org.identityconnectors.contract.test.AttributeTests Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2011-2013 Tirasa. All rights reserved.
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package org.identityconnectors.contract.test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.identityconnectors.common.logging.Log;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.api.operations.APIOperation;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.api.operations.CreateApiOp;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.api.operations.DeleteApiOp;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.api.operations.GetApiOp;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.api.operations.SchemaApiOp;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.api.operations.SearchApiOp;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.api.operations.SyncApiOp;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.api.operations.UpdateApiOp;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.Attribute;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeBuilder;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeUtil;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ConnectorObject;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ObjectClass;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ObjectClassInfo;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ObjectClassInfoBuilder;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.OperationOptions;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.Schema;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SyncDelta;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SyncDeltaType;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SyncToken;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.Uid;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.filter.Filter;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.filter.FilterBuilder;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
* Test that attributes satisfy contract.
* Tests check:
* - non-readable attributes are not returnedByDefault
* - attributes which are not returnedByDefault really are not returned
* unless
* specified in attrsToGet
* - update of non-updateable attribute will fail
* - required attributes must be creatable
* @author David Adam
public class AttributeTests extends ObjectClassRunner {
* Logging..
private static final Log LOG = Log.getLog(AttributeTests.class);
private static final String TEST_NAME = "Attribute";
public AttributeTests(ObjectClass oclass) {
public Set> getAPIOperations() {
Set> res = new HashSet>();
// list of required operations by this test:
return res;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void testRun() {
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getTestName() {
return TEST_NAME;
/* ******************** TEST METHODS ******************** */
* Non readable attributes should _not_ be returned by default
* API operations for acquiring attributes: GetApiOp
public void testNonReadable() {
if (ConnectorHelper.operationsSupported(getConnectorFacade(),
getObjectClass(), getAPIOperations())) {
Uid uid = null;
try {
ObjectClassInfo oci = getObjectClassInfo();
// create a new user
Set attrs = ConnectorHelper.getCreateableAttributes(
getDataProvider(), oci, getTestName(), 0, true, false);
// should throw UnsupportedObjectClass if not supported
uid = getConnectorFacade().create(getSupportedObjectClass(),
attrs, getOperationOptionsByOp(CreateApiOp.class));
// get the user to make sure it exists now
ConnectorObject obj = getConnectorFacade().getObject(
getObjectClass(), uid,
null/* GET returned by default attributes*/);
assertNotNull("Unable to retrieve newly created object", obj);
// check: non readable attributes should not be returned by
// default
for (Attribute attr : obj.getAttributes()) {
if (!ConnectorHelper.isReadable(oci, attr)) {
String msg = String
"Non-readable attribute should not be returned by default: %s",
assertTrue(msg, !ConnectorHelper.isReturnedByDefault(
oci, attr));
} finally {
if (uid != null) {
// delete the object
getConnectorFacade().delete(getSupportedObjectClass(), uid,
} else {
* Not returned by default attributes should not be returned, unless
* specified in attributesToGet ({@link OperationOptions})
* API operations for acquiring attributes:
* - {@link GetApiOp}
* - {@link SearchApiOp}
* - {@link SyncApiOp}
public void testReturnedByDefault() {
if (ConnectorHelper.operationSupported(getConnectorFacade(),
getObjectClass(), CreateApiOp.class)) {
// run the test for GetApiOp, SearchApiOp and SyncApiOp
for (ApiOperations apiop : ApiOperations.values()) {
} else {
* Update of non-updateable attribute is not acceptable.
* Connector should throw a RuntimeException.
* API operations for acquiring attributes: {@link GetApiOp}
public void testNonUpdateable() {
boolean exceptionCaught = false;
/** is there any non updateable item? (if not skip this test) */
boolean isChanged = false;
/** logging info bean */
LogInfo logInfo = null;
if (ConnectorHelper.operationsSupported(getConnectorFacade(),
getObjectClass(), getAPIOperations())) {
ConnectorObject obj = null;
Uid uid = null;
try {
// create an object to update
uid = ConnectorHelper.createObject(getConnectorFacade(),
getDataProvider(), getObjectClassInfo(), getTestName(),
1, getOperationOptionsByOp(CreateApiOp.class));
assertNotNull("Create returned null Uid.", uid);
// get by uid
obj = getConnectorFacade().getObject(getSupportedObjectClass(),
uid, getOperationOptionsByOp(GetApiOp.class));
assertNotNull("Cannot retrieve created object.", obj);
// ******************************
// Acquire updateable attributes
Schema schema = getConnectorFacade().schema();
Set nonUpdateableAttrs = getNonUpdateableAttributes(schema, getObjectClass());
// null indicates an empty set ==> no non-updateable attributes
isChanged = (nonUpdateableAttrs != null)? true : false;
if (isChanged) {
//keep logging info
logInfo = new LogInfo(getObjectClass(), nonUpdateableAttrs);
assertTrue("no update attributes were found",
(nonUpdateableAttrs.size() > 0));
Uid newUid = getConnectorFacade().update(
// Update change of Uid must be propagated to
// replaceAttributes
// set
if (!newUid.equals(uid)) {
uid = newUid;
// verify the change
obj = getConnectorFacade().getObject(
getSupportedObjectClass(), uid,
assertNotNull("Cannot retrieve updated object.", obj);
ConnectorHelper.checkObject(getObjectClassInfo(), obj,
} else {
* no non-updateable attribute present
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
* Expected behavior:
* in case non-updateable attribute is updated, Runtime exception
* should be thrown.
exceptionCaught = true;
} finally {
if (uid != null) {
// finally ... get rid of the object
getSupportedObjectClass(), uid, false,
// in case no exception is thrown:
if (!exceptionCaught) {
fail(String.format("No exception thrown when update is performed on non-updateable attribute(s). (hint: throw a RuntimeException) %s", ((logInfo != null)?logInfo.toString():"")));
} else {
* return the Non-Updateable attributes for currently tested objectclass
* @param schema the schema of currently tested connector
* @param objectClass the currently tested objectclass
* @return
private Set getNonUpdateableAttributes(Schema schema,
ObjectClass objectClass) {
Set result = new HashSet();
//objectClass that we search for
ObjectClassInfoBuilder oib = new ObjectClassInfoBuilder();
ObjectClassInfo ocToFind = oib.build();
Set oci = schema.getObjectClassInfo();
for (ObjectClassInfo objectClassInfo : oci) {
if (objectClassInfo.getType().equals(ocToFind.getType())) {
// we found the currently tested object class
// do a scan through attributes and look for non-updateable ones.
Set attrInfo = objectClassInfo.getAttributeInfo();
for (AttributeInfo attributeInfo : attrInfo) {
if (!attributeInfo.isUpdateable()) {
// create an empty list value for update
Attribute attr = AttributeBuilder.build(attributeInfo.getName());
// TODO might add some reasonable value for the attribute to update
return (result.size() == 0)? null : result;
* prints log message when skipping
* {@link AttributeTests#testNonUpdateable()} test
private void printSkipNonUpdateableTestMsg() {
* prints log message when skipping
* {@link AttributeTests#testNonUpdateable()} test
* @param testName the name of the test to print
private void printSkipTestMsg(String testName) {
"Skipping test ''{0}'' for object class ''{1}''. (Reason: non-updateable attrs. are missing)",
testName, getObjectClass());
* Required attributes must be creatable. It is a fialure if a required
* attribute is not creatable.
public void testRequirableIsCreatable() {
if (ConnectorHelper.operationSupported(getConnectorFacade(),
getObjectClass(), CreateApiOp.class)
&& ConnectorHelper.operationSupported(getConnectorFacade(),
getObjectClass(), GetApiOp.class)) {
Uid uid = null;
try {
ObjectClassInfo oci = getObjectClassInfo();
// create a new user
Set attrs = ConnectorHelper.getCreateableAttributes(
getDataProvider(), oci, getTestName(), 2, true, false);
// should throw UnsupportedObjectClass if not supported
uid = getConnectorFacade().create(getSupportedObjectClass(),
attrs, getOperationOptionsByOp(CreateApiOp.class));
// get the user to make sure it exists now
ConnectorObject obj = getConnectorFacade().getObject(
getObjectClass(), uid,
assertNotNull("Unable to retrieve newly created object", obj);
// check: Required attributes must be createable.
for (Attribute attr : obj.getAttributes()) {
if (ConnectorHelper.isRequired(oci, attr)) {
if (!ConnectorHelper.isCreateable(oci, attr)) {
String msg = String.format("Required attribute is not createable. Attribute name: %s", attr.getName());
} finally {
if (uid != null) {
// delete the object
getConnectorFacade().delete(getSupportedObjectClass(), uid,
} else {
"Skipping test ''testNonReadable'' for object class ''{0}''.",
/* ******************** HELPER METHODS ******************** */
* {@link AttributeTests#testReturnedByDefault()}
* @param apiOp
* the type of ApiOperation, that shall be tested.
private void testReturnedByDefault(ApiOperations apiOp) {
/** marker in front of every assert message */
String testMarkMsg = String.format("[testReturnedByDefault/%s]", apiOp);
// run the contract test only if apiOp APIOperation is
// supported
if (ConnectorHelper.operationSupported(getConnectorFacade(),
getObjectClass(), apiOp.getClazz())) {
// start synchronizing from now
SyncToken token = null;
if (apiOp.equals(ApiOperations.SYNC)) { // just for SyncApiOp test
token = getConnectorFacade().getLatestSyncToken(getObjectClass());
Uid uid = null;
try {
ObjectClassInfo oci = getObjectClassInfo();
* CREATE a new user
Set attrs = ConnectorHelper.getCreateableAttributes(
getDataProvider(), oci, getTestName(), 3, true, false);
// should throw UnsupportedObjectClass if not supported
uid = getConnectorFacade().create(getObjectClass(), attrs,
assertNotNull(testMarkMsg + " Create returned null uid.", uid);
* ************ GetApiOp ************
// get the user to make sure it exists now
ConnectorObject obj = null;
switch (apiOp) {
case GET:
/* last _null_ param - no operation option, response contains just attributes returned by default*/
obj = getConnectorFacade().getObject(getObjectClass(), uid, null);
break;// GET
case SEARCH:
Filter fltUid = FilterBuilder.equalTo(AttributeBuilder
.build(Uid.NAME, uid.getUidValue()));
assertTrue(testMarkMsg + " filterUid is null", fltUid != null);
List coObjects = ConnectorHelper.search(
getConnectorFacade(), getSupportedObjectClass(),
fltUid, null);
assertTrue(testMarkMsg +
" Search filter by uid with no OperationOptions failed, expected to return one object, but returned "
+ coObjects.size(), coObjects.size() == 1);
assertNotNull(testMarkMsg + " Unable to retrieve newly created object",
obj = coObjects.get(0);
break;// SEARCH
case SYNC:
uid = testSync(uid, token, attrs, oci, testMarkMsg);
break;// SYNC
* Check if attribute set contains non-returned by default
* Attributes. This is specific for AttributeTests
if (!apiOp.equals(ApiOperations.SYNC)) {
assertNotNull("Unable to retrieve newly created object", obj);
// obj is null for sync tests
checkAttributes(obj, oci, apiOp);
} finally {
if (uid != null) {
// cleanup test data
ConnectorHelper.deleteObject(getConnectorFacade(), getSupportedObjectClass(), uid,
false, getOperationOptionsByOp(DeleteApiOp.class));
} else {
"Skipping test ''testReturnedByDefault'' for object class ''{0}''.",
/** Main checking of "no returned by default" attributes
* @param testName
* @param apiOp */
private void checkAttributes(ConnectorObject obj, ObjectClassInfo oci, ApiOperations apiOp) {
// Check if attribute set contains non-returned by default
// Attributes.
for (Attribute attr : obj.getAttributes()) {
String msg = String
"[testReturnedByDefault / %s]Attribute %s returned. However it is _not_ returned by default.",
apiOp, attr.getName());
* this is a hack that skips control of UID, as it is presently
* non returned by default, however it is automatically returned.
* see discussion in Issue mailing list -- Issue #334
* future TODO: after joining UID to schema, erase the condition.
if (!attr.getName().equals(Uid.NAME)) {
assertTrue(msg, ConnectorHelper.isReturnedByDefault(oci, attr));
* test sync
* @param token
* initialized token
* @param attrs
* newly created attributes
* @param uid
* the newly created object
* @param oci
* object class info
* @param testMarkMsg test marker
* @return the updated Uid
private Uid testSync(Uid uid, SyncToken token,
Set attrs, ObjectClassInfo oci, String testMarkMsg) {
List deltas = null;
String msg = null;
* CREATE: (was handled in the calling method, result of create is in
* param uid, cleanup is also in caller method.)
if (SyncApiOpTests.canSyncAfterOp(CreateApiOp.class)) {
// sync after create
deltas = ConnectorHelper.sync(getConnectorFacade(),
getObjectClass(), token,
// check that returned one delta
msg = "%s Sync should have returned one sync delta after creation of one object, but returned: %d";
assertTrue(String.format(msg, testMarkMsg, deltas.size()), deltas.size() == 1);
// check delta
ConnectorHelper.checkSyncDelta(getObjectClassInfo(), deltas.get(0),
uid, attrs, SyncDeltaType.CREATE_OR_UPDATE, false);
* check the attributes inside delta This is specific for
* AttributeTests
ConnectorObject obj = deltas.get(0).getObject();
checkAttributes(obj, oci, ApiOperations.SYNC);
token = deltas.get(0).getToken();
/* UPDATE: */
if (ConnectorHelper.operationSupported(getConnectorFacade(),
&& SyncApiOpTests.canSyncAfterOp(UpdateApiOp.class)) {
Set replaceAttributes = ConnectorHelper
getObjectClassInfo(), getTestName(),
SyncApiOpTests.MODIFIED, 0, false, false);
// update only in case there is something to update
if (replaceAttributes.size() > 0) {
assertTrue(testMarkMsg + " no update attributes were found",
(replaceAttributes.size() > 0));
Uid newUid = getConnectorFacade().update(
// Update change of Uid must be propagated to
// replaceAttributes
if (!newUid.equals(uid)) {
uid = newUid;
// sync after update
deltas = ConnectorHelper.sync(getConnectorFacade(),
getObjectClass(), token,
// check that returned one delta
msg = "%s Sync should have returned one sync delta after update of one object, but returned: %d";
assertTrue(String.format(msg, testMarkMsg, deltas.size()),
deltas.size() == 1);
// check delta
ConnectorHelper.checkSyncDelta(getObjectClassInfo(), deltas
.get(0), uid, replaceAttributes,
SyncDeltaType.CREATE_OR_UPDATE, false);
* check the attributes inside delta This is specific for
* AttributeTests
ConnectorObject obj = deltas.get(0).getObject();
checkAttributes(obj, oci, ApiOperations.SYNC);
token = deltas.get(0).getToken();
/* DELETE: */
if (SyncApiOpTests.canSyncAfterOp(DeleteApiOp.class)) {
// delete object
getConnectorFacade().delete(getObjectClass(), uid,
// sync after delete
deltas = ConnectorHelper.sync(getConnectorFacade(),
getObjectClass(), token,
// check that returned one delta
msg = "%s Sync should have returned one sync delta after delete of one object, but returned: %d";
assertTrue(String.format(msg, testMarkMsg, deltas.size()), deltas.size() == 1);
// check delta
ConnectorHelper.checkSyncDelta(getObjectClassInfo(), deltas.get(0),
uid, null, SyncDeltaType.DELETE, false);
* check the attributes inside delta This is specific for
* AttributeTests
ConnectorObject obj = deltas.get(0).getObject();
checkAttributes(obj, oci, ApiOperations.SYNC);
return uid;
}// end of class AttributeTests
/** helper inner class for passing the type of tested operations */
enum ApiOperations {
SEARCH(SearchApiOp.class), GET(GetApiOp.class), SYNC(SyncApiOp.class);
private final String s;
private final Class extends APIOperation> clazz;
private ApiOperations(Class extends APIOperation> c) {
this.s = c.getName();
this.clazz = c;
public String toString() {
return s;
public Class extends APIOperation> getClazz() {
return clazz;
}// end of enum ApiOperations
/** helper inner class for saving log information */
class LogInfo {
/** attribute set */
private Set attrSet;
/** object class */
private ObjectClass oc;
public LogInfo(ObjectClass oc, Set attrSet) {
this.oc = oc;
this.attrSet = attrSet;
public Set getAttrSet() {
return attrSet;
public ObjectClass getOc() {
return oc;
public String toString() {
return " \n ObjectClass: " + oc.toString() + "\n AttributeSet: " + attrSet.toString();
}// end of LogInfo
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