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org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.util Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
import java.text.StringCharacterIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static;
import static;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public abstract class util {
public static interface Function0 {
public T apply();
public static interface Function2 {
public T3 apply(T1 object1, T2 object2);
public static class Tuple2 {
public final T1 _1;
public final T2 _2;
public Tuple2(T1 _1, T2 _2) {
this._1 = _1;
this._2 = _2;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((_1 == null) ? 0 : _1.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((_2 == null) ? 0 : _2.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Tuple2,?> other = (Tuple2,?>) obj;
if (_1 == null) {
if (other._1 != null)
return false;
} else if (!_1.equals(other._1))
return false;
if (_2 == null) {
if (other._2 != null)
return false;
} else if (!_2.equals(other._2))
return false;
return true;
public static class Tuple3 {
public final T1 _1;
public final T2 _2;
public final T3 _3;
public Tuple3(T1 _1, T2 _2, T3 _3) {
this._1 = _1;
this._2 = _2;
this._3 = _3;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((_1 == null) ? 0 : _1.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((_2 == null) ? 0 : _2.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((_3 == null) ? 0 : _3.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Tuple3,?,?> other = (Tuple3,?,?>) obj;
if (_1 == null) {
if (other._1 != null)
return false;
} else if (!_1.equals(other._1))
return false;
if (_2 == null) {
if (other._2 != null)
return false;
} else if (!_2.equals(other._2))
return false;
if (_3 == null) {
if (other._3 != null)
return false;
} else if (!_3.equals(other._3))
return false;
return true;
public static abstract class Functions {
public static Function0 noOp = new Function0 () {
public Void apply() { return null; }
public static Function sideEffect(final Function super F,?> function) {
return new Function() {
public Void apply(F input) {
return null;
public static Function doAll(final Iterable> functions) {
return new Function() {
public Void apply(F input) {
for (Function super F,Void> f : functions)
return null;
public static abstract class Predicates {
private static Predicate matchesRegexPattern(final Pattern pattern) {
return new Predicate() {
public boolean apply(String s) {
return pattern.matcher(s).matches(); }};
public static Predicate matchesRegexPattern(final String pattern) {
return matchesRegexPattern(Pattern.compile(pattern));
public static Predicate matchesGlobPattern(final String pattern) {
return matchesRegexPattern(GlobPattern.compile(pattern));
public static abstract class Iterators {
public static T1 fold(Iterator iterator, Function2 super T1,? super T2,? extends T1> function, T1 seed) {
T1 result = seed;
while(iterator.hasNext()) result = function.apply(result,;
return result;
public static T reduce(Iterator iterator, Function2 super T,? super T,? extends T> function) {
T seed =;
return Iterators.fold(iterator, function, seed);
public static Tuple2,Collection> partition(Iterator iterator, Predicate super T> predicate) {
Multimap map = Multimaps.index(iterator, forPredicate(predicate));
return new Tuple2,Collection>(map.get(true), map.get(false));
public static abstract class Iterables {
public static Iterable memoize(final Iterable iterable) {
return new Memoize() {
protected Iterator _iterator() {
return iterable.iterator();
public String toString() {
return "memoize( " + iterable + " )";
protected static abstract class Memoize implements Iterable {
private final ArrayList cache = new ArrayList();
protected abstract Iterator _iterator();
private Iterator _iterator;
public final Iterator iterator() {
return new Iterator() {
private int index = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
synchronized(cache) {
if (index < cache.size())
return true;
if (_iterator == null)
_iterator = _iterator();
return _iterator.hasNext();
public T next() throws NoSuchElementException {
synchronized(cache) {
if (index < cache.size())
return cache.get(index++);
if (_iterator == null)
_iterator = _iterator();
T next =;
return next;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public static Iterable clone(final Iterable iterable) {
return new Clone() {
protected Iterator _iterator() {
return iterable.iterator();
protected static abstract class Clone implements Iterable {
protected abstract Iterator _iterator();
public final Iterator iterator() {
return new AbstractIterator() {
Iterator iterator = _iterator();
protected T computeNext() {
T next;
try {
next =; }
catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
return endOfData(); }
try {
return (T)next.getClass().getMethod("clone").invoke(next); }
catch (IllegalAccessException
| IllegalArgumentException
| InvocationTargetException
| NoSuchMethodException
| SecurityException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not invoke clone() method", e);
public static abstract class OS {
public static enum Family {
LINUX ("linux"),
MACOSX ("macosx"),
WINDOWS ("windows");
private final String name;
private Family(String name) { = name; }
public String toString() { return name; }
public static Family getFamily() {
String name = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
if (name.startsWith("windows"))
return Family.WINDOWS;
else if (name.startsWith("mac os x"))
return Family.MACOSX;
else if (name.startsWith("linux"))
return Family.LINUX;
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported OS: " + name);
public static boolean isWindows() {
return getFamily() == Family.WINDOWS;
public static boolean isMacOSX() {
return getFamily() == Family.MACOSX;
public static String getArch() {
return System.getProperty("os.arch").toLowerCase();
public static boolean is64Bit() {
return getArch().equals("amd64") || getArch().equals("x86_64");
public static abstract class Strings {
"unchecked" // safe cast to Iterator
public static String join(Iterator extends Object> strings, final Object separator, final Function toStringFunction) {
if (!strings.hasNext()) return "";
String seed = toStringFunction.apply(;
return Iterators.fold(
new Function2() {
public String apply(String s1, Object s2) {
return s1 + toStringFunction.apply(separator) + toStringFunction.apply(s2); }},
public static String join(Iterator extends Object> strings, final Object separator) {
return join(strings, separator, toStringFunction());
public static String join(Iterable> strings, final Object separator, final Function toStringFunction) {
return join(strings.iterator(), separator, toStringFunction);
public static String join(Iterable> strings, final Object separator) {
return join(strings.iterator(), separator);
public static String join(Iterable> strings) {
return join(strings, "");
public static String join(Object[] strings, Object separator, final Function toStringFunction) {
return join(Arrays.asList(strings), separator, toStringFunction);
public static String join(Object[] strings, Object separator) {
return join(Arrays.asList(strings), separator);
public static String join(Object[] strings) {
return join(strings, "");
public static String normalizeSpace(Object object) {
return String.valueOf(object).replaceAll("\\s+", " ").trim();
public static Tuple2 extractHyphens(String text, Character... characters) {
return extractHyphens(null, text, characters);
public static Tuple2 extractHyphens(byte[] addTo, String text, Character... characters) {
StringBuilder unhyphenatedText = new StringBuilder();
List hyphens = new ArrayList();
byte hyphen = 0;
int j = -1;
next_char: for (char c : text.toCharArray()) {
if (addTo != null && j > 0)
hyphen |= addTo[j - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < characters.length; i++)
if (characters[i] != null && characters[i] == c) {
hyphen |= (1 << i);
continue next_char; }
hyphen = 0; }
if (unhyphenatedText.length() > 0) {
return new Tuple2(unhyphenatedText.toString(), Bytes.toArray(hyphens)); }
return new Tuple2("", null);
public static String insertHyphens(String text, byte hyphens[], Character... characters) {
if (text.equals("")) return "";
if (hyphens == null) return text;
if (hyphens.length != text.length()-1)
throw new RuntimeException("hyphens.length must be equal to text.length() - 1");
StringBuilder hyphenatedText = new StringBuilder();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < hyphens.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < characters.length; j++) {
byte b = (byte)(1 << j);
Character c = characters[j];
if (c != null && (hyphens[i] & b) == b)
hyphenatedText.append(c); }}
return hyphenatedText.toString();
public static Iterable splitInclDelimiter(final String text, final Pattern delimiterPattern) {
return new Iterable() {
public final Iterator iterator() {
return new AbstractIterator() {
Matcher m = delimiterPattern.matcher(text);
int i = 0;
String nextNext = null;
protected String computeNext() {
if (nextNext != null) {
String next = nextNext;
nextNext = null;
return next; }
if (m.find()) {
String next = text.substring(i, m.start());
nextNext =;
i = m.end();
return next; }
else if (i >= 0) {
String next = text.substring(i);
i = -1;
return next; }
return endOfData();
public static abstract class URIs {
/* If object is a String, it is assumed to represent a URI */
public static URI asURI(Object o) {
if (o == null)
return null;
try {
if (o instanceof String)
return new URI((String)o);
if (o instanceof File)
return ((File)o).toURI();
if (o instanceof URL) {
URL url = (URL)o;
if (url.getProtocol().equals("jar"))
return new URI("jar:" + new URI(null, url.getAuthority(), url.getPath(), url.getQuery(), url.getRef()).toASCIIString());
String authority = (url.getPort() != -1) ?
url.getHost() + ":" + url.getPort() :
return new URI(url.getProtocol(), authority, url.getPath(), url.getQuery(), url.getRef()); }
if (o instanceof URI)
return (URI)o; }
catch (Exception e) {}
throw new RuntimeException("Object can not be converted to URI: " + o);
public static Function asURI = new Function() {
public URI apply(Object o) {
return asURI(o);
public static URI resolve(Object base, Object uri) {
return asURI(base).resolve(asURI(uri));
public static URI relativize(Object base, Object uri) {
return asURI(base).relativize(asURI(uri));
public static abstract class URLs {
/* If object is a String, it is assumed to represent a URI */
public static URL asURL(Object o) {
if (o == null)
return null;
try {
if (o instanceof String)
return asURL(URIs.asURI(o));
if (o instanceof File)
return asURL(URIs.asURI(o));
if (o instanceof URL)
return (URL)o;
if (o instanceof URI)
return new URL(decode(o.toString())); }
catch (Exception e) {}
throw new RuntimeException("Object can not be converted to URL: " + o);
public static URL resolve(Object base, Object url) {
if (url instanceof URI)
return asURL(URIs.asURI(base).resolve((URI)url));
if (url instanceof String) {
try { return new URL(asURL(base), url.toString()); }
catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }}
return asURL(url);
public static String relativize(Object base, Object url) {
return decode(URIs.asURI(base).relativize(URIs.asURI(url)).toString());
"deprecation" // URLDecode.decode is deprecated
public static String decode(String uri) {
// URIs treat the + symbol as is, but URLDecoder will decode both + and %20 into a space
return URLDecoder.decode(uri.replace("+", "%2B"));
public static Function decode = new Function() {
public String apply(String uri) {
return decode(uri);
public static abstract class Files {
/* If object is a String, it is assumed to represent a URI */
public static File asFile(Object o) {
if (o == null)
return null;
try {
if (o instanceof String)
return asFile(URIs.asURI(o));
if (o instanceof File)
return (File)o;
if (o instanceof URL)
return asFile(URIs.asURI(o));
if (o instanceof URI)
return new File((URI)o); }
catch (Exception e) {}
throw new RuntimeException("Object can not be converted to File: " + o);
public static boolean isAbsoluteFile(Object o) {
if (o instanceof String)
return ((String)o).startsWith("file:");
try { asFile(o); }
catch (Exception e) { return false; }
return true;
public static String fileName(Object o) {
if (o instanceof File)
return ((File)o).getName();
String file = URLs.asURL(o).getFile();
return file.substring(file.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
public static File normalize(File file) {
try { return file.toPath().toRealPath().normalize().toFile(); }
catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
public static boolean unpack(URL url, File file) {
if (file.exists()) return false;
try {
FileOutputStream writer = new FileOutputStream(file);
InputStream reader = url.openStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[153600];
int bytesRead = 0;
while ((bytesRead = > 0) {
writer.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
buffer = new byte[153600]; }
logger.debug("Unpacking file {} ...", file.getName());
return true; }
catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Exception occured during unpacking of file '" + file.getName() + "'", e); }
public static Iterable unpack(Iterator urls, File directory) {
if (!directory.exists()) directory.mkdirs();
Collection files = new ArrayList();
while(urls.hasNext()) {
URL url =;
File file = new File(directory.getAbsolutePath(), fileName(url));
if (unpack(url, file)) files.add(file); }
return files;
public static void chmod775(File file) {
if (OS.isWindows()) return;
try {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { "chmod", "775", file.getAbsolutePath() }).waitFor();
logger.debug("Chmodding file {} ...", file.getName());}
catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Exception occured during chmodding of file '" + file.getName() + "'", e); }
public static abstract class Locales {
public static Locale parseLocale(String locale) {
StringTokenizer parser = new StringTokenizer(locale, "-_");
if (parser.hasMoreTokens()) {
String lang = parser.nextToken();
if (parser.hasMoreTokens()) {
String country = parser.nextToken();
if (parser.hasMoreTokens()) {
String variant = parser.nextToken();
return new Locale(lang, country, variant); }
return new Locale(lang, country); }
return new Locale(lang); }
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Locale '" + locale + "' could not be parsed");
public static String toString(Locale locale, char separator) {
StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder();
String language = locale.getLanguage();
String country = locale.getCountry();
String variant = locale.getVariant();
if (country.length() > 0 || variant.length() > 0)
if (country.length() > 0)
if (variant.length() > 0) {
string.append(variant); }
return string.toString();
* Naive implementation of glob syntax. Assumes the pattern is valid.
* @see
private static abstract class GlobPattern {
private static Pattern compile(String pattern) {
return new RegexBuilder(pattern).build();
private static class RegexBuilder {
private final StringCharacterIterator glob;
private boolean inClass;
private boolean inGroup;
private RegexBuilder(String globPattern) {
glob = new StringCharacterIterator(globPattern);
private Pattern build() {
StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder();
inClass = false;
inGroup = false;
for (char c = glob.first(); c != CharacterIterator.DONE; c = {
if (!inClass) {
if (c == '[') {
if (lookAhead() == '!')
if (lookAhead() == '^')
regex.append("\\" +;
inClass = true; }
else if (c == '{' && !inGroup) {
inGroup = true; }
else if (c == '}' && inGroup) {
inGroup = false; }
else if (c == ',' && inGroup)
else if (c == '*' && lookAhead() == '*') {
regex.append(".*");; }
else if (c == '*')
else if (c == '?')
else if (".^$+]|()".indexOf(c) > -1)
regex.append("\\" + c);
regex.append(c); }
else {
if (c == ']') {
inClass = false; }
else if (c == '&' && lookAhead() == '&')
regex.append("\\" + c +;
else if (c == '\\')
regex.append("\\" + c);
regex.append(c); }}
return Pattern.compile(regex.toString());
private char lookAhead() {
char la =;
return la;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(util.class);