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doodle.svg.algebra.Svg.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015 Creative Scala
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package doodle
package svg
package algebra
import cats.Applicative
import cats.effect.IO
import doodle.algebra.Picture
import doodle.algebra.generic.Fill
import doodle.algebra.generic.Stroke
import doodle.core.*
import doodle.core.font.*
import doodle.core.font.FontSize.Points
import doodle.svg.effect.Size
import scala.collection.mutable
trait SvgModule { self: Base =>
object Svg {
implicit val svgResultApplicative: Applicative[SvgResult] =
new Applicative[SvgResult] {
def ap[A, B](
ff: SvgResult[(A) => B]
)(fa: SvgResult[A]): SvgResult[B] = {
val (t1, s1, fab) = ff
val (t2, s2, a) = fa
(svg.g(t1, t2), s1.union(s2), fab(a))
override def map[A, B](fa: SvgResult[A])(f: (A) => B): SvgResult[B] = {
val (t, s, a) = fa
(t, s, f(a))
def pure[A](x: A): SvgResult[A] =
(, mutable.Set.empty, x)
val svg = bundle.svgTags
val svgAttrs = bundle.svgAttrs
val implicits = bundle.implicits
import implicits.{Tag as _, *}
def render[Alg <: self.Algebra, A](
frame: Frame,
algebra: Alg,
picture: Picture[Alg, A]
): IO[(Output, A)] = {
renderWithoutRootTag(algebra, picture)
.map { case (bb, tags, a) => (svgTag(bb, frame)(tags).render, a) }
/** Render to SVG without wrapping with a root tag. */
def renderWithoutRootTag[Alg <: self.Algebra, A](
algebra: Alg,
picture: Picture[Alg, A]
): IO[(BoundingBox, Tag, A)] = {
for {
drawing <- IO { picture(algebra) }
(bb, rdr) =
(_, (tags, set, a)) =
tagsWithGradients = svg.g(svg.defs(set.toList*), tags)
} yield (bb, tagsWithGradients, a)
/** Given a bounding box and a size specification create a tag that
* has the correct size and viewbox
def svgTag(bb: BoundingBox, frame: Frame): Tag =
frame.size match {
case Size.FitToPicture(border) =>
val w = bb.width + (2 * border)
val h = bb.height + (2 * border)
svgAttrs.xmlns := s"",
svgAttrs.width := w,
svgAttrs.height := h,
svgAttrs.viewBox := s"${bb.left - border} ${ - border} ${w} ${h}", :=
.map(c => s"background-color: ${Svg.toHSLA(c)};")
case Size.FixedSize(w, h) =>
svgAttrs.xmlns := s"",
svgAttrs.width := w,
svgAttrs.height := h,
svgAttrs.viewBox := s"${-w / 2} ${-h / 2} ${w} ${h}", :=
.map(c => s"background-color: ${Svg.toHSLA(c)};")
def textTag(text: String, font: Font): Tag = {
val fontFamily = match {
case FontFamily.Serif => "serif"
case FontFamily.SansSerif => "sans-serif"
case FontFamily.Monospaced => "monospace"
case FontFamily.Named(name) => name
val fontStyle = match {
case FontStyle.Italic => "italic"
case FontStyle.Normal => "normal"
val fontWeight =
font.weight match {
case FontWeight.Bold => "bold"
case FontWeight.Normal => "normal"
val fontSize =
font.size match {
case Points(pts) => s"${pts}pt"
svgAttrs.fontFamily := fontFamily,
bundle.styles.fontStyle := fontStyle,
svgAttrs.fontSize := fontSize,
svgAttrs.fontWeight := fontWeight,
/** Transform from client coordinates to local coordinates
def inverseClientTransform(bb: BoundingBox, size: Size): Transform = {
size match {
case Size.FitToPicture(border) =>
val w = bb.width + (2 * border)
val h = bb.height + (2 * border)
Transform.screenToLogical(w, h)
case Size.FixedSize(w, h) =>
Transform.screenToLogical(w, h)
/** Given stroke and fill returns a `String` representing the stroke and
* fill rendered as SVG styles.
* If the fill specifies a gradient that gradient, represented in SVG form
* as a Tag, is added to the given Set as a side-effect.
def toStyle(
stroke: Option[Stroke],
fill: Option[Fill],
gradients: mutable.Set[Tag]
): String = {
val f = fill.fold("fill: none;")(f => this.toStyle(f, gradients))
val s = stroke.fold("stroke: none;")(Svg.toStyle(_))
s ++ " " ++ f
/** Given a Fill return the string to insert as the style part of the tag
* being rendered
* Additionally, if this fill represents a gradient add that gradient to
* the given Set as a side-effect. In SVG gradients cannot be specified
* inline. Hence this construction.
def toStyle(fill: Fill, gradients: mutable.Set[Tag]): String = {
fill match {
case Fill.ColorFill(c) => s"fill: ${Svg.toHSLA(c)};"
case Fill.GradientFill(g) =>
val (id, gradient) = toSvgGradient(g)
gradients += gradient
s"fill: url('#${id}'); "
def toSvgGradient(gradient: Gradient): (String, Tag) =
gradient match {
case linear: Gradient.Linear => this.toSvgLinearGradient(linear)
case radial: Gradient.Radial => this.toSvgRadialGradient(radial)
def toSvgLinearGradient(gradient: Gradient.Linear): (String, Tag) = {
val (x1, y1, x2, y2) =
(gradient.start.x, gradient.start.y, gradient.end.x, gradient.end.y)
val id = Svg.toGradientId(gradient)
val spreadMethod = Svg.toSvgSpreadMethod(gradient.cycleMethod)
val stops =
val domGradient = svg.linearGradient( := id,
svgAttrs.x1 := x1,
svgAttrs.y1 := y1,
svgAttrs.x2 := x2,
svgAttrs.y2 := y2,
svgAttrs.spreadMethod := spreadMethod,
svgAttrs.gradientUnits := "objectBoundingBox"
id -> domGradient
def toSvgRadialGradient(gradient: Gradient.Radial): (String, Tag) = {
val (cx, cy, fx, fy, r) = (
val id = Svg.toGradientId(gradient)
val spreadMethod = Svg.toSvgSpreadMethod(gradient.cycleMethod)
val stops =
val domGradient = svg.radialGradient( := id, := cx, := cy,
svgAttrs.fx := fx,
svgAttrs.fy := fy,
svgAttrs.r := r,
svgAttrs.spreadMethod := spreadMethod,
svgAttrs.gradientUnits := "userSpaceOnUse"
id -> domGradient
def toSvgGradientStop(tuple: (Color, Double)): Tag = {
val (c, offset) = tuple
val color = Svg.toRGB(c)
val opacity = c.alpha.get
svgAttrs.offset := offset,
svgAttrs.stopColor := color,
svgAttrs.stopOpacity := opacity
def toStyle(stroke: Stroke): String = {
val builder = new StringBuilder(64)
val linecap = stroke.cap match {
case Cap.Butt => "butt"
case Cap.Round => "round"
case Cap.Square => "square"
val linejoin = stroke.join match {
case Join.Bevel => "bevel"
case Join.Round => "round"
case Join.Miter => "miter"
builder ++= s"stroke-width: ${stroke.width}px; "
builder ++= s"stroke: ${toHSLA(stroke.color)}; "
builder ++= s"stroke-linecap: ${linecap}; "
builder ++= s"stroke-linejoin: ${linejoin}; "
builder ++= (stroke.dash match {
case Some(d) => => f"stroke-dasharray: $a%.2f; ").mkString(" ")
case None => ""
def toSvgTransform(tx: Transform): String = {
val elt = tx.elements
val a = elt(0)
val b = elt(3)
val c = elt(1)
val d = elt(4)
val e = elt(2)
val f = elt(5)
sealed trait PathType
case object Open extends PathType
case object Closed extends PathType
private def format(d: Double): String =
d.toString.replaceFirst("\\.0+$", "")
def toSvgPath(elts: List[PathElement], pathType: PathType): String = {
import PathElement.*
import scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder
val builder = new StringBuilder(64, "M 0,0 ")
elts.foreach {
case MoveTo(end) =>
builder ++= s"M ${format(end.x)},${format(end.y)} "
case LineTo(end) =>
builder ++= s"L ${format(end.x)},${format(end.y)} "
case BezierCurveTo(cp1, cp2, end) =>
builder ++= s"C ${format(cp1.x)},${format(cp1.y)} ${format(
)},${format(cp2.y)} ${format(end.x)},${format(end.y)} "
pathType match {
case Open => builder.toString
case Closed => (builder += 'Z').toString
def toSvgPath(points: Array[Point], pathType: PathType): String = {
import scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder
val builder = new StringBuilder(points.size * 10)
var first = true
points.foreach { pt =>
if first then {
first = false
builder ++= s"M ${format(pt.x)},${format(pt.y)} "
} else builder ++= s"L ${format(pt.x)},${format(pt.y)} "
pathType match {
case Open => builder.toString
case Closed => (builder += 'Z').toString
def toSvgSpreadMethod(cycleMethod: Gradient.CycleMethod): String =
cycleMethod match {
case Gradient.CycleMethod.NoCycle => "pad"
case Gradient.CycleMethod.Reflect => "reflect"
case Gradient.CycleMethod.Repeat => "repeat"
def toHSLA(color: Color): String = {
val (h, s, l, a) =
(color.hue, color.saturation, color.lightness, color.alpha)
s"hsla(${h.toDegrees}, ${s.get * 100}%, ${l.get * 100}%, ${a.get})"
def toRGB(color: Color): String = {
val (r, g, b) = (,,
s"rgb(${r.get}, ${g.get}, ${b.get})"
def toGradientId(gradient: Gradient): String =