Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import io.circe.{ Decoder, Encoder }
import io.circe.generic.semiauto.{ deriveDecoder, deriveEncoder }
* A response to an asynchronous request made by Progressive.
* @param message A message to announce to users of assistive technology.
* @param html An HTML fragment to render in the target element.
* @param invalidForm If this response is a response to an invalid form submission, `invalidForm` contains
* the form after validation has been applied server-side (including adding error messages,
* styling inputs as invalid, setting aria-invalid=true, etc).
final case class AjaxResponse(message: Option[String], html: Option[String], invalidForm: Option[String])
@SuppressWarnings(Array(Wart.AsInstanceOf, Wart.Nothing))
object AjaxResponse {
implicit val decoder: Decoder[AjaxResponse] = deriveDecoder[AjaxResponse]
implicit val encoder: Encoder[AjaxResponse] = deriveEncoder[AjaxResponse]
def asJson(ajaxResponse: AjaxResponse): String = Json.asJson(ajaxResponse)
def fromJson(json: String): Option[AjaxResponse] = Json.fromJson(json)