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package org.daisy.common.messaging;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.daisy.common.messaging.MessageAccessor.MessageFilter;
* A progress message is an extension of a simple message, with a certain "progress" and with
* possible nested (progress) messages. Every progress message represents a certain "portion" of the
* conversion process. The size of the portion is expressed as a fraction (number between 0 and 1)
* of the "parent" message, or of the whole process in case it is a "top-level" message (without a
* parent). The progress is a number between 0 (not started) and 1 (completed) that indicates how
* much of the process has been completed. The total progress of a portion is always greater than or
* equal to the sum of the child portions' progresses (multiplied by the corresponding
* portions). Sibling portions have no particular order. They may run sequentially or in parallel.
* ProgressMessage objects can only be created using {@link MessageBuilder}.
public abstract class ProgressMessage extends Message implements MessageFilter, Iterable {
/* =============================================================== */
/* PUBLIC */
/* =============================================================== */
* The total progress of this message
public abstract BigDecimal getProgress();
* Portion within parent (or within whole process if no parent)
public abstract BigDecimal getPortion();
public String toString() {
String s = "" + getSequence();
String children = Lists.newArrayList(this).toString();
if (!children.equals("[]"))
s += (" " + children);
return s;
/* =============================================================== */
/* Iterable */
/* =============================================================== */
* Returns a momentary view of the child messages.
* The messages in this iterator are immutable copies, i.e. they represent the state of the
* messages at the moment of this call. Their progress will not change.
* Messages without text (messages that carry only progress information) are replaced by their
* children.
"unchecked" // safe cast to Iterator
public Iterator iterator() {
return (Iterator)(Object)(asMessageFilter(true).getMessages().iterator());
/* =============================================================== */
/* MessageFilter API */
/* =============================================================== */
* Returns a view with only messages with text and of a given severity level. Child messages of
* excluded messages are promoted (become direct children of the excluded message's parent).
public MessageFilter filterLevels(Set levels) {
return asMessageFilter(false).filterLevels(levels);
* Returns a view with only messages with text and with a sequence number above a given
* threshold, or with a descendant message above that threshold.
public MessageFilter greaterThan(int sequence) {
return asMessageFilter(false).greaterThan(sequence);
* Returns a view with only messages with text and with a sequence number within a given range,
* or with a descendant message within that range.
public MessageFilter inRange(int start, int end) {
return asMessageFilter(false).inRange(start, end);
* If this message has text, returns a singleton list with an immutable copy of the message. If
* this message has no text, returns a list of immutable copies of its descendants with text.
public List getMessages() {
return asMessageFilter(false).getMessages();
/* =============================================================== */
/* =============================================================== */
* Whether or not this object may receive more child messages or its progress may change
* (whether the {@link MessageImpl#close()} method has been previously called).
abstract boolean isOpen();
* Sequence number of an imaginary "close" message. Used by {@link MessageFilterImpl} to
* determine whether a message is to be included in a sequence range.
abstract int getCloseSequence();
* Returns a view that excludes text-less messages. Child messages of excluded messages are
* promoted (become direct children of the excluded message's parent).
private MessageFilter asMessageFilter(boolean excludeSelf) {
return new MessageFilterImpl(this, excludeSelf).withText().skipRepeated(5);
private Iterator i = null;
* Whether or not child messages are present.
final boolean isEmpty() {
if (i == null)
i = __iterator();
return !i.hasNext();
final Iterator _iterator() {
if (i != null) {
Iterator ret = i;
i = null;
return ret;
} else
return __iterator();
* Iterator that does not make deep copies.
abstract Iterator __iterator();
private Iterable singleton = null;
Iterable selfIterate() {
if (singleton == null)
singleton = Collections.singleton(this);
return singleton;
* Package private constructor
ProgressMessage(Throwable throwable, String text, Level level, int line,
int column, Date timeStamp, Integer sequence, String ownerId, String file) {
super(throwable, text, level, line, column, timeStamp, sequence, ownerId, file);
* Mutex object used for blocking modifications to a ProgressMessage while it is being iterated.
static final Object MUTEX = new Object();
* Whether {@link #deepCopy()} should return "this".
boolean isImmutable() {
return !isOpen();
* Get an immutable view of the message.
final ProgressMessage deepCopy() {
if (isImmutable())
return this;
final Iterable children = ImmutableList.copyOf(
m -> m.deepCopy()));
return new UnmodifiableProgressMessage(this) {
Iterator __iterator() {
return children.iterator();
boolean isImmutable() {
return true;
* Get a read-only view of a message.
static ProgressMessage unmodifiable(ProgressMessage message) {
if (message instanceof UnmodifiableProgressMessage)
return message;
return new UnmodifiableProgressMessage(message);
/* The purpose of this class is to make it impossible to modify the ProgressMessage that it
* wraps and that also implements MessageAppender. It also provides a way to easily create
* ProgressMessage objects that override certain methods of a wrapped ProgressMessage (see
* {@link MessageFilterImpl}).
static class UnmodifiableProgressMessage extends ProgressMessage {
private final ProgressMessage message;
UnmodifiableProgressMessage(ProgressMessage message) {
this.message = message;
public BigDecimal getPortion() {
return message.getPortion();
public BigDecimal getProgress() {
return message.getProgress();
boolean isOpen() {
return message.isOpen();
int getCloseSequence() {
return message.getCloseSequence();
// unmodifiable is not the same as immutable
boolean isImmutable() {
return message.isImmutable();
Iterator __iterator() {
return message.__iterator();
public Iterator iterator() {
return message.iterator();
public String toString() {
return message.toString();