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* Copyright 2016 Coursera Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package org.coursera.naptime
import org.coursera.naptime.QueryStringParser.NaptimeParseError
import org.coursera.naptime.schema.RelationType
import org.coursera.naptime.schema.ReverseRelationAnnotation
import play.api.http.Status
import play.api.i18n.Lang
import play.api.libs.json.JsObject
import play.api.libs.json.JsString
import play.api.libs.json.Json
import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import play.api.libs.json.OFormat
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
* All the contextual information about a naptime request.
class RestContext[+AuthType, +BodyType] private[naptime] (
val body: BodyType,
val auth: AuthType,
private[this] val _request: RequestHeader,
val paging: RequestPagination,
val includes: RequestIncludes,
val fields: RequestFields) {
def request(implicit evidence: RequestEvidence): RequestHeader = _request
def acceptLanguages = _request.acceptLanguages
* Compute the preferred language for this context given a set of available languages.
* @param availableLanguages The set of languages that are available for a given piece of content.
* @param default The default language of the piece of content.
* @return
def selectLanguage(availableLanguages: Set[Lang], default: Lang): Lang = {
* Implementation of the tail-recursive algorithm.
* @param languagePreferences Preferences in decreasing preference order (from the request)
* @return The language to use.
def findPreferredLanguage(languagePreferences: Seq[Lang]): Lang = {
if (languagePreferences.isEmpty) default
else {
val satisfiableLanguage = availableLanguages.find(_.satisfies(languagePreferences.head))
if (satisfiableLanguage.isDefined) satisfiableLanguage.get
else findPreferredLanguage(languagePreferences.tail)
private[naptime] def copyWithAuth[NewAuth](newAuth: NewAuth): RestContext[NewAuth, BodyType] = {
new RestContext(body, newAuth, _request, paging, includes, fields)
* Configure the defaults for pagination.
case class PaginationConfiguration(defaultLimit: Int = 100)
* Calculates the request pagination.
* TODO: URL-safe base64 encoding
case class RequestPagination(limit: Int, start: Option[String], isDefault: Boolean) {
def startAsInt: Option[Int] = {
try {
} catch {
case _: NumberFormatException =>
Errors.BadRequest(msg = s"Paging start should be an integer, was $start")
* A hashcode-like function that includes in its values only the things we actually care about
* when computing an ETag.
* @return a stable integer used in an ETag computation.
def eTagHashCode(): Int = Set(limit, start.hashCode()).hashCode()
object RequestPagination {
* Parse pagination from the request header, falling back to the configuration as requested.
def apply(rh: RequestHeader, configuration: PaginationConfiguration): RequestPagination = {
// Parse out the start parameter.
val start = rh.queryString.get("start").flatMap(_.headOption)
// Parse out the limit string.
val limit = rh.queryString.get("limit").flatMap(_.headOption).flatMap(str => Try(str.toInt).toOption) { limit =>
RequestPagination(limit, start, isDefault = false)
}.getOrElse(RequestPagination(configuration.defaultLimit, start, isDefault = true))
* Information about one particular choice of value for one particular facet.
* @param id The id or code for this facet value.
* @param name The display name for this facet value.
* @param count The number of results for this facet.
case class FacetFieldValue(id: String, name: Option[String], count: Long)
object FacetFieldValue {
implicit val format: OFormat[FacetFieldValue] = Json.format[FacetFieldValue]
* Contains all of the information relating to a facet in a sophisticated search.
* @param facetEntries An ordered (potentially partial) list of facet entries.
* @param fieldCardinality Not all potential values for this facet may be included.
* The fieldCardinality is the count of all possible different values for
* this facet.
case class FacetField(facetEntries: immutable.Seq[FacetFieldValue], fieldCardinality: Option[Long])
object FacetField {
implicit val format: OFormat[FacetField] = Json.format[FacetField]
* If there are subsequent pages, include a next 'pointer'. This is opaque to clients.
* TODO: consider base64 encoding over the wire for safety.
* @param facets If present, a map of field name to facet information.
case class ResponsePagination(
next: Option[String],
total: Option[Long] = None,
facets: Option[Map[String, FacetField]] = None)
object ResponsePagination {
implicit val format = Json.format[ResponsePagination]
val empty = ResponsePagination(None, None, None)
* Passed to Resources so if there are certain related objects that require more work to fetch,
* they can skip that work if the request does not ask for those related resources.
* Note: the API is intentionally severely constrained to allow for future flexibility and internal
* changes to the Naptime framework.
trait RequestIncludes {
* Whether related resource that `fieldName` references should be included in the response.
* @param fieldName The field name of the current resource
* @return Whether the request asks for that fieldName to be followed and included in the response
def includeFieldsRelatedResource(fieldName: String): Boolean
def forResource(resource: ResourceName): Option[RequestIncludes]
* The type safe structure of the requested includes for a request.
* Represents the requested related models that are requested (for field projections a.k.a. the
* `fields` parameter) as well as the requested related resources (e.g. the `include` parameter.)
* @param fields The fields referenced for inclusion operations for the current resource.
* @param resources A map containing the fields to include for other resources.
private[naptime] case class QueryIncludes(
fields: Set[String],
resources: Map[ResourceName, Set[String]])
extends RequestIncludes {
override def includeFieldsRelatedResource(fieldName: String): Boolean = fields.contains(fieldName)
override def forResource(resource: ResourceName): Option[QueryIncludes] = {
resources.get(resource).map { relatedResourceFields =>
QueryIncludes(relatedResourceFields, Map.empty)
object QueryIncludes {
def apply(queryParam: String): Try[QueryIncludes] = {
if (queryParam.isEmpty) {
} else {
val parseResult = QueryStringParser.parseQueryIncludes(queryParam)
parseResult match {
case QueryStringParser.Success(res, _) => Success(res)
case QueryStringParser.NoSuccess(msg, _) =>
Failure(new NaptimeParseError("includes", msg))
val empty = QueryIncludes(Set.empty, Map.empty)
* Contains all the required information related to a resource's fields.
* @param defaultFields The default fields that should be included in a response.
* @param fieldsPermissionsFunction A function that, given a request header, determines if particular
* fields are to be included in the response. This function can be used
* to hide particular fields depending on arbitrary information about the
* request. (e.g. Sensitive fields can be made unavailable in certain
* contexts. (e.g. CORS, 3rd party requests to APIs, JSONP, etc.)
* IMPORTANT NOTE: this functionality is not fully implemented yet!
* @param relations A map of field name to related resource's name and version pair. This
* configuration is used to automatically join related resources as requested. For
* example, if we have an "author" id field that references the "userBasicProfile"
* v1 resource, and a "post" id field that references a "discoursePost" v1 the map
* would look like: `Map("author" -> ("userBasicProfile", 1), "post" ->
* ("discoursePost", 1))`.
* @param format The JSON serialization formatter for the resource.
* @tparam T The type of the resource in the collection.
@implicitNotFound("""Implement an implicit Fields using the FieldsBuilder (ex: implicit val fields =
Fields.withDefaultFields("name", "desc"). If you encounter this error in a `withRelated` clause,
be sure to import that resource's fields object.""")
sealed case class Fields[T](
defaultFields: Set[String],
fieldsPermissionsFunction: FieldsFunction,
relations: Map[String, ResourceName],
reverseRelations: Map[String, ReverseRelation])
(implicit format: OFormat[T]) {
private[this] val relationsInJson = { case (field, resourceName) =>
field -> JsString(resourceName.identifier)
* Generates the JsObject that goes inside the `links` field in responses for
* Play-Json engines.
* @param fieldsToInclude
* @return
private[naptime] def makeMetaRelationsMap(fieldsToInclude: Set[String]): JsObject = {
val filtered = relationsInJson.filter(field => fieldsToInclude.contains(field._1))
private[naptime] def makeLinksRelationsMap(
links: DataMap,
name: String,
includes: RequestIncludes): Unit = {
val relationMap = new DataMap()
links.put(name, relationMap)
relations.foreach { case (field, resourceName) =>
relationMap.put(field, resourceName.identifier)
private[naptime] def computeFields(rh: RequestHeader): Try[RequestFields] = {
// Try the header override first
rh.headers.get(Fields.FIELDS_HEADER).map { fieldsHeader =>
fieldsHeader.toLowerCase match {
case "all" => Success(AllFields)
case _ => Failure(
new NaptimeActionException(
Some(s"Invalid ${Fields.FIELDS_HEADER} option")))
}.getOrElse {
// Merge all query parameters together with a comma to take the union of them all.
rh.queryString.get("fields").map { fieldsSeq =>
val unparsed = fieldsSeq.mkString(",")
QueryFields(unparsed).map { parsed =>
// TODO: FieldFn should be applied here.
}.getOrElse {
// TODO: FieldFn should be applied here?
Success(QueryFields(defaultFields, Map.empty))
private[naptime] def computeIncludes(rh: RequestHeader): Try[QueryIncludes] = {
rh.queryString.get("includes").map { includesSeq =>
val unparsed = includesSeq.mkString(",")
QueryIncludes(unparsed) // No default includes to deal with / etc.
}.getOrElse {
private[this] def withFieldsInternal(fieldNames: Set[String]): Fields[T] = {
val intersection = fieldNames.intersect(defaultFields)
require(intersection.isEmpty, s"Duplicate field names provided: $intersection")
copy(defaultFields = defaultFields ++ fieldNames)
def withDefaultFields(fieldNames: String*): Fields[T] = {
def withDefaultFields(fieldNames: Iterable[String]): Fields[T] = {
def withRelated(newRelations: Map[String, ResourceName]): Fields[T] = {
val intersection = newRelations.keySet.intersect(relations.keySet)
require(intersection.isEmpty, s"Duplicate relations provided for: $intersection")
copy(relations = relations ++ newRelations)
def withRelated(newRelations: (String, ResourceName)*): Fields[T] = {
def withReverseRelations(newRelations: Map[String, ReverseRelation]): Fields[T] = {
val intersection = newRelations.keySet.intersect(reverseRelations.keySet)
require(intersection.isEmpty, s"Duplicate relations provided for: $intersection")
copy(reverseRelations = reverseRelations ++ newRelations)
def withReverseRelations(newRelations: (String, ReverseRelation)*): Fields[T] = {
object Fields {
def apply[T](implicit format: OFormat[T]): Fields[T] = {
Fields(Set.empty, FieldsFunction.default, Map.empty, Map.empty)
val FIELDS_HEADER = "X-Coursera-Naptime-Fields"
private[naptime] val FAKE_FIELDS: Fields[_] = Fields(
// TODO(saeta): FieldFn should also take advantage of the authentication applied. This will require
// adding additional type information to many models.
sealed trait FieldsFunction extends ((RequestHeader, QueryFields) => QueryFields) {
// Nothing here for now.
object FieldsFunction {
* Default fields function that does not modify the query fields by default.
* @return
def default = new FieldsFunction {
override def apply(rh: RequestHeader, qf: QueryFields) = qf
* Passed to Resources so if there are certain fields that require more work to fetch, they can skip
* that work if the request does not include it.
* Note: the API is intentionally severely constrained to allow for future flexibility and internal
* changes to the Naptime framework.
trait RequestFields {
def hasField(name: String): Boolean
def forResource(resource: ResourceName): Option[RequestFields]
private[naptime] def mergeWithDefaults(defaults: Set[String]): RequestFields
object RequestFields {
val empty = QueryFields.empty
* The structured name + version + path of a resource.
* @param topLevelName The first top level name.
* @param version The version of the top level resource.
* @param resourcePath The names of path selectors.
case class ResourceName(
topLevelName: String,
version: Int,
resourcePath: immutable.Seq[String] = List.empty) {
def identifier: String = {
val suffix = if (resourcePath.isEmpty) "" else resourcePath.mkString("/", "/", "")
object ResourceName {
private[this] val PARSE_REGEX = "([^./]+).v(\\d+)(.*)".r
def parse(unparsed: String): Option[ResourceName] = {
unparsed match {
case PARSE_REGEX(topLevelName, version, path) =>
Try {
val parsed = if (path.nonEmpty) {
} else {
new ResourceName(topLevelName, version.toInt, parsed)
case _ => None
* Used to disable all fields filtering.
private[naptime] object AllFields extends RequestFields {
override def hasField(name: String) = true
override def forResource(resource: ResourceName) = Some(this)
override private[naptime] def mergeWithDefaults(defaults: Set[String]) = this
* The type safe structure of a resources in the request.
* This data structure is used to represent the fields of models that are requested (for field
* projections a.k.a. the `fields` parameter) as well as the requested related resources (e.g. the
* `include` parameter.)
* @param fields The fields referenced for the current resource.
* @param resources (Naptime-visible-only) the other referenced resources.
private[naptime] case class QueryFields(
fields: Set[String],
resources: Map[ResourceName, Set[String]])
extends RequestFields {
override def hasField(name: String): Boolean = fields.contains(name)
override def forResource(resource: ResourceName): Option[QueryFields] = {
resources.get(resource).map { s =>
QueryFields(s, Map.empty)
override private[naptime] def mergeWithDefaults(defaults: Set[String]) = {
val (negations, additions) = fields.partition(_.startsWith("-"))
val excludeFields =
val computed = additions.union(defaults).diff(excludeFields)
copy(fields = computed)
object QueryFields {
def apply(queryParam: String): Try[QueryFields] = {
if (queryParam.isEmpty) {
} else {
val parseResult = QueryStringParser.parseQueryFields(queryParam)
parseResult match {
case QueryStringParser.Success(res, _) => Success(res)
case QueryStringParser.NoSuccess(msg, _) =>
Failure(new NaptimeParseError("fields", msg))
val empty = QueryFields(Set.empty, Map.empty)
* Used to wrap a [[RequestFields]] but substitute out new related resources.
private[naptime] case class DelegateFields(delegate: RequestFields,
resources: Map[ResourceName, RequestFields])
extends RequestFields {
override def hasField(name: String): Boolean = delegate.hasField(name)
override private[naptime] def mergeWithDefaults(defaults: Set[String]): RequestFields = {
copy(delegate = delegate.mergeWithDefaults(defaults))
override def forResource(resource: ResourceName): Option[RequestFields] = {
* Parses a query string into a format that contains a set of resource model fields.
* Examples:
* - Simple field selection: `fields=name,birthday,languagePreference`
* - Simple includes selection: `includes=authorId`
* - Complex field selection: `fields=name,profiles.v1(birthday,geoLocation)`
* The above query would ask for the `name` field of the current resource to be included in the
* response, as well as the `birthday` and `geoLocation` fields of the `profiles.v1` resource.
* The format is: a comma separated list of field names optionally interspersed with another
* resource's field selections.
* Note: it is possible for field names to include the `.` character.
private[naptime] object QueryStringParser extends RegexParsers {
import scala.language.postfixOps
class NaptimeParseError(source: String, msg: String) extends NaptimeActionException(
httpCode = Status.BAD_REQUEST,
errorCode = Some(s"naptime.parse.$source"),
message = Some(s"Failed to parse includes query parameter. Error: $msg"))
private[this] def field: Parser[String] = "-?[A-z0-9\\.]+".r
private[this] def nonEmptyFields: Parser[Set[String]] = (field ~ (("," ~> field) *)) ^^ { parsed =>
val elems = parsed._1 :: parsed._2
private[this] def subResourcePath: Parser[Seq[String]] = ("/" ~> "[A-z0-9]+".r).*
private[this] def resourceVersion: Parser[Int] = (".v".r ~> "\\d+".r) ^^ (_.toInt)
private[this] def resourceName: Parser[ResourceName] =
("[A-z0-9]+".r ~ resourceVersion ~ subResourcePath) ^^ { parsed =>
ResourceName(parsed._1._1, parsed._1._2, parsed._2.toList)
private[this] def resource: Parser[(ResourceName, Set[String])] =
resourceName ~ ("(" ~> nonEmptyFields <~ ")") ^^ { parsed =>
parsed._1 -> parsed._2.toSet
private[this] def topLevelResource: Parser[Either[String, (ResourceName, Set[String])]] =
resource ^^ (Right(_))
private[this] def topLevelField: Parser[Either[String, (ResourceName, Set[String])]] =
field ^^ (Left(_))
private[this] def topLevelElement: Parser[Either[String, (ResourceName, Set[String])]] =
topLevelResource | topLevelField
private[this] def fieldsContent: Parser[QueryFields] =
(topLevelElement ~ (("," ~ " ".? ~> topLevelElement) *)) ^^ { parsed =>
val elements = parsed._1 :: parsed._2
elements.foldLeft(QueryFields(Set.empty, Map.empty)) { (a, b) =>
b match {
case Left(field) => a.copy(fields = a.fields + field)
case Right(resource) => a.copy(resources = a.resources + resource)
private[this] val fieldsAllContent = phrase(fieldsContent) // Marked as val for performance.
private[this] def includesContent: Parser[QueryIncludes] =
(topLevelElement ~ (("," ~ " ".? ~> topLevelElement) *)) ^^ { parsed =>
val elements = parsed._1 :: parsed._2
elements.foldLeft(QueryIncludes(Set.empty, Map.empty)) { (a, b) =>
b match {
case Left(field) => a.copy(fields = a.fields + field)
case Right(resource) => a.copy(resources = a.resources + resource)
private[this] val includesAllContent = phrase(includesContent)
def parseQueryFields(input: String): ParseResult[QueryFields] = parse(fieldsAllContent, input)
def parseQueryIncludes(input: String): ParseResult[QueryIncludes] =
parse(includesAllContent, input)
trait ReverseRelation {
val resourceName: ResourceName
val arguments: Map[String, String]
def toAnnotation: ReverseRelationAnnotation
case class FinderReverseRelation(
resourceName: ResourceName,
finderName: String,
arguments: Map[String, String] = Map.empty)
extends ReverseRelation {
def toAnnotation: ReverseRelationAnnotation = {
val mergedArguments = arguments + ("q" -> finderName)
ReverseRelationAnnotation(resourceName.identifier, mergedArguments, RelationType.FINDER)
case class MultiGetReverseRelation(
resourceName: ResourceName,
ids: String,
arguments: Map[String, String] = Map.empty)
extends ReverseRelation {
def toAnnotation: ReverseRelationAnnotation = {
val mergedArguments = arguments + ("ids" -> ids)
ReverseRelationAnnotation(resourceName.identifier, mergedArguments, RelationType.MULTI_GET)
case class GetReverseRelation(
resourceName: ResourceName,
id: String,
arguments: Map[String, String] = Map.empty)
extends ReverseRelation {
def toAnnotation: ReverseRelationAnnotation = {
val mergedArguments = arguments + ("ids" -> id)
ReverseRelationAnnotation(resourceName.identifier, mergedArguments, RelationType.GET)
case class SingleElementFinderReverseRelation(
resourceName: ResourceName,
finderName: String,
arguments: Map[String, String] = Map.empty)
extends ReverseRelation {
def toAnnotation: ReverseRelationAnnotation = {
val mergedArguments = arguments + ("q" -> finderName)