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org.cthul.objects.instance.InstanceMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.cthul.objects.instance;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
public class InstanceMap {
protected static final Ambiguous AMBIGUOUS = new Ambiguous();
public static final Class> ANY_INTERFACE = AnyInterface.class;
public static final Class[] NO_LIMIT = null;
public static final Class[] LIMIT_NO_INTERFACES = {Object.class};
public static final Class[] LIMIT_INTERFACES_ONLY = {ANY_INTERFACE};
private final Map map = new HashMap<>();
private final Map> properties = new HashMap<>();
private final Set initializing = new HashSet<>();
private final List lateInits = new ArrayList<>();
@SuppressWarnings({"OverridableMethodCallInConstructor", "LeakingThisInConstructor"})
public InstanceMap() {
put(getClass(), this, InstanceMap.class, ANY_INTERFACE);
@SuppressWarnings({"OverridableMethodCallInConstructor", "LeakingThisInConstructor"})
protected InstanceMap(InstanceMap source) {;;
replace(getClass(), this, InstanceMap.class, ANY_INTERFACE);
* Associates the value with the key.
* @param key
* @param value
* @return old value or null
public Object put(String key, Object value) {
Object old = map.put(key, value);
updateProperties(key, value);
return old;
protected final T t_put(String key, Object value) {
return (T) put(key, value);
protected void updateProperties(String key, Object value) {
List l = properties.get(key);
if (l != null && !l.isEmpty()) {
if (isAmbiguous(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Auto-update failed: value for '" + key + "' is ambiguous");
for (Property p: l) p.update(value);
protected void addAutoUpdated(String key, Property p) {
List l = properties.get(key);
if (l == null) {
l = new ArrayList<>();
properties.put(key, l);
* @param clazz
* @param value
* @param limit
* @return {@code value} if {@code clazz} is not in limit,
* old value if inserted successfully, or
* {@link #AMBIGUOUS} if key was already in use
public Object put(Class> clazz, Object value, Class... limit) {
if (!checkLimit(clazz, limit)) return value;
put(clazz.getSuperclass(), value, limit);
for (Class> iface: clazz.getInterfaces())
put(iface, value, limit);
String key = key(clazz);
Object old = unsafeGet(key);
if (old != null && old != value) {
if (!isAmbiguous(old))
put(key, AMBIGUOUS);
return put(key, value);
public Object put(Class> clazz, Object value) {
return put(clazz, value, NO_LIMIT);
* @param clazz
* @param value
* @param limit
* @return {@code null} if {@code clazz} is not in limit,
* old value if inserted successfully
public T replace(Class clazz, Object value, Class... limit) {
if (!checkLimit(clazz, limit)) return null;
replace(clazz.getSuperclass(), value, limit);
for (Class> i: clazz.getInterfaces())
replace(i, value, limit);
String key = key(clazz);
return t_put(key, value);
public T replace(Class clazz, Object value) {
return replace(clazz, value, NO_LIMIT);
protected boolean checkLimit(Class> clazz, Class[] limit) {
if (clazz == null) return false;
if (limit == null) return true;
final boolean isInterface = clazz.isInterface();
for (Class> l: limit) {
if (isInterface) {
if (l == Object.class) continue;
if (l == AnyInterface.class) return true;
if (l.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) return true;
return false;
public Object get(String key) {
Object v = unsafeGet(key);
if (isAmbiguous(v)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Value for '" + key + "' is ambiguous");
return v;
protected final T t_get(String key) {
return (T) get(key);
protected Object unsafeGet(String key) {
return map.get(key);
public T get(Class clazz) {
return t_get(key(clazz));
public T putNew(String key, Factory extends T> factory) {
T t = factory.create(this);
put(key, t);
return t;
public T putNew(Class> clazz, Factory extends T> factory) {
T t = factory.create(this);
put(clazz, t);
return t;
public T getOrCreate(String key, Factory factory) {
T t = t_get(key);
if (t == null) {
t = putNew(key, factory);
return t;
public T getOrCreate(String key, Class impl) {
return getOrCreate(key, f(impl));
public T getOrCreate(Class clazz, Factory extends T> factory) {
T t = get(clazz);
if (t == null) {
t = putNew(clazz, factory);
return t;
public T getOrCreate(Class clazz, Class extends T> impl) {
T t = get(clazz);
if (t == null) {
t = putNew(clazz, f(impl));
return t;
public T getOrCreate(Class clazz) {
return getOrCreate(clazz, clazz);
public T get(Class clazz, Inject inject) {
String key = propertyKey(inject.value(), clazz);
T t = t_get(key);
if (t != null) return t;
if (!propertyCreate(inject)) return null;
Class impl = propertyImpl(inject.impl(), clazz);
Factory f = propertyFactory(impl, inject.factory());
if (inject.value().isEmpty()) {
return putNew(clazz, f);
} else {
return putNew(key, f);
public Object remove(String key) {
return put(key, null);
public T remove(Class clazz) {
return remove(clazz, NO_LIMIT);
public T remove(Class clazz, Class... limit) {
T old = get(clazz);
removeValue(old, clazz, limit);
return old;
protected void removeValue(Object value, Class> clazz, Class... limit) {
if (!checkLimit(clazz, limit)) return;
removeValue(value, clazz.getSuperclass(), limit);
for (Class> iface: clazz.getInterfaces())
removeValue(value, iface, limit);
String key = key(clazz);
if (unsafeGet(key) == value) put(key, null);
protected String key(Class> clazz) {
if (clazz == null) return null;
return clazz.getCanonicalName();
protected Factory f(Class clazz) {
Inject inject = clazz.getAnnotation(Inject.class);
if (inject != null) return new InjectFactory<>(clazz, inject);
return new ReflectiveFactory<>(clazz);
protected boolean isAmbiguous(Object v) {
return v instanceof Ambiguous;
public T initialize(T o) {
if (!initializing.add(o)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Circular dependency at " + o + ", "
+ "try defining some properties as `late`");
ObjectConfig config;
try {
config = config(o);
for (Init i: config.injects) i.init(this);
for (Init i: config.inits) i.init(this);
if (!config.lateInits.isEmpty() ||
!config.lateInjects.isEmpty()) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (e.getMessage().endsWith(IS_INITIALIZING)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Circular dependency at " + o + ", "
+ "try defining some properties as `late`");
throw e;
} finally {
if (initializing.isEmpty()) lateInitialize();
return o;
protected void lateInitialize() {
for (ObjectConfig oc: lateInits) {
for (Init i: oc.lateInjects) i.init(this);
for (Init i: oc.lateInits) i.init(this);
protected static final String IS_INITIALIZING = " is currently initializing";
protected void ensureNotInitializing(Object o) {
if (initializing.contains(o)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(o + IS_INITIALIZING);
protected ObjectConfig config(Object o) {
ObjectConfig config = new ObjectConfig();
collectFields(config, o);
collectMethods(config, o);
return config;
protected void collectFields(ObjectConfig config, Object o) {
final Class> clazz = o.getClass();
final Inject classInject = defaultInject(clazz);
for (Field f: clazz.getFields()) {
Inject inject = f.getAnnotation(Inject.class);
Initialize init = f.getAnnotation(Initialize.class);
if (inject != null) {
if (init != null) inject = merge(inject, NO_UPDATE);
Init i = collectField(config, o, f, merge(inject,classInject));
addInject(i, config, inject.late());
} else if (init != null) {
Init i = collectField(config, o, f, init);
addInit(i, config, init.late());
protected Init collectField(ObjectConfig config, Object o, Field f, Inject inject) {
String key = propertyKey(inject.value(), f.getType());
Property prop = new FieldProperty(o, f);
if (inject.autoUpdate()) addAutoUpdated(key, prop);
return new PropertyInit(prop, inject, f.getType());
protected Init collectField(ObjectConfig config, Object o, Field f, Initialize init) {
return new FieldValueInit(o, f);
protected void collectMethods(ObjectConfig config, Object o) {
final Class> clazz = o.getClass();
final Inject classInject = defaultInject(clazz);
for (Method m: clazz.getMethods()) {
Inject inject = m.getAnnotation(Inject.class);
if (inject != null) {
collectMethod(config, o, m, merge(inject, classInject));
Initialize init = m.getAnnotation(Initialize.class);
if (init != null) {
collectMethod(config, o, m, init, classInject);
protected void collectMethod(ObjectConfig config, Object o, Method m, Inject inject) {
SetterInit init = collectParams(o, m, inject, false);
addInject(init, config, inject.late());
protected void collectMethod(ObjectConfig config, Object o, Method m, Initialize initialize, Inject classInject) {
SetterInit init = collectParams(o, m, merge(NO_UPDATE, classInject), true);
addInit(init, config, initialize.late());
protected SetterInit collectParams(Object o, Method m, Inject mInject, boolean initResult) {
final SetterInit init = new SetterInit(o, m, initResult);
final Annotation[][] paramAts = m.getParameterAnnotations();
final Class[] paramCls = m.getParameterTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < paramAts.length; i++) {
Inject pInject = null;
for (Annotation at: paramAts[i])
if (at instanceof Inject) pInject = (Inject) at;
if (pInject == null) pInject = mInject;
else pInject = paramMerge(pInject, mInject, m, i);
collectParam(init, o, m, pInject, i, paramAts[i], paramCls[i]);
return init;
protected Inject paramMerge(Inject param, Inject method, Method m, int pId) {
if (param.late() && !method.late()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Parameter " + pId + " of " + m + " is flagged as lazy, "
+ "but method is not.");
return merge(param, method);
protected void collectParam(SetterInit init, Object o, Method m, Inject inject, int paramId, Annotation[] ats, Class> type) {
String key = propertyKey(inject.value(), type);
ParamProperty prop = new ParamProperty(o, m, paramId);
init.addParameter(prop, type, inject);
if (inject.autoUpdate()) addAutoUpdated(key, prop);
protected String propertyKey(String key, Class> clazz) {
if (key != null && !key.isEmpty()) return key;
return key(clazz);
protected boolean propertyCreate(Inject inject) {
return inject.create() ||
inject.impl() != Void.class ||
protected Class propertyImpl(Class> impl, Class> clazz) {
if (impl != Void.class) return (Class) impl;
return (Class) clazz;
protected Factory propertyFactory(Class impl, String factory) {
if (factory == null || factory.isEmpty()) {
return new ReflectiveFactory<>(impl);
} else
return new ReflectiveProxyFactory<>(impl, factory);
protected void addInject(Init init, ObjectConfig config, boolean late) {
if (late) {
} else {
protected void addInit(Init init, ObjectConfig config, boolean late) {
if (late) {
} else {
protected static class Ambiguous implements Serializable {
public interface AnyInterface {
public interface Factory {
T create(InstanceMap map);
public class InjectFactory implements Factory {
protected final Class clazz;
protected final Inject inject;
public InjectFactory(Class clazz, Inject inject) {
this.clazz = clazz;
this.inject = inject;
public T create(InstanceMap map) {
if (inject.late()) throw unsupportedOption("late");
if (inject.create()) throw unsupportedOption("create");
if (!inject.autoUpdate()) throw unsupportedOption("autoUpdate");
String key = inject.value();
if (key != null) {
T t = (T) map.get(key);
if (t != null) return t;
Class impl = (Class) inject.impl();
if (impl == Void.class) impl = clazz;
String f = inject.factory();
if (f.isEmpty()) {
return new ReflectiveFactory<>(impl).create(map);
} else {
return new ReflectiveProxyFactory<>(impl, f).create(map);
protected IllegalArgumentException unsupportedOption(String name) {
return new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unsupported option in " + clazz.getName() +
": @Inject(" + name + ")");
public class ReflectiveFactory implements Factory {
protected final Constructor constructor;
protected final InjectedParameters ip;
public ReflectiveFactory(Constructor c, InjectedParameters ip) {
this.constructor = c;
this.ip = ip;
public ReflectiveFactory(Class clazz) {
constructor = selectConstructor(clazz);
ip = initializeParameters(constructor);
private Constructor selectConstructor(Class clazz) {
Constructor choice = null;
Constructor ambiguous = null;
boolean choiceIsAnnotated = false;
int choiceParamC = -1;
for (Constructor c: (Constructor[]) clazz.getConstructors()) {
// c is always public
// if ((c.getModifiers() & Modifier.PUBLIC) == 0) continue;
if (c.getAnnotation(Inject.class) != null) {
if (choiceIsAnnotated) {
throw ambiguous(choice, c);
choice = c;
choiceIsAnnotated = true;
} else {
if (choiceIsAnnotated) continue;
if (choice == null) {
choice = c;
choiceParamC = c.getParameterTypes().length;
} else if (c.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
choice = c;
choiceParamC = 0;
} else {
ambiguous = c;
if (choiceParamC > 0 && ambiguous != null && !choiceIsAnnotated) {
throw ambiguous(choice, ambiguous);
if (choice == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"No suitable constructor for: " + clazz);
return choice;
private IllegalArgumentException ambiguous(Constructor> c1, Constructor> c2) {
return new IllegalArgumentException(
"Multiple possible constructors: " + c1 + " and " + c2);
private InjectedParameters initializeParameters(Constructor c) {
final Class>[] pTypes = c.getParameterTypes();
if (pTypes.length == 0) return null;
final Annotation[][] pAts = c.getParameterAnnotations();
final Inject classInject = defaultInject(c.getDeclaringClass());
final Inject cInject = merge(c.getAnnotation(Inject.class), classInject);
final InjectedParameters params = new InjectedParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < pTypes.length; i++) {
Inject pInject = null;
for (Annotation at: pAts[i]) {
if (at instanceof Inject) pInject = (Inject) at;
pInject = merge(pInject, cInject);
params.addParameter(pTypes[i], pInject);
return params;
public T create(InstanceMap map) {
try {
Object[] args = ip != null ? ip.getArguments(map) : null;
return constructor.newInstance(args);
} catch (InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public class ReflectiveProxyFactory implements Factory {
protected final Class clazz;
protected final String factory;
public ReflectiveProxyFactory(Class clazz, String factory) {
this.clazz = clazz;
this.factory = factory;
public T create(InstanceMap map) {
Object o = getFactory(clazz, factory);
if (o instanceof Factory) {
return ((Factory) o).create(map);
} else {
return (T) o;
public static Object getFactory(Class> clazz, String factory) {
try {
Field f = clazz.getField(factory);
checkAccess(f.getModifiers(), factory);
return f.get(null);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Error accessing " + clazz + "#" + factory, e);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
try {
Method m = clazz.getMethod(factory);
checkAccess(m.getModifiers(), factory);
return m.invoke(null);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Error invoking " + clazz + "#" + factory + "()", e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(clazz + " has no member " + factory);
private static void checkAccess(int modifier, String factory) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if ((modifier & Modifier.PUBLIC) == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
factory + " is not public");
if ((modifier & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
factory + " is not static");
protected class ObjectConfig {
protected final List injects = new ArrayList<>();
protected final List inits = new ArrayList<>();
protected final List lateInjects = new ArrayList<>();
protected final List lateInits = new ArrayList<>();
protected static abstract class Property {
private boolean initialized = false;
protected boolean isInitialized() {
return initialized;
public abstract void update(Object newValue);
protected static class FieldProperty extends Property {
protected final Object instance;
protected final Field field;
public FieldProperty(Object instance, Field field) {
this.instance = instance;
this.field = field;
public void update(Object newValue) {
if (!isInitialized()) return;
try {
field.set(instance, newValue);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
protected static class ParamProperty extends Property {
protected final Object instance;
protected final Method method;
protected final int paramCount;
protected final int paramId;
public ParamProperty(Object instance, Method method, int paramId) {
this.instance = instance;
this.method = method;
this.paramId = paramId;
this.paramCount = method.getParameterTypes().length;
public void update(Object newValue) {
if (!isInitialized()) return;
try {
Object[] args = new Object[paramCount];
args[paramId] = newValue;
method.invoke(instance, args);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
protected static abstract class Init {
public abstract void init(InstanceMap map);
protected static class PropertyInit extends Init {
protected final Property prop;
protected final Inject inject;
protected final Class> clazz;
public PropertyInit(Property prop, Inject inject, Class> clazz) {
this.prop = prop;
this.inject = inject;
this.clazz = clazz;
public void init(InstanceMap map) {
Object value = getInitialValue(map);
prop.initialized = true;
if (value != null) prop.update(value);
protected Object getInitialValue(InstanceMap map) {
return map.get(clazz, inject);
protected static class FieldValueInit extends Init {
protected final Object o;
protected final Field f;
public FieldValueInit(Object o, Field f) {
this.o = o;
this.f = f;
public void init(InstanceMap map) {
try {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
protected static class InjectedParameters {
protected final List paramInjects = new ArrayList<>();
protected final List> paramTypes = new ArrayList<>();
protected void addParameter(Class> type, Inject inject) {
public Object[] getArguments(InstanceMap map) {
int paramCount = paramTypes.size();
if (paramCount == 0) return null;
Object[] args = new Object[paramCount];
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
args[i] = getArgument(map, i);
return args;
public Object getArgument(InstanceMap map, int i) {
return map.get(paramTypes.get(i), paramInjects.get(i));
protected static class SetterInit extends Init {
protected final List params = new ArrayList<>();
protected final InjectedParameters ip = new InjectedParameters();
protected final Object instance;
protected final Method method;
protected final boolean initResult;
public SetterInit(Object instance, Method method, boolean initResult) {
this.instance = instance;
this.method = method;
this.initResult = initResult;
protected void addParameter(ParamProperty pp, Class> type, Inject inject) {
ip.addParameter(type, inject);
public void init(InstanceMap map) {
Object[] args = ip.getArguments(map);
try {
Object r = method.invoke(instance, args);
if (r != null && initResult) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
for (Property pp: params) pp.initialized = true;
protected Inject defaultInject(Class> clazz) {
Inject classInject = null;
DefaultInject def = clazz.getAnnotation(DefaultInject.class);
if (def != null) classInject = def.value();
return classInject;
protected static Inject merge(final Inject inject, final Inject base) {
if (base == null || base == DEFAULT_INJECT) {
if (inject == null) return DEFAULT_INJECT;
return inject;
if (inject == null || inject == DEFAULT_INJECT) return base;
return new Inject() {
private boolean isValue(String s) {
return s != null && !s.isEmpty();
public String value() {
String v = inject.value();
return isValue(v) ? v : base.value();
public boolean create() {
return inject.create() || base.create();
public Class> impl() {
Class> i = inject.impl();
return i != Void.class ? i : base.impl();
public String factory() {
String f = inject.factory();
return isValue(f) ? f : base.factory();
public boolean late() {
return inject.late() || base.late();
public boolean autoUpdate() {
return inject.autoUpdate() && base.autoUpdate();
public Class extends Annotation> annotationType() {
return Inject.class;
protected static final Inject DEFAULT_INJECT = new Inject() {
public String value() { return ""; }
public boolean create() { return false; }
public Class> impl() { return Void.class; }
public String factory() { return ""; }
public boolean late() { return false; }
public boolean autoUpdate() { return true; }
public Class extends Annotation> annotationType() { return Inject.class; }
protected static final Inject NO_UPDATE = new Inject() {
public String value() { return ""; }
public boolean create() { return false; }
public Class> impl() { return Void.class; }
public String factory() { return ""; }
public boolean late() { return false; }
public boolean autoUpdate() { return false; }
public Class extends Annotation> annotationType() { return Inject.class; }