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org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet.Style Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * This file is part of GraphStream .
 * GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
 * graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
 * This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
 * CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License. You can  use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
 * of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
 * URL  or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see .
 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.

 * @since 2009-02-19
 * @author Guilhelm Savin 
 * @author Yoann Pigné 
 * @author Antoine Dutot 
 * @author Tim Wundke 
 * @author Hicham Brahimi 
package org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.stylesheet;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

 * A style is a whole set of settings for a graphic element.

* Styles inherit each others. By default a style is all set to invalid values * meaning "unset". This means that the value is to be taken from the parent. * The getters are able to resolve this process by themselves and therefore must * be used instead of a direct access to fields. *

*/ public class Style extends StyleConstants { // Attributes /** * The vertical part of the cascade. */ protected Rule parent = null; /** * The values of each style property. */ protected HashMap values = null; /** * The set of special styles that must override this style when some event * occurs. */ protected HashMap alternates = null; // Constructors /** * New style with all settings to a special value meaning "unset". In this * modeField, all the settings are inherited from the parent (when set). */ public Style() { this(null); } /** * New style with all settings to a special value meaning "unset". In this * modeField, all the settings are inherited from the parent. * * @param parent * The parent style. */ public Style(Rule parent) { this.parent = parent; this.values = new HashMap(); } // Access /** * The parent style. * * @return a style from which some settings are inherited. */ public Rule getParent() { return parent; } /** * Get the value of a given property. * * This code is the same for all "getX" methods so we explain it once here. This * is the implementation of style inheritance. * * First if some event is actually occurring, the alternative styles are * searched first. If these events have unset values for the property, their * parent are then searched. * * If the value for the property is not found in the alternative styles, * alternative styles parents, or if there is no event occurring actually, this * style is checked. * * If its value is unset, the parents of this style are checked. * * Classes are not checked here, they are processed in the * {@link org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.StyleGroup} class. * * @param property * The style property the value is searched for. */ public Object getValue(String property, String... events) { if (events != null && events.length > 0)// && alternates != null ) { Object o = null; int i = events.length - 1; do { o = getValueForEvent(property, events[i]); i--; } while (o == null && i >= 0); if (o != null) return o; } Object value = values.get(property); if (value == null) { if (parent != null) return, events); } return value; } protected Object getValueForEvent(String property, String event) { if (alternates != null) { Rule rule = alternates.get(event); if (rule != null) { Object o = rule.getStyle().values.get(property); if (o != null) return o; } } else if (parent != null) { return, event); } return null; } /** * True if the given field exists in this style only (not the parents). * * @param field * The field to test. * @return True if this style has a value for the given field. */ public boolean hasValue(String field, String... events) { boolean hasValue = false; if (events != null && events.length > 0 && alternates != null) { for (String event : events) { Rule rule = alternates.get(event); if (rule != null) { if (rule.getStyle().hasValue(field)) { hasValue = true; break; } } } } if (!hasValue) { hasValue = (values.get(field) != null); } return hasValue; } // Individual style properties. /** * How to fill the content of an element. */ public FillMode getFillMode() { return (FillMode) getValue("fill-mode"); } /** * Which color(s) to use for fill modes that use it. */ public Colors getFillColors() { return (Colors) getValue("fill-color"); } public int getFillColorCount() { Colors colors = (Colors) getValue("fill-color"); if (colors != null) return colors.size(); return 0; } public Color getFillColor(int i) { Colors colors = (Colors) getValue("fill-color"); if (colors != null) return colors.get(i); return null; } /** * Which image to use when filling the element contents with it. */ public String getFillImage() { return (String) getValue("fill-image"); } /** * How to draw the element contour. */ public StrokeMode getStrokeMode() { return (StrokeMode) getValue("stroke-mode"); } /** * How to color the element contour. */ public Colors getStrokeColor() { return (Colors) getValue("stroke-color"); } public int getStrokeColorCount() { Colors colors = (Colors) getValue("stroke-color"); if (colors != null) return colors.size(); return 0; } public Color getStrokeColor(int i) { Colors colors = (Colors) getValue("stroke-color"); if (colors != null) return colors.get(i); return null; } /** * Width of the element contour. */ public Value getStrokeWidth() { return (Value) getValue("stroke-width"); } /** * How to draw the shadow of the element. */ public ShadowMode getShadowMode() { return (ShadowMode) getValue("shadow-mode"); } /** * Color(s) of the element shadow. */ public Colors getShadowColors() { return (Colors) getValue("shadow-color"); } public int getShadowColorCount() { Colors colors = (Colors) getValue("shadow-color"); if (colors != null) return colors.size(); return 0; } public Color getShadowColor(int i) { Colors colors = (Colors) getValue("shadow-color"); if (colors != null) return colors.get(i); return null; } /** * Width of the element shadow. */ public Value getShadowWidth() { return (Value) getValue("shadow-width"); } /** * Offset of the element shadow centre according to the element centre. */ public Values getShadowOffset() { return (Values) getValue("shadow-offset"); } /** * Additional space to add inside the element between its contour and its * contents. */ public Values getPadding() { return (Values) getValue("padding"); } /** * How to draw the text of the element. */ public TextMode getTextMode() { return (TextMode) getValue("text-mode"); } /** * How and when to show the text of the element. */ public TextVisibilityMode getTextVisibilityMode() { return (TextVisibilityMode) getValue("text-visibility-mode"); } /** * Visibility values if the text visibility changes. */ public Values getTextVisibility() { return (Values) getValue("text-visibility"); } /** * The text color(s). */ public Colors getTextColor() { return (Colors) getValue("text-color"); } public int getTextColorCount() { Colors colors = (Colors) getValue("text-color"); if (colors != null) return colors.size(); return 0; } public Color getTextColor(int i) { Colors colors = (Colors) getValue("text-color"); if (colors != null) return colors.get(i); return null; } /** * The text font style variation. */ public TextStyle getTextStyle() { return (TextStyle) getValue("text-style"); } /** * The text font. */ public String getTextFont() { return (String) getValue("text-font"); } /** * The text size in points. */ public Value getTextSize() { return (Value) getValue("text-size"); } /** * How to draw the icon around the text (or instead of the text). */ public IconMode getIconMode() { return (IconMode) getValue("icon-mode"); } /** * The icon image to use. */ public String getIcon() { return (String) getValue("icon"); } /** * How and when to show the element. */ public VisibilityMode getVisibilityMode() { return (VisibilityMode) getValue("visibility-mode"); } /** * The element visibility if it is variable. */ public Values getVisibility() { return (Values) getValue("visibility"); } /** * How to size the element. */ public SizeMode getSizeMode() { return (SizeMode) getValue("size-mode"); } /** * The element dimensions. */ public Values getSize() { return (Values) getValue("size"); } /** * The element polygonal shape. */ public Values getShapePoints() { return (Values) getValue("shape-points"); } /** * How to align the text according to the element centre. */ public TextAlignment getTextAlignment() { return (TextAlignment) getValue("text-alignment"); } public TextBackgroundMode getTextBackgroundMode() { return (TextBackgroundMode) getValue("text-background-mode"); } public Colors getTextBackgroundColor() { return (Colors) getValue("text-background-color"); } public Color getTextBackgroundColor(int i) { Colors colors = (Colors) getValue("text-background-color"); if (colors != null) return colors.get(i); return null; } /** * Offset of the text from its computed position. */ public Values getTextOffset() { return (Values) getValue("text-offset"); } /** * Padding of the text inside its background, if any. */ public Values getTextPadding() { return (Values) getValue("text-padding"); } /** * The element shape. */ public Shape getShape() { return (Shape) getValue("shape"); } /** * The element JComponent type if available. */ public JComponents getJComponent() { return (JComponents) getValue("jcomponent"); } /** * How to orient a sprite according to its attachement. */ public SpriteOrientation getSpriteOrientation() { return (SpriteOrientation) getValue("sprite-orientation"); } /** * The shape of edges arrows. */ public ArrowShape getArrowShape() { return (ArrowShape) getValue("arrow-shape"); } /** * Image to use for the arrow. */ public String getArrowImage() { return (String) getValue("arrow-image"); } /** * Edge arrow dimensions. */ public Values getArrowSize() { return (Values) getValue("arrow-size"); } /** * Colour of all non-graph, non-edge, non-node, non-sprite things. */ public Colors getCanvasColor() { return (Colors) getValue("canvas-color"); } public int getCanvasColorCount() { Colors colors = (Colors) getValue("canvas-color"); if (colors != null) return colors.size(); return 0; } public Color getCanvasColor(int i) { Colors colors = (Colors) getValue("canvas-color"); if (colors != null) return colors.get(i); return null; } public Integer getZIndex() { return (Integer) getValue("z-index"); } // Commands /** * Set the default values for each setting. */ public void setDefaults() { Colors fillColor = new Colors(); Colors strokeColor = new Colors(); Colors shadowColor = new Colors(); Colors textColor = new Colors(); Colors canvasColor = new Colors(); Colors textBgColor = new Colors(); fillColor.add(Color.BLACK); strokeColor.add(Color.BLACK); shadowColor.add(Color.GRAY); textColor.add(Color.BLACK); canvasColor.add(Color.WHITE); textBgColor.add(Color.WHITE); values.put("z-index", new Integer(0)); values.put("fill-mode", FillMode.PLAIN); values.put("fill-color", fillColor); values.put("fill-image", null); values.put("stroke-mode", StrokeMode.NONE); values.put("stroke-color", strokeColor); values.put("stroke-width", new Value(Units.PX, 1)); values.put("shadow-mode", ShadowMode.NONE); values.put("shadow-color", shadowColor); values.put("shadow-width", new Value(Units.PX, 3)); values.put("shadow-offset", new Values(Units.PX, 3, 3)); values.put("padding", new Values(Units.PX, 0, 0, 0)); values.put("text-mode", TextMode.NORMAL); values.put("text-visibility-mode", TextVisibilityMode.NORMAL); values.put("text-visibility", null); values.put("text-color", textColor); values.put("text-style", TextStyle.NORMAL); values.put("text-font", "default"); values.put("text-size", new Value(Units.PX, 10)); values.put("text-alignment", TextAlignment.CENTER); values.put("text-background-mode", TextBackgroundMode.NONE); values.put("text-background-color", textBgColor); values.put("text-offset", new Values(Units.PX, 0, 0)); values.put("text-padding", new Values(Units.PX, 0, 0)); values.put("icon-mode", IconMode.NONE); values.put("icon", null); values.put("visibility-mode", VisibilityMode.NORMAL); values.put("visibility", null); values.put("size-mode", SizeMode.NORMAL); values.put("size", new Values(Units.PX, 10, 10, 10)); values.put("shape", Shape.CIRCLE); values.put("shape-points", null); values.put("jcomponent", null); values.put("sprite-orientation", SpriteOrientation.NONE); values.put("arrow-shape", ArrowShape.ARROW); values.put("arrow-size", new Values(Units.PX, 8, 4)); values.put("arrow-image", null); values.put("canvas-color", canvasColor); } /** * Copy all the settings of the other style that are set, excepted the parent. * Only the settings that have a value (different from "unset") are copied. The * parent field is never copied. * * @param other * Another style. */ public void augment(Style other) { if (other != this) { augmentField("z-index", other); augmentField("fill-mode", other); augmentField("fill-color", other); augmentField("fill-image", other); augmentField("stroke-mode", other); augmentField("stroke-color", other); augmentField("stroke-width", other); augmentField("shadow-mode", other); augmentField("shadow-color", other); augmentField("shadow-width", other); augmentField("shadow-offset", other); augmentField("padding", other); augmentField("text-mode", other); augmentField("text-visibility-mode", other); augmentField("text-visibility", other); augmentField("text-color", other); augmentField("text-style", other); augmentField("text-font", other); augmentField("text-size", other); augmentField("text-alignment", other); augmentField("text-background-mode", other); augmentField("text-background-color", other); augmentField("text-offset", other); augmentField("text-padding", other); augmentField("icon-mode", other); augmentField("icon", other); augmentField("visibility-mode", other); augmentField("visibility", other); augmentField("size-mode", other); augmentField("size", other); augmentField("shape", other); augmentField("shape-points", other); augmentField("jcomponent", other); augmentField("sprite-orientation", other); augmentField("arrow-shape", other); augmentField("arrow-size", other); augmentField("arrow-image", other); augmentField("canvas-color", other); } } protected void augmentField(String field, Style other) { Object value = other.values.get(field); if (value != null) { if (value instanceof Value) setValue(field, new Value((Value) value)); else if (value instanceof Values) setValue(field, new Values((Values) value)); else if (value instanceof Colors) setValue(field, new Colors((Colors) value)); else setValue(field, value); } } /** * Set or change the parent of the style. * * @param parent * The new parent. */ public void reparent(Rule parent) { this.parent = parent; } /** * Add an alternative style for specific events. * * @param event * The event that triggers the alternate style. * @param alternateStyle * The alternative style. */ public void addAlternateStyle(String event, Rule alternateStyle) { if (alternates == null) alternates = new HashMap(); alternates.put(event, alternateStyle); } // Commands -- Setters public void setValue(String field, Object value) { values.put(field, value); } // Utility @Override public String toString() { return toString(-1); } public String toString(int level) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String prefix = ""; String sprefix = " "; if (level > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) prefix += " "; } // builder.append( String.format( "%s%s%n", prefix, super.toString() ) // ); if (parent != null) { Rule p = parent; while (!(p == null)) { builder.append(String.format(" -> %s", p.selector.toString())); p = p.getStyle().getParent(); } } builder.append(String.format("%n")); Iterator i = values.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String key =; Object o = values.get(key); if (o instanceof ArrayList) { ArrayList array = (ArrayList) o; if (array.size() > 0) { builder.append(String.format("%s%s%s%s: ", prefix, sprefix, sprefix, key)); for (Object p : array) builder.append(String.format("%s ", p.toString())); builder.append(String.format("%n")); } else { builder.append(String.format("%s%s%s%s: %n", prefix, sprefix, sprefix, key)); } } else { builder.append(String.format("%s%s%s%s: %s%n", prefix, sprefix, sprefix, key, o != null ? o.toString() : "")); } } if (alternates != null && alternates.size() > 0) { for (Rule rule : alternates.values()) { // We use "level-1" to ensure that these styles line up with those above builder.append(rule.toString(level - 1)); } } /* * if( level >= 0 ) { if( parent != null ) { String rec = * level + 1 ); * * builder.append( rec ); } } */ String res = builder.toString(); if (res.length() == 0) return String.format("%s%s%n", prefix, prefix); return res; } }

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