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org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.StyleGroup Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * This file is part of GraphStream .
 * GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
 * graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
 * This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
 * CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License. You can  use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
 * of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
 * URL  or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see .
 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.

 * @since 2009-07-05
 * @author Antoine Dutot 
 * @author Guilhelm Savin 
 * @author Hicham Brahimi 
package org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.graphstream.graph.Element;
import org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.GraphicElement.SwingElementRenderer;
import org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet.Rule;
import org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet.Selector;
import org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet.Style;

 * A group of graph elements that share the same style.

* The purpose of a style group is to allow retrieving all elements with the * same style easily. Most of the time, with graphic engines, pushing the * graphic state (the style, colors, line width, textures, gradients) is a * costly operation. Doing it once for several elements can speed up things a * lot. This is the purpose of the style group. *

* *

* The action of drawing elements in group (first push style, then draw all * elements) are called bulk drawing. All elements that can be drawn at once * this way are called bulk elements. *

* *

* In a style group it is not always possible do draw elements in a such a * "bulk" operation. If the style contains "dynamic values" for example, that is * value that depend on the value of an attribute stored on the element, or if * the element is modified by an event (clicked, selected), the element will not * be drawn the same as others. *

* *

* The style group provides iterators on each of these categories of elements : *

  • {@link #elements()} allows to browse all elements contained in the group * without exception.
  • *
  • {@link #dynamicElements()} allows to browse the subset of elements having * a attribute that modify their style.
  • *
  • {@link #elementsEvents()} allows to browse the subset of elements * modified by an event.
  • *
  • {@link #bulkElements()} allows to browse all remaining elements that have * no dynamic attribute or event.
  • *
* The calling the three last iterators would yield the same elements as calling * the first one. When drawing you can optimise the drawing by first pushing the * graphic state and then drawing at once all bulk elements. If the dynamic and * event subsets are not empty you then must draw such elements modifying the * graphic state for each one. *

*/ public class StyleGroup extends Style implements Iterable { // Attribute /** * The group unique identifier. */ protected String id; /** * The set of style rules. */ protected ArrayList rules = new ArrayList(); /** * Graph elements of this group. */ protected HashMap elements = new HashMap(); /** * The global events actually occurring. */ protected StyleGroupSet.EventSet eventSet; /** * Set of elements whose style is actually modified individually by an event. * Such elements must be rendered one by one, not in groups like others. */ protected HashMap eventsFor; /** * Set of elements that have some dynamic style values. Such elements must be * rendered one by one, not in groups, like others. */ protected HashSet dynamicOnes; /** * A set of events actually pushed only for this group. */ protected String[] curEvents; /** * The set of bulk elements. */ protected BulkElements bulkElements = new BulkElements(); /** * Associated renderers. */ public HashMap renderers; // Construction /** * New style group for a first graph element and the set of style rules that * matches it. More graph elements can be added later. * * @param identifier * The unique group identifier (see * {@link org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet.StyleSheet#getStyleGroupIdFor(Element, ArrayList)} * ). * @param rules * The set of style rules for the style group (see * {@link org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet.StyleSheet#getRulesFor(Element)} * ). * @param firstElement * The first element to construct the group. */ public StyleGroup(String identifier, Collection rules, Element firstElement, StyleGroupSet.EventSet eventSet) { = identifier; this.rules.addAll(rules); this.elements.put(firstElement.getId(), firstElement); this.values = null; // To avoid consume memory since this style will not // store anything. this.eventSet = eventSet; for (Rule rule : rules) rule.addGroup(identifier); } // Access /** * The group unique identifier. * * @return A style group identifier. */ public String getId() { return id; } /** * Type of graph element concerned by this style (node, edge, sprite, graph). * * @return The type of the style group elements. */ public Selector.Type getType() { return rules.get(0).selector.type; } /** * True if at least one of the style properties is dynamic (set according to an * attribute of the element to draw). Such elements cannot therefore be drawn in * a group operation, but one by one. * * @return True if one property is dynamic. */ public boolean hasDynamicElements() { return (dynamicOnes != null && dynamicOnes.size() > 0); } /** * If true this group contains some elements that are actually changed by an * event. Such elements cannot therefore be drawn in a group operation, but one * by one. * * @return True if the group contains some elements changed by an event. */ public boolean hasEventElements() { return (eventsFor != null && eventsFor.size() > 0); } /** * True if the given element actually has active events. * * @param element * The element to test. * @return True if the element has actually active events. */ public boolean elementHasEvents(Element element) { return (eventsFor != null && eventsFor.containsKey(element)); } /** * True if the given element has dynamic style values provided by specific * attributes. * * @param element * The element to test. * @return True if the element has actually specific style attributes. */ public boolean elementIsDynamic(Element element) { return (dynamicOnes != null && dynamicOnes.contains(element)); } /** * Get the value of a given property. * * This is a redefinition of the method in {@link Style} to consider the fact a * style group aggregates several style rules. * * @param property * The style property the value is searched for. */ @Override public Object getValue(String property, String... events) { int n = rules.size(); if (events == null || events.length == 0) { if (curEvents != null && curEvents.length > 0) { events = curEvents; } else if ( != null && > 0) { events =; } } for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { Style style = rules.get(i).getStyle(); if (style.hasValue(property, events)) return style.getValue(property, events); } return rules.get(0).getStyle().getValue(property, events); } /** * True if there are no elements in the group. * * @return True if the group is empty of elements. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return elements.isEmpty(); } /** * True if the group contains the element whose identifier is given. * * @param elementId * The element to search. * @return true if the element is in the group. */ public boolean contains(String elementId) { return elements.containsKey(elementId); } /** * True if the group contains the element given. * * @param element * The element to search. * @return true if the element is in the group. */ public boolean contains(Element element) { return elements.containsKey(element.getId()); } /** * Return an element of the group, knowing its identifier. * * @param id * The searched element identifier. * @return The element corresponding to the identifier or null if not found. */ public Element getElement(String id) { return elements.get(id); } /** * The number of elements of the group. * * @return The element count. */ public int getElementCount() { return elements.size(); } /** * Iterator on the set of graph elements of this group. * * @return The elements iterator. */ public Iterator getElementIterator() { return elements.values().iterator(); } /** * Iterable set of elements. This the complete set of elements contained in this * group without regard to the fact they are modified by an event or are * dynamic. If you plan to respect events or dynamic elements, you must check * the elements are not modified by events using * {@link #elementHasEvents(Element)} and are not dynamic by using * {@link #elementIsDynamic(Element)} and then draw modified elements using * {@link #elementsEvents()} and {@link #dynamicElements()}. But the easiest way * of drawing is to use first {@link #bulkElements()} for all non dynamic non * event elements, then the {@link #dynamicElements()} and * {@link #elementsEvents()} to draw all dynamic and event elements. * * @return All the elements in no particular order. */ public Iterable elements() { return elements.values(); } /** * Iterable set of elements that can be drawn in a bulk operation, that is the * subset of all elements that are not dynamic or modified by an event. * * @return The iterable set of bulk elements. */ public Iterable bulkElements() { return bulkElements; } /** * Subset of elements that are actually modified by one or more events. The * {@link ElementEvents} class contains the element and an array of events that * can be pushed on the style group set. * * @return The subset of elements modified by one or more events. */ public Iterable elementsEvents() { return eventsFor.values(); } /** * Subset of elements that have dynamic style values and therefore must be * rendered one by one, not in groups like others. Even though elements style * can specify some dynamics, the elements must individually have attributes * that specify the dynamic value. If the elements do not have these attributes * they can be rendered in bulk operations. * * @return The subset of dynamic elements of the group. */ public Iterable dynamicElements() { return dynamicOnes; } public Iterator iterator() { return elements.values().iterator(); } /** * The associated renderers. * * @return A renderer or null if not found. */ public SwingElementRenderer getRenderer(String id) { if (renderers != null) return renderers.get(id); return null; } /** * Set of events for a given element or null if the element has not currently * occurring events. * * @return A set of events or null if none occurring at that time. */ public ElementEvents getEventsFor(Element element) { if (eventsFor != null) return eventsFor.get(element); return null; } /** * Test if an element is pushed as dynamic. */ public boolean isElementDynamic(Element element) { if (dynamicOnes != null) return dynamicOnes.contains(element); return false; } // Command /** * Add a new graph element to the group. * * @param element * The new graph element to add. */ public void addElement(Element element) { elements.put(element.getId(), element); } /** * Remove a graph element from the group. * * @param element * The element to remove. * @return The removed element, or null if the element was not found. */ public Element removeElement(Element element) { if (eventsFor != null && eventsFor.containsKey(element)) eventsFor.remove(element); // Remove an eventual remaining event. if (dynamicOnes != null && dynamicOnes.contains(element)) dynamicOnes.remove(element); // Remove an eventual remaining dynamic // information. return elements.remove(element.getId()); } /** * Push an event specifically for the given element. Events are stacked in * order. Called by the GraphicElement. * * @param element * The element to modify with an event. * @param event * The event to push. */ protected void pushEventFor(Element element, String event) { if (elements.containsKey(element.getId())) { if (eventsFor == null) eventsFor = new HashMap(); ElementEvents evs = eventsFor.get(element); if (evs == null) { evs = new ElementEvents(element, this, event); eventsFor.put(element, evs); } else { evs.pushEvent(event); } } } /** * Pop an event for the given element. Called by the GraphicElement. * * @param element * The element. * @param event * The event. */ protected void popEventFor(Element element, String event) { if (elements.containsKey(element.getId())) { if ( eventsFor != null ) { ElementEvents evs = eventsFor.get(element); if (evs != null) { evs.popEvent(event); if (evs.eventCount() == 0) eventsFor.remove(element); } if (eventsFor.isEmpty()) eventsFor = null; } } } /** * Before drawing an element that has events, use this method to activate the * events, the style values will be modified accordingly. Events for this * element must have been registered via {@link #pushEventFor(Element, String)}. * After rendering the {@link #deactivateEvents()} MUST be called. * * @param element * The element to push events for. */ public void activateEventsFor(Element element) { ElementEvents evs = eventsFor.get(element); if (evs != null && curEvents == null) curEvents =; } /** * De-activate any events activated for an element. This method MUST be called * if {@link #activateEventsFor(Element)} has been called. */ public void deactivateEvents() { curEvents = null; } /** * Indicate the element has dynamic values and thus cannot be drawn in bulk * operations. Called by the GraphicElement. * * @param element * The element. */ protected void pushElementAsDynamic(Element element) { if (dynamicOnes == null) dynamicOnes = new HashSet(); dynamicOnes.add(element); } /** * Indicate the element has no more dynamic values and can be drawn in bulk * operations. Called by the GraphicElement. * * @param element * The element. */ protected void popElementAsDynamic(Element element) { dynamicOnes.remove(element); if (dynamicOnes.isEmpty()) dynamicOnes = null; } /** * Remove all graph elements of this group, and remove this group from the group * list of each style rule. */ public void release() { for (Rule rule : rules) rule.removeGroup(id); elements.clear(); } /** * Redefinition of the {@link Style} to forbid changing the values. */ @Override public void setValue(String property, Object value) { throw new RuntimeException("you cannot change the values of a style group."); } /** * Add a renderer to this group. * * @param id * The renderer identifier. * @param renderer * The renderer. */ public void addRenderer(String id, SwingElementRenderer renderer) { if (renderers == null) renderers = new HashMap(); renderers.put(id, renderer); } /** * Remove a renderer. * * @param id * The renderer identifier. * @return The removed renderer or null if not found. */ public SwingElementRenderer removeRenderer(String id) { return renderers.remove(id); } @Override public String toString() { return toString(-1); } @Override public String toString(int level) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String prefix = ""; String sprefix = " "; for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) prefix += sprefix; builder.append(String.format("%s%s%n", prefix, id)); builder.append(String.format("%s%sContains : ", prefix, sprefix)); for (Element element : elements.values()) { builder.append(String.format("%s ", element.getId())); } builder.append(String.format("%n%s%sStyle : ", prefix, sprefix)); for (Rule rule : rules) { builder.append(String.format("%s ", rule.selector.toString())); } builder.append(String.format("%n")); return builder.toString(); } // Nested classes /** * Description of an element that is actually modified by one or more events * occurring on it. */ public static class ElementEvents { // Attribute /** * Set of events on the element. */ protected String events[]; /** * The element. */ protected Element element; /** * The group the element pertains to. */ protected StyleGroup group; // Construction protected ElementEvents(Element element, StyleGroup group, String event) { this.element = element; = group; = new String[1]; events[0] = event; } // Access /** * The element on which the events are occurring. * * @return an element. */ public Element getElement() { return element; } /** * Number of events actually affecting the element. * * @return The number of events affecting the element. */ public int eventCount() { if (events == null) return 0; return events.length; } /** * The set of events actually occurring on the element. * * @return A set of strings. */ public String[] events() { return events; } // Command public void activate() { group.activateEventsFor(element); } public void deactivate() { group.deactivateEvents(); } protected void pushEvent(String event) { int n = events.length + 1; String e[] = new String[n]; boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { if (!events[i].equals(event)) e[i] = events[i]; else found = true; } e[events.length] = event; if (!found) events = e; } protected void popEvent(String event) { if (events.length > 1) { String e[] = new String[events.length - 1]; boolean found = false; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < events.length; i++) { if (!events[i].equals(event)) { if (j < e.length) { e[j++] = events[i]; } } else { found = true; } } if (found) events = e; } else { if (events[0].equals(event)) { events = null; } } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(String.format("%s events {", element.getId())); for (String event : events) builder.append(String.format(" %s", event)); builder.append(" }"); return builder.toString(); } } /** * Virtual set on the elements that have not dynamic style value or event. */ protected class BulkElements implements Iterable { public Iterator iterator() { return new BulkIterator(elements.values().iterator()); } } /** * Iterator on the set of elements that have no event or dynamic style values. */ protected class BulkIterator implements Iterator { /** * Iterator on the set of all elements. */ protected Iterator iterator; /** * The next element without event or dynamic style.value. */ Element next; /** * New bulk iterator positioned on the first element with no event or dynamic * style attribute. * * @param iterator * Iterator on the set of all elements. */ public BulkIterator(Iterator iterator) { this.iterator = iterator; boolean loop = true; while (loop && iterator.hasNext()) { next =; if (!elementHasEvents(next) && !elementIsDynamic(next)) loop = false; else next = null; } } public boolean hasNext() { return (next != null); } public Element next() { Element e = next; boolean loop = true; next = null; while (loop && iterator.hasNext()) { next =; if (!elementIsDynamic(next) && !elementHasEvents(next)) loop = false; else next = null; } return e; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("this iterator does not allows removing elements"); } } }

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