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* Copyright 2015 Creative Scala
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package doodle
package java2d
package effect
import cats.effect.IO
import doodle.algebra.generic._
import doodle.core.BoundingBox
import doodle.core.Color
import doodle.core.Transform
import doodle.core.{Transform => Tx}
import doodle.java2d.algebra.Algebra
import doodle.java2d.algebra.Graphics2DGraphicsContext
import doodle.java2d.algebra.reified.Reification
import doodle.java2d.algebra.reified.Reified
import doodle.java2d.algebra.{Java2D => Java2dAlgebra}
import java.awt.Graphics2D
import java.awt.RenderingHints
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
/** Utilities for rendering with Java2D */
object Java2d {
def setup(graphics: Graphics2D): Graphics2D = {
new RenderingHints(
/** Create a transform from local logical coordinates to screen coordinates
* given the bounding box for a picture, the screen size, and description of
* the relationship between screen and picture.
def transform(
bb: BoundingBox,
width: Double,
height: Double,
center: Center
): Tx =
center match {
case Center.CenteredOnPicture =>
// Work out the center of the bounding box, in logical local coordinates
val centerX = bb.left + (bb.width / 2.0)
val centerY = bb.bottom + (bb.height / 2.0)
Tx.translate(-centerX, -centerY)
.andThen(Tx.logicalToScreen(width, height))
case Center.AtOrigin =>
Tx.logicalToScreen(width, height)
/** Create a transform from screen coordinates to local logical coordinates
* given the bounding box for a picture, the screen size, and descriptino of
* the relationship between screen and picture.
def inverseTransform(
bb: BoundingBox,
width: Double,
height: Double,
center: Center
): Tx =
center match {
case Center.CenteredOnPicture =>
// Work out the center of the bounding box, in logical local coordinates
val centerX = bb.left + (bb.width / 2.0)
val centerY = bb.bottom + (bb.height / 2.0)
Tx.screenToLogical(width, height)
.andThen(Tx.translate(centerX, centerY))
case Center.AtOrigin =>
Tx.screenToLogical(width, height)
/** Calculate the size the panel or buffer should be given picture's bounding
* box and the frame description.
def size(bb: BoundingBox, size: Size): (Double, Double) = {
size match {
case Size.FitToImage(border) =>
(bb.width + border, bb.height + border)
case Size.FixedSize(w, h) =>
(w, h)
def render(gc: Graphics2D, image: List[Reified], transform: Tx): Unit = {
image.foreach { _.render(gc, transform)(Graphics2DGraphicsContext) }
def renderBufferedImage[A](
size: Size,
center: Center,
background: Option[Color],
picture: Picture[A]
)(makeImage: (Int, Int) => BufferedImage): IO[(BufferedImage, A)] =
for {
rendered <- renderGraphics2D(size, center, background, picture) { bb =>
IO {
val (w, h) = Java2d.size(bb, size)
val image = makeImage(w.toInt, h.toInt)
(Java2d.setup(image.createGraphics()), image)
(image, a) = rendered
} yield (image, a)
private[java2d] def renderGraphics2D[A, I](
size: Size,
center: Center,
background: Option[Color],
picture: Picture[A]
)(graphicsContext: BoundingBox => IO[(Graphics2D, I)]): IO[(I, A)] =
for {
gc <- IO {
val bi = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
drawing: Finalized[Reification, A] <- IO { picture(Algebra(gc)) }
(bb, rdr) =
(_, fa) =
(r, a) =
(width, height) = Java2d.size(bb, size)
tx = Java2d.transform(bb, width, height, center)
contextWithImage <- graphicsContext(bb)
(gc, image) = contextWithImage
_ = background.foreach { c =>
gc.fillRect(0, 0, width.toInt, height.toInt)
_ = Java2d.render(gc, r, tx)
} yield (image, a)