org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.StringUtils.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Utility methods and constants to work with strings
package org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens
internal const val NEWLINE = '\n'
internal const val SPACE = ' '
internal const val TAB = '\t'
val JAVA = arrayOf("abstract", "assert", "boolean",
"break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const",
"continue", "default", "do", "double", "else", "extends", "false",
"final", "finally", "float", "for", "goto", "if", "implements",
"import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long", "native",
"new", "null", "package", "private", "protected", "public",
"return", "short", "static", "strictfp", "super", "switch",
"synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "true",
"try", "void", "volatile", "while")
.map { line -> line.toString() }
.plus(KtTokens.SOFT_KEYWORDS.types.map { line -> line.toString() })
* Either `log` or `logger`, case-insensitive.
* A name like `psychologist` or `LOGIN` won't be matched by this regular
* expression.
val loggerPropertyRegex = "(?iu)^log(?:ger)?$".toRegex()
* @return whether [this] string represents a Java keyword
fun String.isJavaKeyWord() = JAVA.contains(this)
* @return whether [this] string represents a Kotlin keyword
fun String.isKotlinKeyWord() = KOTLIN.contains(this)
* @return whether [this] string contains only ASCII letters and/or digits
fun String.isASCIILettersAndDigits(): Boolean = this.all { it.isDigit() || it in 'A'..'Z' || it in 'a'..'z' }
* @return whether [this] string contains only digits
fun String.isDigits(): Boolean = this.all { it.isDigit() }
* @return whether [this] string contains any uppercase letters
fun String.hasUppercaseLetter(): Boolean = this.any { it.isUpperCase() }
* @return whether [this] string contains exactly one or zero letters
fun String.containsOneLetterOrZero(): Boolean {
val count = this.count { it.isLetter() }
return count == 1 || count == 0
* method checks that string has prefix like:
* mFunction, kLength or M_VAR
* @return true if string has prefix
fun String.hasPrefix(): Boolean {
// checking cases like mFunction
if (this.isLowerCamelCase() && this.length >= 2 && this.substring(0, 2).count { it in 'A'..'Z' } == 1) {
return true
// checking cases like M_VAL
if (this.isUpperSnakeCase() && this.length >= 2 && this.substring(0, 2).contains('_')) {
return true
return false
* removing the prefix in the word
* M_VAR -> VAR
* mVariable -> variable
* @return a string without prefix
fun String.removePrefix(): String {
// FixMe: there can be cases when after you will change variable name - it becomes a keyword
if (this.isLowerCamelCase()) {
return this[1].lowercaseChar() + this.substring(2)
if (this.isUpperSnakeCase()) {
return this.substring(2)
return this
* @return the indentation of the last line of this string.
internal fun String.lastIndent() = substringAfterLast(NEWLINE).count(::isSpaceCharacter)
* @return the number of leading space characters in this string.
internal fun String.leadingSpaceCount(): Int =
* @param ch the character to examine.
* @return `true` if [ch] is a [SPACE], `false` otherwise.
private fun isSpaceCharacter(ch: Char): Boolean =
ch == SPACE
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