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 * This file is part of GraphStream .
 * GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
 * graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
 * This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
 * CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License. You can  use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
 * of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
 * URL  or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see .
 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.

 * @since 2011-09-21
 * @author Guilhelm Savin 
 * @author Hicham Brahimi 

import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;


 * File source for the GEXF file format
 * used by Gephi.
 * @author Guilhelm Savin
public class FileSourceGEXF extends FileSourceXML {
	private static final Pattern IS_DOUBLE = Pattern.compile("^-?\\d+([.]\\d+)?$");

	 * The GEXF parser.
	protected GEXFParser parser;

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see
	protected void afterStartDocument() throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
		parser = new GEXFParser();

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see
	public boolean nextEvents() throws IOException {
		return false;

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see
	protected void beforeEndDocument() {
		parser = null;

	private class Attribute implements GEXFConstants {
		final String id;
		final String title;
		final AttributeType type;
		Object def;
		String options;

		Attribute(String id, String title, AttributeType type) { = id;
			this.title = title;
			this.type = type;

		Object getValue(String value) {
			Object r;

			switch (type) {
			case INTEGER:
				r = Integer.valueOf(value);
			case LONG:
				r = Long.valueOf(value);
			case FLOAT:
				r = Float.valueOf(value);
			case DOUBLE:
				r = Double.valueOf(value);
			case BOOLEAN:
				r = Boolean.valueOf(value);
				String[] list = value.split("\\|");

				boolean isDouble = true;

				for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
					isDouble = isDouble && IS_DOUBLE.matcher(list[i]).matches();

				if (isDouble) {
					double[] dlist = new double[list.length];

					for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
						dlist[i] = Double.parseDouble(list[i]);

					r = dlist;
				} else
					r = list;

			case ANYURI:
				try {
					r = new URI(value);
				} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
					throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
				r = value;

			return r;

		void setDefault(String value) {
			this.def = getValue(value);

		void setOptions(String options) {
			this.options = options;

	private class GEXFParser extends Parser implements GEXFConstants {
		EdgeType defaultEdgeType;
		TimeFormatType timeFormat;
		HashMap nodeAttributesDefinition;
		HashMap edgeAttributesDefinition;

		GEXFParser() {
			defaultEdgeType = EdgeType.UNDIRECTED;
			timeFormat = TimeFormatType.INTEGER;
			nodeAttributesDefinition = new HashMap();
			edgeAttributesDefinition = new HashMap();

		private long getTime(String time) {
			long t = 0;

			switch (timeFormat) {
			case INTEGER:
				t = Integer.valueOf(time);
			case DOUBLE:
				// TODO
			case DATE:
				// TODO
			case DATETIME:
				// TODO

			return t;

		 * name : GEXF attributes : GEXFAttribute structure : META ? GRAPH
		private void __gexf() throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
			XMLEvent e;

			e = getNextEvent();
			checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "gexf");

			e = getNextEvent();

			if (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "meta")) {
			} else


			e = getNextEvent();
			checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "gexf");

		 * name : META attributes : METAttribute structure : ( CREATOR | KEYWORDS |
		private void __meta() throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
			EnumMap attributes;
			XMLEvent e;

			e = getNextEvent();
			checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "meta");

			attributes = getAttributes(METAAttribute.class, e.asStartElement());

			if (attributes.containsKey(METAAttribute.LASTMODIFIEDDATE))
				sendGraphAttributeAdded(sourceId, "lastmodifieddate", attributes.get(METAAttribute.LASTMODIFIEDDATE));

			e = getNextEvent();

			while (!isEvent(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "meta")) {
				try {
					String str;
					Balise b = Balise.valueOf(toConstantName(e.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart()));


					switch (b) {
					case CREATOR:
						str = __creator();
						sendGraphAttributeAdded(sourceId, "creator", str);
					case KEYWORDS:
						str = __keywords();
						sendGraphAttributeAdded(sourceId, "keywords", str);
					case DESCRIPTION:
						str = __description();
						sendGraphAttributeAdded(sourceId, "description", str);
						newParseError(e, false, "meta children should be one of 'creator','keywords' or 'description'");
				} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
					newParseError(e, true, "unknown element '%s'", e.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart());

				e = getNextEvent();

			checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "meta");

		 * name : CREATOR attributes : structure : string
		private String __creator() throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
			String creator;
			XMLEvent e;

			e = getNextEvent();
			checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "creator");

			creator = __characters();

			e = getNextEvent();
			checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "creator");

			return creator;

		 * name : KEYWORDS attributes : structure : string
		private String __keywords() throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
			String keywords;
			XMLEvent e;

			e = getNextEvent();
			checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "keywords");

			keywords = __characters();

			e = getNextEvent();
			checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "keywords");

			return keywords;

		 * name 		: DESCRIPTION
		 * attributes 	:
		 * structure 	: string
*/ private String __description() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String description; XMLEvent e; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "description"); description = __characters(); e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "description"); return description; } /** *
		 * name 		: GRAPH
		 * attributes 	: GRAPHAttribute
		 * structure 	: ATTRIBUTES * ( NODES | EDGES )*
*/ private void __graph() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "graph"); attributes = getAttributes(GRAPHAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); if (attributes.containsKey(GRAPHAttribute.DEFAULTEDGETYPE)) { try { defaultEdgeType = EdgeType.valueOf(toConstantName(attributes.get(GRAPHAttribute.DEFAULTEDGETYPE))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { newParseError(e, true, "'defaultedgetype' value should be one of 'directed', 'undirected' or 'mutual'"); } } if (attributes.containsKey(GRAPHAttribute.TIMEFORMAT)) { try { timeFormat = TimeFormatType.valueOf(toConstantName(attributes.get(GRAPHAttribute.TIMEFORMAT))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { newParseError(e, true, "'timeformat' value should be one of 'integer', 'double', 'date' or 'datetime'"); } } e = getNextEvent(); while (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "attributes")) { pushback(e); __attributes(); e = getNextEvent(); } while (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "nodes") || isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "edges")) { if (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "nodes")) { pushback(e); __nodes(); } else { pushback(e); __edges(); } e = getNextEvent(); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "graph"); } /** *
		 * name 		: ATTRIBUTES
		 * attributes 	: ATTRIBUTESAttributes { CLASS!, MODE, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN }
		 * structure 	: ATTRIBUTE *
*/ private void __attributes() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; Attribute a; ClassType type = null; HashMap attr; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "attributes"); attributes = getAttributes(ATTRIBUTESAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); checkRequiredAttributes(e, attributes, ATTRIBUTESAttribute.CLASS); try { type = ClassType.valueOf(toConstantName(attributes.get(ATTRIBUTESAttribute.CLASS))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { newParseError(e, true, "'class' value shoudl be one of 'node' or 'edge'"); } if (type == ClassType.NODE) attr = nodeAttributesDefinition; else attr = edgeAttributesDefinition; e = getNextEvent(); while (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "attribute")) { pushback(e); a = __attribute(); attr.put(, a); e = getNextEvent(); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "attributes"); } /** *
		 * name 		: ATTRIBUTE
		 * attributes 	: ATTRIBUTEAttribute { ID, TITLE, TYPE }
		 * structure 	: ( DEFAULT | OPTIONS ) *
*/ private Attribute __attribute() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; String id, title; AttributeType type = null; Attribute theAttribute; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "attribute"); attributes = getAttributes(ATTRIBUTEAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); checkRequiredAttributes(e, attributes, ATTRIBUTEAttribute.ID, ATTRIBUTEAttribute.TITLE, ATTRIBUTEAttribute.TYPE); id = attributes.get(ATTRIBUTEAttribute.ID); title = attributes.get(ATTRIBUTEAttribute.TITLE); try { type = AttributeType.valueOf(toConstantName(attributes.get(ATTRIBUTEAttribute.TYPE))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { newParseError(e, true, "'type' of attribute should be one of 'integer', 'long', 'float, 'double', 'string', 'liststring', 'anyURI' or 'boolean'"); } theAttribute = new Attribute(id, title, type); e = getNextEvent(); while (!isEvent(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "attribute")) { try { Balise b = Balise.valueOf(toConstantName(e.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart())); pushback(e); switch (b) { case DEFAULT: try { theAttribute.setDefault(__default()); } catch (Exception invalid) { newParseError(e, false, "invalid 'default' value"); } break; case OPTIONS: theAttribute.setOptions(__options()); break; default: newParseError(e, true, "attribute children should be one of 'default' or 'options'"); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { newParseError(e, true, "unknown element '%s'", e.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart()); } e = getNextEvent(); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "attribute"); return theAttribute; } /** *
		 * name 		: DEFAULT
		 * attributes 	:
		 * structure 	: string
*/ private String __default() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String def; XMLEvent e; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "default"); def = __characters(); e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "default"); return def; } /** *
		 * name 		: OPTIONS
		 * attributes 	:
		 * structure 	: string
*/ private String __options() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String options; XMLEvent e; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "options"); options = __characters(); e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "options"); return options; } /** *
		 * name 		: NODES
		 * attributes 	: NODESAttribute { 'count' }
		 * structure 	: NODE *
*/ private void __nodes() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "nodes"); e = getNextEvent(); while (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "node")) { pushback(e); __node(); e = getNextEvent(); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "nodes"); } /** *
		 * name 		: NODE
		 * attributes 	: NODEAttribute { 'pid', 'id', 'label', 'start', 'startopen', 'end', 'endopen' }
*/ private void __node() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; String id; HashSet defined = new HashSet(); e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "node"); attributes = getAttributes(NODEAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); checkRequiredAttributes(e, attributes, NODEAttribute.ID); id = attributes.get(NODEAttribute.ID); sendNodeAdded(sourceId, id); if (attributes.containsKey(NODEAttribute.LABEL)) sendNodeAttributeAdded(sourceId, id, "label", attributes.get(NODEAttribute.LABEL)); e = getNextEvent(); while (!isEvent(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "node")) { try { Balise b = Balise.valueOf(toConstantName(e.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart())); pushback(e); switch (b) { case ATTVALUES: defined.addAll(__attvalues(ClassType.NODE, id)); break; case COLOR: __color(ClassType.NODE, id); break; case POSITION: __position(id); break; case SIZE: __size(id); break; case SHAPE: __node_shape(id); break; case SPELLS: __spells(); break; case NODES: __nodes(); break; case EDGES: __edges(); break; case PARENTS: __parents(id); break; default: newParseError(e, true, "attribute children should be one of 'attvalues', 'color', 'position', 'size', shape', 'spells', 'nodes, 'edges' or 'parents'"); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { newParseError(e, true, "unknown element '%s'", e.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart()); } e = getNextEvent(); } for (Attribute theAttribute : nodeAttributesDefinition.values()) { if (!defined.contains( { sendNodeAttributeAdded(sourceId, id, theAttribute.title, theAttribute.def); } } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "node"); } /** *
		 * name : ATTVALUES attributes : structure : ATTVALUE * 
		private HashSet __attvalues(ClassType type, String elementId) throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
			XMLEvent e;
			HashSet defined = new HashSet();

			e = getNextEvent();
			checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "attvalues");

			e = getNextEvent();

			while (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "attvalue")) {

				defined.add(__attvalue(type, elementId));
				e = getNextEvent();

			checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "attvalues");

			return defined;

		 * name 		: ATTVALUE
		 * attributes 	: ATTVALUEAttribute { FOR!, VALUE!, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN }
		 * structure 	:
*/ private String __attvalue(ClassType type, String elementId) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; Attribute theAttribute; Object value = null; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "attvalue"); attributes = getAttributes(ATTVALUEAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); checkRequiredAttributes(e, attributes, ATTVALUEAttribute.FOR, ATTVALUEAttribute.VALUE); if (type == ClassType.NODE) theAttribute = nodeAttributesDefinition.get(attributes.get(ATTVALUEAttribute.FOR)); else theAttribute = edgeAttributesDefinition.get(attributes.get(ATTVALUEAttribute.FOR)); if (theAttribute == null) newParseError(e, false, "undefined attribute \"%s\"", attributes.get(ATTVALUEAttribute.FOR)); else { try { value = theAttribute.getValue(attributes.get(ATTVALUEAttribute.VALUE)); } catch (Exception ex) { newParseError(e, true, "invalid 'value' value"); } switch (type) { case NODE: sendNodeAttributeAdded(sourceId, elementId, theAttribute.title, value); break; case EDGE: sendEdgeAttributeAdded(sourceId, elementId, theAttribute.title, value); break; } } e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "attvalue"); return theAttribute == null ? null :; } /** *
		 * name 		: SPELLS
		 * attributes 	:
		 * structure 	: SPELL +
*/ private void __spells() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "spells"); do { __spell(); e = getNextEvent(); } while (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "spell")); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "spells"); } /** *
		 * name 		: SPELL
		 * attributes 	: SPELLAttribute
		 * structure 	:
*/ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void __spell() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "spell"); attributes = getAttributes(SPELLAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); // TODO Handle spell e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "spell"); } /** *
		 * name 		: PARENTS
		 * attributes 	:
		 * structure 	: PARENT *
*/ private void __parents(String nodeId) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "parents"); e = getNextEvent(); while (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "parent")) { __parent(nodeId); e = getNextEvent(); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "parents"); } /** *
		 * name 		: PARENT
		 * attributes 	: PARENTAttribute { FOR! }
		 * structure 	:
*/ private void __parent(String nodeId) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "parent"); attributes = getAttributes(PARENTAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); checkRequiredAttributes(e, attributes, PARENTAttribute.FOR); sendNodeAttributeAdded(sourceId, attributes.get(PARENTAttribute.FOR), "parent", nodeId); e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "parent"); } /** *
		 * name 		: COLOR
		 * attributes 	: COLORAttribute { R!, G!, B!, A, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN }
		 * structure 	: SPELLS ?
*/ private void __color(ClassType type, String id) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; Color color; int r, g, b, a = 255; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "color"); attributes = getAttributes(COLORAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); checkRequiredAttributes(e, attributes, COLORAttribute.R, COLORAttribute.G, COLORAttribute.B); r = Integer.valueOf(attributes.get(COLORAttribute.R)); g = Integer.valueOf(attributes.get(COLORAttribute.G)); b = Integer.valueOf(attributes.get(COLORAttribute.B)); if (attributes.containsKey(COLORAttribute.A)) a = Integer.valueOf(attributes.get(COLORAttribute.A)); color = new Color(r, g, b, a); switch (type) { case NODE: sendNodeAttributeAdded(sourceId, id, "ui.color", color); break; case EDGE: sendEdgeAttributeAdded(sourceId, id, "ui.color", color); break; } e = getNextEvent(); if (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "spells")) { pushback(e); __spells(); e = getNextEvent(); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "color"); } /** *
		 * name 		: POSITION
		 * attributes 	: POSITIONAttribute { X!, Y!, Z!, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN }
		 * structure 	: SPELLS ?
*/ private void __position(String nodeId) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; double[] xyz = { 0, 0, 0 }; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "position"); attributes = getAttributes(POSITIONAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); checkRequiredAttributes(e, attributes, POSITIONAttribute.X, POSITIONAttribute.Y, POSITIONAttribute.Z); xyz[0] = Double.valueOf(attributes.get(POSITIONAttribute.X)); xyz[1] = Double.valueOf(attributes.get(POSITIONAttribute.Y)); xyz[2] = Double.valueOf(attributes.get(POSITIONAttribute.Z)); sendNodeAttributeAdded(sourceId, nodeId, "xyz", xyz); e = getNextEvent(); if (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "spells")) { pushback(e); __spells(); e = getNextEvent(); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "position"); } /** *
		 * name 		: SIZE
		 * attributes 	: SIZEAttribute { VALUE!, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN }
		 * structure 	: SPELLS ?
*/ private void __size(String nodeId) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; double value; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "size"); attributes = getAttributes(SIZEAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); checkRequiredAttributes(e, attributes, SIZEAttribute.VALUE); value = Double.valueOf(attributes.get(SIZEAttribute.VALUE)); sendNodeAttributeAdded(sourceId, nodeId, "ui.size", value); e = getNextEvent(); if (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "spells")) { pushback(e); __spells(); e = getNextEvent(); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "size"); } /** *
		 * name 		: NODESHAPE
		 * attributes 	: NODESHAPEAttributes { VALUE!, URI, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN }
		 * structure 	: SPELLS ?
*/ private void __node_shape(String nodeId) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; NodeShapeType type = null; String uri; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "shape"); attributes = getAttributes(NODESHAPEAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); checkRequiredAttributes(e, attributes, NODESHAPEAttribute.VALUE); try { type = NodeShapeType.valueOf(toConstantName(attributes.get(NODESHAPEAttribute.VALUE))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { newParseError(e, true, "'value' should be one of 'disc', 'diamond', 'triangle', 'square' or 'image'"); } switch (type) { case IMAGE: if (!attributes.containsKey(NODESHAPEAttribute.URI)) newParseError(e, true, "'image' shape type needs 'uri' attribute"); uri = attributes.get(NODESHAPEAttribute.URI); sendNodeAttributeAdded(sourceId, nodeId, "", String.format("fill-mode: image-scaled; fill-image: url('%s');", uri)); break; default: sendNodeAttributeAdded(sourceId, nodeId, "", String.format("shape: %s;",; } e = getNextEvent(); if (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "spells")) { pushback(e); __spells(); e = getNextEvent(); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "shape"); } /** *
		 * name 		: EDGES
		 * attributes 	: EDGESAttribute { 'count' }
		 * structure 	: EDGE *
*/ private void __edges() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "edges"); e = getNextEvent(); while (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "edge")) { pushback(e); __edge(); e = getNextEvent(); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "edges"); } /** *
		 * name 		: EDGE
		 * structure 	: ( ATTVALUES | SPELLS | ( COLOR | THICKNESS | EDGESHAPE ) ) *
*/ private void __edge() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; String id, source, target; EdgeType type = defaultEdgeType; HashSet defined = new HashSet(); e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "edge"); attributes = getAttributes(EDGEAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); checkRequiredAttributes(e, attributes, EDGEAttribute.ID, EDGEAttribute.SOURCE, EDGEAttribute.TARGET); id = attributes.get(EDGEAttribute.ID); source = attributes.get(EDGEAttribute.SOURCE); target = attributes.get(EDGEAttribute.TARGET); if (attributes.containsKey(EDGEAttribute.TYPE)) { try { type = EdgeType.valueOf(toConstantName(attributes.get(EDGEAttribute.TYPE))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { newParseError(e, true, "edge type should be one of 'undirected', 'undirected' or 'mutual'"); } } switch (type) { case DIRECTED: sendEdgeAdded(sourceId, id, source, target, true); break; case MUTUAL: case UNDIRECTED: sendEdgeAdded(sourceId, id, source, target, false); break; } if (attributes.containsKey(EDGEAttribute.LABEL)) sendEdgeAttributeAdded(sourceId, id, "ui.label", attributes.get(EDGEAttribute.LABEL)); if (attributes.containsKey(EDGEAttribute.WEIGHT)) { try { double d = Double.valueOf(attributes.get(EDGEAttribute.WEIGHT)); sendEdgeAttributeAdded(sourceId, id, "weight", d); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { newParseError(e, true, "'weight' attribute of edge should be a real"); } } e = getNextEvent(); while (!isEvent(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "edge")) { try { Balise b = Balise.valueOf(toConstantName(e.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart())); pushback(e); switch (b) { case ATTVALUES: defined.addAll(__attvalues(ClassType.EDGE, id)); break; case SPELLS: __spells(); break; case COLOR: __color(ClassType.EDGE, id); break; case THICKNESS: __thickness(id); break; case SHAPE: __edge_shape(id); break; default: newParseError(e, true, "edge children should be one of 'attvalues', 'color', 'thicknes', 'shape' or 'spells'"); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { newParseError(e, true, "unknown tag '%s'", e.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart()); } e = getNextEvent(); } for (String key : edgeAttributesDefinition.keySet()) { if (!defined.contains(key)) sendEdgeAttributeAdded(sourceId, id, key, edgeAttributesDefinition.get(key).def); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "edge"); } /** *
		 * name 		: EDGESHAPE
		 * attributes 	: EDGESHAPEAttributes { VALUE!, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN }
		 * structure 	: SPELLS ?
*/ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void __edge_shape(String edgeId) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; EdgeShapeType type; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "shape"); attributes = getAttributes(EDGESHAPEAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); checkRequiredAttributes(e, attributes, EDGESHAPEAttribute.VALUE); try { type = EdgeShapeType.valueOf(toConstantName(attributes.get(EDGESHAPEAttribute.VALUE))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { newParseError(e, true, "'value' of shape should be one of 'solid', 'dotted', 'dashed' or 'double'"); } // TODO Handle shape of edges e = getNextEvent(); if (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "spells")) { pushback(e); __spells(); e = getNextEvent(); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "shape"); } /** *
		 * name 		: THICKNESS
		 * attributes 	: THICKNESSAttribute { VALUE!, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN }
		 * structure 	: SPELLS ?
*/ private void __thickness(String edgeId) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLEvent e; EnumMap attributes; e = getNextEvent(); checkValid(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "thickness"); attributes = getAttributes(THICKNESSAttribute.class, e.asStartElement()); checkRequiredAttributes(e, attributes, THICKNESSAttribute.VALUE); e = getNextEvent(); if (isEvent(e, XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT, "spells")) { pushback(e); __spells(); e = getNextEvent(); } checkValid(e, XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT, "thickness"); } } public static interface GEXFConstants { public static enum Balise { GEXF, GRAPH, META, CREATOR, KEYWORDS, DESCRIPTION, NODES, NODE, EDGES, EDGE, COLOR, POSITION, SIZE, SHAPE, THICKNESS, DEFAULT, OPTIONS, ATTVALUES, PARENTS, SPELLS } public static enum GEXFAttribute { XMLNS, VERSION } public static enum METAAttribute { LASTMODIFIEDDATE } public static enum GRAPHAttribute { TIMEFORMAT, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN, DEFAULTEDGETYPE, IDTYPE, MODE } public static enum ATTRIBUTESAttribute { CLASS, MODE, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN } public static enum ATTRIBUTEAttribute { ID, TITLE, TYPE } public static enum NODESAttribute { COUNT } public static enum NODEAttribute { START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN, PID, ID, LABEL } public static enum ATTVALUEAttribute { FOR, VALUE, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN } public static enum PARENTAttribute { FOR } public static enum EDGESAttribute { COUNT } public static enum SPELLAttribute { START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN } public static enum COLORAttribute { R, G, B, A, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN } public static enum POSITIONAttribute { X, Y, Z, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN } public static enum SIZEAttribute { VALUE, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN } public static enum NODESHAPEAttribute { VALUE, URI, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN } public static enum EDGEAttribute { START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN, ID, TYPE, LABEL, SOURCE, TARGET, WEIGHT } public static enum THICKNESSAttribute { VALUE, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN } public static enum EDGESHAPEAttribute { VALUE, START, STARTOPEN, END, ENDOPEN } public static enum IDType { INTEGER, STRING } public static enum ModeType { STATIC, DYNAMIC } public static enum WeightType { FLOAT } public static enum EdgeType { DIRECTED, UNDIRECTED, MUTUAL } public static enum NodeShapeType { DISC, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, DIAMOND, IMAGE } public static enum EdgeShapeType { SOLID, DOTTED, DASHED, DOUBLE } public static enum AttributeType { INTEGER, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, ANYURI, LISTSTRING, STRING } public static enum ClassType { NODE, EDGE } public static enum TimeFormatType { INTEGER, DOUBLE, DATE, DATETIME } } }

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