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jcifs.smb.DfsImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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JCIFS is an Open Source client library that implements the CIFS/SMB networking protocol in 100% Java
/* jcifs smb client library in Java
* Copyright (C) 2008 "Michael B. Allen"
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package jcifs.smb;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import jcifs.CIFSContext;
import jcifs.DfsReferralData;
import jcifs.DfsResolver;
import jcifs.SmbTransport;
import jcifs.internal.dfs.DfsReferralDataImpl;
import jcifs.internal.dfs.DfsReferralDataInternal;
* Caching DFS resolver implementation
* @internal
public class DfsImpl implements DfsResolver {
private static final DfsReferralDataImpl NEGATIVE_ENTRY = new DfsReferralDataImpl();
private static class CacheEntry {
long expiration;
Map map;
CacheEntry ( long ttl ) {
this.expiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + ttl * 1000L; = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static class NegativeCacheEntry extends CacheEntry {
* @param ttl
NegativeCacheEntry ( long ttl ) {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DfsImpl.class);
private static final String DC_ENTRY = "dc";
private CacheEntry>> _domains = null; /*
* aka trusted domains cache
private final Object domainsLock = new Object();
private final Map> dcCache = new HashMap<>();
private final Object dcLock = new Object();
private CacheEntry referrals = null;
private final Object referralsLock = new Object();
* @param tc
public DfsImpl ( CIFSContext tc ) {}
private Map>> getTrustedDomains ( CIFSContext tf ) throws SmbAuthException {
if ( tf.getConfig().isDfsDisabled() || tf.getCredentials().getUserDomain() == null || tf.getCredentials().getUserDomain().isEmpty() ) {
return null;
if ( this._domains != null && System.currentTimeMillis() > this._domains.expiration ) {
this._domains = null;
if ( this._domains != null )
try {
String authDomain = tf.getCredentials().getUserDomain();
// otherwise you end up with a wrong server name for kerberos
// seems to be correct according to
// UniAddress addr = UniAddress.getByName(authDomain, true, tf);
// SmbTransport trans = tf.getTransportPool().getSmbTransport(tf, addr, 0);
try ( SmbTransport dc = getDc(tf, authDomain) ) {
CacheEntry>> entry = new CacheEntry<>(tf.getConfig().getDfsTtl() * 10L);
DfsReferralData initial = null;
@SuppressWarnings ( "resource" )
SmbTransportInternal trans = dc != null ? dc.unwrap(SmbTransportInternal.class) : null;
if ( trans != null ) {
// get domain referral
initial = trans.getDfsReferrals(tf.withAnonymousCredentials(), "", trans.getRemoteHostName(), authDomain, 0);
if ( initial != null ) {
DfsReferralDataInternal start = initial.unwrap(DfsReferralDataInternal.class);
DfsReferralDataInternal dr = start;
do {
String domain = dr.getServer().toLowerCase();, new HashMap>());
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("Inserting cache entry for domain " + domain + ": " + dr);
dr =;
while ( dr != start );
this._domains = entry;
catch ( IOException ioe ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("getting trusted domains failed: " + tf.getCredentials().getUserDomain(), ioe);
CacheEntry>> entry = new CacheEntry<>(tf.getConfig().getDfsTtl() * 10L);
this._domains = entry;
if ( tf.getConfig().isDfsStrictView() && ioe instanceof SmbAuthException ) {
throw (SmbAuthException) ioe;
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see jcifs.DfsResolver#isTrustedDomain(jcifs.CIFSContext, java.lang.String)
public boolean isTrustedDomain ( CIFSContext tf, String domain ) throws SmbAuthException {
synchronized ( this.domainsLock ) {
Map>> domains = getTrustedDomains(tf);
if ( domains == null )
return false;
domain = domain.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
return domains.get(domain) != null;
private DfsReferralData getDcReferrals ( CIFSContext tf, String domain ) throws SmbAuthException {
if ( tf.getConfig().isDfsDisabled() )
return null;
String dom = domain.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
synchronized ( this.dcLock ) {
CacheEntry ce = this.dcCache.get(dom);
if ( ce != null && System.currentTimeMillis() > ce.expiration ) {
ce = null;
if ( ce != null ) {
DfsReferralDataInternal ri =;
if ( ri == NEGATIVE_ENTRY ) {
return null;
return ri;
ce = new CacheEntry<>(tf.getConfig().getDfsTtl());
try {
try ( SmbTransportInternal trans = tf.getTransportPool().getSmbTransport(tf, domain, 0, false, false)
.unwrap(SmbTransportInternal.class) ) {
synchronized ( trans ) {
DfsReferralData dr = trans.getDfsReferrals(tf.withAnonymousCredentials(), "\\" + dom, domain, dom, 1);
if ( dr != null ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Got DC referral " + dr);
DfsReferralDataInternal dri = dr.unwrap(DfsReferralDataInternal.class);, dri);
this.dcCache.put(dom, ce);
return dr;
catch ( IOException ioe ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug(String.format("Getting domain controller for %s failed", domain), ioe);
if ( tf.getConfig().isDfsStrictView() && ioe instanceof SmbAuthException ) {
throw (SmbAuthException) ioe;
this.dcCache.put(dom, ce);
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see jcifs.DfsResolver#getDc(jcifs.CIFSContext, java.lang.String)
public SmbTransport getDc ( CIFSContext tf, String domain ) throws SmbAuthException {
if ( tf.getConfig().isDfsDisabled() )
return null;
SmbTransportImpl transport = getReferralTransport(tf, getDcReferrals(tf, domain));
if ( transport == null && log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug(String.format("Failed to connect to domain controller for %s", domain));
return transport;
private static SmbTransportImpl getReferralTransport ( CIFSContext tf, DfsReferralData dr ) throws SmbAuthException {
try {
if ( dr != null ) {
DfsReferralData start = dr;
IOException e = null;
do {
if ( dr.getServer() != null && !dr.getServer().isEmpty() ) {
try {
SmbTransportImpl transport = tf.getTransportPool().getSmbTransport(
!tf.getCredentials().isAnonymous() && tf.getConfig().isSigningEnabled() && tf.getConfig().isIpcSigningEnforced())
return transport;
catch ( IOException ex ) {
log.debug("Connection failed " + dr.getServer(), ex);
e = ex;
dr =;
log.debug("No server name in referral");
return null;
while ( dr != start );
throw e;
catch ( IOException ioe ) {
if ( tf.getConfig().isDfsStrictView() && ioe instanceof SmbAuthException ) {
throw (SmbAuthException) ioe;
return null;
protected DfsReferralDataInternal getReferral ( CIFSContext tf, SmbTransportInternal trans, String target, String targetDomain, String targetHost,
String root, String path ) throws SmbAuthException {
if ( tf.getConfig().isDfsDisabled() )
return null;
String p = "\\" + target + "\\" + root;
if ( path != null ) {
p += path;
try {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Fetching referral for " + p);
DfsReferralData dr = trans.getDfsReferrals(tf, p, targetHost, targetDomain, 0);
if ( dr != null ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug(String.format("Referral for %s: %s", p, dr));
return dr.unwrap(DfsReferralDataInternal.class);
catch ( IOException ioe ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug(String.format("Getting referral for %s failed", p), ioe);
if ( tf.getConfig().isDfsStrictView() && ioe instanceof SmbAuthException ) {
throw (SmbAuthException) ioe;
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see jcifs.DfsResolver#resolve(jcifs.CIFSContext, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public DfsReferralData resolve ( CIFSContext tf, String domain, String root, String path ) throws SmbAuthException {
return resolve(tf, domain, root, path, 5);
private DfsReferralData resolve ( CIFSContext tf, String domain, String root, String path, int depthLimit ) throws SmbAuthException {
if ( tf.getConfig().isDfsDisabled() || root == null || root.equals("IPC$") || depthLimit <= 0 ) {
return null;
if ( domain == null ) {
return null;
domain = domain.toLowerCase();
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace(String.format("Resolving \\%s\\%s%s", domain, root, path != null ? path : ""));
DfsReferralDataInternal dr = null;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
synchronized ( this.domainsLock ) {
* domains that can contain DFS points to maps of roots for each
Map>> domains = getTrustedDomains(tf);
if ( domains != null ) {
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
root = root.toLowerCase();
* domain-based DFS root shares to links for each
Map> roots = domains.get(domain);
if ( roots != null ) {
dr = getLinkReferral(tf, domain, root, path, now, roots);
if ( tf.getConfig().isDfsConvertToFQDN() && dr instanceof DfsReferralDataImpl ) {
( (DfsReferralDataImpl) dr ).fixupDomain(domain);
if ( dr == null && path != null ) {
dr = getStandaloneCached(domain, root, path, now);
if ( dr != null && dr.isIntermediate() ) {
dr = resolveIntermediates(tf, path, depthLimit, dr);
return dr;
* @param tf
* @param path
* @param depthLimit
* @param dr
* @return
* @throws SmbAuthException
private DfsReferralDataInternal resolveIntermediates ( CIFSContext tf, String path, int depthLimit, DfsReferralDataInternal dr )
throws SmbAuthException {
DfsReferralDataInternal res = null;
DfsReferralDataInternal start = dr;
DfsReferralDataInternal r = start;
do {
r =;
String refPath = dr.getPath() != null ? '\\' + dr.getPath() : "";
String nextPath = refPath + ( path != null ? path.substring(r.getPathConsumed()) : "" );
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
"Intermediate referral, server %s share %s refPath %s origPath %s nextPath %s",
DfsReferralData nextstart = resolve(tf, r.getServer(), r.getShare(), nextPath, depthLimit - 1);
DfsReferralData next = nextstart;
if ( next != null ) {
do {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Next referral is " + next);
if ( res == null ) {
res = r.combine(next);
else {
while ( next != nextstart );
while ( r != start );
if ( res != null ) {
return res;
return dr;
* @param domains
private static void dumpReferralCache ( Map>> domains ) {
for ( Entry>> entry : domains.entrySet() ) {
log.trace("Domain " + entry.getKey());
for ( Entry> entry2 : entry.getValue().entrySet() ) {
log.trace(" Root " + entry2.getKey());
if ( entry2.getValue().map != null ) {
for ( Entry entry3 : entry2.getValue().map.entrySet() ) {
DfsReferralDataInternal start = entry3.getValue();
DfsReferralDataInternal r = start;
do {
log.trace(" " + entry3.getKey() + " => " + entry3.getValue());
r =;
while ( r != start );
* @param tf
* @param domain
* @param root
* @param path
* @param now
* @param roots
* @return
* @throws SmbAuthException
private DfsReferralDataInternal getLinkReferral ( CIFSContext tf, String domain, String root, String path, long now,
Map> roots ) throws SmbAuthException {
DfsReferralDataInternal dr = null;
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("Is a domain referral for " + domain);
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("Resolving root " + root);
* The link entries contain maps of referrals by path representing DFS links.
* Note that paths are relative to the root like "\" and not "\\root".
CacheEntry links = roots.get(root);
if ( links != null && now > links.expiration ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Removing expired " +;
links = null;
if ( links == null ) {
log.trace("Loadings roots");
String refServerName = domain;
dr = fetchRootReferral(tf, domain, root, refServerName);
links = cacheRootReferral(tf, domain, root, roots, dr, links);
else if ( links instanceof NegativeCacheEntry ) {
links = null;
else {
dr ="\\");
if ( links != null ) {
return getLinkReferral(tf, domain, root, path, dr, now, links);
return dr;
* @param tf
* @param domain
* @param root
* @param roots
* @param dr
* @param links
* @return
private static CacheEntry cacheRootReferral ( CIFSContext tf, String domain, String root,
Map> roots, DfsReferralDataInternal dr, CacheEntry links ) {
if ( dr != null ) {
links = new CacheEntry<>(tf.getConfig().getDfsTtl());"\\", dr);
DfsReferralDataInternal tmp = dr;
do {
* Store references to the map and key so that
* SmbFile.resolveDfs can re-insert the dr list with
* the dr that was successful so that subsequent
* attempts to resolve DFS use the last successful
* referral first.
tmp =;
while ( tmp != dr );
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Have referral " + dr);
roots.put(root, links);
else {
roots.put(root, new NegativeCacheEntry(tf.getConfig().getDfsTtl()));
return links;
* @param tf
* @param domain
* @param root
* @param refServerName
* @return
* @throws SmbAuthException
private DfsReferralDataInternal fetchRootReferral ( CIFSContext tf, String domain, String root, String refServerName ) throws SmbAuthException {
DfsReferralDataInternal dr;
try ( SmbTransport dc = getDc(tf, domain) ) {
if ( dc == null ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Failed to get domain controller for " + domain);
return null;
@SuppressWarnings ( "resource" )
SmbTransportInternal trans = dc.unwrap(SmbTransportInternal.class);
// the tconHostName is from the DC referral, that referral must be resolved
// before following deeper ones. Otherwise e.g. samba will return a broken
// referral.
synchronized ( trans ) {
try {
// ensure connected
refServerName = trans.getRemoteHostName();
catch ( IOException e ) {
log.warn("Failed to connect to domain controller", e);
dr = getReferral(tf, trans, domain, domain, refServerName, root, null);
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("Have DC referral " + dr);
if ( dr != null && domain.equals(dr.getServer()) && root.equals(dr.getShare()) ) {
// If we do cache these we never get to the properly cached
// standalone referral we might have.
log.warn("Dropping self-referential referral " + dr);
dr = null;
return dr;
* @param tf
* @param domain
* @param root
* @param path
* @param rootDr
* @param now
* @param links
* @return
* @throws SmbAuthException
private DfsReferralDataInternal getLinkReferral ( CIFSContext tf, String domain, String root, String path, DfsReferralDataInternal rootDr,
long now, CacheEntry links ) throws SmbAuthException {
DfsReferralDataInternal dr = rootDr;
String link;
if ( path == null || path.length() <= 1 ) {
* Lookup the domain based DFS root target referral. Note the
* path is just "\" and not "\\root".
link = "\\";
else if ( path.charAt(path.length() - 1) == '\\' ) {
// strip trailing slash
link = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
else {
link = path;
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("Initial link is " + link);
if ( dr == null || !link.equals(dr.getLink()) ) {
while ( true ) {
dr =;
if ( dr != null ) {
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("Found at " + link);
// walk up trying to find a match, do not go up to the root
int nextSep = link.lastIndexOf('\\');
if ( nextSep > 0 ) {
link = link.substring(0, nextSep);
else {
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("Not found " + link);
if ( dr != null && now > dr.getExpiration() ) {
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("Expiring links " + link);
dr = null;
if ( dr == null ) {
try ( SmbTransportInternal trans = getReferralTransport(tf, rootDr) ) {
if ( trans == null )
return null;
dr = getReferral(tf, trans, domain, domain, trans.getRemoteHostName(), root, path);
if ( dr != null ) {
if ( tf.getConfig().isDfsConvertToFQDN() && dr instanceof DfsReferralDataImpl ) {
( (DfsReferralDataImpl) dr ).fixupDomain(domain);
dr.stripPathConsumed(1 + domain.length() + 1 + root.length());
if ( dr.getPathConsumed() > ( path != null ? path.length() : 0 ) ) {
log.error("Consumed more than we provided");
link = path != null && dr.getPathConsumed() > 0 ? path.substring(0, dr.getPathConsumed()) : "\\";
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("Have referral " + dr);
}, dr);
else {
log.debug("No referral found for " + link);
else if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("Have cached referral for " + dr.getLink() + " " + dr);
return dr;
* @param domain
* @param root
* @param path
* @param now
* @return
private DfsReferralDataInternal getStandaloneCached ( String domain, String root, String path, long now ) {
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("No match for domain based root, checking standalone " + domain);
* We did not match a domain based root. Now try to match the
* longest path in the list of stand-alone referrals.
CacheEntry refs;
synchronized ( this.referralsLock ) {
refs = this.referrals;
if ( refs == null || now > refs.expiration ) {
refs = new CacheEntry<>(0);
this.referrals = refs;
String key = "\\" + domain + "\\" + root;
if ( !path.equals("\\") ) {
key += path;
key = key.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
Iterator iter =;
int searchLen = key.length();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
String cachedKey =;
int cachedKeyLen = cachedKey.length();
boolean match = false;
if ( cachedKeyLen == searchLen ) {
match = cachedKey.equals(key);
else if ( cachedKeyLen < searchLen ) {
match = key.startsWith(cachedKey);
else if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace(key + " vs. " + cachedKey);
if ( match ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Matched " + cachedKey);
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
log.trace("No match for " + key);
return null;
public synchronized void cache ( CIFSContext tc, String path, DfsReferralData dr ) {
if ( tc.getConfig().isDfsDisabled() || ! ( dr instanceof DfsReferralDataInternal ) ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Inserting referral for " + path);
int s1 = path.indexOf('\\', 1);
int s2 = path.indexOf('\\', s1 + 1);
if ( s1 < 0 || s2 < 0 ) {
log.error("Invalid UNC path " + path);
String server = path.substring(1, s1).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
String share = path.substring(s1 + 1, s2);
String key = path.substring(0, dr.getPathConsumed()).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
DfsReferralDataInternal dri = (DfsReferralDataInternal) dr;
if ( tc.getConfig().isDfsConvertToFQDN() ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Adding key " + key + " to " + dr);
* Subtract the server and share from the pathConsumed so that
* it reflects the part of the relative path consumed and not
* the entire path.
dri.stripPathConsumed(1 + server.length() + 1 + share.length());
if ( key.charAt(key.length() - 1) != '\\' ) {
key += '\\';
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Key is " + key);
CacheEntry refs = this.referrals;
synchronized ( this.referralsLock ) {
if ( refs == null || ( System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000 ) > refs.expiration ) {
refs = new CacheEntry<>(tc.getConfig().getDfsTtl());
this.referrals = refs;
}, dri);