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org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.StyleGroupSet Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * This file is part of GraphStream .
 * GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
 * graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
 * This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
 * CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License. You can  use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
 * of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
 * URL  or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see .
 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.

 * @since 2009-07-05
 * @author Antoine Dutot 
 * @author Yoann Pigné 
 * @author Guilhelm Savin 
 * @author Alex Bowen 
 * @author Hicham Brahimi 
package org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.graphstream.graph.Edge;
import org.graphstream.graph.Element;
import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;
import org.graphstream.graph.Node;
import org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet.Rule;
import org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet.Selector;
import org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet.StyleConstants.ShadowMode;
import org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet.StyleSheet;
import org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet.StyleSheetListener;

 * A set of style groups.

* This class is in charge or storing all the style groups and to update them. * Each time an element is added or removed the groups are updated. Each time * the style sheet changes the groups are updated. *

* * @author Antoine Dutot */ public class StyleGroupSet implements StyleSheetListener { // Attribute /** * The style sheet. */ protected StyleSheet stylesheet; /** * All the groups indexed by their unique identifier. */ protected final Map groups = new TreeMap(); /** * Allows to retrieve the group containing a node knowing the node id. */ protected final Map byNodeIdGroups = new TreeMap(); /** * Allows to retrieve the group containing an edge knowing the node id. */ protected final Map byEdgeIdGroups = new TreeMap(); /** * Allows to retrieve the group containing a sprite knowing the node id. */ protected final Map bySpriteIdGroups = new TreeMap(); /** * Allows to retrieve the group containing a graph knowing the node id. */ protected final Map byGraphIdGroups = new TreeMap(); /** * Virtual set of nodes. This set provides fake methods to make it appear as a * set of nodes whereas it only maps on the node style groups. */ protected NodeSet nodeSet = new NodeSet(); /** * Virtual set of edges. This set provides fake methods to make it appear as a * set of edges whereas it only maps on the edge style groups. */ protected EdgeSet edgeSet = new EdgeSet(); /** * Virtual set of sprites. This set provides fake methods to make it appear as a * set of sprites whereas it only maps on the sprite style groups. */ protected SpriteSet spriteSet = new SpriteSet(); /** * Virtual set of graphs. This set provides fake methods to make it appear as a * set of graphs whereas it only maps on the graph style groups. */ protected GraphSet graphSet = new GraphSet(); /** * The set of events actually occurring. */ protected EventSet eventSet = new EventSet(); /** * The groups sorted by their Z index. */ protected ZIndex zIndex = new ZIndex(); /** * Set of groups that cast shadow. */ protected ShadowSet shadow = new ShadowSet(); /** * Remove groups if they become empty?. */ protected boolean removeEmptyGroups = true; /** * Set of listeners. */ protected ArrayList listeners = new ArrayList<>(); // Construction /** * New empty style group set, using the given style sheet to create style * groups. The group set installs itself as a listener of the style sheet. So in * order to completely stop using such a group, you must call * {@link #release()}. * * @param stylesheet * The style sheet to use to create groups. */ public StyleGroupSet(StyleSheet stylesheet) { this.stylesheet = stylesheet; stylesheet.addListener(this); } // Access /** * Number of groups. * * @return The number of groups. */ public int getGroupCount() { return groups.size(); } /** * Return a group by its unique identifier. The way group identifier are * constructed reflects their contents. * * @param groupId * The group identifier. * @return The corresponding group or null if not found. */ public StyleGroup getGroup(String groupId) { return groups.get(groupId); } /** * Iterator on the set of groups in no particular order. * * @return An iterator on the group set. */ public Iterator getGroupIterator() { return groups.values().iterator(); } /** * Iterable set of groups elements, in no particular order. * * @return An iterable on the set of groups. */ public Iterable groups() { return groups.values(); } /** * Iterator on the Z index. * * @return The z index iterator. */ public Iterator> getZIterator() { return zIndex.getIterator(); } /** * Iterable set of "subsets of groups" sorted by Z level. Each subset of groups * is at the same Z level. * * @return The z levels. */ public Iterable> zIndex() { return zIndex; } /** * Iterator on the style groups that cast a shadow. * * @return The shadow groups iterator. */ public Iterator getShadowIterator() { return shadow.getIterator(); } /** * Iterable set of groups that cast shadow. * * @return All the groups that cast a shadow. */ public Iterable shadows() { return shadow; } /** * True if the set contains and styles the node whose identifier is given. * * @param id * The node identifier. * @return True if the node is in this set. */ public boolean containsNode(String id) { return byNodeIdGroups.containsKey(id); } /** * True if the set contains and styles the edge whose identifier is given. * * @param id * The edge identifier. * @return True if the edge is in this set. */ public boolean containsEdge(String id) { return byEdgeIdGroups.containsKey(id); } /** * True if the set contains and styles the sprite whose identifier is given. * * @param id * The sprite identifier. * @return True if the sprite is in this set. */ public boolean containsSprite(String id) { return bySpriteIdGroups.containsKey(id); } /** * True if the set contains and styles the graph whose identifier is given. * * @param id * The graph identifier. * @return True if the graph is in this set. */ public boolean containsGraph(String id) { return byGraphIdGroups.containsKey(id); } /** * Get an element. * * @param id * The element id. * @param elt2grp * The kind of element. * @return The element or null if not found. */ protected Element getElement(String id, Map elt2grp) { String gid = elt2grp.get(id); if (gid != null) { StyleGroup group = groups.get(gid); return group.getElement(id); } return null; } /** * Get a node element knowing its identifier. * * @param id * The node identifier. * @return The node if it is in this set, else null. */ public Node getNode(String id) { return (Node) getElement(id, byNodeIdGroups); } /** * Get an edge element knowing its identifier. * * @param id * The edge identifier. * @return The edge if it is in this set, else null. */ public Edge getEdge(String id) { return (Edge) getElement(id, byEdgeIdGroups); } /** * Get a sprite element knowing its identifier. * * @param id * The sprite identifier. * @return The sprite if it is in this set, else null. */ public GraphicSprite getSprite(String id) { return (GraphicSprite) getElement(id, bySpriteIdGroups); } /** * Get a graph element knowing its identifier. * * @param id * The graph identifier. * @return The graph if it is in this set, else null. */ public Graph getGraph(String id) { return (Graph) getElement(id, byGraphIdGroups); } /** * The number of nodes referenced. * * @return The node count. */ public int getNodeCount() { return byNodeIdGroups.size(); } /** * The number of edges referenced. * * @return The edge count. */ public int getEdgeCount() { return byEdgeIdGroups.size(); } /** * The number of sprites referenced. * * @return The sprite count. */ public int getSpriteCount() { return bySpriteIdGroups.size(); } /** * Iterator on the set of nodes. * * @return An iterator on all node elements contained in style groups. */ public Iterator getNodeIterator() { return new ElementIterator(byNodeIdGroups); } /** * Iterator on the set of graphs. * * @return An iterator on all graph elements contained in style groups. */ public Iterator getGraphIterator() { return new ElementIterator(byGraphIdGroups); } public Stream nodes() { return byNodeIdGroups.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> { return (Node) groups.get(entry.getValue()).getElement(entry.getKey()); }); } public Stream edges() { return byEdgeIdGroups.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> { return (Edge) groups.get(entry.getValue()).getElement(entry.getKey()); }); } public Stream sprites() { return bySpriteIdGroups.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> { return (GraphicSprite) groups.get(entry.getValue()).getElement(entry.getKey()); }); } /** * Iterable set of graphs. * * @return The set of all graphs. */ public Iterable graphs() { return graphSet; } /** * Iterator on the set of edges. * * @return An iterator on all edge elements contained in style groups. */ public Iterator getEdgeIterator() { return new ElementIterator(byEdgeIdGroups); } /** * Iterator on the set of sprite. * * @return An iterator on all sprite elements contained in style groups. */ public Iterator getSpriteIterator() { return new ElementIterator(bySpriteIdGroups); } /** * Retrieve the group identifier of an element knowing the element identifier. * * @param element * The element to search for. * @return Identifier of the group containing the element. */ public String getElementGroup(Element element) { if (element instanceof Node) { return byNodeIdGroups.get(element.getId()); } else if (element instanceof Edge) { return byEdgeIdGroups.get(element.getId()); } else if (element instanceof GraphicSprite) { return bySpriteIdGroups.get(element.getId()); } else if (element instanceof Graph) { return byGraphIdGroups.get(element.getId()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("What ?"); } } /** * Get the style of an element. * * @param element * The element to search for. * @return The style group of the element (which is also a style). */ public StyleGroup getStyleForElement(Element element) { String gid = getElementGroup(element); return groups.get(gid); } /** * Get the style of a given node. * * @param node * The node to search for. * @return The node style. */ public StyleGroup getStyleFor(Node node) { String gid = byNodeIdGroups.get(node.getId()); return groups.get(gid); } /** * Get the style of a given edge. * * @param edge * The edge to search for. * @return The edge style. */ public StyleGroup getStyleFor(Edge edge) { String gid = byEdgeIdGroups.get(edge.getId()); return groups.get(gid); } /** * Get the style of a given sprite. * * @param sprite * The node to search for. * @return The sprite style. */ public StyleGroup getStyleFor(GraphicSprite sprite) { String gid = bySpriteIdGroups.get(sprite.getId()); return groups.get(gid); } /** * Get the style of a given graph. * * @param graph * The node to search for. * @return The graph style. */ public StyleGroup getStyleFor(Graph graph) { String gid = byGraphIdGroups.get(graph.getId()); return groups.get(gid); } /** * True if groups are removed when becoming empty. This setting allows to keep * empty group when the set of elements is quite dynamic. This allows to avoid * recreting groups when an element appears and disappears regularly. * * @return True if the groups are removed when empty. */ public boolean areEmptyGroupRemoved() { return removeEmptyGroups; } /** * The Z index object. * * @return The Z index. */ public ZIndex getZIndex() { return zIndex; } /** * The set of style groups that cast a shadow. * * @return The set of shadowed style groups. */ public ShadowSet getShadowSet() { return shadow; } // Command /** * Release any dependency to the style sheet. */ public void release() { stylesheet.removeListener(this); } /** * Empties this style group set. The style sheet is listener is not removed, use * {@link #release()} to do that. */ public void clear() { byEdgeIdGroups.clear(); byNodeIdGroups.clear(); bySpriteIdGroups.clear(); byGraphIdGroups.clear(); groups.clear(); zIndex.clear(); shadow.clear(); } /** * Remove or keep groups that becomes empty, if true the groups are removed. If * this setting was set to false, and is now true, the group set is purged of * the empty groups. * * @param on * If true the groups will be removed. */ public void setRemoveEmptyGroups(boolean on) { if (removeEmptyGroups == false && on == true) { Iterator i = groups.values().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { StyleGroup g =; if (g.isEmpty()) i.remove(); } } removeEmptyGroups = on; } protected StyleGroup addGroup(String id, ArrayList rules, Element firstElement) { StyleGroup group = new StyleGroup(id, rules, firstElement, eventSet); groups.put(id, group); zIndex.groupAdded(group); shadow.groupAdded(group); return group; } protected void removeGroup(StyleGroup group) { zIndex.groupRemoved(group); shadow.groupRemoved(group); groups.remove(group.getId()); group.release(); } /** * Add an element and bind it to its style group. The group is created if * needed. * * @param element * The element to add. * @return The style group where the element was added. */ public StyleGroup addElement(Element element) { StyleGroup group = addElement_(element); for (StyleGroupListener listener : listeners) listener.elementStyleChanged(element, null, group); return group; } protected StyleGroup addElement_(Element element) { ArrayList rules = stylesheet.getRulesFor(element); String gid = stylesheet.getStyleGroupIdFor(element, rules); StyleGroup group = groups.get(gid); if (group == null) group = addGroup(gid, rules, element); else group.addElement(element); addElementToReverseSearch(element, gid); return group; } /** * Remove an element from the group set. If the group becomes empty after the * element removal, depending on the setting of {@link #areEmptyGroupRemoved()}, * the group is deleted or kept. Keeping groups allows to handle faster elements * that constantly appear and disappear. * * @param element * The element to remove. */ public void removeElement(Element element) { String gid = getElementGroup(element); if (null == gid) { return; } StyleGroup group = groups.get(gid); if (group != null) { group.removeElement(element); removeElementFromReverseSearch(element); if (removeEmptyGroups && group.isEmpty()) removeGroup(group); } } /** * Check if an element need to change from a style group to another. * *

* When an element can have potentially changed style due to some of its * attributes (ui.class for example), instead of removing it then reading it, * use this method to move the element from its current style group to a * potentially different style group. *

* *

* Explanation of this method : checking the style of an element may be done by * removing it ({@link #removeElement(Element)}) and then re-adding it ( * {@link #addElement(Element)}). This must be done by the element since it * knows when to check this. However you cannot only remove and add, since the * style group inside which the element is can have events occurring on it, and * these events must be passed from its old style to its new style. This method * does all this information passing. *

* * @param element * The element to move. */ public void checkElementStyleGroup(Element element) { StyleGroup oldGroup = getGroup(getElementGroup(element)); // Get the old element "dynamic" status. boolean isDyn = false; // Get the old event set for the given element. StyleGroup.ElementEvents events = null; if (oldGroup != null) { isDyn = oldGroup.isElementDynamic(element); events = oldGroup.getEventsFor(element); } // Remove the element from its old style and add it to insert it in the // correct style. removeElement(element); addElement_(element); // Eventually push the events on the new style group. StyleGroup newGroup = getGroup(getElementGroup(element)); if (newGroup != null && events != null) { for (String event : pushEventFor(element, event); } for (StyleGroupListener listener : listeners) listener.elementStyleChanged(element, oldGroup, newGroup); // Eventually set the element as dynamic, if it was. if (newGroup != null && isDyn) newGroup.pushElementAsDynamic(element); } protected void addElementToReverseSearch(Element element, String groupId) { if (element instanceof Node) { byNodeIdGroups.put(element.getId(), groupId); } else if (element instanceof Edge) { byEdgeIdGroups.put(element.getId(), groupId); } else if (element instanceof GraphicSprite) { bySpriteIdGroups.put(element.getId(), groupId); } else if (element instanceof Graph) { byGraphIdGroups.put(element.getId(), groupId); } else { throw new RuntimeException("What ?"); } } protected void removeElementFromReverseSearch(Element element) { if (element instanceof Node) { byNodeIdGroups.remove(element.getId()); } else if (element instanceof Edge) { byEdgeIdGroups.remove(element.getId()); } else if (element instanceof GraphicSprite) { bySpriteIdGroups.remove(element.getId()); } else if (element instanceof Graph) { byGraphIdGroups.remove(element.getId()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("What ?"); } } /** * Push a global event on the event stack. Events trigger the replacement of a * style by an alternative style (or meta-class) when possible. If an event is * on the event stack, each time a style has an alternative corresponding to the * event, the alternative is used instead of the style. * * @param event * The event to push. */ public void pushEvent(String event) { eventSet.pushEvent(event); } /** * Push an event specifically for a given element. This is normally done * automatically by the graphic element. * * @param element * The element considered. * @param event * The event to push. */ public void pushEventFor(Element element, String event) { StyleGroup group = getGroup(getElementGroup(element)); if (group != null) group.pushEventFor(element, event); } /** * Pop a global event from the event set. * * @param event * The event to remove. */ public void popEvent(String event) { eventSet.popEvent(event); } /** * Pop an event specifically for a given element. This is normally done * automatically by the graphic element. * * @param element * The element considered. * @param event * The event to pop. */ public void popEventFor(Element element, String event) { StyleGroup group = getGroup(getElementGroup(element)); if (group != null) group.popEventFor(element, event); } /** * Specify the given element has dynamic style attribute values. This is * normally done automatically by the graphic element. * * @param element * The element to add to the dynamic subset. */ public void pushElementAsDynamic(Element element) { StyleGroup group = getGroup(getElementGroup(element)); if (group != null) group.pushElementAsDynamic(element); } /** * Remove the given element from the subset of elements having dynamic style * attribute values. This is normally done automatically by the graphic element. * * @param element * The element to remove from the dynamic subset. */ public void popElementAsDynamic(Element element) { StyleGroup group = getGroup(getElementGroup(element)); if (group != null) group.popElementAsDynamic(element); } /** * Add a listener for element style changes. * * @param listener * The listener to add. */ public void addListener(StyleGroupListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } /** * Remove a style change listener. * * @param listener * The listener to remove. */ public void removeListener(StyleGroupListener listener) { int index = listeners.lastIndexOf(listener); if (index >= 0) { listeners.remove(index); } } // Listener -- What to do when a change occurs in the style sheet. public void styleAdded(Rule oldRule, Rule newRule) { // When a style change, we need to update groups. // Several cases : // 1. The style already exists // * Nothing to do in fact. All the elements are still in place. // No style rule (selectors) changed, and therefore we do not have // to change the groups since they are built using the selectors. // 2. The style is new // * we need to check all the groups concerning this kind of element (we // can // restrict our search to these groups, since other will not be // impacted), // and check all elements of these groups. if (oldRule == null) checkForNewStyle(newRule); // no need to check Z and shadow, done // when adding/changing group. else checkZIndexAndShadow(oldRule, newRule); } public void styleSheetCleared() { ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(); for (Element element : graphs()) elements.add(element); nodes().forEach(elements::add); edges().forEach(elements::add); sprites().forEach(elements::add); clear(); elements.forEach(this::removeElement); elements.forEach(this::addElement); } /** * Check each group that may have changed, for example to rebuild the Z index * and the shadow set. * * @param oldRule * The old rule that changed. * @param newRule * The new rule that participated in the change. */ protected void checkZIndexAndShadow(Rule oldRule, Rule newRule) { if (oldRule != null) { if (oldRule.selector.getId() != null || oldRule.selector.getClazz() != null) { // We may accelerate things a bit when a class or id style is // modified, // since only the groups listed in the style are concerned (we // are at the // bottom of the inheritance tree). if (oldRule.getGroups() != null) for (String s : oldRule.getGroups()) { StyleGroup group = groups.get(s); if (group != null) { zIndex.groupChanged(group); shadow.groupChanged(group); } } } else { // For kind styles "NODE", "EDGE", "GRAPH", "SPRITE", we must // reset // the whole Z and shadows for the kind, since several styles // may // have changed. Selector.Type type = oldRule.selector.type; for (StyleGroup group : groups.values()) { if (group.getType() == type) { zIndex.groupChanged(group); shadow.groupChanged(group); } } } } } /** * We try to avoid at most to affect anew styles to elements and to recreate * groups, which is time consuming. * * Two cases : *
  1. The style is an specific (id) style. In this case a new group may be * added. *
    • check an element matches the style and in this case create the group by * adding the element.
    • *
    • else do nothing.
    • *
  2. *
  3. The style is a kind or class style. *
    • check all the groups in the kind of the style (graph, node, edge, sprite) * and only in this kind (since other will never be affected).
    • *
    • remove all groups of this kind.
    • *
    • add all elements of this kind anew to recreate the group.
    • *
  4. *
*/ protected void checkForNewStyle(Rule newRule) { switch (newRule.selector.type) { case GRAPH: if (newRule.selector.getId() != null) checkForNewIdStyle(newRule, byGraphIdGroups); else checkForNewStyle(newRule, byGraphIdGroups); break; case NODE: if (newRule.selector.getId() != null) checkForNewIdStyle(newRule, byNodeIdGroups); else checkForNewStyle(newRule, byNodeIdGroups); break; case EDGE: if (newRule.selector.getId() != null) checkForNewIdStyle(newRule, byEdgeIdGroups); else checkForNewStyle(newRule, byEdgeIdGroups); break; case SPRITE: if (newRule.selector.getId() != null) checkForNewIdStyle(newRule, bySpriteIdGroups); else checkForNewStyle(newRule, bySpriteIdGroups); break; case ANY: default: throw new RuntimeException("What ?"); } } /** * Check for a new specific style (applies only to one element). * * @param newRule * The new style rule. * @param elt2grp * The name space. */ protected void checkForNewIdStyle(Rule newRule, Map elt2grp) { // There is only one element that matches the identifier. Element element = getElement(newRule.selector.getId(), elt2grp); if (element != null) { checkElementStyleGroup(element); // removeElement( element ); // Remove the element from its old // group. Potentially delete a group. // addElement( element ); // Add the element to its new own group // (since this is an ID style). } } /** * Check for a new kind or class style in a given name space (node, edge, * sprite, graph). * * @param newRule * The new style rule. * @param elt2grp * The name space. */ protected void checkForNewStyle(Rule newRule, Map elt2grp) { elt2grp.keySet().stream().map(eltId -> getElement(eltId, elt2grp)).collect(Collectors.toList()) .forEach(this::checkElementStyleGroup); } // Utility @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(String.format("Style groups (%d) :%n", groups.size())); for (StyleGroup group : groups.values()) { builder.append(group.toString(1)); builder.append(String.format("%n")); } return builder.toString(); } // Inner classes /** * Set of events (meta-classes) actually active. * *

* The event set contains the set of events actually occurring. This is used to * select alternate styles. The events actually occurring are in precedence * order. The last one is the most important. *

* * @author Antoine Dutot */ public class EventSet { public ArrayList eventSet = new ArrayList(); public String events[] = new String[0]; /** * Add an event to the set. * * @param event * The event to add. */ public void pushEvent(String event) { eventSet.add(event); events = eventSet.toArray(events); } /** * Remove an event from the set. * * @param event * The event to remove. */ public void popEvent(String event) { int index = eventSet.lastIndexOf(event); if (index >= 0) eventSet.remove(index); events = eventSet.toArray(events); } /** * The set of events in order, the most important at the end. * * @return The event set. */ public String[] getEvents() { return events; } } /** * All the style groups sorted by their Z index. * *

* This structure is maintained by each time a group is added or removed, or * when the style of a group changed. *

* * @author Antoine Dutot */ public class ZIndex implements Iterable> { /** * Ordered set of groups. */ public ArrayList> zIndex = new ArrayList>(); /** * Knowing a group, tell if its Z index. */ public HashMap reverseZIndex = new HashMap(); /** * New empty Z index. */ public ZIndex() { initZIndex(); } protected void initZIndex() { zIndex.ensureCapacity(256); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) zIndex.add(null); } /** * Iterator on the set of Z index cells. Each item is a set of style groups that * pertain to the same Z index. * * @return Iterator on the Z index. */ protected Iterator> getIterator() { return new ZIndexIterator(); } public Iterator> iterator() { return getIterator(); } /** * A new group appeared, put it in the z index. * * @param group * The group to add. */ protected void groupAdded(StyleGroup group) { int z = convertZ(group.getZIndex()); if (zIndex.get(z) == null) zIndex.set(z, new HashSet()); zIndex.get(z).add(group); reverseZIndex.put(group.getId(), z); } /** * A group eventually changed, check its location. * * @param group * The group to check. */ protected void groupChanged(StyleGroup group) { int oldZ = reverseZIndex.get(group.getId()); int newZ = convertZ(group.getZIndex()); if (oldZ != newZ) { HashSet map = zIndex.get(oldZ); if (map != null) { map.remove(group); reverseZIndex.remove(group.getId()); if (map.isEmpty()) zIndex.set(oldZ, null); } groupAdded(group); } } /** * A group was removed, remove it from the Z index. * * @param group * The group to remove. */ protected void groupRemoved(StyleGroup group) { int z = convertZ(group.getZIndex()); HashSet map = zIndex.get(z); if (map != null) { map.remove(group); reverseZIndex.remove(group.getId()); if (map.isEmpty()) zIndex.set(z, null); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistency in Z-index"); } } public void clear() { zIndex.clear(); reverseZIndex.clear(); initZIndex(); } /** * Convert a [-127,127] value into a [0,255] value and check bounds. * * @param z * The Z value to convert. * @return The Z value converted and bounded to [0,255]. */ protected int convertZ(int z) { z += 127; if (z < 0) z = 0; else if (z > 255) z = 255; return z; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(String.format("Z index :%n")); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (zIndex.get(i) != null) { sb.append(String.format(" * %d -> ", i - 127)); HashSet map = zIndex.get(i); for (StyleGroup g : map) sb.append(String.format("%s ", g.getId())); sb.append(String.format("%n")); } } return sb.toString(); } public class ZIndexIterator implements Iterator> { public int index = 0; public ZIndexIterator() { zapUntilACell(); } protected void zapUntilACell() { while (index < 256 && zIndex.get(index) == null) index++; } public boolean hasNext() { return (index < 256); } public HashSet next() { if (hasNext()) { HashSet cell = zIndex.get(index); index++; zapUntilACell(); return cell; } return null; } public void remove() { throw new RuntimeException("This iterator does not support removal."); } } } /** * Set of groups that cast a shadow. * * @author Antoine Dutot */ public class ShadowSet implements Iterable { /** * The set of groups casting shadow. */ protected HashSet shadowSet = new HashSet(); /** * Iterator on the set of groups that cast a shadow. * * @return An iterator on the shadow style group set. */ protected Iterator getIterator() { return shadowSet.iterator(); } public Iterator iterator() { return getIterator(); } /** * A group appeared, check its shadow status. * * @param group * The group added. */ protected void groupAdded(StyleGroup group) { if (group.getShadowMode() != ShadowMode.NONE) shadowSet.add(group); } /** * A group eventually changed, check its shadow status. * * @param group * The group that changed. */ protected void groupChanged(StyleGroup group) { if (group.getShadowMode() == ShadowMode.NONE) shadowSet.remove(group); else shadowSet.add(group); } /** * A group was removed, remove it from the shadow if needed. * * @param group * The group removed. */ protected void groupRemoved(StyleGroup group) { // Faster than to first test its existence or shadow status : shadowSet.remove(group); } protected void clear() { shadowSet.clear(); } } /** * Iterator that allows to browse all graph elements of a given kind (nodes, * edges, sprites, graphs) as if they where in a single set, whereas they are in * style groups. * * @author Antoine Dutot * @param * The kind of graph element. */ protected class ElementIterator implements Iterator { protected Map elt2grp; protected Iterator elts; public ElementIterator(final Map elements2groups) { elt2grp = elements2groups; elts = elements2groups.keySet().iterator(); } public boolean hasNext() { return elts.hasNext(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public E next() { String eid =; String gid = elt2grp.get(eid); StyleGroup grp = groups.get(gid); return (E) grp.getElement(eid); } public void remove() { throw new RuntimeException("remove not implemented in this iterator"); } } /** * Dummy set of nodes. */ protected class NodeSet implements Iterable { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Iterator iterator() { return (Iterator) getNodeIterator(); } } /** * Dummy set of edges. */ protected class EdgeSet implements Iterable { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Iterator iterator() { return (Iterator) getEdgeIterator(); } } /** * Dummy set of sprites. */ protected class SpriteSet implements Iterable { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Iterator iterator() { return (Iterator) getSpriteIterator(); } } protected class GraphSet implements Iterable { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Iterator iterator() { return (Iterator) getGraphIterator(); } } }

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