org.danilopianini.gradle.latex.LatexTask.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.danilopianini.gradle.latex
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection
import org.gradle.api.logging.LogLevel
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputFiles
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputFile
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.get
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kotlin.system.exitProcess
abstract class LatexTask : DefaultTask() {
* Latex artifact used to run current task.
lateinit var artifact: LatexArtifact
val extension: LatexExtension = project.extensions.get(Latex.EXTENSION_NAME) as LatexExtension
init {
group = Latex.TASK_GROUP
* Collection of all files whose change should trigger this task.
* Collected for Gradle's continuous build feature.
* Contains the following (based on the Latex artifact):
* - main TeX file
* - bib file, if there is one
* - outputs (PDF) of dependent TeX files
* - auxiliary files/folders
open fun inputFiles(): FileCollection = project.files(*artifact.flattenDependencies().toTypedArray())
* Output of current task. Not used by task itself.
* Set for Gradle's continuous build feature.
open fun pdf() = artifact.pdf
fun String.runScript(
terminalEmulator: String = extension.terminalEmulator.get(),
from: File = project.projectDir,
waitTime: Long = extension.waitTime.get(),
waitUnit: TimeUnit = extension.waitUnit.get(),
whenFails: (Int, String, String) -> Unit = { exit, stdout, stderr ->
throw GradleException("Process $this terminated with non-zero value $exit.\nStandard error: \n$stderr\n\nStandard output:\n$stdout")
) {
val stderr = createTempFile()
val stdout = createTempFile()
val shell = ProcessBuilder(terminalEmulator)
PrintWriter(shell.outputStream).use {
Latex.LOG.debug("Launching {} in {} from directory {}, waiting up to {} {} for termination.", this, terminalEmulator, from, waitTime, waitUnit);
it.println("$this \n exit")
val terminatedNaturally = shell.waitFor(waitTime, waitUnit)
if (!terminatedNaturally) {
throw GradleException("Process $this stalled and was forcibly terminated due to timeout. If the process was not interactive, consider using longer timeouts.")
shell.exitValue().takeIf { it != 0 }?.let { whenFails (it, stderr.readText(), stdout.readText()) }
Latex.LOG.debug("{} completed successfully", this)