doodle.core.PathElement.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2015 Creative Scala
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package doodle
package core
sealed abstract class PathElement extends Product with Serializable {
// import PathElement._
// def transform(tx: doodle.core.transform.Transform): PathElement =
// this match {
// case MoveTo(to) => MoveTo(tx(to))
// case LineTo(to) => LineTo(tx(to))
// case BezierCurveTo(cp1, cp2, to) => BezierCurveTo(tx(cp1), tx(cp2), tx(to))
// }
object PathElement {
final case class MoveTo(to: Point) extends PathElement
final case class LineTo(to: Point) extends PathElement
final case class BezierCurveTo(cp1: Point, cp2: Point, to: Point)
extends PathElement
def moveTo(point: Point): PathElement =
def moveTo(x: Double, y: Double): PathElement =
moveTo(Point.cartesian(x, y))
def moveTo(r: Double, angle: Angle): PathElement =
moveTo(Point.polar(r, angle))
def lineTo(point: Point): PathElement =
def lineTo(x: Double, y: Double): PathElement =
lineTo(Point.cartesian(x, y))
def lineTo(r: Double, angle: Angle): PathElement =
lineTo(Point.polar(r, angle))
def curveTo(cp1: Point, cp2: Point, to: Point): PathElement =
BezierCurveTo(cp1, cp2, to)
def curveTo(
cp1X: Double,
cp1Y: Double,
cp2X: Double,
cp2Y: Double,
toX: Double,
toY: Double
): PathElement =
Point(cp1X, cp1Y),
Point(cp2X, cp2Y),
Point(toX, toY)
def curveTo(
cp1R: Double,
cp1Angle: Angle,
cp2R: Double,
cp2Angle: Angle,
toR: Double,
toAngle: Angle
): PathElement =
Point(cp1R, cp1Angle),
Point(cp2R, cp2Angle),
Point(toR, toAngle)
/** Utility to construct a `List[PathElement]` that represents a circle. */
def circle(center: Point, diameter: Double): List[PathElement] =
circle(center.x, center.y, diameter)
/** Utility to construct a `List[PathElement]` that represents a circle. */
def circle(x: Double, y: Double, diameter: Double): List[PathElement] = {
import Point.cartesian
// See for approximation
// of a circle with a Bezier curve.
val r = diameter / 2.0
val c = 0.551915024494
val cR = c * r
MoveTo(cartesian(x, y + r)),
cartesian(x + cR, y + r),
cartesian(x + r, y + cR),
cartesian(x + r, y)
cartesian(x + r, y + -cR),
cartesian(x + cR, y + -r),
cartesian(x, y + -r)
cartesian(x + -cR, y + -r),
cartesian(x + -r, y + -cR),
cartesian(x + -r, y)
cartesian(x + -r, y + cR),
cartesian(x + -cR, y + r),
cartesian(x, y + r)
/** Utility to construct a `List[PathElement]` that represents a circular arc.
* The arc starts at the 3-o'clock position and rotates counter-clockwise to
* the given `angle`.
* The `angle` must be greater than zero.
def arc(
x: Double,
y: Double,
diameter: Double,
angle: Angle
): List[PathElement] = {
val r = diameter / 2.0
val c = 0.551915024494
val cR = c * r
// Create a bezier curve describing an arc from start to end angle
// Arc should be less than 90 degrees to have acceptable error
// Formula for arc from
def smallArc(startAngle: Angle, endAngle: Angle): PathElement = {
val origin = Point(x, y)
val angle = endAngle - startAngle
val alpha = angle / 2.0
val lambda = (4.0 - alpha.cos) / 3.0
val mu =
alpha.sin + (((4.0 * (alpha.cos - 1)) / 3.0) * (alpha.cos / alpha.sin))
// The points that define the bezier relative to the origin. We don't need
// the start (a) so it's commented out but left in the the code to make it
// clearer.
// val a = Vec(r, -alpha).rotate(startAngle + angle)
val b = (Vec(lambda, -mu) * r).rotate(startAngle + alpha)
val c = (Vec(lambda, mu) * r).rotate(startAngle + alpha)
val d = Vec(r, alpha).rotate(startAngle + alpha)
// Displace relative to x and y
BezierCurveTo(origin + b, origin + c, origin + d)
if angle > then circle(, diameter)
else if angle > Angle.threeQuarters then {
moveTo(x + r, y),
Point(x + r, y + cR),
Point(x + cR, y + r),
Point(x, y + r)
Point(x + -cR, y + r),
Point(x + -r, y + cR),
Point(x + -r, y)
Point(x + -r, y + -cR),
Point(x + -cR, y + -r),
Point(x, y + -r)
smallArc(Angle.threeQuarters, angle)
} else if angle > Angle.oneHalf then {
moveTo(x + r, y),
Point(x + r, y + cR),
Point(x + cR, y + r),
Point(x, y + r)
Point(x + -cR, y + r),
Point(x + -r, y + cR),
Point(x + -r, y)
smallArc(Angle.oneHalf, angle)
} else if angle > Angle.oneQuarter then {
moveTo(x + r, y),
Point(x + r, y + cR),
Point(x + cR, y + r),
Point(x, y + r)
smallArc(Angle.oneQuarter, angle)
} else if angle > then
List(moveTo(x + r, y), smallArc(, angle))
else List()
/** Construct a regular polygon
def regularPolygon(
sides: Int,
radius: Double
): List[PathElement] = {
val rotation = / sides.toDouble
val path =
(1 to sides).map { n =>
lineTo(radius, rotation * n.toDouble)
(moveTo(radius, +: path)
/** Construct a star
def star(
points: Int,
outerRadius: Double,
innerRadius: Double
): List[PathElement] = {
val rotation = / (points * 2.0)
val path =
(1 to (points * 2)).map { n =>
if n % 2 == 0 then lineTo(outerRadius, rotation * n.toDouble)
else lineTo(innerRadius, rotation * n.toDouble)
(moveTo(outerRadius, +: path)
val oneOnSqrt3 = 1.0 / math.sqrt(3.0)
/** Construct a line with the origin at the center of the line */
def line(x: Double, y: Double): List[PathElement] = {
val startX = -x / 2
val startY = -y / 2
val endX = x / 2
val endY = y / 2
PathElement.moveTo(startX, startY),
PathElement.lineTo(endX, endY)
/** Construct an equilateral triangle */
def equilateralTriangle(width: Double): List[PathElement] = {
moveTo(0, width * oneOnSqrt3),
lineTo(width / 2.0, -width * oneOnSqrt3 * 0.5),
lineTo(-width / 2.0, -width * oneOnSqrt3 * 0.5),
lineTo(0, width * oneOnSqrt3)
/** Construct an isoceles triangle with the given height and widht */
def triangle(width: Double, height: Double): List[PathElement] = {
val w = width / 2.0
val h = height / 2.0
List(moveTo(-w, -h), lineTo(0, h), lineTo(w, -h))
/** Construct an arrow pointing to the right */
def rightArrow(width: Double, height: Double): List[PathElement] = {
val path = List(
moveTo(width / 2, 0),
lineTo(0, height / 2),
lineTo(0, height * 0.2),
lineTo(-width / 2, height * 0.2),
lineTo(-width / 2, -height * 0.2),
lineTo(0, -height * 0.2),
lineTo(0, -height / 2),
lineTo(width / 2, 0)
/** Construct a rounded rectangle with the given width, height, and corner
* radius
def roundedRectangle(
width: Double,
height: Double,
radius: Double
): List[PathElement] = {
// Clamp radius to the smallest of width and height
val cornerRadius =
if radius > width / 2 || radius > height / 2 then
(width / 2) min (height / 2)
else radius
// Magic number for drawing circles with bezier curves
// See for approximation
// of a circle with a Bezier curve.
val c = (4.0 / 3.0) * (Math.sqrt(2) - 1)
val cR = c * cornerRadius
val elts = List(
moveTo(width / 2 - cornerRadius, height / 2),
width / 2 - cornerRadius + cR,
height / 2,
width / 2,
height / 2 - cornerRadius + cR,
width / 2,
height / 2 - cornerRadius
lineTo(width / 2, -height / 2 + cornerRadius),
width / 2,
-height / 2 + cornerRadius - cR,
width / 2 - cornerRadius + cR,
-height / 2,
width / 2 - cornerRadius,
-height / 2
lineTo(-width / 2 + cornerRadius, -height / 2),
-width / 2 + cornerRadius - cR,
-height / 2,
-width / 2,
-height / 2 + cornerRadius - cR,
-width / 2,
-height / 2 + cornerRadius
lineTo(-width / 2, height / 2 - cornerRadius),
-width / 2,
height / 2 - cornerRadius + cR,
-width / 2 + cornerRadius - cR,
height / 2,
-width / 2 + cornerRadius,
height / 2
lineTo(width / 2 - cornerRadius, height / 2)
/** Construct list of bezier curves that are smoothly connected and intersect
* all the given points. Defaults to `catmulRom` with the default tension.
def interpolatingSpline(points: Seq[Point]): List[PathElement] =
/** Interpolate a spline (a curve) that passes through all the given points,
* using the Catmul Rom formulation (see, e.g.,
* The tension can be changed to control how tightly the curve turns. It
* defaults to 0.5.
* The Catmul Rom algorithm requires a point before and after each pair of
* points that define the curve. To meet this condition for the first and
* last points in `points`, they are repeated.
* If `points` has less than two elements an empty List is returned.
def catmulRom(
points: Seq[Point],
tension: Double = 0.5
): List[PathElement] = {
To convert Catmul Rom curve to a Bezier curve, multiply points by (invB * catmul)
See, for example,
Inverse Bezier matrix
val invB = Array[Double](0, 0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1.0/3.0, 1,
0, 1.0/3.0, 2.0/3.0, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1)
Catmul matrix with given tension
val catmul = Array[Double](-tension, 2 - tension, tension - 2, tension,
2 * tension, tension - 3, 3 - (2 * tension), -tension,
-tension, 0, tension, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0)
invB * catmul
val matrix = Array[Double](0, 1, 0, 0,
-tension/3.0, 1, tension/3.0, 0,
0, tension/3.0, 1, -tension/3.0,
0, 0, 1, 0)
def toCurve(pt0: Point, pt1: Point, pt2: Point, pt3: Point): PathElement =
((-tension * pt0.x) + 3 * pt1.x + (tension * pt2.x)) / 3.0,
((-tension * pt0.y) + 3 * pt1.y + (tension * pt2.y)) / 3.0,
((tension * pt1.x) + 3 * pt2.x - (tension * pt3.x)) / 3.0,
((tension * pt1.y) + 3 * pt2.y - (tension * pt3.y)) / 3.0,
def iter(points: List[Point]): List[PathElement] = {
points match {
case pt0 :: pt1 :: pt2 :: pt3 :: pts =>
toCurve(pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3) +: iter(pt1 +: pt2 +: pt3 +: pts)
case pt0 :: pt1 :: pt2 :: Seq() =>
// Case where we've reached the end of the sequence of points
// We repeat the last point
val pt3 = pt2
List(toCurve(pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3))
case _ =>
// There were two or fewer points in the sequence
points.headOption.fold(List.empty[PathElement]) { pt0 =>
(PathElement.moveTo(pt0) :: iter(pt0 :: points.toList))
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