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 * This file is part of GraphStream .
 * GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
 * graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
 * This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
 * CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License. You can  use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
 * of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
 * URL  or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see .
 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.

 * @since 2009-07-04
 * @author Yoann Pigné 
 * @author Antoine Dutot 
 * @author Guilhelm Savin 
 * @author Stefan Balev 
 * @author Alex Bowen 
 * @author Hicham Brahimi 

import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * Filter that allows to pass graph events between two threads without explicit
 * synchronization.

* This filter allows to register it as an output for some source of events in a * source thread (hereafter called the input thread) and to register listening * outputs in a destination thread (hereafter called the sink thread). *

* *
 *                       |
 *   Source ---> ThreadProxyFilter ----> Sink
 *  Thread 1             |              Thread 2
 *                       |
* *

* In other words, this class allows to listen in a sink thread graph events * that are produced in another source thread without any explicit * synchronization on the source of events. *

* *

* The only restriction is that the sink thread must regularly call the * {@link #pump()} method to dispatch events coming from the source to all sinks * registered (see the explanation in {@link}). *

* *

* You can register any kind of input as source of event, but if the input is a * graph, then you can choose to "replay" all the content of the graph so that * at the other end of the filter, all outputs receive the complete content of * the graph. This is the default behavior if this filter is constructed with a * graph as input. *

*/ public class ThreadProxyPipe extends SourceBase implements ProxyPipe { /** * class level logger */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ThreadProxyPipe.class.getSimpleName()); /** * Proxy id. */ protected String id; /** * The event sender name, usually the graph name. */ protected String from; /** * The message box used to exchange messages between the two threads. */ protected LinkedList events; protected LinkedList eventsData; protected ReentrantLock lock; protected Condition notEmpty; /** * Used only to remove the listener. We ensure this is done in the source * thread. */ protected Source input; /** * Signals that this proxy must be removed from the source input. */ protected boolean unregisterWhenPossible = false; public ThreadProxyPipe() { = new LinkedList(); this.eventsData = new LinkedList(); this.lock = new ReentrantLock(); this.notEmpty = this.lock.newCondition(); this.from = ""; this.input = null; } /** * * @param input * The source of events we listen at. * * @deprecated Use the default constructor and then call the * {@link #init(Source)} method. */ @Deprecated public ThreadProxyPipe(Source input) { this(input, null, input instanceof Replayable); } /** * * @param input * @param replay * * @deprecated Use the default constructor and then call the * {@link #init(Source)} method. */ @Deprecated public ThreadProxyPipe(Source input, boolean replay) { this(input, null, replay); } /** * * @param input * @param initialListener * @param replay * * @deprecated Use the default constructor and then call the * {@link #init(Source)} method. */ @Deprecated public ThreadProxyPipe(Source input, Sink initialListener, boolean replay) { this(); if (initialListener != null) addSink(initialListener); init(input, replay); } public void init() { init(null, false); } /** * Init the proxy. If there are previous events, they will be cleared. * * @param source * source of the events */ public void init(Source source) { init(source, source instanceof Replayable); } /** * Init the proxy. If there are previous events, they will be cleared. * * @param source * source of the events * @param replay * true if the source should be replayed. You need a * {@link} source to enable replay, * else nothing happens. */ public void init(Source source, boolean replay) { lock.lock(); try { if (this.input != null) this.input.removeSink(this); this.input = source;; this.eventsData.clear(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (source != null) { if (source instanceof Graph) this.from = ((Graph) source).getId(); this.input.addSink(this); if (replay && source instanceof Replayable) { Replayable r = (Replayable) source; Controller rc = r.getReplayController(); rc.addSink(this); rc.replay(); } } } @Override public String toString() { String dest = "nil"; if (attrSinks.size() > 0) dest = attrSinks.get(0).toString(); return String.format("thread-proxy(from %s to %s)", from, dest); } /** * Ask the proxy to unregister from the event input source (stop receive events) * as soon as possible (when the next event will occur in the graph). */ public void unregisterFromSource() { unregisterWhenPossible = true; } /** * This method must be called regularly in the output thread to check if the * input source sent events. If some event occurred, the listeners will be * called. */ public void pump() { GraphEvents e = null; Object[] data = null; do { lock.lock(); try { e = events.poll(); data = eventsData.poll(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (e != null) processMessage(e, data); } while (e != null); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ public void blockingPump() throws InterruptedException { blockingPump(0); } public void blockingPump(long timeout) throws InterruptedException { GraphEvents e; Object[] data; lock.lock(); try { if (timeout > 0) while (events.size() == 0) notEmpty.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); else while (events.size() == 0) notEmpty.await(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } do { lock.lock(); try { e = events.poll(); data = eventsData.poll(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (e != null) processMessage(e, data); } while (e != null); } public boolean hasPostRemaining() { boolean r = true; lock.lock(); try { r = events.size() > 0; } finally { lock.unlock(); } return r; } /** * Set of events sent via the message box. */ protected static enum GraphEvents { ADD_NODE, DEL_NODE, ADD_EDGE, DEL_EDGE, STEP, CLEARED, ADD_GRAPH_ATTR, CHG_GRAPH_ATTR, DEL_GRAPH_ATTR, ADD_NODE_ATTR, CHG_NODE_ATTR, DEL_NODE_ATTR, ADD_EDGE_ATTR, CHG_EDGE_ATTR, DEL_EDGE_ATTR }; protected boolean maybeUnregister() { if (unregisterWhenPossible) { if (input != null) input.removeSink(this); return true; } return false; } protected void post(GraphEvents e, Object... data) { lock.lock(); try { events.add(e); eventsData.add(data); notEmpty.signal(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public void edgeAttributeAdded(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId, String attribute, Object value) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.ADD_EDGE_ATTR, graphId, timeId, edgeId, attribute, value); } public void edgeAttributeChanged(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId, String attribute, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.CHG_EDGE_ATTR, graphId, timeId, edgeId, attribute, oldValue, newValue); } public void edgeAttributeRemoved(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId, String attribute) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.DEL_EDGE_ATTR, graphId, timeId, edgeId, attribute); } public void graphAttributeAdded(String graphId, long timeId, String attribute, Object value) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.ADD_GRAPH_ATTR, graphId, timeId, attribute, value); } public void graphAttributeChanged(String graphId, long timeId, String attribute, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.CHG_GRAPH_ATTR, graphId, timeId, attribute, oldValue, newValue); } public void graphAttributeRemoved(String graphId, long timeId, String attribute) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.DEL_GRAPH_ATTR, graphId, timeId, attribute); } public void nodeAttributeAdded(String graphId, long timeId, String nodeId, String attribute, Object value) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.ADD_NODE_ATTR, graphId, timeId, nodeId, attribute, value); } public void nodeAttributeChanged(String graphId, long timeId, String nodeId, String attribute, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.CHG_NODE_ATTR, graphId, timeId, nodeId, attribute, oldValue, newValue); } public void nodeAttributeRemoved(String graphId, long timeId, String nodeId, String attribute) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.DEL_NODE_ATTR, graphId, timeId, nodeId, attribute); } public void edgeAdded(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId, String fromNodeId, String toNodeId, boolean directed) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.ADD_EDGE, graphId, timeId, edgeId, fromNodeId, toNodeId, directed); } public void edgeRemoved(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.DEL_EDGE, graphId, timeId, edgeId); } public void graphCleared(String graphId, long timeId) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.CLEARED, graphId, timeId); } public void nodeAdded(String graphId, long timeId, String nodeId) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.ADD_NODE, graphId, timeId, nodeId); } public void nodeRemoved(String graphId, long timeId, String nodeId) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.DEL_NODE, graphId, timeId, nodeId); } public void stepBegins(String graphId, long timeId, double step) { if (maybeUnregister()) return; post(GraphEvents.STEP, graphId, timeId, step); } // MBoxListener protected void processMessage(GraphEvents e, Object[] data) { String graphId, elementId, attribute; Long timeId; Object newValue, oldValue; switch (e) { case ADD_NODE: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; elementId = (String) data[2]; sendNodeAdded(graphId, timeId, elementId); break; case DEL_NODE: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; elementId = (String) data[2]; sendNodeRemoved(graphId, timeId, elementId); break; case ADD_EDGE: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; elementId = (String) data[2]; String fromId = (String) data[3]; String toId = (String) data[4]; boolean directed = (Boolean) data[5]; sendEdgeAdded(graphId, timeId, elementId, fromId, toId, directed); break; case DEL_EDGE: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; elementId = (String) data[2]; sendEdgeRemoved(graphId, timeId, elementId); break; case STEP: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; double step = (Double) data[2]; sendStepBegins(graphId, timeId, step); break; case ADD_GRAPH_ATTR: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; attribute = (String) data[2]; newValue = data[3]; sendGraphAttributeAdded(graphId, timeId, attribute, newValue); break; case CHG_GRAPH_ATTR: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; attribute = (String) data[2]; oldValue = data[3]; newValue = data[4]; sendGraphAttributeChanged(graphId, timeId, attribute, oldValue, newValue); break; case DEL_GRAPH_ATTR: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; attribute = (String) data[2]; sendGraphAttributeRemoved(graphId, timeId, attribute); break; case ADD_EDGE_ATTR: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; elementId = (String) data[2]; attribute = (String) data[3]; newValue = data[4]; sendEdgeAttributeAdded(graphId, timeId, elementId, attribute, newValue); break; case CHG_EDGE_ATTR: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; elementId = (String) data[2]; attribute = (String) data[3]; oldValue = data[4]; newValue = data[5]; sendEdgeAttributeChanged(graphId, timeId, elementId, attribute, oldValue, newValue); break; case DEL_EDGE_ATTR: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; elementId = (String) data[2]; attribute = (String) data[3]; sendEdgeAttributeRemoved(graphId, timeId, elementId, attribute); break; case ADD_NODE_ATTR: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; elementId = (String) data[2]; attribute = (String) data[3]; newValue = data[4]; sendNodeAttributeAdded(graphId, timeId, elementId, attribute, newValue); break; case CHG_NODE_ATTR: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; elementId = (String) data[2]; attribute = (String) data[3]; oldValue = data[4]; newValue = data[5]; sendNodeAttributeChanged(graphId, timeId, elementId, attribute, oldValue, newValue); break; case DEL_NODE_ATTR: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; elementId = (String) data[2]; attribute = (String) data[3]; sendNodeAttributeRemoved(graphId, timeId, elementId, attribute); break; case CLEARED: graphId = (String) data[0]; timeId = (Long) data[1]; sendGraphCleared(graphId, timeId); break; default: logger.warning(String.format("Unknown message %s.", e)); break; } } }

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