All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository. Maven / Gradle / Ivy

snow: 0xfffafa
GhostWhite: 0xf8f8ff
WhiteSmoke: 0xf5f5f5
gainsboro: 0xdcdcdc
FloralWhite: 0xfffaf0
OldLace: 0xfdf5e6
linen: 0xfaf0e6
AntiqueWhite: 0xfaebd7
PapayaWhip: 0xffefd5
BlanchedAlmond: 0xffebcd
bisque: 0xffe4c4
PeachPuff: 0xffdab9
NavajoWhite: 0xffdead
moccasin: 0xffe4b5
cornsilk: 0xfff8dc
ivory: 0xfffff0
LemonChiffon: 0xfffacd
seashell: 0xfff5ee
honeydew: 0xf0fff0
MintCream: 0xf5fffa
azure: 0xf0ffff
AliceBlue: 0xf0f8ff
lavender: 0xe6e6fa
LavenderBlush: 0xfff0f5
MistyRose: 0xffe4e1
white: 0xffffff
black: 0x000000
DarkSlateGray: 0x2f4f4f
DarkSlateGrey: 0x2f4f4f
DimGray: 0x696969
DimGrey: 0x696969
SlateGray: 0x708090
SlateGrey: 0x708090
LightSlateGray: 0x778899
LightSlateGrey: 0x778899
gray: 0xbebebe
grey: 0xbebebe
LightGrey: 0xd3d3d3
LightGray: 0xd3d3d3
MidnightBlue: 0x191970
navy: 0x000080
NavyBlue: 0x000080
CornflowerBlue: 0x6495ed
DarkSlateBlue: 0x483d8b
SlateBlue: 0x6a5acd
MediumSlateBlue: 0x7b68ee
LightSlateBlue: 0x8470ff
MediumBlue: 0x0000cd
RoyalBlue: 0x4169e1
blue: 0x0000ff
DodgerBlue: 0x1e90ff
DeepSkyBlue: 0x00bfff
SkyBlue: 0x87ceeb
LightSkyBlue: 0x87cefa
SteelBlue: 0x4682b4
LightSteelBlue: 0xb0c4de
LightBlue: 0xadd8e6
PowderBlue: 0xb0e0e6
PaleTurquoise: 0xafeeee
DarkTurquoise: 0x00ced1
MediumTurquoise: 0x48d1cc
turquoise: 0x40e0d0
cyan: 0x00ffff
LightCyan: 0xe0ffff
CadetBlue: 0x5f9ea0
MediumAquamarine: 0x66cdaa
aquamarine: 0x7fffd4
DarkGreen: 0x006400
DarkOliveGreen: 0x556b2f
DarkSeaGreen: 0x8fbc8f
SeaGreen: 0x2e8b57
MediumSeaGreen: 0x3cb371
LightSeaGreen: 0x20b2aa
PaleGreen: 0x98fb98
SpringGreen: 0x00ff7f
LawnGreen: 0x7cfc00
green: 0x00ff00
chartreuse: 0x7fff00
MediumSpringGreen: 0x00fa9a
GreenYellow: 0xadff2f
LimeGreen: 0x32cd32
YellowGreen: 0x9acd32
ForestGreen: 0x228b22
OliveDrab: 0x6b8e23
DarkKhaki: 0xbdb76b
khaki: 0xf0e68c
PaleGoldenrod: 0xeee8aa
LightGoldenrodYellow: 0xfafad2
LightYellow: 0xffffe0
yellow: 0xffff00
gold: 0xffd700
LightGoldenrod: 0xeedd82
goldenrod: 0xdaa520
DarkGoldenrod: 0xb8860b
RosyBrown: 0xbc8f8f
IndianRed: 0xcd5c5c
SaddleBrown: 0x8b4513
sienna: 0xa0522d
peru: 0xcd853f
burlywood: 0xdeb887
beige: 0xf5f5dc
wheat: 0xf5deb3
SandyBrown: 0xf4a460
tan: 0xd2b48c
chocolate: 0xd2691e
firebrick: 0xb22222
brown: 0xa52a2a
DarkSalmon: 0xe9967a
salmon: 0xfa8072
LightSalmon: 0xffa07a
orange: 0xffa500
DarkOrange: 0xff8c00
coral: 0xff7f50
LightCoral: 0xf08080
tomato: 0xff6347
OrangeRed: 0xff4500
red: 0xff0000
HotPink: 0xff69b4
DeepPink: 0xff1493
pink: 0xffc0cb
LightPink: 0xffb6c1
LightPurple: 0xccccff
LightOrange: 0xffccb3
PaleVioletRed: 0xdb7093
maroon: 0xb03060
MediumVioletRed: 0xc71585
VioletRed: 0xd02090
magenta: 0xff00ff
violet: 0xee82ee
plum: 0xdda0dd
orchid: 0xda70d6
MediumOrchid: 0xba55d3
DarkOrchid: 0x9932cc
DarkViolet: 0x9400d3
BlueViolet: 0x8a2be2
purple: 0xa020f0
MediumPurple: 0x9370db
thistle: 0xd8bfd8
snow1: 0xfffafa
snow2: 0xeee9e9
snow3: 0xcdc9c9
snow4: 0x8b8989
seashell1: 0xfff5ee
seashell2: 0xeee5de
seashell3: 0xcdc5bf
seashell4: 0x8b8682
AntiqueWhite1: 0xffefdb
AntiqueWhite2: 0xeedfcc
AntiqueWhite3: 0xcdc0b0
AntiqueWhite4: 0x8b8378
bisque1: 0xffe4c4
bisque2: 0xeed5b7
bisque3: 0xcdb79e
bisque4: 0x8b7d6b
PeachPuff1: 0xffdab9
PeachPuff2: 0xeecbad
PeachPuff3: 0xcdaf95
PeachPuff4: 0x8b7765
NavajoWhite1: 0xffdead
NavajoWhite2: 0xeecfa1
NavajoWhite3: 0xcdb38b
NavajoWhite4: 0x8b795e
LemonChiffon1: 0xfffacd
LemonChiffon2: 0xeee9bf
LemonChiffon3: 0xcdc9a5
LemonChiffon4: 0x8b8970
cornsilk1: 0xfff8dc
cornsilk2: 0xeee8cd
cornsilk3: 0xcdc8b1
cornsilk4: 0x8b8878
ivory1: 0xfffff0
ivory2: 0xeeeee0
ivory3: 0xcdcdc1
ivory4: 0x8b8b83
honeydew1: 0xf0fff0
honeydew2: 0xe0eee0
honeydew3: 0xc1cdc1
honeydew4: 0x838b83
LavenderBlush1: 0xfff0f5
LavenderBlush2: 0xeee0e5
LavenderBlush3: 0xcdc1c5
LavenderBlush4: 0x8b8386
MistyRose1: 0xffe4e1
MistyRose2: 0xeed5d2
MistyRose3: 0xcdb7b5
MistyRose4: 0x8b7d7b
azure1: 0xf0ffff
azure2: 0xe0eeee
azure3: 0xc1cdcd
azure4: 0x838b8b
SlateBlue1: 0x836fff
SlateBlue2: 0x7a67ee
SlateBlue3: 0x6959cd
SlateBlue4: 0x473c8b
RoyalBlue1: 0x4876ff
RoyalBlue2: 0x436eee
RoyalBlue3: 0x3a5fcd
RoyalBlue4: 0x27408b
blue1: 0x0000ff
blue2: 0x0000ee
blue3: 0x0000cd
blue4: 0x00008b
DodgerBlue1: 0x1e90ff
DodgerBlue2: 0x1c86ee
DodgerBlue3: 0x1874cd
DodgerBlue4: 0x104e8b
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SteelBlue3: 0x4f94cd
SteelBlue4: 0x36648b
DeepSkyBlue1: 0x00bfff
DeepSkyBlue2: 0x00b2ee
DeepSkyBlue3: 0x009acd
DeepSkyBlue4: 0x00688b
SkyBlue1: 0x87ceff
SkyBlue2: 0x7ec0ee
SkyBlue3: 0x6ca6cd
SkyBlue4: 0x4a708b
LightSkyBlue1: 0xb0e2ff
LightSkyBlue2: 0xa4d3ee
LightSkyBlue3: 0x8db6cd
LightSkyBlue4: 0x607b8b
SlateGray1: 0xc6e2ff
SlateGray2: 0xb9d3ee
SlateGray3: 0x9fb6cd
SlateGray4: 0x6c7b8b
LightSteelBlue1: 0xcae1ff
LightSteelBlue2: 0xbcd2ee
LightSteelBlue3: 0xa2b5cd
LightSteelBlue4: 0x6e7b8b
LightBlue1: 0xbfefff
LightBlue2: 0xb2dfee
LightBlue3: 0x9ac0cd
LightBlue4: 0x68838b
LightCyan1: 0xe0ffff
LightCyan2: 0xd1eeee
LightCyan3: 0xb4cdcd
LightCyan4: 0x7a8b8b
PaleTurquoise1: 0xbbffff
PaleTurquoise2: 0xaeeeee
PaleTurquoise3: 0x96cdcd
PaleTurquoise4: 0x668b8b
CadetBlue1: 0x98f5ff
CadetBlue2: 0x8ee5ee
CadetBlue3: 0x7ac5cd
CadetBlue4: 0x53868b
turquoise1: 0x00f5ff
turquoise2: 0x00e5ee
turquoise3: 0x00c5cd
turquoise4: 0x00868b
cyan1: 0x00ffff
cyan2: 0x00eeee
cyan3: 0x00cdcd
cyan4: 0x008b8b
DarkSlateGray1: 0x97ffff
DarkSlateGray2: 0x8deeee
DarkSlateGray3: 0x79cdcd
DarkSlateGray4: 0x528b8b
aquamarine1: 0x7fffd4
aquamarine2: 0x76eec6
aquamarine3: 0x66cdaa
aquamarine4: 0x458b74
DarkSeaGreen1: 0xc1ffc1
DarkSeaGreen2: 0xb4eeb4
DarkSeaGreen3: 0x9bcd9b
DarkSeaGreen4: 0x698b69
SeaGreen1: 0x54ff9f
SeaGreen2: 0x4eee94
SeaGreen3: 0x43cd80
SeaGreen4: 0x2e8b57
PaleGreen1: 0x9aff9a
PaleGreen2: 0x90ee90
PaleGreen3: 0x7ccd7c
PaleGreen4: 0x548b54
SpringGreen1: 0x00ff7f
SpringGreen2: 0x00ee76
SpringGreen3: 0x00cd66
SpringGreen4: 0x008b45
green1: 0x00ff00
green2: 0x00ee00
green3: 0x00cd00
green4: 0x008b00
chartreuse1: 0x7fff00
chartreuse2: 0x76ee00
chartreuse3: 0x66cd00
chartreuse4: 0x458b00
OliveDrab1: 0xc0ff3e
OliveDrab2: 0xb3ee3a
OliveDrab3: 0x9acd32
OliveDrab4: 0x698b22
DarkOliveGreen1: 0xcaff70
DarkOliveGreen2: 0xbcee68
DarkOliveGreen3: 0xa2cd5a
DarkOliveGreen4: 0x6e8b3d
khaki1: 0xfff68f
khaki2: 0xeee685
khaki3: 0xcdc673
khaki4: 0x8b864e
LightGoldenrod1: 0xffec8b
LightGoldenrod2: 0xeedc82
LightGoldenrod3: 0xcdbe70
LightGoldenrod4: 0x8b814c
LightYellow1: 0xffffe0
LightYellow2: 0xeeeed1
LightYellow3: 0xcdcdb4
LightYellow4: 0x8b8b7a
yellow1: 0xffff00
yellow2: 0xeeee00
yellow3: 0xcdcd00
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gold1: 0xffd700
gold2: 0xeec900
gold3: 0xcdad00
gold4: 0x8b7500
goldenrod1: 0xffc125
goldenrod2: 0xeeb422
goldenrod3: 0xcd9b1d
goldenrod4: 0x8b6914
DarkGoldenrod1: 0xffb90f
DarkGoldenrod2: 0xeead0e
DarkGoldenrod3: 0xcd950c
DarkGoldenrod4: 0x8b6508
RosyBrown1: 0xffc1c1
RosyBrown2: 0xeeb4b4
RosyBrown3: 0xcd9b9b
RosyBrown4: 0x8b6969
IndianRed1: 0xff6a6a
IndianRed2: 0xee6363
IndianRed3: 0xcd5555
IndianRed4: 0x8b3a3a
sienna1: 0xff8247
sienna2: 0xee7942
sienna3: 0xcd6839
sienna4: 0x8b4726
burlywood1: 0xffd39b
burlywood2: 0xeec591
burlywood3: 0xcdaa7d
burlywood4: 0x8b7355
wheat1: 0xffe7ba
wheat2: 0xeed8ae
wheat3: 0xcdba96
wheat4: 0x8b7e66
tan1: 0xffa54f
tan2: 0xee9a49
tan3: 0xcd853f
tan4: 0x8b5a2b
chocolate1: 0xff7f24
chocolate2: 0xee7621
chocolate3: 0xcd661d
chocolate4: 0x8b4513
firebrick1: 0xff3030
firebrick2: 0xee2c2c
firebrick3: 0xcd2626
firebrick4: 0x8b1a1a
brown1: 0xff4040
brown2: 0xee3b3b
brown3: 0xcd3333
brown4: 0x8b2323
salmon1: 0xff8c69
salmon2: 0xee8262
salmon3: 0xcd7054
salmon4: 0x8b4c39
LightSalmon1: 0xffa07a
LightSalmon2: 0xee9572
LightSalmon3: 0xcd8162
LightSalmon4: 0x8b5742
orange1: 0xffa500
orange2: 0xee9a00
orange3: 0xcd8500
orange4: 0x8b5a00
DarkOrange1: 0xff7f00
DarkOrange2: 0xee7600
DarkOrange3: 0xcd6600
DarkOrange4: 0x8b4500
coral1: 0xff7256
coral2: 0xee6a50
coral3: 0xcd5b45
coral4: 0x8b3e2f
tomato1: 0xff6347
tomato2: 0xee5c42
tomato3: 0xcd4f39
tomato4: 0x8b3626
OrangeRed1: 0xff4500
OrangeRed2: 0xee4000
OrangeRed3: 0xcd3700
OrangeRed4: 0x8b2500
red1: 0xff0000
red2: 0xee0000
red3: 0xcd0000
red4: 0x8b0000
DeepPink1: 0xff1493
DeepPink2: 0xee1289
DeepPink3: 0xcd1076
DeepPink4: 0x8b0a50
HotPink1: 0xff6eb4
HotPink2: 0xee6aa7
HotPink3: 0xcd6090
HotPink4: 0x8b3a62
pink1: 0xffb5c5
pink2: 0xeea9b8
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LightPink2: 0xeea2ad
LightPink3: 0xcd8c95
LightPink4: 0x8b5f65
PaleVioletRed1: 0xff82ab
PaleVioletRed2: 0xee799f
PaleVioletRed3: 0xcd6889
PaleVioletRed4: 0x8b475d
maroon1: 0xff34b3
maroon2: 0xee30a7
maroon3: 0xcd2990
maroon4: 0x8b1c62
VioletRed1: 0xff3e96
VioletRed2: 0xee3a8c
VioletRed3: 0xcd3278
VioletRed4: 0x8b2252
magenta1: 0xff00ff
magenta2: 0xee00ee
magenta3: 0xcd00cd
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plum4: 0x8b668b
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grey67: 0xababab
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DarkGray: 0xa9a9a9
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DarkMagenta: 0x8b008b
DarkRed: 0x8b0000
LightGreen: 0x90ee90
LightMagenta: 0xffccff

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