org.cometd.oort.Seti Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.cometd.oort;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import org.cometd.bayeux.Message;
import org.cometd.bayeux.client.ClientSessionChannel;
import org.cometd.bayeux.server.BayeuxServer;
import org.cometd.bayeux.server.LocalSession;
import org.cometd.bayeux.server.ServerChannel;
import org.cometd.bayeux.server.ServerSession;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.LazyList;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.ajax.JSON;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** The Search for Extra Terrestial Intelligence.
* Well in this case, just the search for a user logged onto an
* Cometd node in an Oort cluster.
* Seti allows an application to maintain a mapping from userId to
* comet client ID using the {@link #associate(String, Client)} and
* {@link #disassociate(String)} methods. Each cometd node keeps its
* own associate mapping for clients connected to it.
* The {@link #sendMessage(Collection, String, Object)} and
* {@link #sendMessage(String, String, Object)} methods may be
* used to send a message to user(s) anywhere in the Oort cluster
* and Seti organizes the search of the distributed associate
* maps in order to locate the user(s)
* If users can be directed to shards of cometd servers, then
* each Seti instance must be told it's shard ID and the {@link #userId2Shard(String)}
* method must be extended to map users to shards.
public class Seti
public final static String SETI_ATTRIBUTE="org.cometd.oort.Seti";
public final static String SETI_SHARD="seti.shard";
final String _setiId;
final String _shardId;
final Oort _oort;
final LocalSession _session;
final ShardLocation _allShardLocation;
final ServerChannel _setiIdChannel;
final ServerChannel _setiAllChannel;
final ServerChannel _setiShardChannel;
final ConcurrentMap _uid2Location = new ConcurrentHashMap();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public Seti(Oort oort, String shardId)
BayeuxServer bayeux = _oort.getBayeux();
_session = bayeux.newLocalSession("seti");
String channel = "/seti/"+_setiId;
_setiIdChannel= bayeux.getChannel(channel);
channel = "/seti/ALL";
_setiAllChannel= bayeux.getChannel(channel);
channel = "/seti/"+shardId;
_setiShardChannel= bayeux.getChannel(channel);
_allShardLocation = new ShardLocation("ALL");
catch(Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
_session.getChannel(_setiIdChannel.getId()).subscribe(new ClientSessionChannel.MessageListener()
public void onMessage(ClientSessionChannel channel, Message message)
_session.getChannel(_setiAllChannel.getId()).subscribe(new ClientSessionChannel.MessageListener()
public void onMessage(ClientSessionChannel channel, Message message)
_session.getChannel(_setiShardChannel.getId()).subscribe(new ClientSessionChannel.MessageListener()
public void onMessage(ClientSessionChannel channel, Message message)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public void associate(final String userId,final ServerSession session)
_uid2Location.put(userId,new LocalLocation(session));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public void disassociate(final String userId)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public void sendMessage(final String toUser,final String toChannel,final Object data)
Location location = _uid2Location.get(toUser);
if (location==null)
location = userId2Shard(toUser);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public void sendMessage(final Collection toUsers,final String toChannel,final Object message)
// break toUsers in to shards
MultiMap shard2users = new MultiMap();
for (String userId:toUsers)
ShardLocation shard = userId2Shard(userId);
// for each shard
for (Map.Entry entry : (Set>)shard2users.entrySet())
// TODO, we could look at all users in shard to see if we
// know a setiId for each, and if so, break the user list
// up into a message for each seti-id. BUT it is probably
// more efficient just to send to the entire shard (unless
// the number of nodes in the shard is greater than the
// number of users).
ShardLocation shard = entry.getKey();
Object lazyUsers = entry.getValue();
if (LazyList.size(lazyUsers)==1)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
protected ShardLocation userId2Shard(final String userId)
return _allShardLocation;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
protected void receive(final Message msg)
if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) Log.debug("SETI "+_oort+":: "+msg);
if (!(msg.getData() instanceof Map))
// extract the message details
Map data = (Map)msg.getData();
final String toUid=(String)data.get("to");
final String fromUid=(String)data.get("from");
final Object message = data.get("message");
final String on = (String)data.get("on");
// Handle any client locations contained in the message
if (fromUid!=null)
if (on!=null)
if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) Log.debug(_oort+":: "+fromUid+" on "+on);
_uid2Location.put(fromUid,new SetiLocation("/seti/"+on));
final String off = (String)data.get("off");
if (off!=null)
if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) Log.debug(_oort+":: "+fromUid+" off ");
_uid2Location.remove(fromUid,new SetiLocation("/seti/"+off));
// deliver message
if (message!=null && toUid!=null)
final String toChannel=(String)data.get("channel");
Location location=_uid2Location.get(toUid);
if (location==null && _setiIdChannel.getId().equals(msg.getChannel()))
// was sent to this node, so escalate to the shard.
location =userId2Shard(toUid);
if (location!=null)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
private interface Location
public void sendMessage(String toUser,String toChannel,Object data);
public void receive(String toUser,String toChannel,Object data);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
class LocalLocation implements Location
ServerSession _session;
LocalLocation(ServerSession session)
public void sendMessage(String toUser, String toChannel, Object data)
System.err.println("SETI LocalLocation.send "+toUser+","+toChannel+","+data);
public void receive(String toUser, String toChannel, Object data)
System.err.println("SETI LocalLocation.recieve "+toUser+","+toChannel+","+data);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
class SetiLocation implements Location
ClientSessionChannel _channel;
SetiLocation(String channelId)
public void sendMessage(String toUser, String toChannel, Object message)
_channel.publish(new SetiMessage(toUser,toChannel,message));
public void receive(String toUser, String toChannel, Object message)
public boolean equals(Object o)
return o instanceof SetiLocation &&
public int hashCode()
return _channel.hashCode();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
class ShardLocation implements Location
ClientSessionChannel _channel;
ShardLocation(String shardId)
public void sendMessage(final Collection toUsers, final String toChannel, final Object message)
_channel.publish(new SetiMessage(toUsers,toChannel,message));
public void sendMessage(String toUser, String toChannel, Object message)
_channel.publish(new SetiMessage(toUser,toChannel,message));
public void receive(String toUser, String toChannel, Object message)
public void associate(final String user)
_channel.publish(new SetiPresence(user,true));
public void disassociate(final String user)
_channel.publish(new SetiPresence(user,false));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
class SetiMessage implements JSON.Convertible
String _toUser;
Collection _toUsers;
String _toChannel;
Object _message;
SetiMessage(String toUser,String toChannel, Object message)
SetiMessage(Collection toUsers,String toChannel, Object message)
public void fromJSON(Map object)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void toJSON(JSON.Output out)
if (_toUser!=null)
else if (_toUsers!=null)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
class SetiPresence implements JSON.Convertible
String _user;
boolean _on;
SetiPresence(String user,boolean on)
public void fromJSON(Map object)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void toJSON(JSON.Output out)
public void disconnect()