null && nsURI.length() > 0) {
return null;
// Primary hit?
int hashSize = mAttrHashSize;
if (hashSize == 0) { // sanity check, for 'no attributes'
return null;
int hash = localName.hashCode();
int ix = mAttrMap[hash & (hashSize-1)];
if (ix == 0) { // nothing in here; no spills either
return null;
// Is primary candidate match?
String thisName = mAttrNames.getString(ix);
/* Equality first, since although equals() checks that too, it's
* very likely to match (if interning Strings), and we can save
* a method call.
if (thisName == localName || thisName.equals(localName)) {
return getValue(ix);
/* Nope, need to traverse spill list, which has 2 entries for
* each spilled attribute id; first for hash value, second index.
for (int i = hashSize, len = mAttrSpillEnd; i < len; i += 2) {
if (mAttrMap[i] != hash) {
/* Note: spill indexes are not off-by-one, since there's no need
* to mask 0
ix = mAttrMap[i+1];
thisName = mAttrNames.getString(ix);
if (thisName == localName || thisName.equals(localName)) {
return getValue(ix);
return null;
public int findIndex(String localName)
/* Note: most of the code is from getValue().. could refactor
* code, performance is bit of concern (one more method call
* if index access was separate).
* See comments on that method, for logics.
// Primary hit?
int hashSize = mAttrHashSize;
if (hashSize == 0) { // sanity check, for 'no attributes'
return -1;
int hash = localName.hashCode();
int ix = mAttrMap[hash & (hashSize-1)];
if (ix == 0) { // nothing in here; no spills either
return -1;
// Is primary candidate match?
String thisName = mAttrNames.getString(ix);
if (thisName == localName || thisName.equals(localName)) {
return ix;
/* Nope, need to traverse spill list, which has 2 entries for
* each spilled attribute id; first for hash value, second index.
for (int i = hashSize, len = mAttrSpillEnd; i < len; i += 2) {
if (mAttrMap[i] != hash) {
ix = mAttrMap[i+1];
thisName = mAttrNames.getString(ix);
if (thisName == localName || thisName.equals(localName)) {
return ix;
return -1;
public TextBuilder getDefaultNsBuilder()
return null;
* @return null if prefix has been already declared; TextBuilder to
* add value to if not.
public TextBuilder getNsBuilder(String localName)
return null;
public TextBuilder getAttrBuilder(String attrPrefix, String attrLocalName)
// 'normal' attribute:
if (mAttrCount == 0) {
if (mValueBuffer == null) {
mAttrCount = 1;
} else {
// 25-Sep-2006, TSa: Need to keep track of xml:id attribute?
if (attrLocalName == "xml:id") {
if (mXmlIdAttrIndex != XMLID_IX_DISABLED) {
mXmlIdAttrIndex = mAttrCount - 1;
return mValueBuffer;
public TextBuilder getNsURIs() {
return null;
* Method needed by event creating code, to build a non-transient
* attribute container, to use with XMLEvent objects (specifically
* implementation of StartElement event).
public ElemAttrs buildAttrOb()
int count = mAttrCount;
if (count == 0) {
return null;
/* If we have actual attributes, let's first just create the
* raw array that has all attribute information:
String[] raw = new String[count << 2];
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
int ix = (i << 2);
raw[ix] = mAttrNames.getString(i);
raw[ix+1] = null; // uri
raw[ix+2] = null; // prefix
raw[ix+3] = getValue(i);
// Do we have a "short" list?
if (count < LONG_ATTR_LIST_LEN) {
return new ElemAttrs(raw, mNonDefCount);
// Ok, nope; we need to also pass the Map information...
return new ElemAttrs(raw, mNonDefCount,
mAttrMap, mAttrHashSize, mAttrSpillEnd);
// Validation methods:
* Method called by validator to insert an attribute that has a default
* value and wasn't yet included in collector's attribute set.
* @return Index of the newly added attribute, if added; -1 to indicate
* this was a duplicate
public int addDefaultAttribute(String localName, String value)
int attrIndex = mAttrCount;
if (attrIndex < 1) {
/* had no explicit attributes... better initialize now, then.
* Let's just use hash area of 4, and
/* Ok, first, since we do want to verify that we can not accidentally
* add duplicates, let's first try to add entry to Map, since that
* will catch dups.
int hash = localName.hashCode();
int index = hash & (mAttrHashSize - 1);
int[] map = mAttrMap;
if (map[index] == 0) { // whoa, have room...
map[index] = attrIndex+1; // add 1 to get 1-based index (0 is empty marker)
} else { // nah, collision...
int currIndex = map[index]-1; // Index of primary collision entry
int spillIndex = mAttrSpillEnd;
map = spillAttr(localName, map, currIndex, spillIndex, attrIndex,
hash, mAttrHashSize);
if (map == null) { // dup!
return -1; // could return negation (-(index+1)) of the prev index?
map[++spillIndex] = attrIndex; // no need to specifically avoid 0
mAttrMap = map;
mAttrSpillEnd = ++spillIndex;
// And then, finally, let's add the entry to Lists:
mAttrNames.addString(localName); // First, the name
if (mAttrValues == null) {
mAttrValues = new String[attrIndex + 8];
} else if (attrIndex >= mAttrValues.length) {
mAttrValues = DataUtil.growArrayBy(mAttrValues, 8);
mAttrValues[attrIndex] = value;
return mAttrCount++;
* Method that basically serializes the specified (read-in) attribute
* using Writers provided
public void writeAttribute(int index, XmlWriter xw)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException
// Note: here we assume index checks have been done by caller
String ln = mAttrNames.getString(index);
xw.writeAttribute(ln, getValue(index));
// Internal methods:
private void throwInternal() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error: shouldn't call this method.");
* @return Null, if attribute is a duplicate (to indicate error);
* map itself, or resized version, otherwise.
private int[] spillAttr(String name,
int[] map, int currIndex, int spillIndex, int attrCount,
int hash, int hashCount)
// Do we have a dup with primary entry?
/* Can do equality comp for local name, as they
* are always canonicalized:
if (mAttrNames.getString(currIndex) == name) {
return null;
/* Is there room to spill into? (need to have 2 int spaces; one for
* hash, the other for index)
if ((spillIndex + 1) >= map.length) {
// Let's just add room for 4 spills...
map = DataUtil.growArrayBy(map, 8);
// Let's first ensure we aren't adding a dup:
for (int j = hashCount; j < spillIndex; j += 2) {
if (map[j] == hash) {
currIndex = map[j+1];
if (mAttrNames.getString(currIndex) == name) {
return null;
map[spillIndex] = hash;
return map;
* Method called to ensure hash area will be properly set up in
* cases where initially no room was needed, but default attribute(s)
* is being added.
private void initHashArea()
/* Let's use small hash area of size 4, and one spill; don't
* want too big (need to clear up room), nor too small (only
* collisions)
mAttrHashSize = mAttrSpillEnd = 4;
if (mAttrMap == null || mAttrMap.length < mAttrHashSize) {
mAttrMap = new int[mAttrHashSize+1];
mAttrMap[0] = mAttrMap[1] = mAttrMap[2] = mAttrMap[3] = 0;