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org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.type.XMLTypeCreator Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.type;

import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.codehaus.xfire.XFireRuntimeException;
import org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.XMLClassMetaInfoManager;
import org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.type.basic.BeanType;
import org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.type.basic.XMLBeanTypeInfo;
import org.codehaus.xfire.util.ClassLoaderUtils;
import org.codehaus.xfire.util.NamespaceHelper;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.Namespace;
import org.jdom.xpath.XPath;

 * Deduce mapping information from an xml file.
 * The xml file should be in the same packages as the class, with the name className.aegis.xml.
 * For example, given the following service interface:


 * public Collection getResultsForValues(String id, Collection values); //method 1
 * public Collection getResultsForValues(int id, Collection values); //method 2
 * public String getResultForValue(String value); //method 3
* An example of the type xml is: *
 * <mappings>
 *  <mapping>
 *    <method name="getResultsForValues">
 *      <return-type componentType="com.acme.ResultBean" />
 *      <!-- no need to specify index 0, since it's a String -->
 *      <parameter index="1" componentType="java.lang.String" />
 *    </method>
 *  </mapping>
 * </mappings>

* Note that for values which can be easily deduced (such as the String parameter, or the second service method) * no mapping need be specified in the xml descriptor, which is why no mapping is specified for method 3. *

* However, if you have overloaded methods with different semantics, then you will need to specify enough * parameters to disambiguate the method and uniquely identify it. So in the example above, the mapping * specifies will apply to both method 1 and method 2, since the parameter at index 0 is not specified. * * @author Hani Suleiman * Date: Jun 14, 2005 * Time: 7:47:56 PM * @author Mika G�ckel * @author �yvind Matheson Wergeland * @author Tomasz Sztelak */ public class XMLTypeCreator extends AbstractTypeCreator { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XMLTypeCreator.class); XMLClassMetaInfoManager manager = new XMLClassMetaInfoManager (); private static List stopClasses = new ArrayList(); static { stopClasses.add(Object.class); stopClasses.add(Exception.class); stopClasses.add(RuntimeException.class); stopClasses.add(Throwable.class); } protected Document getDocument(Class clazz) { if(clazz == null) return null; return manager.getDocument(clazz); } protected boolean isEnum(Class javaType) { Element mapping = findMapping(javaType); if (mapping != null) { return super.isEnum(javaType); } else { return nextCreator.isEnum(javaType); } } public Type createEnumType(TypeClassInfo info) { Element mapping = findMapping(info.getTypeClass()); if (mapping != null) { return super.createEnumType(info); } else { return nextCreator.createEnumType(info); } } public Type createCollectionType(TypeClassInfo info) { if (info.getGenericType() instanceof Class || info.getGenericType() instanceof TypeClassInfo) { return createCollectionTypeFromGeneric(info); } return nextCreator.createCollectionType(info); } public TypeClassInfo createClassInfo(PropertyDescriptor pd) { Element mapping = findMapping(pd.getReadMethod().getDeclaringClass()); if(mapping == null) { return nextCreator.createClassInfo(pd); } Element propertyEl = manager.getProperty(mapping,pd.getName() ); if(propertyEl == null) { return nextCreator.createClassInfo(pd); } TypeClassInfo info = new TypeClassInfo(); info.setTypeClass(pd.getReadMethod().getReturnType()); readMetadata(info, mapping, propertyEl); return info; } protected Element findMapping(Class clazz) { return manager.findMapping(clazz,getTypeMapping().getEncodingStyleURI()); } protected List findMappings(Class clazz) { ArrayList mappings = new ArrayList(); Element top = findMapping(clazz); if (top != null) mappings.add(top); Class parent = clazz; while(true) { // Read mappings for interfaces as well Class[] interfaces = parent.getInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) { Class interfaze = interfaces[i]; List interfaceMappings = findMappings(interfaze); mappings.addAll(interfaceMappings); } Class sup = parent.getSuperclass(); if (sup == null || stopClasses.contains(sup)) break; Element mapping = findMapping(sup); if (mapping != null) { mappings.add(mapping); } parent = sup; } return mappings; } public Type createDefaultType(TypeClassInfo info) { Element mapping = findMapping(info.getTypeClass()); List mappings = findMappings(info.getTypeClass()); if (mapping != null || mappings.size() > 0 ) { String typeNameAtt = null; if (mapping != null) typeNameAtt = mapping.getAttributeValue("name"); String extensibleElements = null; if (mapping != null) extensibleElements = mapping.getAttributeValue("extensibleElements"); String extensibleAttributes = null; if (mapping != null) extensibleAttributes = mapping.getAttributeValue("extensibleAttributes"); String defaultNS = NamespaceHelper.makeNamespaceFromClassName(info.getTypeClass().getName(), "http"); QName name = null; if (typeNameAtt != null) { name = NamespaceHelper.createQName(mapping, typeNameAtt, defaultNS); defaultNS = name.getNamespaceURI(); } XMLBeanTypeInfo btinfo = new XMLBeanTypeInfo(info.getTypeClass(), mappings, defaultNS); btinfo.setTypeMapping(getTypeMapping()); btinfo.setDefaultMinOccurs(getConfiguration().getDefaultMinOccurs()); btinfo.setDefaultNillable( getConfiguration().isDefaultNillable() ); if ( extensibleElements != null ) btinfo.setExtensibleElements( Boolean.valueOf( extensibleElements ).booleanValue() ); else btinfo.setExtensibleElements(getConfiguration().isDefaultExtensibleElements()); if ( extensibleAttributes != null ) btinfo.setExtensibleAttributes( Boolean.valueOf( extensibleAttributes ).booleanValue() ); else btinfo.setExtensibleAttributes(getConfiguration().isDefaultExtensibleAttributes()); BeanType type = new BeanType(btinfo); if (name == null) name = createQName(info.getTypeClass()); type.setSchemaType(name); type.setTypeClass(info.getTypeClass()); type.setTypeMapping(getTypeMapping()); return type; } else { return nextCreator.createDefaultType(info); } } public TypeClassInfo createClassInfo(Method m, int index) { Element mapping = findMapping(m.getDeclaringClass()); if(mapping == null) return nextCreator.createClassInfo(m, index); //find the elements that apply to the specified method TypeClassInfo info = new TypeClassInfo(); if(index >= 0) { if(index >= m.getParameterTypes().length) { throw new XFireRuntimeException("Method " + m + " does not have a parameter at index " + index); } //we don't want nodes for which the specified index is not specified List nodes = getMatches(mapping, "./method[@name='" + m.getName() + "']/parameter[@index='" + index + "']/parent::*"); if(nodes.size() == 0) { //no mapping for this method return nextCreator.createClassInfo(m, index); } //pick the best matching node Element bestMatch = getBestMatch(mapping, m, nodes); if(bestMatch == null) { //no mapping for this method return nextCreator.createClassInfo(m, index); } info.setTypeClass(m.getParameterTypes()[index]); //info.setAnnotations(m.getParameterAnnotations()[index]); Element parameter = manager.getParamter(bestMatch, index); readMetadata(info, mapping, parameter); } else { List nodes = getMatches(mapping, "./method[@name='" + m.getName() + "']/return-type/parent::*"); if(nodes.size() == 0) return nextCreator.createClassInfo(m, index); Element bestMatch = getBestMatch(mapping, m, nodes); if(bestMatch == null) { //no mapping for this method return nextCreator.createClassInfo(m, index); } info.setTypeClass(m.getReturnType()); //info.setAnnotations(m.getAnnotations()); Element rtElement = bestMatch.getChild("return-type"); readMetadata(info, mapping, rtElement); } return info; } protected void readMetadata(TypeClassInfo info, Element mapping, Element parameter) { info.setTypeName(createQName(parameter, parameter.getAttributeValue("typeName"))); info.setMappedName(createQName(parameter, parameter.getAttributeValue("mappedName"))); setComponentType(info, mapping, parameter); setKeyType(info, mapping, parameter); setType(info, parameter); String min = parameter.getAttributeValue("minOccurs"); if (min != null) info.setMinOccurs(Long.parseLong(min)); String max = parameter.getAttributeValue("maxOccurs"); if (max != null) info.setMaxOccurs(Long.parseLong(max)); String flat = parameter.getAttributeValue("flat"); if (flat != null) info.setFlat(Boolean.valueOf(flat.toLowerCase()).booleanValue()); } protected Type getOrCreateGenericType(TypeClassInfo info) { Type type = null; if (info.getGenericType() != null) type = createTypeFromGeneric(info.getGenericType()); if (type == null) type = super.getOrCreateGenericType(info); return type; } private Type createTypeFromGeneric(Object cType) { if (cType instanceof TypeClassInfo) return createTypeForClass((TypeClassInfo) cType); else if (cType instanceof Class) return createType((Class) cType); else return null; } protected Type getOrCreateMapKeyType(TypeClassInfo info) { Type type = null; if (info.getKeyType() != null) type = createTypeFromGeneric(info.getKeyType()); if (type == null) type = super.getOrCreateMapKeyType(info); return type; } protected Type getOrCreateMapValueType(TypeClassInfo info) { Type type = null; if (info.getGenericType() != null) type = createTypeFromGeneric(info.getGenericType()); if (type == null) type = super.getOrCreateMapValueType(info); return type; } protected void setComponentType(TypeClassInfo info, Element mapping, Element parameter) { String componentType = parameter.getAttributeValue("componentType"); if(componentType != null) { info.setGenericType(loadGeneric(info, mapping, componentType)); } } private Object loadGeneric(TypeClassInfo info, Element mapping, String componentType) { if (componentType.startsWith("#")) { String name = componentType.substring(1); Element propertyEl = manager.getComponent(mapping, name); if(propertyEl == null) { throw new XFireRuntimeException("Could not find element in mapping named '" + name + "'"); } TypeClassInfo componentInfo = new TypeClassInfo(); readMetadata(componentInfo, mapping, propertyEl); String className = propertyEl.getAttributeValue("class"); if (className == null) throw new XFireRuntimeException("A 'class' attribute must be specified for " + name); componentInfo.setTypeClass(loadComponentClass(className)); return componentInfo; } else { return loadComponentClass(componentType); } } private Class loadComponentClass(String componentType) { try { return ClassLoaderUtils.loadClass(componentType, getClass()); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new XFireRuntimeException("Unable to load component type class " + componentType, e); } } protected void setType(TypeClassInfo info, Element parameter) { String type = parameter.getAttributeValue("type"); if(type != null) { try { info.setType(ClassLoaderUtils.loadClass(type, getClass())); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new XFireRuntimeException("Unable to load type class " + type, e); } } } protected void setKeyType(TypeClassInfo info, Element mapping, Element parameter) { String componentType = parameter.getAttributeValue("keyType"); if(componentType != null) { info.setKeyType(loadGeneric(info, mapping, componentType)); } } private Element getBestMatch(Element mapping, Method method, List availableNodes) { //first find all the matching method names List nodes = getMatches(mapping, "./method[@name='" + method.getName() + "']"); //remove the ones that aren't in our acceptable set, if one is specified if(availableNodes != null) { nodes.retainAll(availableNodes); } //no name found, so no matches if(nodes.size() == 0) return null; //if the method has no params, then more than one mapping is pointless Class[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if(parameterTypes.length == 0) return (Element)nodes.get(0); //here's the fun part. //we go through the method parameters, ruling out matches for(int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { Class parameterType = parameterTypes[i]; for(Iterator iterator = nodes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element element = (Element); //first we check if the parameter index is specified //Element match = getMatch(element, "parameter[@index='" + i + "']"); Element match = manager.getParamter(element, i); if(match != null) { //we check if the type is specified and matches if(match.getAttributeValue("class") != null) { //if it doesn't match, then we can definitely rule out this result if(!match.getAttributeValue("class").equals(parameterType.getName())) { iterator.remove(); } } } } } //if we have just one node left, then it has to be the best match if(nodes.size() == 1) return (Element)nodes.get(0); //all remaining definitions could apply, so we need to now pick the best one //the best one is the one with the most parameters specified Element bestCandidate = null; int highestSpecified = 0; for(Iterator iterator = nodes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element element = (Element); int availableParameters = element.getChildren("parameter").size(); if(availableParameters > highestSpecified) { bestCandidate = element; highestSpecified = availableParameters; } } return bestCandidate; } private List getMatches(Object doc, String xpath) { try { XPath path = XPath.newInstance(xpath); List result = path.selectNodes(doc); return result; } catch(JDOMException e) { throw new XFireRuntimeException("Error evaluating xpath " + xpath, e); } } /** * Creates a QName from a string, such as "ns:Element". */ protected QName createQName(Element e, String value) { if (value == null || value.length() == 0) return null; int index = value.indexOf(":"); if (index == -1) { return new QName(getTypeMapping().getEncodingStyleURI(), value); } String prefix = value.substring(0, index); String localName = value.substring(index+1); Namespace ns = e.getNamespace(prefix); if (ns == null || localName == null) throw new XFireRuntimeException("Invalid QName in mapping: " + value); return new QName(ns.getURI(), localName, prefix); } }

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